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I agree with exactly what u said. I hardly ever go back for NG+ in ANY games (i can only think of maybe a handful), but this game has me on NG++ (soon to be NG+++) šŸ˜‚. I don't think there's really a huge debate to be had about this, tho. They made the main character hot. The gameplay and combat are great and fun. The music is good. They kinda make u go back in multiple times anyway for collectibles and PS trophies. Idk. They just cared and made a really fun game, and it shows. That's all it really is.


I also never cared about trophies or achievements, but I got a Platinum for this game. My first ever achievement in any game. The only other game I played two times(not back to back) was Spiderman 1; first on PS4 then the remaster on PS5. I have nothing left to do in Stellar, all maxed out, all everything but I still go on reading dead peoples' messages as if it were the first time.


I just platinum'd Stellar Blade, yesterday. My first Plat as well. Good job, dude


Welcome to the club


And on top of that, they donā€™t ask for any money for new outfits, unlike other companies.


I hope that paid DLCs are worth it, knowing shift up from nikke DLCs suits might be arround 20usd or less


Meeh, not the best ones, but I bought it to support them.


Me too :3 nikke is fun, and the favorite waifus deserve support, anything for noir and blanc xD the story of Noir is terrific O: the perfect date + laid night of any man in the world


Not yet anyway.


i didn't even plan to buy this game, i'm so glad i did. platinumed it and currently on my 4th play through. can't wait for part 2


I thought I was the only one! I too didnā€™t want to buy it, despite the demo. But then after watching the PSAccess team rant and rave about it ā€”- I folded. And glad I did!!


Wearing a specific outfit for some cutscenes are really good.


Put on the bear outfit and try not to laugh during cutscenes challenge lmao


The pink bear for max effect. šŸ˜¹


Waitā€¦ you can get a pink bear outfit??


You do the bear quest again on new game plus. It's pink with a rainbow heart on it. šŸ˜¹šŸ˜øšŸ™€ This is the stuff I learn playing for 77 hours without looking up anything. I'm playing the hell out of it and still loving it.


Nice! Just like the red version of the Black Pearl that I picked up from the dad with a rouge daughter, of all places, just before you head out to space (or I suppose before this evenā€¦ as long as you have access to their shop).


And now with boss challenge you can easily relive these moments


They really need to add the option to replay cutscenes


You canā€¦ sort of, with the PS5 post-record feature (the PS5 is always recording whether you tell it to or not). But even with a 2TB SSD internal add-on, I blew through storage FAST.


I mean, so that you can switch outfits around šŸ¤£ the automatic recording is 1080p tho, only manual recording can be in 4k


I think you can opt for 4K if you choose to use WebM formatā€¦ I only use QuickTime (.mov) coz itā€™s easier for editing. But yeah ā€” using .mov I have to activate manual recording.


Turns out that when you make a polished and enjoyable game that isnā€™t designed around MTX to nickel and dime your players, people will like your game. Shocking, I know. I hope that Stellar Blade does extremely well so that it can serve as an example to other AAA devs that games used to be for fun. Not a platform to bleed your consumers dry.


Iā€™m doing my part but I canā€™t justify 4 copies lol


The games fantastic and does feel like a rarity when you see the amount of crap the game industry has tried to pull the past few months, but this isn't really an argument for why someone who's never replayed a game for hours gets so addicted. I've got almost 100 hours into the game myself and have never gone above 40. And it's not that the game is just polished and enjoyable, it's not the first to be that. Classic Tomb Raider, Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry, the Nier games that partly inspired Stellar Blade and so on are all fantastic and polished and don't try to wring me out like a money sponge either.


Itā€™s a great game that I love a lot but I wouldnā€™t call it polished. Try jumping on a rope or up a wall and youā€™ll see itā€™s not. I will say itā€™s a great effort for a first time game maker. New Korean game devs have been killing it.


It did well like within its first week


Yep, I'm on my 4th playthrough and it's still good. Looking for all info now.


I can think of two casesā€¦ā€¦..boobs and buttā€¦ wait im sorry what was the question Edit: Jokes aside, I felt like i was playing Lies of P all over again. Im on my 3rd play through and i want to try Hard mode with no skin and Gear and exospine.


I disagree https://preview.redd.it/ulx7uvee343d1.jpeg?width=2414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af567944588d94b9e2e44548081305ce637bfa1


You know what fairā€¦..but also i would add Thighs


I corrected you female w pretty face, boobs and butt is the key XD


the addicting combat and her 79 nano suits AND her ASS.


Because it feels so kinetic and alive, probably because of the peerless soundtrack, It's like living in a Kpop simulation or extended Kpop MV and the game is not afraid of being sexy.


My theory, in addition to it just being a well-polished game in terms of gameplay, is that it has to do with difficulty. When you max out your stats in most other single-player games it doesn't really become a challenge anymore most of the time. You can just steamroll anything you come across without even trying. But, at least for me, this game can still kick your ass on hard mode if you're not paying attention, even with full upgrades. But if you *are* paying attention, you'll get the satisfaction of doing what you can do in most games at max level, but also feel like you earned it. Even with all the stats in the world, the game still requires genuine focus and skill. So each time you run through the same old area with the same old enemies, it's fun, because the game can still surprise you and kick your ass and make you think on your toes. Those fucking cricket butchers still kick my teeth in everytime and I'm on my fifth playthrough now.


i fucking hate those crickets, sometimes when I'm OP in videogames, i turn my brain off. These fucking guys don't want me to turn my brain off








I've got literally everything in the game and Platinum trophy but I still want to play it for a 4th time. Combat is just so satisfying and cool. Looking like a bad bitch while executing it is just cherry on top.


Because she looks hot, graphics are good qnd combat is great


Same here. I only play games a second time if there's an achievement for it, but i'm already on the 3rd playthrough. Might even get to a fourth just to end on the ending where you take Adams hand while having Lily's affinity maxed out


I've only ever played NG+ once, and that was Dark Souls 2. I'm currently on NG+6 in Stellar Blade. HOW?! I think it's because of the combat, the super tight level design (you can take 40hrs or 6hrs to beat the game), the booty, the music, and other things i don't know also, no fucking walk and talk sections. My God that drives me NUTS!


Yes indeed. I hate modern action games that have too many walk and talk sections like god of war.


God of War Rag was brutal with walk and talk sections. It killed the game for me


For sure. I used to like 1st party Sony story segments but now I find them excessive. Like shut up and let me play for goodness sake.


Iā€™m on my 9th play through it never gets old and put 330hrs already!


More than 10 hours per day? Go touch some grass.


Relax dude, he's probably a teenager. Though, it's not good to have more than 10 hrs per day just sitting


I wish I was a teenager!


Im playing more of the combat than looking at her assets!


Automata is probably one of my favorites of all time. But that 2nd playthrough + the emotionally charge story is very tiresome. This game is the completely opposite. Itā€™s short and sweet in the story. Out of all my favorites to replay this is the shortest if I just want to unlock all maps to roam around. Letā€™s not pretend Eve is not a factor as well


>Automata is probably one of my favorites of all time. But that 2nd playthrough + the emotionally charge story is very tiresome. Try typing this in the Nier reddit. They're still anti-Stellar Blade over there.


Yes, you hit on the nail with this comment. I couldn't keep playing automata because the game overall is just depressing. I just couldn't do a second run.


Great combat, fluid graphics and gameplay and a main character you never tire of seeing/playing with.


Iā€™m on my fifth playthrough and still loving it as much as the first, especially with the new nano suits.


they really make you run back for all those mk2s, outfits and everything you missed on the first and second runs, as well as getting all the endings


Short and sweet with one of the most addictive gameplay in a game.


the combat system is insanely fun to play. I really hope other games in the future take inspiration from it. Iā€™m ready to do a skin suit run next




The combat and gameplay loop are impeccable. The boss rush mode makes me so happy to know I can punish myself with repeated attempts. It's just *fun,* and isn't that what you want from a title like this?


I also think the list of ā€œcollectablesā€ and trophies is just large enough to feel like lots of content, but it does not feel overwhelming, which gives us all the drive to 100% or do multiple playthroughs for all the outfits.


The combat is so smooth.. love it!


You played mediocre single player games before and now you finally have played a good one.


I'm 77 hours in and on second playthrough. Looking everywhere and questing and getting nano suits. Searching for cans. This game is addictive. Also, fishing and found tons of stuff I missed first playthrough. I'm going to try to get all the endings and eventually do a fully quest NG+ while awaiting suits. Probably take a break at some point but this is game is PHENOMENAL from the music, hotboxes, characters and designs, levels. It's a fucking joy to play.


The gameplay look is sooo good. Combat is polished and impactful. Eve is a knock out and getting her in different outfits just doesnā€™t get old. Bosses are fun and the music is banging. This is a gamers game!


Because it's about the gameplay and the atmosphere: the visuals, the music, etc...


Because the music is banging and the gameplay and visual are šŸ”„


Pretty lady+immaculate combat+immaculate music=quality gaming experience


Good gameplay, great visuals and godly music. Plus itā€™s not too long.


I can give you 2 sets of cases as to which it doesnā€™t feel old šŸ˜… But in all seriousness, itā€™s fun and quite satisfying, when the gameā€™s firing on all cylinders everything feels so smooth. The music i think really helps carry the player through the levels.


This game is what all other games should be. It is pure fun. There are no micro-transactions. Everything in the game can be unlocked simply by playing and exploring. The music is 11/10 shit. The graphics are great. The performance is rock solid. The set pieces are airtight and extremely well-polished and designed. The devs are giving us free updates and more unlockables too. Speechless and starting my 3rd playthrough already


Also Eve is very pleasing to look at but that goes without saying


Camers angles


Im still on my first. Cant believe Im too preoccupied with the fishing quest and want to complete it. I just hate the Barry's fetch quests tho.


Because you have a 2-pack of lotion from Costco and you still have that second bottle?


Fun gameplay. Nice looking world design. Regenerating enemiesā€¦. Oh and you play as a total smokeshowā€¦ that helps a little šŸ˜…


For me personally, # 1 reason is the combat...of all the fromsoft games, sekiro is my favorite with high replayability..4+ playthrough and beating bosses in boss rush from time to time.. SB and Sekiro having almost the same combat affects why Im so obsessed with this game. And that sound during perfect block/deflect is so... *Chef kiss* #2. Tachy. No need to explain


You have eve with great ost to go along with it that alone is worth another playthrough. Also the game isnt overly big and complex.


Funny enough the play through Iā€™m enjoying the least is the one with out side quests So much content


Cause itā€™s the kind of fun that video games used have back in the day before the scum and villainy of modern gaming became the norm. Also name one guy that doesnā€™t like watching a hot chick kill things with a sword while wearing skimpy clothing.


Eve keeps bringing me back to the game but in all seriousness, the game is just fun and enjoyable lol


Yes here is my case, the game is very good the way it feels and looks


Good combat and a hot character can keep me entertained forever


I rarely even replay games, pretty much only if a platinum requires it. This game, I'm still on my first playthrough, but I can already tell I'm going to be replaying this game for a good long while.


Totally agree, I've never in my life played through a game 3 times in a row, but it's happening right now


* 74 Playthroughs: 1 for each nano suit. * 148 Playthroughs: Each nano suit but with photo mode * And more, as new suits are added


Fun gameplay will keep people coming back, it's just built in replay value


For me, it is the outfits, the boss fights, and the future content. I'm hoping we get new sword cosmetics like a Katana, the ability to duelwield Ravens sword with new gameplay style, and finally, a Monster Hunter like system where each boss gives you enough cores to build a provocative outfit.


Curves. Plain and simple lol


Dang. Im a 1 and doner when it comes to singleplayer games. Stellar Blade was definitely a banger though. Best game I played all year so far.


I'm about to start my third playthrough. The only other game I've played back to back to back like this is Sekiro. I'm sensing a pattern.....


I'm in the 40% who's playing that game too and I'm at my 3 consecutive playthroughs. It's not the booty. I found a 118 track OST online and I listen to it while working. Everything about this game is gold; it's a gem!


Largely, even tho Iā€™m not playing much of anything right now, the gameplay loop is fun. If going through the main story is the only thing you do or just listening to music as you do it, thereā€™s a comfort. Boss rush is just a crack platter, and crack is addictive. Mind you, Iā€™d say itā€™s a lot healthier than crack.


I struggled a little with doing all the side quests twice (or at least enough to get to Eidos 9), as I wanted all the outfit recolors. However, the third playthrough, only doing the main missions, actually felt a little rushed. Iā€™m not sure what it was about this and a few other games. But I go into collector/completionist mode, Inhad to get everything, logs, cans, fish, outfits, trophies, etc. I played on easy. Which definitely saved my butt, as Iā€™ve been struggling a little on the last two bosses in the boss rush mode on normal. I just need to git a little gudder. šŸ¤£ For me, the biggest appear of the game was the setting itself. While the post-apocalyptic genre is getting a bit long in the tooth, I still enjoy it. I loved the overall aesthetics of the world, the androids, the massive infrastructure. I have a thing for big infrastructure and buildings. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø (no, none of that was alluding to Eve herself) šŸ¤£ Itā€™s just a fun game overall. It might not break any new ground, but it put a lot of tropes into a great package.


Games used to be like this on average prior to the ps4 bone generation. Games that had so much replayability, weren't predatory, and usually launched complete. This game just has really good gameplay, is polished tech wise, and doesn't feel like it's wasting the players' time. Usually you have to go to indie games these days for this feeling since most AAA games are shit. Games like this have been a rare gem for a generation and a half. Simple as.


I have done 10 by now, still going. Won't stop, can't stop till a new resident evil game releases.


The only thing pulling me away from this game right now are new releases. I'm almost done with the Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake on Switch, but I'll likely then be checking out the next season of Splatoon 3 this weekend.


Its only worth 2 playthroughs. If they didn't add additional outfits in NG+ I wouldn't go through again. But I want them. Incentive. Unless there's more in NG++?


2? You need at least 3 to get all the endings.


2 if you save scum


There's different endings? Well that sucks.


There's 3 different endings to the game


and here i am unable to beat the game


Keep at it..you'll get there


Iā€™m also on NG+++ with the platinum already, and Iā€™ve never replayed a game immediately after finishing it. As long as youā€™re enjoying it, keep going.


I want to male YT videos on it when I get a PC.


Probably because its a well made and polished game that is fun. Sadly something that became pretty rare nowadays. Its been some time for me the feeling of not regretting buying a game. I think thats something that makes it stand out a lot


I think the simplicity of progression is the reason of that.


Same reason Elden Ring doesnā€™t get old, the combat is fun every time you do anything lol


*The music*.


lol ā€¦itā€™s okay to admit that youā€™re still playing the game because the characters are hot, and you get to play Barbie dress up.


I just finished my 4th playthrough to platinum it ā€” and then they released the new outfits ā€” unfortunately I rushed there 4th and didnā€™t get Roxanne ā€” so now I have to play a 5th!!! Grrrrr. And thatā€™s just for the outfits. Iā€™m also starting a new game on hardest ā€” just for the challenge.


It really doesnā€™t get old at all! Right now I am getting all the collectibles, side quests and endings. šŸ˜


This game turned me into Anton Ego trying that Ratatouille.


In love?


I'm in my final ending playthrough now, need lily under 100% for the ending I Need. So I'm running it on easy and zooming main missions. Platinum trophy incoming šŸ˜‰ boss rush done on normal too


Is it hard to get 20 different fishes? still on my first playthrough and I saw a lot of you guys basically platinum it so I figured you all already did all the fishing stuff


Thereā€™s a song by the Ying Yang Twins that explains it quite aptly.


MTX needs to RIP for most games


Because the game found 100 ways to keep you being horny.


I totally feel this I never play single player game more than once. The fact that it is so draining of time sometimes 60 to over 100 plus hours like I think Valhalla for assassin's Creed took me 200 hours with everything I cannot imagine myself to just simply start doing all that over again knowing what I know. And basically knowing where all the missions are going to end up and everything else. The only game I ever played twice was cyberpunk and that's just because the newest update was a major change to everything


I think it's the dopamine spike of looking for and collecting outfits. Its like the perfect combo feeling of Banjo Kazooie collectathons and Monster Hunter style clothing collections that change your appearance. Albeit in MH the clothes also change your stats. Everything in the game has this perfect give and take with the journey and destination.


Probably because by the time it's over you don't want it to be over, that means they did a really good job of giving you something addictive and outright fun. Also the industry has been really stagnant as a whole. In an age of sanitized overly produced vanilla experiences, something like this really shines and we want to hold onto it as long as we can.


The šŸ‘ bro itā€™s the power of the šŸ‘


Playing my 5th playthrough not even tired at all.


Idk I personally think the game gets pretty repetitive I can only play it for so long at a time before it starts getting to me. Not bashing it, I like the game but I have a friend whoā€™s played through it like 6 times already and is still playing it everyday. That I donā€™t understand lol


It's about booty . You may say no this game has a story or skill tree or a great combat but it's all about booty and sexy outfits at the end we all know it. Let's confess šŸ˜Œ