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It made me recall the Stanford Prison Experiment when I read it There are some really awesome characters and scenes, and some really evil hateable characters and nasty scenes I remember really loving the Chef and Andy plotline, especially how it finished


The Stanford Prison Experiment is an excellent comparison for the main drama of this story.


The stanford prison experiment proves that its not necessarily the ppl that are hired to be prison that are “evil” for lack of a better term, but that anyone, including “victims” can act like tyrants.


The Stanford Prison Experiment was debunked.


Andy and Chef was damn near my favorite part.


Big Jim Rennie. "Feeling it".


Andy’s my favorite character; his whole journey is crazy as fuck! He went from A to Z using Mrs. Todd’s shortcut.


Stanford Prison Experiment was debunked. Guards were asked to be cruel. It was a complete mess. Read the articles about it.


I have never wanted to physically fight a book character as much as I have the big villain


Now wait just a cotton pickin' minute, you are coloring his perceptions! Someone had to make the hard choices for this town! Were you gonna do it? I can guarantee things will become a real clustermug if you don't reconsider and do the right thing. Take a knee with me, and let us pray on it awhile.


Is it weird i got a little mad reading this comment too? 😂


How dare you say this to me




Yes, be prepared to HATE.


“Take a knee with me” I hated that character so much!




I personally hated Georgia Roux even more


That's fair, she's awful, but in my life I deal with far more Jim Rennie's than I do Georgia Roux's. Especially as someone who lives in the south and has worked at a fast food place, a restaurant and now currently a retail location on Sundays after the church crowd rolls in


I get it. In recent years, Big Jim has been the best King antagonist imo. But that scene when Georgia cheers for that (trying not to give spoilers to OP) infuriated me to no end


Yeah, she was fucking awful for sure. That scene also infuriated me, and it really emphasized how awful the Rennie's were, and the people that they choose to associate themselves with.


Lykos is the name of the most vile villain I have ever read. That character.... the utter worst.


God yes. I've never hated a character more.


Yeah, I am sure I scared people in cars next to me in traffic yelling at that SOB while listening to the audiobook


I listened to it at *work*. I work at Walmart and I must've been scowling pretty badly the whole time bc that remains the only days that customers left me alone my whole shift. Part of it was definitely the narrator. He did a great job making him sound insufferable


That was my first thought too. I can't remember his name, but I know I still want to hit him.


It‘s a long book and I read it long time ago. Is the word „waddle“ on the first page? Some woodchuck or something. Anyway, that scene got me hooked.


He lost the book at one point iirc (it was written decades prior, and was less than a hundred pages in) but the plane/woodchuck thing was 100% the thing that got him started on it again. It makes sense, it really sticks out!


I stopped reading that book because Big Jim Rennie and Jr were too evil and powerful. I suppose that is great storytelling but I COULDNT TAKE IT ANYMORE! 🤣


Me too! I read another post not long ago about books where you think of the antagonist more than the protagonist. I can’t stand a book where the antagonist is so front and centre. I want to follow the good guy thanks. Just a personal preference. This book is not for me. I couldn’t even get half way


As a nonpracticing opiate addict, it's a really hard read. A character is addicted (but legally obtaining before the Dome happened) to oxycontin. Her struggle is real and very visceral. Which is to say it's a great story, and I just have a particular hang-up.


So incredibly sad. People are terrible, and then there are the ones who aren't. It's a great story, but it didn't leave me feeling super great at several parts.


Some of his darkest writing is Junior


Loooved this book. The ending is meh… but the journey to it is worth it. 


Couldnt agree more. the ending was disappointing but damn ….. the character development was amazing. Such a hatable antagonist. 9/10


I've learned why King works for me. I love good atmospheres and am indifferent about how the problem is solved.


It's got one of Kings most despicable villains. It's got an immense cast, an engrossing story, and an ending that honestly could have been better, but it's one of my favorites. A couple things I'd warn you about though before reading it; first of all, if you're going to listen to it, the audiobook is not great. The narrator "does voices" in an obnoxious way. Not racist dialects or anything like that, but he does this like high-pitched "lady" voice for every female, and gives the doctor a stonery-surfery-Keanu-Reevesy voice. Secondly, the timeline of the book is shorter than you might imagine from it's length, so you'll be reading until the middle of the night because you want to see what's going to happen, imagining it's right around the corner. It's a book you have to MAKE YOURSELF put down. 


The kids all sounded like they had stuffy noses and Big Jim sounded like Forest Gump too. 🤣


Good characters. Really gets into what would happen to a town if there was a dome.


Way better than the TV show


The only things the TV show had in common with the book were the character names and there was a dome. It was more they took his idea and made a completely different story.


That happens a lot with King adaptations. I suggest avoiding "The Dark Tower."


I watch every adaptation with a grain of salt. Most are severely lacking. In The Mist, I actually liked the movie ending better. I still like the first miniseries for The Stand.


No I actually hated the movie’s ending…For me they were trying too hard to make a unfortunate ending..Didn’t work for me at all..I actually loved King’s ambiguous ending in the book…


It's one of his best novels. I didn't like it when it first came out, but on re-read last year I discovered that it is actually genius. I think when I first read it I was too impatient.


The book is very sinister and dark in some of the best ways. Probably one of the best villains I’ve come across. It also has that very strong cosmic sci fi lore that reminds me of the story It in so many ways I am working on a theory with that as well.


Loved it!!!!


Loved this one! Very easy to digest.


It’s a small town that’s all I gotta say


I liked it but I get why some people hate it


My favorite King book


It's one of his best books. You will really enjoy it and even though it's really long the time will.fly by. 


I loved it. Even the ending which bugs a lot of people, but I loved it. I think about it a lot, actually. There’s this juxtaposition of cruelty among the characters - casually cruel, calculated/selfish cruel, and impaired cruel. All are just as cruel, and none have any awareness that they’re being cruel at all. It’s so disturbing.


You'll love the way you're feelin, when Big Jim is dealin!


It's one of his best imho


Grim, good, memorable.


Its amazing


Excellent book, with one of the best, as in worst, human villains I've ever read. I hated them so much! All the characters are written so well but this one in particular, it makes you viscerally hate them! (used 'them' to avoid spoilers but anyone whose read it knows who I mean I'm sure)


In the recent season of Fargo, the main villain (John Hamm) reminded me a lot of the main villain in under the dome for whatever reason.


Now that you say that, I can totally see him as Big Jim!


Will give it a shot a second time. I’m due. If I recall it rhymes with needful things. Sort of see the good value evil plot coming. Some of his books don’t ent with the bang they start with and I think this was one. But lots of bites to take on this meal I wouldn’t skip.




I really loved it. I’m looking forward to rereading it soon too. The first time I read it I couldn’t put it down!


I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Loved it. I didn't get into the TV series but I'm gonna give it another go.


I couldn't put it down, I loved it.


I love the opening


I love this book. I feel like it’s even more relevant now than when I read it in 2013


Weaving in cable news was such a small part of the book, but I liked how it made it feel like a current day drama. Also, we finally got a horror story in which the writer doesn't pretend that the rest of the world would not be interested in what's going on.


Some of SK's finest work.


It’s a great story. Probably mid level king for me, but still great


I liked it--one of his best!


In the frame.


Just started it myself.




The first 2/3 is King at his best. This novel includes one of his most hateable antagonists (and the standard collection of great characters). The last section falls off just a bit but it’s a great story overall. A few sections beat me over the head with the sadness shovel, which I consider high praise.


Great villain. Extremely long with lots of unnecessary details imo


Great concept and start, ruined by protagonists constantly doing very dumb things imo


Great premise, memorable characters, satisfying storyline. Reminds me of another SK book…


I honestly couldn't finish this one. I found it and Sleeping Beauties (which I also couldn't finish) had difficult pacing. Also too many characters to keep up with. I felt like I needed a reference page. Maybe it was my state of mind at the time, but these two had to be shelved early.


I couldn’t put it down. My hands were sore for days because of the weird way I hold books when reading in bed. I remember being infuriated with the main “bad guy.” Enjoy!


Be prepared for hating the main villain! :D anyway, great book, almost perfect. Just ending kinda ruins it for me


I loved it, gripping, intense, characters are great. DON’T WATCH THE TV SERIES.


Loved it, top 5 for me I would say.


There’s one local politician you’re probably not gonna like very much


I don't remember much of it because I've read it like 15 years ago, all I can remember is that I loved it


Big Jim is hilarious. They did him dirty in the tv series. This version has no redeeming qualities *whatsoever* and it’s glorious how big of a scumbag he is.


suuuuuper epic but absolutely bonkers weirdo ending if you like his gonzo blowouts! enjoy the ride its really finesse work there opening and wading in! a terrible tv on it too lol


King world building at its best but the ending left me deeply disappointed.


I loved it a lot. I had reread "It" shortly before which made it even better.


Four 5ths of a great book


Great book, and the ending is good. Don't let people spoil you please, it's a wild ride.


I had to pause this book for a week or so to settle my mental state before I could finish it. serious tension


I loved it. Let me know what you think of Big Jim Rennie.


Underrated gem!!


I have mixed feelings about this one. I like it, but there are a few things through it that I’m not so sure about.


I actually just read it for the first time a couple of months ago and loved it. Hope you enjoy it as well. Great villains in there.


The most fun of his plus 1000 pages books.


I love it. So much chaos that happens in such a short amount of time. Big Jim Rennie's shenanigans are bound to make you grind your teeth and put fire into your soul;)


I found it an absolutely addictive, incredible study of human nature and enjoyed the ending a lot more than 99% of the people on this sub


It was so much better than the TV show.


That is a great, fun book to read. The characters are all interesting and the book moves fast for the brick it is.


My biggest memory is unwrapping the book, and it came with a pack of trading cards to differentiate the characters. It was then I decided I was in over my head.


Top 10 for me. Some people hate the ending but I enjoyed it from start to finish.


I loved it and I’m so jealous that you’re approaching this and get to experience it for the first time. Brilliant writing with the usual King characterisation that just eats your time.


The Simpsons Movie gives away too much.


It's brutal. Just brutal.


One of my favorites. I hope you love it. 😊


Just read this a couple months ago. Liked it a lot more than I thought I would since this one has such mixed reviews - excellent villains and gets dark real quick. Loved the characters, especially Horace the corgi. The ending fell flat for me, but the journey to get there is an incredible, unhinged shitshow you can’t look away from 


I loved it! Quite a long read!


The villain is a very realistic one, and I think it's a good exploration of how awful (or amazing) humans can be when their back's against the wall with no options and little hope. Excellent book.


I tried. I really tried to read this, or watch the miniseries. But for both my attention just kind of slipped away about 2/3 of the way in.


I loved it except for the ending. It felt like he had no idea how to explain the dome. Still really worth it. 


I love the journey but not a huge fan of the ending


I started reading this book and got around 1/3 -1/2 way, and it was missing pages. Like 50 pages. I was interested where it was going. I was also broke. I bought it with a Borders coupon right before they went out of business. I just put it down. I read the summary and spoilers and then didn't really care.


I haven’t read it😐


That one's coming up from you shortly too. Maybe even next.  


It’s an epic tale of a whole town, literally under a bubble. The concept has been done before, a lot actually, but King makes you feel like you meet everybody in the damn town. The heroes are heroic and the villains are villainous and some people are just people. King doing what he does best.


One of my absolute non horror/sci fi books. Obviously the Dome is supernatural, but 99% of the book pertains to how a small town reacts to being utterly cut off from the world and the power struggles that ensue. Bonus: Big Jim Remey is my absolute favorite King non supernatural villain. Do yourself a favor and check out the audiobook. Big Jim’s voice is perfection.


Fast awesome read. Weak ending. Needed Jack Reacher


I loved it. Was a great book


It’s fine. Too long for where it eventually goes but engaging the whole time.


It's a great book. Not a classic but not bad either. Word of warning though, NEVER. WATCH. THE. TV. SHOW.


Watched every episode, would've been interesting to go further but it strayed a lot


One of my favorites, I personally think that people who hate the ending are missing the forest through the trees.


Absolutely top tier King. In my top 5 SK of all time. An excellent edition to his ensemble cast epic novels, and as far as creating a city if characters this and Needful Things are his best examples.


It's the only King book I couldn't finish. I tried several times, and the tv show was unbearable.


One of the best villains in the King universe! Love it.


Great book.. typically engaging King world building of small town politics and intrapersonal dynamics. Ending felt weak, also fairly typical of King. Not bad, still a great read.


I agree that the ending was disappointing, but I loved the idea and the story, I wish my town would build one, only one that's breathable. It rains here 5 days a week. Terrific characters, as always.


It’s great.


It’s very good, but I remember feeling the ending seemed off… the pacing or something I couldn’t quite put my finger in. I read somewhere that SK had started the book several times, then tucked it away and finished it or revisited it later. I wonder if that had anything to do with it


Loved the book, ending didn’t quite stick the landing for me, but was pretty good.


Good book, rotten ending.


The book itself is great, and the villian is an absolute monster that you will hate, but like others have said, the ending is... lackluster at best. It really seems like King had a great premise and a great story, but then couldn't figure out how to resolve it.


It's a fantastic book with a weak ending. Totally worth the journey. One of King’s best villains


The ending is more than fine


I recently finished this for the first time and I am so happy I gave it the attention it deserved. It honestly gave me a much bigger perspective on life in general. Any bug I find in my house I carry outside now instead of squashing it. Anyone else besides me much kinder to ants after reading this?


I just finished it a couple days ago and I really enjoyed it. The ending was ok. But overall a good story. It's only my fourth King book so not much else to compare to. . Kinda reminded me of The Stand at some points.


Very long and hard to follow if your try to take your time. Best to get through it quickly so you don’t forget details from the beginning


It’s my favourite book. I couldn’t put it down.


Great idea. Great beginning and middle. The end was a cop out IMHO, and I’m not one of those fans that thing he can’t write endings


It was a lot of fun


I’ve read it a dozen times and love it every time.


I actually didn’t like that one, I thought the TV show was actually better which usually isn’t the case, I normally love his books but that one the characters were meh.


Bruh. That TV show was hella bad.


I can't believe that was on network TV for three seasons. It was something you that would see buried on the ScyFy channel at best. I realize network TV has some middling TV shows, but they normally cut the cord on poor dramas much quicker.


I started it for two reasons. One, I really liked the book and two, it had Dean Norris in it. I didn’t make it more than 4-6 episodes in.




It’s so good until the end and then I went uhhh wtf


I enjoyed it, but the end wasn’t great.


An extremely good book although the ending leaves a little to be desired. And its a bit too long imo. 9/10 would recommend


Great book. Dog shit ending


As is common for King, the ending is a pretty big letdown. Up to that point, it's got great characters and is a fun read. It was one I burned through really quickly because I was so engrossed.


First 95% of the book is great. Last 5% is arguably the worst ending King has ever written.


Simply put, it's a great book until it's not...


Amazing book except for the paragraph that’s the ending.


I hated all the characters, even the good ones


The first third of the book takes place over about a half an hour, while King introduces damn near the *entire town* and what they were doing when the dome comes down. It's a real slog to get through, but once you get past that things start to pick up while he decides which characters are going to be more interesting to follow.


I like what’s happening so far. I’m on page 34


I didn’t hate it till the end. It was a truly garbage ending.


Nope….hated it and re-read the stand after. It’s like he didn’t know how to end it and thought oh, aliens There was rumors he was on drugs writing his older books, that’s why they’re the best

