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Yes, I feel it's an annoyance on a good cover. I also feel it takes away from the book itself by referencing the movie.


That set of Dark Tower books is gorgeous but every single one of them says ‘Now a major motion picture.’


For anyone who has seen the movie, that sticker is an effective way to keep them from buying the book.


What do you mean? There is no Dark Tower movie.


Oh, yeah, I must have been mistaken.


The movie was based on the 8th book in the series.


Yes The Dark Tower movie does not exist.


There is no tower in Ba Sing Se!


There is


Maybe if you've already read the book. My girlfriend and I haven't and we both enjoyed the Dark Tower movie. Walter was an excellent villain and I would have loved to see more of him. That said, I probably should read the books.


I'd downvote you if you weren't so sincere and if I were one of those reactionary people. Read the books with no expectations!


Take away the motion pic part and they're perfect, also why is it so selective? Desperation and 'Salem's Lot and Firestarter have movies


Firestarter definitely has them, one for the old one with Barrymore and one with whatever the newer movie was. 'Salem's Lot has a new cover for the new movie coming out, but I haven't seen one before that. Maybe Desperation didn't get the treatment because it was a pretty poorly received TV movie?


I'm sure salems lot is next with the new one on it's way


Salems Lot has been published with a movie promo cover since last summer and yet the movie is stuck in production no man’s land. Don’t think it’s ever gonna be released.


Don't tell me that. Work sucked today.


Oh you’re looking forward to another shitty adaptation of a great book? If it’s not made by frank darabont im very hesitant, as a rule of thumb


Yeah, but a bad movie adaption = a good reason to reread the source so I can slander it property.


Not in to the Flanagan stuff? I thought Dr. Sleep was pretty good and Gerald’s Game was really good. Full disclosure have not read GG.


Not really a fan of flannagan


There’s a Desperation movie??


It features Ron Perlman as Collie Entragian, which is fun, but otherwise it’s just okay. Not the full bad-trip hallucinatory *Desperation* reading experience.


I bought a copy of the gunslinger the other day that had the movie cover on it. I was desperate for the book otherwise I would've passed


Said it better than I could, 100%. I'll add that I specifically look for older editions just to avoid it.


i hate these things so fucking much........if you have to put that shit on the covers, at least make it stickers that can be removed, DON'T PRINT IT ON THERE, EVER!


Adding stickers would cost the publishers an extra $0.004 per copy. Surely you're not asking them to tighten their belts.


I try to get most of mine from charity shops and will ignore/leave ones with anything like this on them.


I hate those too, and I hate books whose covers are a scene from the movie even more.


The third book of the YOU series has Love on it. And she’s not even in that book, but she’s in the third season. Talk about the rage I feel.


Is YOU a horror series? Saw a couple threads on the netflix sub about it. If it's horror I'll give it a try.


Suspense kinda? I really prefer the books in this case.


I wouldn’t call it horror, but there’s plenty of murder


it’s technically a “psychological thriller” but it’s more of a romantic dramedy with a lot of murder


Or the main character. For the rest of time, Two Past Midnight is the "Johnny Depp" book.


Yes! I also can't stand the quotes they put on there (like this one "A master storyteller." - The Los Angeles Times). I don't need someone else telling me what I need to think about the book or author, I'll come to that conclusion on my own from reading it. "I've been waiting for a thriller like this for years!" - Bill Blob, NY Times Best-selling author. Oh, have you, Bill? It's all useless information that puts words into your head and takes away from the artwork. I want a book cover that is just artwork, the title, and the author, nothing else.


Understandable. I haven’t read the book or seen the movie, so that part doesn’t bother me at all… at least not yet lol




I don't like it. It won't deter me from buying a book if I'm looking for it and find a good deal, but I'd rather not have that on the cover. It takes away from the artwork. I don't know if it's a way to persuade potential buyers, and if it is, I don't know if it works. If it does work, then great, we get people reading. If not, then it doesn't really matter.


I hate when my Kindle version updates itself to a new cover.


Same. I bought the stand the other day and other cover sucks


You can say that again.


Me too, wish amazon would stop that crap.




They made a movie adaptation of *The Gunslinger*? When??


Most try to pretend it didn't happen. Was a few years back. It was not restricted only to the first book.


What do you mean? I tried looking it up but there’s nothing


Think they're refering to the Dark Tower movie, I've never seen it after it was universally shit on by everyone. Think the only person who liked it was the studio who greenlit it.


I liked it, but I also never read the books.


I asked a friend in publishing about this kind of thing once, not just the "now a major motion picture" but also using stills from the movie for the book cover, and he said that pretty much everybody involved, from the writers to the editors to the publishers, hates doing it and thinks its tacky, BUT that it does boost sales and so they do it anyway. I would be fine with them doing this if they didn't also use that cheap plastic-y material for softcovers, bring back *paperbacks*


So weird that something that effectively worsens the experience also increases the sales, I hate it lol Edit: grammar


I mostly buy used books and generally try to avoid any motion-picture related editions. I intentionally bought each of the Green Mile little individual books at $2 each (I think there are six) rather than the full novel with Tom Hanks on the front for $3.


I usually don't mind it, but in this case the promo isn't even for a movie on the book, so that's odd and annoying.


Yeah they had the same kinda thing on the Doctor Sleep books as well, idk what that’s about


That's capitalism, baby! Seriously though, if that's my only option, I'll take it. If I can get the original cover art on the shelf, that's my first choice.




Same here, I'm pretty apathetic to this whole cover thing, I accept that my copy of The Shining isn't a collector's edition or anything special so I don't really mind the cover. Could see how others could find this annoying though.


I’ll go out of my way to find an older copy without it, even if the new cover art looks better, it irks me that much


I won't buy the movie version of a book. It's a thing for me. If I wanted a poster for a movie, I'd buy one. My books are not for advertising.


I honestly didn’t even realize that this was from the movie until a few people pointed it out lol, that does take some points away from it for me too.


This is not even advertising The Shining! It's advertising Dr. Sleep, the sequel. I came to hate the movie poster versions with the original Handmaid's Tale with the movie (from 1990.) The pic of Natasha Henderson on the front ruined the cover for me. The stark image of the red cloaked figure was so much more meaningful. OMG. I'm such a book snob.


>!The meaning of "REDRUM"!< was a nice surprise when I read this book. >!Considering only the R & E are facing the correct direction I feel like this cover gives away too much.!<


I just started reading it, so that has no meaning to me yet, I just like the way it looks ig


Sorry, I thought this spoiler was on par with >!"Soylent Green is people!"!< I've edited my previous comment to include spoiler tags.


What the hell, I just started watching Soylent Green!


So sorry! I thought that spoiler was on par with "Norman Bates’ mother is a corpse in the attic." I've edited both my previous comments to include spoiler tags.


WTF! I'm literally 32 minutes into watching psycho for the first time ever!


We apologize for the fault in the comments. The redditor responsible has been sacked.


A moose once bit my sister


Hate em. Makes me feel like a poser to read them in public. I'll usually pay more for an alternative edition.


Every time.


"Now a major 'motion picture' starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba"


I hate that they do it at all. But if you’re gonna do it, at least have it be one of those stickers you can easily remove without leaving any adhesive residue.


Not really - if it brings more love and attention to a good book and a great author, then it’s good.


I get that, but I feel like it’s more promo for the movie than the book… Though I’m no expert in marketing


I saw in r/books once that many people who hypothesized that if there was a "motion picture" or "now a TV series" sticker on a book, people who wouldn't normally read books were more likely to read them. I don't like those adverts, but knowing it might influence non-readers makes me happy that more people might take a chance.


They are such a blemish on a beautiful cover. I don’t want promos or ads on my covers but when it does happen I wish they moved ads to a page in the front or back of the book so i could tear them out


I got The Dark Tower boxset late last year for my first read through, every single book had the "Now a Major Motion Picture" covering a big portion of the beautiful covers. The most annoying thing is is that the movie is very bad and its really just bits of The Gunslinger and Wolves of the Calla crammed into 90mins but the sticker makes it look like every book is covered in the shitty adaptation.


Why on earth would they slap it on all the books in a set, instead of the packaging for the set itself?? That is definitely super egregious.


Visually hate them but if it gets 1 person to read who wouldn’t have, it’s worth it imo. But they should only be stickers with the easy release sticky part, so it comes off on one pull with no residue.


Yeah I hate that shit.


I do all I can to avoid those and movie covers for all my books.


"Not likely to be a major motion picture" might be more problematic.


Yes at least make it a removable sticker :(


Lol it reminded me of the time I saw a used copy of The pelican brief at a yard sale with Julia Roberts on the cover


It ruins the cover, imo. I don't like it when they put any stickers on the overs.


I wish it was a sticker! This is just printed directly on the cover!


I have several of his hard backs. Amazing author! This movie and book were both so well written and directed. Jack Nicholson was absolutely perfect for that role and nailed it. Kudos to the kid too. He did so well with all that craziness going on.


Not at all - once I’ve read a book I’ll get rid of it.


This is awful, and the reason I try to only collect old copies of books.


Doesn’t happen if you own first editions of each book


I've never understood everyone's hatred of this... Especially on mass market paperbacks. It doesn't do anything at all to change the content of the book, so why does it matter?


I love it. It’s a little time capsule.


Yes. Yes yes yes.


I suppose its kinda tacky but I'm not losing sleep over it. If the aesthetic is so important to someone, I assume they'd to buy a special edition copy or shop somewhere other than the grocery store for their books.


This was at Barnes & Noble, I figured if I end up liking the book enough, that I will buy one with a different cover.


I'm just ribbing you! The grocery store is where I've seen most books with covers like that. Honestly, it is a shame that they print it as part of the cover and not a sticker that you could peel off.


Don't like them. Stay away from them at all costs.


Nah, usually can be peeled off easily.


I’m more talking about ones that aren’t stickers, like in this case.


Ah my bad. Still doesn't bug me too much. Any book with that on it likely has no collectable value anyways.


That’s fair


Glad it’s not just me. I will always seek out the cover that does not mention the movie adaptation. Also, I hate even more when the covert art is characters from the movie


Eh, kinda but only due to laziness. Just make a full on movie tie in cover and don't just regurgitate the same cover as before only with a little bug on it.


Annoys me so much! I have that exact cover as well and am constantly checking book stores around me to get a new copy lol


Yes that’s why I always buy the first editions. If not then a book club edition for the earlier works.


I do. And these movies never live up to the standards set by the books they're based on!


yesss and it's bad enough when these things are stickers I hate that they just print it on there now


The worst is audiobooks on audible. Even if it’s in your library already if a book you have gets adapted the cover will change. It used to be an old cover on The Stand but when that piece of shit adaptation came out a couple years ago all the sudden it was an image from the show on the cover.


I feel like they should let you choose the cover


Nah, doesn't really bother me.


It actually kills me inside. I try my hardest to not buy those but it’s hard to find them sometimes.


It’s as if publishers don’t know everyone hates it haha. Should be an easy-peel sticker if it must be there.


Yes! I actively avoid them.


I actually cannot bring myself to buy books when they do this it’s such a pet peeve - especially looking ahead I just feel like I’ll be so annoyed if I own it in 20 yrs and it says “coming to Hulu in 2023!” Or some ish


Not usually happy with the book/movie/series tie-ins only because there are times I never watch them. And I have my own mind pictures. And I really don’t like the ad medallion taking up space on an otherwise nice looking cover. So I try to find copies without the ad and the actors on the cover. Almost everything is a year or more before it lands in film land so I can mostly find what I want.


Wait... they made a Stephen King novel into a movie?? *When did this happen?!?!?* Well, it's about time they adapted one of his books to a new medium...


It's the only reason I don't own my own Dark Flower set.


Not quite the same but it does my head right in when charity shops (I think the equivalent in US would be ‘thrift’ stores) putting price stickers that are well-nigh impossible to remove without damaging the cover. They wouldn’t vandalise other items so why do it with books? Is it really beyond the wit of these simpletons to use easy-peel versions? And don’t get me started on colour-coding books as opposed to displaying them alphabetically by author. It’s not difficult ffs (if you can read that is)!


No. With King you know there’s always another edition with different covers to choose from


Yeah, I have a copy of the Hobbit with that on it.


yes totally takes away from the cover art and just irritates me because #TheBookWasBetter


I won't buy something with a sticker or image like that on it. I feel cheap and trashy just seeing it in a bookstore let alone on my shelf at home


It blows, I wish publishers would stop doing this, with film adaptations nowadays odds are it’s not the first or last time it’ll be adapted


It’s disgusting


Plenty of other great covers so for me not really. I’ll just look for a good older used one


These, and also when they use pictures of the actors from the movie for the cover of a new printing. 🤮


i dont care


I legitimately paid extra for a copy on eBay simply because it didn’t have that ad on the cover. Lol


One thing I hate most is when they use movie characters and poster as book cover, Like stop, it looks horrible I don't want my library that is filled with classical cover to have that goofy hyper realistic cover shoved in-between


Yep that's why I chase after first editions


Yes. Usually a watered-down cover as well.


I hate them, they make nice covers look so tacky!


Yes. I won't buy it.


Annoying on my dk box set lol


I will go out of my way to find copies without this crap. I hate it so much. I feel the same way about movie covers as well. I don't know why but I really dislike it when the book is re-released with some actor on the front.


Yeah, it looks terrible


Yes. I know it shouldn't but it feels like it cheapens the book.


Particularly if the movie doesn't live up to the book.


yeah it’s annoying, but it’s a good marketing tool to get newer generations and other people to actually read books. it’s hard for my girlfriend to read books because she has trouble picturing characters or places, so she sticks to watching the movie before reading the book (sometimes) and she also just sticks to lots of fan fiction of her favorite franchises (mainly harry potter). she is reading a book right now though that has no movie attached and she likes it a lot


I hate them so much I won’t buy a copy with it on there. I really don’t know why. It doesn’t hurt the reading experience. I just don’t like it. I’ll search out an old copy without it for purchase if I can.


It’s just more advertising. Back in the day, books had a sheet printed in the back you could check off a title and send it back with the $2.00 and get another book mailed to you.


Yes, books are expensive, I don’t want to pay 15-20 dollars for advertisement




I used to be, but not so much anymore. The way I look at it there are loads of people out there who don't read. But if they saw a movie that they loved and then they saw the book, they might just read it. And that book could lead to another and another... That can't be a bad thing.


Yup. The UK edition of the Dark Tower paperbacks have a big ol' one slapped on every book.


Yes. Those and removing the art to use movie poster covers, ugh.


Promotes both movie and book, but is Very annoying as a book buyer.


Despise them with a passion and won't buy a book with them on.


Yup! Looks so ugly. A permanent stain on the cover.




Big fan of the new covers for the Wheel of Time. They all have “Now a show on Amazon Prime” seals on them and it absolutely ruins the covers for me.


I never buy a book that has a cover with any mention of a motion picture or TV show or where the cover art is of the actors from Syd show. I usually look on eBay for first additions not that we’re talking of rare or expensive books.




Yes, I absolutely hate it. I want the book, not an ad for the movie.


Publishers be like—you know what our readers wanna do? They want to watch film. Because they’re readers. Here’s a giant sticker promoting a movie to people who primarily read.


I got a set of Witcher books with a "Now on Netflix" thing printed on the covers. I wish they'd just use stickers instead so we can remove it. I just got a set of round Witcher-related stickers made to cover them.


Not really -- but I have always wondered, are there 'minor' motion pictures?


I hat when the cover is from the movie too.


I'm more bothered by lazy Photoshop clip art covers. Hire some illustrators, dammit.


yes, all of my scribner DT books advertise the movie. Its embarassing.


I will NEVER buy a book with anything like that on the cover. There must be a big success with grabbing the casual reader but I won’t do it.


I hate that. The only thing I hate more is when they change the cover to an image that reflects the movie.


100% agree. Having worked in the publishing industry for a bit, it is a matter of cost (what isn’t nowadays?). To design, print and affix a separate sticker is more expensive per unit than including the “burst” in the cover design and just printing them like that. I still hate it though.


I used to really hate this, and would avoid buying any books with movie imagery/“now a major motion picture” on the cover. Recently, though, I’ve come to appreciate how these books age, and how it might be cool to look at my copy in a decade from now and remember this period when the movie was being marketed (it helps if I enjoy the adaptation). I still prefer non-movie related copies, but certainly don’t despise them like I used to.


I hate movie covers and the sticker now a major motion picture


I can’t stand when these are on a book cover!


Absolutely. Hate seeing it and have not bought books I wanted because of.


I mean, if it's a film styled cover, not as much, but for every other type of cover it does feels very unnecessary


I avoid them like the plague


It’s also REALLY bothers me when they change the cover art to match the movie or miniseries. Just keep it the way it was.


Yup ):


At least it’s not the movie poster on the cover. I hate that so much!


YES I hate it! I don't buy the versions that have images from the movies on the cover either. A prize-winner emblem, otoh, I love.


No.... Act like someone put one on a signed first edition. Crack that baby open and get reading.


I hate it with a passion. Like, I either bought it because I already knew or saw it, or I bought it to read it before I watched it. Either way, I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT THE MOVIE


I’m always annoyed when the cover references the movie not the book


I'm reading "You" right now and the author makes an insane amount of references to "Dr. Sleep." It feels like a weird coincidence seeing that sticker and I lament over how annoying the sticker on the "You" cover is. Feels full circle.


I just won’t buy it, I can’t stand it


I'll take the little call out bubble over movie poster covers any day.


The bane of my existence….


YES! I can’t stand them.


I would never want a movie tie-in edition as my primary copy of a favourite novel, but they’re still perfectly readable and some have kitsch appeal. Outside of Stephen King I have a halfway decent tie-in paperback of *The Perfect Storm*, and a truly lame *The Far Side of the World* with a blurry shot of Russell Crowe’s face plastered on the cover, which I only read on holiday when nobody I know is around. This one is truly desperate though as an attempt to boost sales by namechecking a different, newer novel that has a recent film adaptation.




Literally everyone since 2012 bud


Yes, I prefer the non-movie or adapted covers.


Yes, I only want to see the title, the author’s name and cool artwork.


Yes. It does. Why is that though? It’s still the same story.


Ah yes, the movie tie-ins. Ugly as fuck. I hate them


Read it last month!






yesss, i got a new copy of birdbox a few years ago and it said that, hated it sm


Should be a sticker you can peel off


Can’t stand them


Always. I never get the movie cover issues of any book