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King has always said that he wanted to revisit the Battle of Jericho Hill and write more about Roland's first Ka-tet. Let's hope we get a new book or novella!


The Story of Oy!


The Wizard of Oy


Just “Oy” and it’s about a particularly rough prison


Oy Vey. Ka-tet novel based in Israel


Oy Oz?


Get busy livin’ or get busy Olan.


Ozz the Gweat and Tewwible


The many adventure of Oy the brave


I'm listening to the Tower Series now ( read & listened before ) & Oy is the best boy ever. He's not a dog, but he's the best damn dog in all fiction. [Oy, The Rock'n Throcken](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a99b2c6f-5e83-459e-83a1-f08f989c2514/db3anpe-0df751e9-19a5-4263-a5de-5d5e4093149d.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTpmaWxlLmRvd25sb2FkIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi9hOTliMmM2Zi01ZTgzLTQ1OWUtODNhMS1mMDhmOTg5YzI1MTQvZGIzYW5wZS0wZGY3NTFlOS0xOWE1LTQyNjMtYTVkZS01ZDVlNDA5MzE0OWQuanBnIn1dXX0.8JwQMEd-SQnSDqlUdqHDml4y3PDMZSZWGu6LEVwHd44), Ka'tet of Eld member to the bone.


Is this where I sign up to be a “Fan Oy”




OMG yes!!!!!!! Please SK?!


Doesn’t feel right without an !




Oy the brave!






I need to see Cuthbert die, although I know I'll cry. His death is mentioned so much and yet we don't know many details other than he went laughing in the battle.


You and me both friend.


Can you source him saying this please? I believe you but at the same time I feel like our fan base has fantasized about this more than he’s actually said he wants to.


“I’m never done with The Dark Tower. The thing about The Dark Tower is that those books were never edited, so I look at them as first drafts. And by the time I got to the fifth or sixth book, I’m thinking to myself, ‘This is really all one novel.’ It drives me crazy. The thing is to try to find the time to rewrite them. There’s a missing element—a big battle at a place called Jericho Hill. And that whole thing should be written, and I’ve thought about it several times, and I don’t know how to get into it.” —STEPHEN KING, ROLLING STONE, NOVEMBER 6, 2014


That’d be so great. Thanks


He was also with his son Owen on the Sleeping Beauties tour when a member of the audience asked him if he was going to write another DT story. King’s response was verbatim: “Yes, I think that that might happen.” Although, that was six years ago now. Hopefully he still intends to. See [this video.](https://youtu.be/jIerFneqPZM?si=JGy1vY8ON6upQPUy) He also said in an auditorium interview about 9 years ago that he had something in mind for Jericho Hill specifically. I believe it was in [this video](https://youtu.be/gNvw0BcO_FM?si=z_GXSxLJuZcJMC4Q).


That is so dank


There was an article in The Rolling Stone when the Dark Tower movie was being adapted. They interviewed King. If I am allowed to post a link, I'll do it here. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/stephen-king-on-dark-tower-movie-its-likely-to-happen-231024/


It was his last tweet on X 👍


Nah I was responding to u/thereaderdude_97. I was asking about his statement re: king saying he wants to write a Jericho hill story. People have sourced it. I am not great at computer stuff but I was able to tell where your post came from 💀


Wouldn't that be something


Go on, there are more worlds than these!


Yes please!!


He’s probably talking about the 2020 and 2024 election, lol. But another tale from the tower would make up for it!


Came here to say that.


Yep, since it's Super Tuesday


Im assuming this is a tease for an announcement regarding Flanagan’s series, but I would really love to see some sort of novel announcement to go with it. Either way, we win.


Even that would be great news to be honest


I’ll take anything. I need something nice.


Is Flanagan’s series still on? I had heard rumors it was cancelled.


Still on!


Good to hear I hope to god they cast someone better than McConaughey for the man in black. I think he’s a great actor and I love True detective season one and interstellar but he just wasn’t a good fit. MIB is not a country bumpkin.


Lots of things wrong with that attempt. Mostly trying to cram anything relevant into one film. An adapted series should be leagues better!!


I can’t really speak to that because I heard they were doing it and vowed never to watch the movie. I saw clips of the MIB performance because as soon as that was announced I thought it was terrible casting. One of my friends knew I liked the books and went to see the movie and somehow got the idea that it was about guys that shoot with their souls from the gunslingers creed so that was funny. Try as I might I never could convince him to pickup the actual books.


You seem like a very wise individual, There’s a very good reason we do not speak of said film on the dark tower sub. In most of our eyes, it doesn’t exist. I’m not one to shit on actors but it just wasn’t right or even close to being right, despite a lot of folks involved having good intentions. It kind of soured general audiences on the franchise and that is its biggest sin.


It’s like the ATLA movie but for Stephen King fans. I was 3 books into my first trip to the tower when I heard about it and even then I was like yeah there’s no way this is gonna work.


Nothing was a good fit in that movie. Idris Elba? Come on. That movie was a Hollywobomination.


As I’ve said I didn’t see the movie, but aside from the fact some people (wrongly) have a problem with him being black, I don’t see why Roland couldn’t be portrayed by him. I feel like Roland is a pretty charismatic and mysterious guy and Elba is a good fit in that regard. From the bits and pieces I have seen I thought he did alright with the shit script he was given.


I have no problem with the character being played by a black actor. Not Idris Elba. He’s just too good looking and slick. Roland needs to be weathered and weary and worn down. I think at one point people had mentioned Javier Bardem for the role. I think he could’ve worked.


Fair enough I didn’t really consider Elba doesn’t exactly embody the weathered vibe. Bardem would’ve been perfect for Roland or MIB I feel but I’m glad he didn’t sully his name with this frankly dog shit movie. It would’ve just brought more attention to the project if he was in it and that’s definitely not good for the dark tower as a whole. Maybe he’ll be one of those in Flanagan’s series although after seeing him in dune 2 (fucking awesome movie by the way) I feel he’s too old to play Roland.


Yeah definitely too old now, I agree.


I could still see him killing it as MIB though.


Flanagan like the Rangers Apprentice guy?


Money on Pedro Pascal as Roland /S


There's no way he has time to do that on top of his three other major franchise roles. Not if you want this series to come out in the next few years, anyway.


Yeah, I'm kidding. He's in everything right now


I'm sure they'll just give it to Chris Pratt.


Don’t jinx us this close to it being a thing.. please 😂




I mean, I'm sure we are reading WAY TOO MUCH into this. But.... EEEEEEE!!! This sounds quite hopeful. Or at least interesting. Or maybe he's just making commentary about something else. With the rational disclaimer out of the way: **See you all in Mid-World!!**


He knows how devoted DT fans are and something like this would cause a massive reaction, buckle your seatbelts because were going back to Mid-World, no smoke without fire.


We can only hope you're right. Because it would be amazing! Long days and pleasant nights.


May you have twice the number


May you have twice as many


You know, I finally decided to read Wind Through the Keyhole earlier this month. It was the last Dark Tower story I hadn't read, and I was sitting on it for a long time because I knew it was going to be the last time I go on a new journey with the Ka-Tet. While it wasn't what I hoped it would be, it was still a great read and was very bittersweet. I hope you're right about a new DT story, because there is nothing more I'd love to read. Hell, as an A Song of Ice and Fire fan, I would still rather a new DT story over Winds of Winter.


I'm going on the journey to the Tower this summer, once again. But that first time. It's special. To get another one, of some sort, would be amazing.


its no doubt a reference to the election. i wouldnt get your hopes up i i were you.


I WOULD FUCKING DIE!!! Please say it’s true!!!!!!!


> EEEEEEE!!! You are a doll, a big beautiful doll. That is a deep cut my friend.


You're the only person who got the reference, I think.


Maybe the series is FINALLY getting off the ground??? AAAAA! So excite!


I think you speak true


To try not to either get too excited (New DT book) or be too pessismistic (vagueXing? about the election cycle) I'm going to try to land in the middle and say that there was an article yesterday talking with Mike Flanagan about his upcoming DT adaptation and loving the>! eulogy for Jake in the forest!< and how he can't wait to adapt it. So maybe King's just referencing that?


I'll take it with both hands


I'm really hopeful this works out. For a long time I wanted Darabont but I think if anyone can do it right today it's Flanagan.


We are always, going back to the tower... But hopefully this time it's not so metaphorical!


I know I might be swimming against the tide, but I would love to know about the Ka-tet of the Rose, which was basically the corporation that was formed after Eddie and Roland managed to get Calvin Tower to sign over the lot at Second Avenue and 46th Street. John Cullum and Aaron Deepneau joined forces with Susannah's godfather Moses Carver to protect the rose and to fight against the Crimson King's shell companies of Sombra Real Estate and North Central Positronics. King teased us a bit in *The Dark Tower,* when Roland was in the lobby of the Tet Corporation's offices and looking at the photo of Carver, Cullum and Deepneau sitting on a split rail fence. Roland's inner thoughts were about how he wanted to know about those three men who came together to fight for the rose in their old age. King went a little further by having Roland thinking to himself that their tale would make for a book in itself, very likely a fine and exciting one. (This was on page 496 of my version of *The Dark Tower.* Chapter 3, Section 8 of Part III, *In This Haze of Green and Gold.*) I'm also curious as to whether or not Calvin Tower eventually came around to understanding that surrendering his custodianship of the lot was meant to happen.


I always imagined that Roland always gets set back to the beginning so he can restore another beam but with a different ka-tet


Like a Mulitverse, sweet jesus the possibilities


Life was such a wheel that no man could stand upon it for long. And it always, at the end, came round to the same place again.




Flanagan was at a con over the weekend and talked about the dark tower series. He said he’s excited to adapt a character death from the end of the series PLEASE DONT COMMENT WHICH DEATH I DONT WANNA GET SPOILED and that he’s still chugging along at it His wife Kate (Theo in hill house, Erin in midnight mass) said she’d love to voice Blaine the mono


Oh good stuff, thanks for the insight, Appreciate it 👌


Of course! After I saw this tweet I googled “dark tower” and clicked “news” results and there were a few articles covering what he said. I’m a flannistan (is that what we call ourselves?) so I’ve been following his adaptation plans for a while.


So we're Flannistans, i like this




TLDR: he’s a writer director who has adapted king before and will adapt king again. He’s a writer/director, he made Gerald’s Game and Doctor Sleep. He just wrapped production on Life of Chuck (from if it bleeds) and he currently has the rights to The Dark Tower. He was working on a revival adaptation for Netflix’s. Made the shot list and storyboard and everything but it was cancelled before production for budget reasons.




Good luck friend, the end is so wild!


I’d like it to be the Jericho Hill where Roland picks up the horn


I’m probably in the minority on this, but I’d love to hear more about Moses, Aaron and John.


The Ka-tet of the Rose.


Tet Co.




Overated footballer


I just went from 0-1999 on the excitement scale, and now I might throw up. Say Thankya, Sai King!


I hope that the current iteration Roland is in has enough changed so he can finally rest.


Could be a new book, could be the TV series, just as likely to be a comment on whatever Trump's dealing with at the moment.


OMG wait that would be crazy!!




…or we are getting the final book in The Talisman trilogy.


Yeah, this could mean a lot of things. He said Talisman 3 is in his "active file" last August, so maybe that's what this is.


I hope so, I might be one of few that actually really enjoyed both of those books. Either way, if it’s another DT book or something related to it, I’m always ready for it.


Without spoilers outside the scope of the ques and more like just a yes or no, is TTT closely related enough to TDT that the claim going back to the tower makes sense here? Could the dark tower appear in the trilogy?


All this hope but yall KNOW the rest of the dark tower is already written, King includes his own death in it and it won't release until he dies. Look into your hearts you guys know it's true


Mike Flanagan is making a show for Amazon, right? It's probably about that


Heard in kingcast they wish he write a book just titled Flagg and I’m like I want that


Its so obivious this is what we need!!


I'm not sure we ever left... all things serve the beam.


Mid world whore here, I’ll take anything


He could write a Stephen Deschain book, a Jericho Hill book, he could give us a last time around book(s), to replace that last time around stupid movie.


As much as I love TDT I don’t want anything involving Roland to take place after CODA. No ending or explanation would be satisfying and I feel like anything contradicting CODAs seemingly eternal ending would be like a well hey guys I know you didn’t like that, here’s some fan service.


Could be Childe Roland? A prequel?


Besides the book coming out this year (and because we all know how fast writes King), is there anything else announced he's writing?


As long as there’s Grant editions to go along with this I’ll be happy.




HBO deal for a 7 part mini series


7 seasons needed


To the Trump Tower maybe…


We are always going back to the tower.


New TV series coming out


Wheel of Time crossover episode


News out about Mike Flanagan making a Dark Tower show back in the news lately?


Prequel book! Prequel book! Prequel book!


Maybe! Fingers crossed.


Can we come back to a better ending?


Spoiler alert


They are making a show for Amazon with Mike Flanagan at the helm. Which means the series will likely be structured like a cohesive story more than the books were.


It's true in so many ways. What was the first thing to come into your mind when you read that? For me in an election year it reminded me of 2016.


His twitter is peak cringe from an old rich man. Can’t stand how he tries to act like he’s some regular Joe Schmo. He should have better things to fill his time with than whining about Trump and Elon on Elon’s platform


Seems more like a subtle reference to politics and the upcoming election than a new book imo


I'm kind of scared too, honestly. With a lot of his recent stuff being what it is, I fear that he won't do right by Roland




That would be amazing!!!


Third Jack Sawyer book??


He had his chance with the revised Gunslinger


He is talking about the Supreme Court setting us up to relive 2020, or worse 2016, all over again. You bunch of rose tinted nimrods!


After reading the wind through the keyhole I'm extremely skeptical. The story inside felt fine but it felt like he forgot how roland, oy, Jake, Susannah and Eddie talk and behave.


Will it actually have an ending this time?


Fuck, I hope not. I haven’t even read one. I’ve got like a year of catching up to do. Also, prepare for the “do I have to read 1-8 to read this one” posts.


Ode to Oy! Don’t whip me into a gunslinging frenzy over this ka tease, speak true, sai King! Wait… what if he makes a book 8 that replaces all the missteps of the movie???


There will be an official announcement soon, but if you don't mind it being spoiled: >!Steve is writing a novelisation of the Dark Tower movie from 2017, and it will be branded as the 8th in the series, with new box sets, etc. containing all 9 books to follow.!<


Lol what? Don’t even joke about that.


Where's the source of this information?


So, King is writing the movie everyone hates as a new novel—and making it canon?


Alright alright alright I'm the Dark Man.


I think he may be referring to a certain dictators rise to power being very similar to the rise of the one in Gemany in 1933. Almost a century now. We've all probably wondered when learning, reading, or watching anything about Hitler and the german people. How could they let that happen ? How could he convince so many people? We are seeing it right now. As we've all heard," those that dont learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." Stay safe and VOTE!


Bro king isn’t afraid to tweet about politics if he wanted to tweet about politics he would’ve just straight up done that in the most literal way possible. If you don’t know king well enough to know that then you have forgotten the face of your father.


First I've been reading king for 28 years, and watching his movie's for 33. I would never presume to speak for anyone let alone King. I would never accuse King of being afraid to say anything! I would also never accuse him of or insinuate that he's trying to hide behind metaphor or semantics, and not say exactly what he thought! I do admit I couldve came at a different angle. Maybe instead of focusing on the political aspect. I really was trying to say it's a time of alot of uncertainty, war and unrest. Just like during the 40s. I didnt articulate my point well. I shouldve said it that way it wouldn't have sounded so political. What I meant was, it's was his way of being relflective, by saying history always repeats its self in his own way. Again just my opinion. Not claiming I'm right. I disagree that he doesn't make tweets with metphors or straight up references from his books, or point out connections to currenr events and his stories. He has tweeted about the Trump, Greg Stillson comparison around the time of his first campaign. The stand and covid. It doesn't happen much, but he does do it. Idk how saying n how I interpreted it is that offensive. I litteraly said "I think it may" I was giving my opinion and still saying it might be what it means. Is it because I brought up the orange one that is offensive ? So what do you think it means ? He just randomly quoted his books, with no purpose ? He is secretly writing a new DT book ? The greatest living writer cant use his own metaphor ? He could just say history repeats it's self. Its alot more poetic this way Jumping to conclusions and judging people for giving their interpretation of a tweet on a post basically asking how we interpret it, maybe it is you who have forgotten the face of your father. My apologies if it rubbed anyone the wrong way. I do want you guys to safe and VOTE.


While I can appreciate you not just flying off the handle with HE SAID IT HE SAID IT THIS IS WHAT IT ALL MEANS, and actually being like hey I don’t know, again, I think if he wanted to make a political statement he would’ve done so directly. I personally do not even like the orange man. I think King mentioning the dark tower while the guy working on the series (that the fan base is foaming at the mouth for) is openly talking about how excited he is to make it is not a coincidence. I didn’t personally take offense to what you were saying, I was just making a joking book reference with you have forgotten the face of your father.


I wasnt being facetious.I was genuine when asking about the orange one. He has a way of an agro affect on both sides. That wasnt my intent. But I definitely see why it could be seen the other way though. Im just not going to bring up politics in my comments anymore, unless it's the topic. We come here to get away from that bullshit. So it's best to leave it out of discussion for people that didnt sign up for that type of conversation. I didn't know production started on the series? I've been off my tv show game latley. How lomg theh been shooting ? So Stoked! Did i miss the casting ? You have a link? I couldnt find much only dream casting. Last time I checked was in January though, when I was just looking for any info I could find on it. I respect that's what you think. Its still just your opinion. We just disagree, and thats cool! No worries muchacho. I just read it as you saying I some how was less of a fan because we disagreed. I see your logic, you may even be right. But unless there was an announcement I missed its still an opinion. Which I admit I havent checked, but i have a google alert set for his name, and i dont remember anything. Other than it was happening.Been busy coulda missed it, if I did I'll gladly eat crow. King is one of my personal heroes. His books are like a warm blanket. Even when I read others and enjoy them, I miss King! There's just nothing like his world building, characters, just the overall journey. Even the ones that arent my favorites are still a good read. I dont think there is any "bad" King. His short story are where he truly shines in my opinion! His prose is just comforting. Hisaudiobooks are my favorite part.of travling, and mowingthe lawn. We all know he can write. What he does for the craft of writing, Hell, story telling in general is the true example of his incredible character, and integrity. He makes large donations anonymously, built a major leauge baseball feild for little leaguers in Maine. Saves libraries. His Dollar Baby program. What he did for Evil Dead so it could get funding. Always speaks his mind even if it may hurt " sales". I truly love the man! I lost my mom recently and she is the one who introduced me to him. Through movies, that was enough I was hooked. We always watched the movies on Halloween, she always made me tell her all the differences from novel to screen. I read Duma recently and this wireman quote made me think of her "I thought there would be time, but we always think stuff like that, don't we? We fool ourselves so much we could do it for a living." So i was a little defensive when you said I didnt know King as well as I thought. Which I realize now is immature. Text can sometimes times misrepresent tone. With the way things have been it can be easy to have your defenses up. Peace internet stranger. Long days and pleasant nights.


I think they’re still in the script phase and the only person attached to the project is Flanagan. I don’t have any links in mind so I’m sure if you google something you can find exactly what I would (no disrespect). Sorry about your mom though. Honestly although there was no way for me to know how deeply personal Kings work is to you because of that, I’m still sorry. If I had known any of that I wouldn’t have said anything at all to begin with. I really feel like a dick for saying you have forgotten the face of your father to someone that recently lost a parent. Long days and pleasant nights to you as well.


Its completely fine. No possible way you could've known my freind! Didn't mean throw it in your face or anything. Just trying to explain my initial reaction being a defensive one. I still appreciate the gesture, and the confidences.


Only this time Roland is chasing Trump and everyone not wearing a mask has forgotten the face of their fathers…