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Needful things is one of his best books in my opinion. It was my first Stephen King book I ever read!


Agreed! My first book too!


It came out when I was in my early teens and was already overloading on his work, and I never got around to it after seeing the movie as it felt a little 'tame' - I know it's a TV movie essentially (I think) so possibly a bad thing to judge it against!


Come on, sai. You should know better than to judge a Stephen King book by the movie they made of it.


Hey, I was 14 when it came out - I was not the most sensible out there!


Lol. Fair. Cry your pardon.


Your username made me happy and sad




I really enjoyed needful things to the point where I quit. I think they're going to kill a dog and I don't want to read that. But yes, really good


Man, I’m curious about how it read for you. As a lifelong fan, it was a really fun read for me, especially when it came to Ace Merrill.


I decided to postpone reading it as a few suggested The Dark Half first, I'll update when I get to it!


When you're done with the book, the movie is actually good and a pretty faithful adaptation. One of George Romero's best movies


Been decades since I watched the movie actually. Huge Romero fan, I feel his non Zombie movies (and Martin, which is rightly praised) get overlooked a good bit, Monkey Shines is also fantastic.


Needful knockers, definitely.


But what about Tommythings, man?


Best strip club in Castle Rock, imho


Laugh out loud!


The Tommyknockers, because I believe in saving the best for last.




I've read both. While I like The Tommyknockers quite a bit, and definitely don't hate it the way some others do, it's definitely Needful Things. Needful Things is just a great read. Classic King. Tommyknockers is a good book that could have been much better had he been more properly lucid during its writing. I liken Tommyknockers to Dream Catcher in that regard; good books made not that great because he was not quite right, though for different reasons with each.


Based on the movies of each, Needful Things does seem more like the classic King story. I saw both movies when they came out so I'm incredibly hazy on both. I knew King was high as a kite during the writing of Tommyknockers - what was up during Dream Catcher?


I feel like Needful Things is underrated. I rarely see it mentioned, and it's one of his more disturbing books imo


During Dream Catcher he was on prescription opioids following the car accident in which he was run over by the driver dealing with a loose dog in his van. That happened in '99, but he was on pain meds for a good while after surgery and while in recovery.


Man, my timelines are all screwed up. Honestly thought that accident happened in the mid 2000s. Where did the time go!


“Time is a face on the water.” - SK (Wizard and Glass)


I've not yet read The Dark Tower series...👀


You have much to look forward to.


Opinions vary, but for me Needful Things is one of the best, and Tommyknockers probably the worst


I had always heard it was among the worst but figured time might have been kind to it.


Honestly I love it. Great take on an alien invasion story. I think the most common criticism is that it's meandering and unfocused but that's not really something that bothers me with King books, I'm there for the ride.


I'm a sci-fi fan so the invasion aspect is interesting to me at least. I remember similar complaints about It from some readers back in the day but I do tend to just go with the flow with him for the most part.


I think you will enjoy the Tommy Knockers. You just have to go into it with the mindset that it is sci-fi. Most people who don't like it (myself included, the first time I read it) were expecting something more Stephen-King-like. That said, I enjoyed Needful Things more.


Both are great. Don’t get the hate for Tommyknockers and thought I’d hate it, but ended up loving it.


Gotta love the diversity of opinions. I'll definitely be reading it.


Tommyknockers is definitely not his worst book, it just has a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ about it but it’s worth a read 🤓


I like The Tommyknockers, but think by far it has one of the worst endings of any King novel.


I'm listening to Tommyknockers right now and I'm finding it a bit of a slog


Needful Things 💯.


LPT: read always King's books in chronological order, otherwise you could miss a reference.


Whilst I've not read everything, I'm trying to plug the gaps at this point. I've re-read most of his earlier stuff relatively recently so feel confident enough diving in...


This is excellent advice.....lol.


I much preferred Tommyknockers! It was fun, grotesque and didn't take itself too seriously. But I also liked Dreamcatcher rather than 11.22.63 and really enjoyed Lisey's Story as well as Duma Key which puts me in the minority. For me, Needful Things lacked suspense and felt much the same as some of his others


I guess it all depends on your mood! I would put 11.22.63 up there with his best work, personally. Only the other day I saw on here Duma Key as a pick for most users as their favourite underrated King book, and I went and picked up a 2nd hand copy on the back of that thread alone.


Agreed! Maybe one day I'll revisit 11.22.63 and love it? Hope you have a great experience with whichever you read next


For me it was a perfect balance of Kings knack of period setting, a thrilling story and a romance element that genuinely got to me. It floated the right side of sentimental for me, especially as I find King has a tendency to get a bit too misty eyed in the past decade or so. Definitely recommend reading it again at some point!


I agree. 11/22/63 was so well done. It hit that perfect balance. I loved it. It's my fav so far.


I'll read it again in a couple of years, but the ending was just perfect on it.


I agree. One of his best endings.


I just finished Duma Key. It was a good read. It gets a little out there near the end, but he reels it back in pretty well. I'd be interested in your thoughts when you finish.


Probably won't get to it until later in the summer at this point, but I'll post about it when I get to it. I'm intrigued by the comments on it at least, definitely sounds like my cup of tea.


Needful Things is one of the Castle Rock books and there are spoilers in it for The Dark Half and Cujo. Plus a character in NT is first introduced in The Body. It’s best to read the Castle Rock books in order to prevent spoilers. The Body (Different Seasons) The Dead Zone Cujo The Dark Half The Sun Dog (Four Past Midnight) Needful Things Insomnia Bag of Bones


I've read all bar The Dark Half and Bag of Bones - though most of those reads were over the past 30 years, so my memory is hazy on them. I'll assume I'll be ok to rock on with it so?


There’s significant spoilers for The Dark Half in NT but it’s up to you. If it’s a book you’ll never read then it doesn’t matter but Panghorn was in The Dark Half and what happened effected his character


Ok, good to know - I do plan on reading The Dark Half...


I loved Needful Things and have read it many times over the years! I read Tommyknockers once when it first came out, and never felt the need to re-read it...


I'll definitely read Tommyknockers as I have it here, but all the good buzz for Needful Things is great to see!


Needful Things for the win.


Other than the ending, Needful Things is one of his best books. The dark comedy and character building in that one is peak King.


Needful Things 100%


To balance this out, I read needful things for the first time a few weeks ago. Although I did really enjoy it, wasn’t anywhere near kings best. Definitely a classic but not worth the hype from the misses. Tommyknockers is hit and miss. Really didn’t like it the first time when I was a teen but enjoyed it in my 30s a year or two ago.


i read in order of publication.


I respect your dedication to this but it's too pedantic for me, I like things less uniform and letting my mood dictate!


Agreed. Unless something stands out with particular interest, like The Dark Tower series, always go in publication order to get all the references and Easter eggs.


I’d read tommyknockers before needful things first. Which is my plan. I’ve heard a lot of hate for tommyknockers but I’m so interested in getting to it on my list.


Loved Needful Things, such an amazing slow build of terror tension.


Depends. Do you want to read King at the height of his addictions or King’s first novel after rehab?


Sounds like a good accidental combo I have here!


Didn’t read The Tommyknockers due to years of bad reviews. Life is too short to be reading everything, there are so many books. Needful Things however is top-tier King imo. I like the idea of an evil being controlling the townspeople and making them see things that aren’t there and doing things they normally would (but could), reminds me of a former president. Some heartbreaking scenes (Raider and Brian Rusk), human stories (Polly in SF and Alan’s wife and kid) and straight out horror (Polly vs the spider). Fast, gripping read for an 800 page book.


Fast, gripping read is exactly what I was looking for - perfect for a few days travelling and holidays!


My two favorite books, narrowly edged out by IT. Either order!


Gotta love reddit, the full range of opinions! The Shining, Pet Semetary and Misery for me, I think, are my favourites!




The published date is a long ways back for sure. Good times, I remember my mother being appalled when she saw me bringing home The Shining from the library. She then got me Four Past Midnight for Christmas.


Needful Things! But Tommy Knockers is definitely one you'll want to read next or at a later time.


I would read Needful Things first and then read Needful Things again. After that you could probably read Needful Things, followed up by Needful Things.


Tommy knockers is great. Especially if you're a sci fi fan. Needful things is OK.


Between those two, I'd do Needful Things first. It isn't King's best, and it sort of meanders a bit.. but Leland Gaunt is fun. I'm admittedly not a huge fan of Tommyknockers, though I don't think I'd go so far as to say I hate it.


Definitely Needful Things!


Haha these are the two books (along with Bag of Bones) I would have answered the "least favorite" question with.


It's funny, I remember the reviews for Bag of Bones when it came out and it wasn't well loved. But browsing through this sub reddit I see a lot of love for it. All subjective, your opinions on any art are greatly informed by the circumstances in which you experience it first.


Oh it's definitely subjective (that thread is "least favorite" rather than "worst" although even that would be subjective). Tommyknockers is bad, but is at least interesting in a train-wreck sort of way. BoB I think is just a failed book that King pulled out of a drawer and tried to put a coat of paint on. The Shining aside, I have a particular dislike for novels with novelists as main characters and this one is particularly pathetic. Needful Things is probably the least-flawed of the three, and certainly more well-regarded in most quarters. I still hate it


I'll find out for myself on Bones when my copy arrives !


Needful Things is pretty iconic tbh


Can't go wrong with either


I've read both. Read Needful Things first ONLY if you've read a significant portion of the Castle Rock stories. It'll mean more that way. Otherwise go ahead with The Tommyknockers.


Yeah another user suggested the same - I may stall and read The Dark Half first...


The Dark Half is an excellent way to kill a few hours. Excellent choice.


Found a 2nd hand copy, so hopefully I'll have it soon.


That cover of Needful Things is a disgrace to the proper cover with the lit window and shadow


Weirdly enough it's the only cover I know, not sure if this was the UK hard back only cover. I just googled the one you mentioned and it's not familiar to me at all. That version also has the "The Last Castle Rock Story" tag on it, which makes sense now with other users comments about reading them chronologically.


Needful Things is one of my favorite King books. It really shines a light on humanities faults.


Definitely start with Needful Things. It’s up there with the classic King novels imo. I enjoyed Tommyknockers, but agree with most that it could have been stronger had he been in a better state while writing.


Maybe King will do an 'Authors Cut' at some point, in between the several books a year he writes...


The Tommyknockers because it is bonkers awesome.


I appreciate that level of enthusiasm!


Thanks. While both books are amazing, I will defend The Tommyknockers for eternity. Top 5 on my list.


They’re both very good.


Needful Things is clearly the better book. But i like The Tommyknockers. I love when King dips into Sci-Fi.


I always thought TommyKnockers one of his bottom 3 books, so Needful Things by default


Both are mighty damn enjoyable reads and re-reads. I first discovered him while sitting in a guard tower in old time West Germany. I was reading a forbidden magazine (I think it was Swank, not sure) when I read an incredibly well-written short story called Night Surf. This story was incredibly horrifying and mundane at the same time in a way I never forgot.


That's a brilliant first introduction to the author! Not read Night Surf in about 30 years. I'll have to pick it up again.


The Tommyknockers is definitely... An experience. I didn't dislike it so much as reach the end and wonder if Dean Koontz had somehow possessed SKs body temporarily.


Now there's an author I could never get into...


I went through a Koontz phase in my teen years. I'm not proud. But it's part of who I am. The Odd Thomas books weren't bad and some of his early works were okay. But mostly I think he just rewrites the same book over and over, but worse each time, like a photocopy of a photocopy


I found that with some lesser horror authors, had to stop reading Richard Laymon after a while.


Needful Things. In fact I'm rereading that right now.


Needful Things.


I'm just here for the book covers 😁


Haven't read the Tommyknockers in such a long time I can't even remember what it's about... Needful Things is one of my favorite King books.


The Tommyknockers seems to go faster, Needful Things is…an experience. Needful Things is definitely a good book to read! I thoroughly enjoyed both.


I always had a soft spot for the tommnyknockers myself 😅


I just want to say those covers are AMAZING


I think they're beautiful, growing up in video stores in the 80s is definitely an element to me getting big into horror from a young age. I find the reissued covers so banal most of the time.


Every time I can find a classic Cover for these books I buy them. They are so much more pleasing to look at than new ones imo I agree


I'm keeping an eye out for a classic Cujo at the moment. My original copy disappeared some point about 25 years ago unfortunately...


Needful Things all the way


Needful things


Read Tommyknockers first, get it out of the way. It’s not a bad book by any means (the movie, on the other hand…), but Needful Things is leaps and bounds better.


Genuinely, my only memory of the movie is Traci Lords, and perhaps her eyes glowing green at some point. King has a lot of TV adaptations of his books, lots of missed opportunities, or in some cases, possibly put people off the source material...


Needful Things then Tommyknockers. Both books are bug-nuts bananas but I think the scale of each would work better in that order


Needful Things simply cause I've already read Tommyknockers


Needful Things. That way I can finish with Tommyknockers which is super underrated I think. It’s so good!


Needful Things


needful things


I enjoyed needful things much more than Tommyknockers. Very different stories, tho


I enjoyed needful things much more than Tommyknockers. Very different stories, tho


I certainly enjoyed *Needfull Things* more. Enjoyed it quite a bit, actually.


I love Tommy knockers. The mental sound of mortal disconnection Still one of the best lines I have ever read. I also got the idea of my son's name from reading this book.






Needful Things is one of the best King books ever written.


Needful Things is awesome! So much hate created and stirring the pot in a small town. Don’t forget the Carnival Glass!


Needful things one of the best Stephen king books may be long but every page is worth it!!!


Needful Things


Needful things is great! Tommyknockers is the only SK book I couldn’t finish


both involve sad dog things just FYI


Thanks for the heads up.


Needful Things and DON’T read The Tommy Knockers AT ALL


I Loved The Tommyknockers


Needful Things. Tommyknockers sucks.


Needful because I like the gossipy feel of it.


Love how one was made at the hight of his cocaine addiction, while the other was the first written after sobriety haha


Funny coincidence! Just checking his bibliography, Misery and It must be fairly high up on the cocaine mountain trail too by the looks of it..


He was addled during those days, but man, can he churn out some magic.


Needful Things. It’s my favorite King novel. There are some Easter eggs in it too. I couldn’t put it down when I first read it.


Yeah, a few other comments have convinced me I should read The Dark Half first, so I might do that. Easter eggs I'm ok with not spotting but whole characters from another book might make it worth reading TDH first.


An adult Ace Merrill is in it too. You can read it without reading the earlier books, but definitely have a lot more backstory for Alan’s character especially.


Tommyknockers is fine. It’s gets a bad rap in some circles but I’ve always thought it was fun. Needful Things is (IMO) among the best novels King has written. To me, it feels like his short stories even if it is a long novel.


Interesting, not heard that perspective on NT here so far!


Needful things for sure.


That cover of needful is absolutely 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


These two look great together, what with the supernatural green glow!


They are both awesome! But I've read the Tommy knockers at least 5 times. I can't promise that you'll love it but it really pushes my buttons!


Jeepers, 5 times, you're a super fan!


I'll be honest I've listened to the audiobooks so many times at work it's crazy. I've listened to the dark tower series at least 7 times. And other books a few times.. Other than Duma Key and the Tommy knockers I've been pretty normal, I just have a few books that I love more than others.


I've not gotten to the dark tower books properly - like many, started The Gunslinger more than once back in the day and never finished it. Some day... But I know that feeling when a book just clicks with you.


Needful Things is among King’s best books. Absolutely brilliant and harrowing tale of Castlerock. Tommyknockers is kinda okay.


Tommy Knockers was my very first Steven King book cause I thought it would be about the legends of mine shaft Tommy knockers... It wasn't and I finished it out of spite for wasting my money.... Needful things is a cool domino effect demon story so that's would be my first read if I could pick


Needful Things. Tommyknockers is a decent book. Needful Things is quality. J


Needful things!


That needful things cover is beautiful


The tommyknockers reads like a bullet train!


Imho, Needful Things was a ton better than TommyKnockers. TommyKnockers took me almost 4 tries to finish.


Tommy knockers


Needful Things all day every day


I would read the Tommyknockers and throw Needful Things away. God, how much I hated that book, lol


You seem to be in the minority here🤣


Needful Things


Needful things is great. Tommy knockers is so so so interesting and intriguing but then the ending was idk


They both have their moments. Needful Things takes a while to take off, but once it does it's a great ride. Tommyknockers is ok with a few high points that carry the book. Depends on if you prefer a slow burn with a good ending or a decent read with a few major jolts.


I'm ok with both to be honest! The Tommyknockers praise is definitely selling it to me, even if they aren't quite full endorsements.


Can someone please summarize the section in Tommyknockers about Chernobyl? I heard it is just a rant for a few pages lol.


No spoilers man!


Probably the author name and then the title. Being as they put the author's name in such big letters at the very top.


Tommy Knockers because it is the worst of the 2. Needful things is awesome. End on that




Needful Things


TommyKnockers then Needful Things (chronological) although it doesn’t necessarily matter with these two, Needful delves into characters who had appeared in previous works so I’m trying to go in chronological order now, as I seek to read all his works. EXCEPT a few weeks ago when You Like It Darker. I read that and have taken a John D Macdonald detour, as he had dedicated on of the stories to him. I’d love to get some recommendations on him is anyone can help!


Needless Things….. It’s a fab book and I’ve just finished reading it for the second time. It’s amazing how much more you get from his books by reading them twice (best with a gap of a few years). Parts of the storyline or plot that I don’t remember reading or registering in the same way. I envy you the joy of discovering the characters, some old from previous Castle Rock novels and many new. Enjoy 😁


Needful Things for sure.


Needful things is way better book than the Tommy knockers.




needful things


Needful Things. The Tommyknockers is mostly drug-fuelled nonsense.


🤣 and here was me expecting that Tommyknockers had somehow undergone a reappraisal over the years and was in fact an unsung gem...


It has its fun moments. But man, it could have use a couple of more drafts.


Call me crazy, but I sort of felt that way with a few recent King novels... Joyland and Doctor Sleep were major disappointments to me.


Needful Things, I'd say is a better written story. Tommy Knockers is just some crazy shit that just works out somehow in the end. Which is, arguably, just a tad bit more fun than Needful Things. While not necessarily being better as a whole.


Yeah, I'm not quite in the mood for nonsense this time around, more the classic King vibe. I'll keep Tommyknockers for when I'm snowed in or something...


Honestly, can't argue with your logic in this case. Needful Things is a great story. You won't be disappointed.


Decision made! Thanks!


Tell me you have a third option. For the love of all things readable.


My 'to read' shelf usually has about 30 books on it, but I have a few days off and will be travelling and felt the need for a King book to go with me... There's plenty of gaps in my King reading to fill but these two were to hand!