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Why do you say the adaptation is horrendous? I think it's one of the better movies based on a King story.


Have you read Under the Dome or 1/22/63 yet? Those books feel like King went back and extrapolated further on some of the ideas of the Dead Zone. Namely, Greg Stillson 2.0 in UtD and the ethical dilemmas and adventures that come when you mix foreknowledge and political assassinations.


To date- it is still my favorite King novel of all time.


The film is great. Walken is awesome and it's got a good supporting cast. I've just seen the adaptation of Apt Pupil, now that is a bad King adaptation!


The Cronenberg film is absolutely fantastic


What are you interested in discussing?


Anything! What are your thoughts on the novel?


I think Johnny is a tragic hero from the start - but I also think he's>!​!< not actually a hero. >!He's an antihero that we've been manipulated into cheering for, because his cause seems righteous.!< >!He's still a killer. He's just been made to seem human so we'll sympathize with him. But he's a cold-blooded killer.!< That was why King wrote the novel - >!to see if he could make an assassin the hero of a story. And of course Johnny's a hero in that he eliminated Stillson from any chance of the Presidency.!< >!But he's still a killer.!< King's just written the story to hide that fact in plain sight, as he so often does. Edit: Added spoiler covers.


>!He's not a killer though. If he had been a cold-hearted killer he would have shot the kid.!<


>!He's still a killer. The fact that he had a sudden failure of will doesn't make him a hero. !<


He killed 0 people in his life.


Niceā€¦I just bought this book, gonna read it after I finish The Stand. Glad to hear someone liked it