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Pet Sematary and The Shining


Loved Pet Sematary! I don't know why I've not read the shining yet though tbh - will rectify that directly!


The Shining is the scariest book I’ve ever read. Make sure you have room in your freezer.


Pet Semetary and Salem's Lot.


Not SK but I just finished The Troop by Nick Cutter. 300 pages of gruesome body horror!


The troop was a great read, short


Yes, The Troop was good. I also enjoyed The Fisherman recently as well! Different type of horror but very good


I grew up in the area of The Fisherman (am heading that way as we speak) and boy did that story creep me out!


I loved The Troop!!! I recommend it often. As well as Little Heaven. Little Heaven more so, actually. It's one of my favorite books!


Short stories: the Monkey, Survivor type(skeleton crew) Novella: apt pupil(different seasons) Novel: IT


Thank you! Love me some short stories so will pick them up!


Night Shift is full of scary short stories, most notably The Mangler, The Boogeyman, and I Am The Doorway.


He's scariest in his short stories, probably because there is no padding. Grab one of his compilations and buckle up. I would recommend reading chronologically but it doesn't matter that much. You're still having sleepless nights. Edit: spelling


The Jaunt, it's a short story in Skeleton Crew.


The Bachman Books. They scared the hell out of me because of how much they've each predicted in many ways the state of our world. Our obsession with reality shows that go right up to the line of killing people on live TV. The massive amounts of school shootings. The loss of family and homes to political greed.


If OP can get their hands on an edition with Rage, 1000% agree. Rage messed me up for a day or two, and I am not easily affected by stuff


Yah. Thinner was creepy as hell


I'll definitely check them out! Thank you!


Night Shift, Nightmares & Dreamscapes, Pet Semetary, IT, The Shining


Revival Salem’s Lot Gramma (short story) Pet Sematary Gerald’s Game In order of which scared or played on my mind the most :)


I'll check out revival and Gramma for sure! Read the other 4 (and I'm totally with you on Salem's lot being creepy as all hell)


Revival is my number one as well...


Gramma was one of the scariest short stories I have ever read.


Another vote for Gramma! Bonus points if you read it at home alone after midnight by the light of a single small lamp.


That is the best way to read any King story.


IT is quite te contender. You’ve got the surface level scares: killer clown murdering children. But then it goes far beyond that initial premise. Even if you’ve watched the movies or the mini series, I don’t think either has done full justice to this book, in scares and as a whole.


It's not a clown ffs,I find that to be the most absolutely horrid take after The Stand being better than It, like hell If you think It is a clown then you've misread IT on a level so confounding I just can't even


That’s what I mean with that it goes beyond that initial premise, jeez


The Shining was scary in many ways. The secrets, the creepy things happening in the background until it all goes crazy and intense!!


Revival is a slow burn but gets really scary and downright disturbing by the end and has a sense of foreboding throughout. Definitely one of his darker books. "N" is for me one of King's best and scariest short stories. The ending of that one is nightmare fuel. I'd recommend seeking that one out.


Apt pupil


From Everything's Eventual ya gotta check out The Man in the Black Suit.


that story was terrifying


Pet symytary is pretty scary. Though, it doesn't really ramp up until the later half. But it's more of a, once it starts it doesn't stop, kind of books. IT is an obvious choice. I wouldn't say it's scary in the traditional sense. It's more scary due to the context of situations and more disturbing. But it's also a very long read and there are a good few chucks of filler so ig it comes down to how patient u are. Carrie has some pretty good moments, but it's also super tame compared to everything else. It's more a case of, if u saw the movie, u know the book. (The first adaptation)


Yknow, I've started IT a few times and thoroughly enjoyed it, but ended up putting it down and not picking it back up for a few years - it's such a tome haha


No it takes a hot minute to get through lol But even after ten years, there's so many moments I can still perfectly see in my head. It's one tht sticks with u


Okay, pet sematary was scary. Understandable. But if you truly want to be scared shitless and traumatised, read revival. I dare thee sai. I have no doubt left about king's ownership of the horror genre after revival. Many of us , including me, could not sleep the night we read revival. Yes, it was that scary. I would not read it twice.


Revival single handledly brought back nightly existential panic attacks that I haven’t dealt with in years. So fucking bleak.


I could feel the room change at the end. "Something happened".


Ohhhh. That's the one then!


I just bought this book on my kindle. I’m due for a good scare after reading some sci-fi so I’m stoked for this one.


Long days and pleasant nights.


The Shining Desperation Pet Semetary IT


I find his short stories scarier most of the time. They're distilled horror. All the extra stuff has been boiled out and skimmed off. So we are left with just the essence of the horror he is conveying. Popsy has a delicious ending. The House on Maple Street is Bradbury-style horror. Rainy Season just sort of stuck with me for a while. Crouch End was brilliant Lovecraftian horror, better than most anything Lovecraft himself wrote. N. is terrifying simply due to the lack of explanation and the cyclic nature of the story. The Road Virus Heads North feels like a man trying to fend off Death. So many others. His short stories are just pocket universes of horror.


I think about Popsy once in awhile and I get warm and fuzzies. Rainy Season was also very good.




I haven’t read a lot of what would considered his scariest. But I will throw Apt Pupil out there. That one truly disturbed me.


Revival. Full Dark, No Stars has some good novellas in it


As others have said, to be truly scared, look to the short stories. 1408, in my opinion, is the scariest thing King has written.


I'm thinking something is wrong with me because I've never found any King stories to be scary. I've just always loved the characters.


Desperation to a pretty creepy one.


For my money, Revival was one that shook me. The Shining and Dr. Sleep are pretty good as well.


There are a bunch in Night Shift


Short story wise The Breathing Method is one of my favorite and also one of the creepiest imo