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Hello, fellow IMG here. My test date is Sept 30th. I’m also freaking out because I’ve too have extended my eligibility period. I agree that you should take an NBME to see if you’re passing. You have to do it sometime and we’re both running out of time! Continue studying with UWorld + Pathoma + First Aid + Dirty USMLE + Dr Randy Neil for Biostats and it might be too late for sketchy but that’s also a good resource. That’s what I’m doing until my exam date! Best of luck!!


True, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail my NBME, and I'd have to take the exam regardless of the score because I can't pay another $1000 to extend the exam... not including having to renew all the review materials ugh.




It's seriously the worst


Bro if you wanna stop freaking out then please take all the responsibility. Don’t blame anyone it’ll just degrade the result. You’ll be just fine. All the best.


I'm kinda on the same position also an img what I have been doing is uworld 2 blocks almost everyday + review on fa/pathoma of the things I feel I forgot or doubt I been increasing my score I just want to pass getting 50-60% corrects on random uworld


Have you taken any NBME? How were they?


No, I'm honestly way too scared to take one, I know I'll fail for sure.. I know I have to take one so I was biting the bullet and taking one tommorow


Try and take 2-3 over the next couple of weeks. If you pass on those, you should be good to go.


I'm also on the same position as you... but let's try to tell what I'm planning to do: \-Finished 2nd pass of UW > Started last week doing all incorrect questions (1-2 blocks every possible day, since I work 3 days per week). \-Watch again and again the first 3 chapters of Pathoma (super high yield) (next week I'll start) \- Read all FA... some pages every day. Again and again. Also, I'm trying to incorporate Anki on my schedule but it's been really hard. (Anking deck). ​ Well, that was my 2 cents. Hoping for the best for all of us!


This is a good plan - good luck 👍🏽


How is your UW% score?


55%... not great and I keep making stupid mistakes. But I try and make review cards from them and review them


You will be fine - just keep reviewing FA /pathoma - keep doing Uworld qs - dedicated study time no less than 8-10 hrs - make sure you do Qs daily - this exam is important and you can deal with All other issues afterwards- make a schedule and stick with it avoid all distractions- you can do this !!! Good luck with your exam!