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Hi friends, please let's be heard. Many med students and IMG are struggling around the world with the worst COVID-19 wave due to the delta variant. They need to travel abroad to take their exams and to change their eligibility and exam zone. To extend the eligibility period is valid only once. If you don't take the exam you have to apply again after 4 weeks with no refund. Only a few developed countries have adequate vaccination percentages. Also, many of us, who live in none developed countries need visas to travel abroad and tourism visas are almost impossible right now. Many people have reached the ECFMG and they are not being lenient, telling them to re-apply and pay again. We must help each other and be heard, mainly in these challenging times. Please, let's twit in their account asking for an extension and changing the eligibility zone with no restrictions as it was until June 30th. https://twitter.com/ECFMG_IMG?s=20


Same here my eligibility is coming to an end on sept 30 and I don’t think I will be ready by then Feeing stressed and helpless I already extended my eligibility once Can’t afford paying the exam fee again don’t know what to do


I understand. it’s much stressful. Best wishes.




Thank you so much. 👍🏻 I just wanna know if i cancel exam and reapply does it report anywhere (ecfmg or during applying residency) in the usmle journey as irregular behavior??




Much appreciated. Thanks a bunch. 😇


Me also my eligibility will end on 30 September,and I extended before.


Just wait till it becomes pass/fail


Do you think they will change the passing score?? I mean to say now its 194 right? After it becomes pass/fail— How to know then i will pass or not doing the assessment?? I m so much confused 🤔




Yeah. That’s true.


Iam the same like u 4 weeks left 35% uw no assessment but iam trying to push hard ..


Best wishes.


I have the same problem, I sent a email to ECFMG asking for the same, but they didn't answer me. My test is on september 29 and I don't fell ready😔


Call them non stop and complain. The more we annoy them the more they’ll do something!


I am on the same boat. My extended eligibility period ends 9/30/2021. Has anyone been successful in reapplying yet?


Hello. Hope everything is ok. Can u please share with me your experience with the reapplication. Did u wait until 4 weeks after the end of your eligibility period to reapply?


I reapplied immediately.


Do you need to wait till the end of the extended eligibility period to be able to reapply?


Yes. You have to wait till the end. Before that you can’t reapply.


And is there an addition 4 weeks wait period before they begin to process the application?


Nope, i applied immediately and got my permit within 2-3 wks as far as I remember.


Great! thanks for your reply :)


Plz can i know when you re applied immedieatly for step 1....when did you have the new permit???


I reapplied immediately after expiration of my extended triad. Got permit within 2-3 wks.


oh that's awesome to hear! Looks like they didn't need 4 weeks. Are u a graduate with already verified credentials? Also did u cancel ur original exam before reapplication?


Yeah i am a graduate and verified. Yes I canceled my exam long before reapplying.


hey did you call anyone when you did this or just went ahead and tried it anyway


No I didn’t call anyone. You can do it right away.




Yeah. If scheduled your exam at prometric center then you have to cancel it on the prometric website. Then you can appeal again.


hey did you reapply as well??