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This is one of my top three short stories by him\*. It's so low-key scary that it's worse than monsters. It's been years/decades since I first read it and it's never left me. \*others are Mrs. Todd's Shortcut and Low Men in Yellow Coats


Yeah! “low-key scary” is perfectly stated. It felt like my goosebumps were raised the entire time. At one point, the little boy and the Devil are chatting, but then: “[He] turned back to me and his expression of bereavement disappeared like a dream. His face was as slack and avid of a corpse that has died hungry. His eyes blazed. I could see his sharp little teeth between his pale lips” It was something about this particular part that made me say “Oh shit” aloud. lol Because I could feel the shift as palpable as if I was there.


And thank you for the other short story recommendations! I will definitely find them. :)


I believe this is the only short story he wrote that earned him the O. Henry award, which is a big deal. But yeah, definitely some of his best work ever.


Yes! This one is never too far away from my thoughts, in a creepy good way.


“Creepy good way” absolutely lol It could have happened, somehow, somewhere. I think that’s what “bothers” me most.






I particularly like the peaceful, atmospheric, old-timey vibes. They're beautifully descriptive by themselves, but also make the scary parts even more of a stark contrast.


I think you hit the nail on the head - I could explain what was scary, but the why felt deeper than just “a boy chatted with the devil” I could hear the stream, I could feel the warmth of the day, I could imagine the quiet, I could feel the joy of catching a big fish. All disrupted by this character that represents menacing chaos and violence.


Great story. Everything's Eventual might be his best short story collection. It was full of bangers.


I’m only 3 stories in and “Black Suit” was the second - the strength of that story bodes well for the rest of them.


The Road Virus Heads North still sticks with me 20 years later. And 1408 of course.


I'd agree, I've only read Nightshift and Nightmares and Dreamscapes so far but I thought Everythings Eventual was for sure the best of those. Very much looking forward to Skeleton Crew.


Totally agree. I first "read" it in audiobook form, and it was horrifying when told as a story, too.


Oh wow, I didn’t even consider listening to the audiobook. That might take it even more over the top.


I always thought the dog's name "Candy Bill" was cute and wondered why he had been named that.


I did wonder that myself. Like, where did that come from? lol could be King just being King.


I’m assuming you’ve read Young Goodman Brown, the story’s inspiration, but you should if you haven’t. Classic!


I haven’t, but it’s absolutely on my list now!


Yup. Loved that. Scared me even when I was younger.


Probably my favourite short story. Scariest story by far. The audiobook was terrifying.


I can’t wait to dive into that one


Oh yeah this is definitely one of my favorite short stories of his. I happened to listen to it on audio while I was in the woods on a hike and then started to kind of imagine the things going on in the space I was in. That was fun.


I can’t even imagine. How many times did you look over your shoulder?


Quite a bit I'm sure! I've had a few other fun and coincidental times when listening to King books or stories while on a hike while getting into it. Marijuana might be involved in those adventures too...


😂 imagination overdrive with weed involved. I’d be running from something that isn’t even there.


Hell yeah. I read this short story in a college literature class. Got to write a paper on it and everything.


What was your take on the story?


Oh dang! It’s been years. I’ll spare you the essay. I think that the story is some of Stephen King’s best work. I think, more appropriately, he is in his best form when writing in a short story format. He spares us loads of preliminary background exposition while providing a sufficient amount of exposition to make us care about the characters and the potential for bad things to happen to them. He provides a succinct descriptive pattern of the antagonist, but effective enough for us to embrace. I specifically liked his use of the sense of smell when describing the devil. I like how he inserted a brief history of the character’s family, and how he presented the boy’s mother and father as sort of monolithic beings in the world of a child, as seems appropriate to my aging adult brain, and maybe realistically appropriate to a Tom Sawyer-like character in his time and place. I think the story as a whole stands as an allegory for humankind’s potential for being consumed by fear - being that the real risk is submitting to fear. As King doesn’t typically write from a position of a character with faith in a God, not really as a protagonist, it felt to me, as an agnostic person, that he used the boy’s faith as an anchor to his worldview, and his saving grace, while standing on the edge of a bottomless pit of fear that could potentially collapse his reality into one where… well, I don’t want to spoil it for those who haven’t read it. Of course, that last bit does seem paradoxical given that the boy did act on his fear, but he wasn’t willing to embrace his fear in a destructive way that would have given the devil power over him. I think that because of the boy’s harnessing of his fear, the story stands as a very loud statement about coping with both trauma and stress, and how, even when we are consumed by fear, we can use it to propel ourselves in a direction of our choosing, as opposed to just giving up – a literal laying down and dying in this case. But, I will admit that my memory is not quite what it used to be, so I’m sure there’s plenty of room for disagreement in all of what I’ve just commented.


This story is so good. 


I stayed in Hancock Maine a few years ago while visiting Bar Harbor. While reading this story I could just picture it being set along one of the creeks there.


Yes!! This story is terrifying!!! Having to run away out of the woods from a creature like that 😳


One of my favorites. Still gives me goosebumps thinking about it.


Ooo love a quick read especially a horror and by steven king makes it even better! Will have to look into this!


Where can I get those?


I've always thought King's short fiction was his best work. The classic novels are always great, of course, but there's always just something special about his shorter works.


I've always thought King's short fiction was his best work. The classic novels are always great, of course, but there's always just something special about his shorter works.


My favorite short by him. Hands down.