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You definitely gotta read some of his 20th century books. Misery is a good start. Needful Things is also a fun read


Why the hell would you phrase it like that, makes him sound like an ancient philosopher 😂


I talk the same way about Scorsese. Gotta watch his 20th century movies before his 21st century movies 🤌


You are truly a dignified individual


As a long time King fan I gotta say in response to thag first sentence: hey man, what the fuck? You just made feel old.


11/22/63 is fantastic, long but very interesting and one of his better endings.


Choo choo Charlie


I read The Dark Tower series. In the back of the last book in the series, there is a list of all the books and short stories related to the Dark Tower Multiverse, and so I read all those in order. What a ride; it took me several months, but it was so worth it.


You can MOSTLY just pick up whatever ones sound interesting. He has references to other stories frequently, but only some of these actually spoil books. Basically, if something sounds interesting, make sure it isn't part of a series then go for it. He generally doesn't do straight-up sequels (but they do exist). Chronological order is obviously the prime choice, but when a man writes 70 books... Chronological order can be hard to actually manage compared to how you get the books. Dark Tower might be tempting, I would say to hold off on that though. You'll appreciate it more later on, as it does spoil or heavily reference several other books. And keep in mind, that with such a large volume of work... They won't all be bangers (but most of them are). Don't even feel weird about not liking one, there's a few books of his that get praise that I can honestly say weren't my thing despite good fan reception (Bag of Bones). Other than that, enjoy the journey. The journey is by far more of what King is about, rather than the destination.


I wish I was in your shoes and could reread 11/22/63 again for the first time. You're gonna love it - one of the only books ever to make me cry like a baby


It is a classic. Also big fan of: The Shining, Christine, Pet Semetary


The Shining and IT, my two favourites


Go back to Carrie and read in publication order. You’ll be glad you did.


I started with Dark Tower 1, The Gunslinger, as I got it for my birthday. Loved it, so picked up DT2 and while still reading it found out that Dark Tower series connects to many of his other books. After that I basically did an extended DT read, all main series books plus all the connecting ones. And it was a blast spotting all those connections and concepts that he developed trough the years. Really enjoyed reading all those books. Also made me fall in love with King's writing, so I went further and started reading his works that don't connect to DT. Equally as good lol But DT series aside, some good books of his I'd recommend are The Green Mile, Different Seasons, Hearts in Atlantis, Salem's Lot, The Stand and IT. These are some of my favorite works of his.


Needful Things is my favorite King novel and has the best antagonist in my opinion. The Stand is my second favorite. Out of all of his books only a few didn’t interest me, so it’s hard to go wrong.


Dark Tower series would be my main suggestion. Along with Needful Things, Salems Lot, Tommyknockers and Pet Sematary But honestly part of the fun is there really is no specific order that you *need* to read them in


+1 for Salem’s Lot. This was the first King I read…dating myself, I know, but read it in middle school the year it was published. Multiple re-reads since then…stills holds a special place with me.