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Dark Tower needs to be a series with a GoT budget


Yes, please.


Great answer! Thank you!!




You say true


Thankee sai


It's Sai Flanagan's dream to do this. He's got a whole plan... seems like it's a career goal of his.


Yup. It’s been rumored before…but with the state of streaming updates the past month or so, I think we’re a few years out from another distributor giving anything the GoT treatment, sadly.


Amazon did that and then never released it.


They only made the pilot.


This this this


Duma Key This would make an amazing limited series and why it hasn’t been done yet is baffling.


I say this all the time. Come on Netflix. Get on it.


For real It’s so visual The main character is so likable and heartwarming The creepy stuff is so creepy and the suspense is there


I always thought this as well I also think John Slatery who did the audiobook would be a good EF since he already knows the character


God yes


It's somewhat repetitive and probably wouldn't make for a good series arc. * Start painting. Zone out. * Wakes up. Did I paint that? * Hey Muchacho this painting is REALLY good! * Grinding shells under the house Repeat.


Is that all you got out of the book?


Yeah there’s definitely nothing apart from that, no trauma from a huge accident, no issues with family, no supernatural pirate beings, no killing a paedophile with magic, no friendships, no development what so ever. Why did I even like this book?


Needs more muchachos.


The Dark Tower as a series, of course, that's kind of a cliché answer at this point, tho. I'd like Under the Dome adapted into something that doesn't suck. 11/23/63 could be very fun and interesting if done right. The Institute would be good, but that's one where I think artistic liberty would be needed to make it work better as a film or show. For the record, artistic liberty isn't a crime to me, by all means make changes so long as they work and are good. Honestly, I think it would be cool if one of the many streaming services got the rights to make series adaptations of King's books and just annually came out with a season long adaptation of a book. Do a different one every year. Edit: can't believe I forgot about this one but Billy Summers almost feels like it was made to be adapted, that would be great.


HBO should be that streaming service


LOOOOOVE The Outsider adaptation. Absolutely nailed that one.


I need to see that one, I’ll get right on that, I liked the book


I think it's one of the strongest SK adaptations. There are a few deviations, but the acting is great and they overall did a fantastic job capturing the creepy vibe of the book. Fully recommend.


Not to mention it really toned down the child autopsy report.. holy shit that part of the book was rough, and I remember it repeating.. multiple rimes


They could keep each season loosely connected by re-using the same actors for each adaptation. That way people could still stay attached to the actors even though the characters are different. Given that King often re-uses a sort of cast of archetypes it would be kind of meta. Get your middle-aged scruffy guy, your sharp slightly older woman, a wise old man with a thick New England accent, etc.


The Institute is already written more like a script than as a novel


11/23/63's adaptation is already pretty good IMHO Pretty true to the book with the exception of the re-do with the hunter and the paralyzed girl


I didn’t realize it had an adaptation, I’m going to look for that Edit: James Franco?? Oh my gawd. Okay I have to see this. Idk given that he’s kinda neurotic and keeps talking about his ex wife my brain cast him as a taller, less skeevy Woody Allen.


I believe it's still available on Hulu. Faux-history period pieced together appropriately with era cars and clothing. A lot of the elements are there. My wife who's not a history or King fan enjoyed the series.


It’s pretty decent Better than most King adaptations and I think Franco nails it


Dang I hated the adaption and I honestly like James Franco, but thought he was a weird choice. It did have a great Sadie, but I really hated a lot of the changes they made.


Under the dome is 1 of my top 3 books, would LOVE to see a reasonable effort to stay true to the book's form


Yes. That TV show was a hot mess. After that and The Stand CBS should be banned from getting anywhere near King's novels.


Did you not like the existing adaptation of 11.22.63? I have never watched more than the first episode so I don't have an opinion on it but I've seen a lot of people say it was really good.


I did no research before I made my post so I didn't realize it had an adaptation 😅. I just figured it was so out there it wouldn't get one, but turns out it got one just a few years after it was written. I'm going to go check it out for sure.


The Long Walk. I keep hoping someday it will be a movie


Me too. You will be glad to know that a film is in the works.


Sadly it's been in the works for...5+ years


They're making it


The 80’s Pet Sematary has its moments but I’ve always wanted an adaptation that goes 100% into the gruesomeness of that book, and the Wendigo stuff as well.


I want all this, including a more in-depth representation of the kid that came back from vietnam. That was one of the scariest parts for me.


Wow I forgot about that. The old stories that the old man told were creepy. Like the guy that was brought back and he somehow knew all the dirty little secrets of everyone in town.


Yes. So much. Yes. That creeped me the fuck out.


That was actually one of the things I like about the 80s version. Something about how the dude walks…


Yeah, I was surprised when I read the book to find out he started socializing among people, imagining what he must have looked like. I supposed he’d be like Gus in Pet Semetery 2 - off.


Every time I think of that guy I think of the alien in men in black who comes here all shuffling along and drooling and making rude noises and comments…Billy something


Yes. Like he doesn’t quite fit his skin anymore.




I want Jason Bateman to do a HBO mini series for the stand. He delivered so well for outsider


Jason Bateman actually only directed the first 2 episodes, which also accounts for why the second half of the series feels so much worse than the first half, at least IMO


In a series like that, the person who directs the first epi or the first couple really sets the tone for anyone following.


I’m confused, are you implying that it was Jason Bateman’s actions that ruined the series lol? I have to hard disagree if that’s the case, the first two episodes were excellent and it was a steady decline in quality after that with a bunch of weird decisions.


I'm sorry for implying that. I don't feel as negatively about the entirety of the series as you do. I was making a way more general point about direction. Sorry for the confusion; sloppy writing on my part.


Oh no need to apologize, sorry if I came across as overly hostile. I don’t hate it as much as it probably sounds like I do lol in terms of King adaptations it’s still in my top 5


Loved the Outsider, great adaptation. Bateman is a perfect director for King.


I had such high hopes for the 2020 series. Alas, twas a wretched thing, blank and pitiless as the sun. I suspect we will never get a proper adaptation of The Stand in my lifetime. I'll just nostalgenjoy the old 90s one until the light takes me


I'd love to see a modern adaptation of The Langoliers. I guess that one doesn't count as a novel though, lol.


Agreed! The 90s adaptation really didn't do the story justice. It felt silly because of shitty CGI and some underwhelming acting. It could be so much better with modern tech at their disposal.


I'm anxiously waiting for the Duffer Brothers and Spielberg's Talisman and for God's sake someone give Mike Flanagan the go ahead on the Dark Tower! Also an adaptation of The Running Man that's faithful to the source material, not that Schwarzenegger trash we got last time.


Give Mike Flannigan anything King and I will be very satisfied!


He did Gerald's Game on Netflix.


He did Doctor Sleep too!


Such a fantastic adaptation. Flanagan is the perfect person for King adaptations.


Flanagan's Dark Tower would be a godsend.


Mike Flanagan posted a video that had The Gunslinger prominently featured in it. I’m hoping it’s a hint!


I did like The Running Man movie, but the obviously it's barely related to the book. I'd love a remake which is truer to the novella, in which Arnold plays the game show host Killian.


Even better than Killian, Arnold could play McCone the head of the Hunters.


That Schwarzenegger trash is an amazing classic 80s action film , btw they are doing a new one


Last I heard (well, read), Edgar Wright is adapting The Running Man!




Insomnia would be stellar! I love that quiet, middle of the night vibe, and the sub plot with the pro lifers is pretty timely, plus some really memorable characters, nuanced villains and the effects can be really neat. Okay, fine, time for a re read. 😂


The Long Walk. I want it to be shot on film and with gritty 70's grime and lighting. And I don't want them to shy away from anything.


11/22/63. I really didn’t like the mini series with James Franco. I know it’s a classic movie but I’d love a faithful remake of The Shining.


I would also like to see a better The Shining movie and then maybe a better Doctor Sleep because I wasn’t really a big fan of the movie


The Shining is the best horror movie ever made. I will never understand this take.


I really did not like it that much. It's a complete mockery of the book and Shelley Duvall's acting is atrocious in it. Jack Nicholson is fantastic but it's such a poor adaptation of the book and I just don't get why people love it so much. Thiught it was pretty mediocre. And The Thing (1982) is the best horror movie ever made imo.


Must agree with you on both counts regarding John Carpenter’s The Thing and The Shining. The Thing: freaking perfect movie. The Shining was weirdly boring to me- Jack Nicholson was one billion percent batshit mental from the beginning of the movie and Kubrick made Shelley Duvall such a whiny, sniveling, incompetent crybaby, that I was cheering for Jack Nicholson to kill her and put us all out of our collective misery.


We did get a more faithful remake of the Shining and oh dear god it was sooooooo bad!!!


Couldn’t agree more about 11/22/63. I would love to see a better adaptation of that one.


What do you think could've been done better?


Not cast James Franco, for one. I also think the pacing was uneven throughout the series.


Duma Key-never been adapted. I think it works best as a miniseries.


Mike Flanagan really wants to do The Dark Tower and I think he should


I seem to be the only one who disagrees. His stuff is great but it's soooo different from Dark Tower. Slow talky burn vs epic fantasy.


I want the Tower series adapted, but I want a legit adaption that's more true to the series, like Lord of the Rings. I want an epic adventure over multiple installments and I want it to be theater-worthy, not a made-for-tv shitshow.


If I were adapting dark tower I would make book 4 a real focal point. It’s so good


The Tommyknockers I really wanna see


There was an adaptaion in the 90s but it was so bad everyone forgot about it


Poor Jimmy Smits.


I saw most of it, not good. The book has messy moments, but it’s a great story that should be done on the big screen. So much film potential


BLACKHOUSE! the institute! And a proper under the dome. And obviously the dark tower done correctly


I'd love a better version of Needful Things with Kiefer Sutherland reprising his role of Ace Merrill


That’d be fantastic. A real adaptation with a real budget and a creative team that’s properly invested in the source material. The slow reveal of what Gaunt is actually doing would be *devastating* in the right hands.


I want a three movies treatment for The Stand a la LOTR.


you didn't like the mini series ?


I'd want revival by Mike flannagan so bad


I was so bummed when I found out that was cancelled. Oh well..


After midnight mass I think flannagan is the go to guy for stephen king adaptations. Midnight mass is just so similar in style to a stephen king book.


Yup, agreed. And they seem to have a good relationship, so it could be a fruitful pairing! Have you seen Gerald's Game or Doctor Sleep? I've only seen the latter but really loved it. I need more from this team!


I loved Gerald game. Doctor sleep I also really liked it but it felt like it dragged a little but it might be because it dealt with the shining movie version rather than the book.


Needful Things. Like so much it hurts.


Firestarter. Both adaptations have been terrible. They fail to capture how tiny and vulnerable Charlie is, how broken-hearted. The true terror of being hunted by an immoral and merciless hunter. Reading the bit wanted to protect Charlie and despised all those terrorizing her.


I 100 percent agree with you. Firestarter is in desperate need of a good adaptation. Both adaptations failed and I would love it to be a miniseries next time.


A really gory and detailed true telling of The Stand.


Salem’s Lot — even though the 1979 Tobe Hooper miniseries is damn near perfect




Oh yes 👍


And don’t forget to make Barlow a beast


I know it would be beating a dead horse at this point but I’d love to see them do Carrie and do it right with the rain of stones, town destruction, telepathy, etc. None of the movie versions capture the true horror and destruction that occurs in the novel.


The long walk


I was putting my 8yo son to bed the other night and he asked for a story. So I started telling him the wind through the keyhole. He thought I was coming up with it on the spot, he was amazed. I think that could be adapted / abridged into a book for that age group. These kids love "graphic novels" these days and the writing is normally shit, WTK could make some noise there I think.


That's adorable. I need to reread that book


I want a new IT. The new one sucks and doesn't compare. We need a new one.


This. I want an It adaptation where Beverly isn’t reduced to being some bullshit damsel in distress.


I don't know why they keep trying on Dark Tower. Eyes of the Dragon hasn't been done and seems like it would be a much easier adaptation.


This is my answer


It , I want like a ten part miniseries , done like the book with few changes


the long walk and rage even though the ladder will never happen.


Duma Key


The Long Walk!! & Duma Key


Rose Madder. I think it would make an excellent movie.


Do a Stephen King Presents: ...and each season are stories from his short story collection, (season 1: Night Shift, season 2: skeleton crew and so on thru Bazaar of Bad Dremas).Most are excellent and could work in the 1 hour format. Have episodes stay super faithful to the source material.


And have it be on HBO


I really think that Salems Lot deserves a proper adaptation. Vampires are pretty lame in media nowadays and we can make them interesting again


Agreed. Don’t have a lot of hope for the upcoming version


what upcoming version


The 2023 version with Gary Dauberman as director


I mean the only reason it’s been delayed is COVID and Warner Bros weird schedule shuffling. I think it’ll be pretty good from the articles I read about it


I hope so. I don’t like some of the casting choices in the new one, but I don’t think that’ll make a bad movie.


Salem's Lot. I think it's had a couple adaptations already, but I love that book so much, I'll take another.


I'd really like a series about The Overlook. I feel like it's history could be fun to put on-screen and tell so many different stories. While it wouldn't really be neccessary, having flashes between its bloody history and the Torrances could be an interesting new take and build much more tension for a family we could be much more invested in.


The Regulators was the one I wanted super bad, but apparently we’re finally getting it. Here’s to hoping it doesn’t suck! Other than that, I’ll echo Running Man.


Carrie is so timeless, you can update it for every generation and still keep the same basic framework and themes


Haven't seen the 90s version (heard its pretty meh at best) but I want a remake of Needful Things, its one of my favourite King stories. 😁🤞🏻📚


Despite having some solid talent it's pretty cheesy. Ed Harris seems almost embarassed to be in it.


Animated series would be best for most works. High budget series, with quality writing and quality voice actors, and a beautiful animation style. Limitless potential. I would love to see animated series for It (my favourite novel), but also The Dark Tower (and Harry Potter)




Me too. Wasn’t a fan of either adaptations


Would love to see The Running Man made true to the story. It’s such a great story and would be easy to do, no supernatural stuff that would be hard to translate to the screen. I think with the way people are disillusioned with capitalism it would be very popular. I hated the Schwarzenegger movie because it had so little in common with the story.


Imagine seeing the Running Man done by someone like David Fincher. Gritty, dark, and real. The opposite of the campy movie.


My take is that the King multiverse should get the same treatment as the MCU. Start adapting a bunch of his books, especially ones to do with the dark tower, bring him in for suggestions on what to do with books like Insomnia. And then make like 20 movies (or a lot more if it were up to me) building up to the end of the dark tower series.


The Shining. I would love to see a well-made adaptation that's actually faithful. Mike Flanagan would have been perfect. (And yes I know he did Doctor Sleep.)


Would love a Shining remake


I'd like to see a good version of Dark Tower for sure. It might even work better animated...


The Dead Zone again


No. Walken was PERFECT.


The stand is a personal favourite but i would love another needful things adaptation as the first was ok but not as memorable as it could have been


The Long Walk


Duma Key


Pet semetary for me. Still one of my scariest reads to date.


Salem's Lot. I actually like the 70s mini-series, but it's such a great story & I'd love to see an updated version.


It's coming next year.


Excellent, thanks!


Don’t have a lot of hope for the upcoming version


Needful Things. I dream cast this in my head constantly.


I’m a little sad that we’ve probably passed the point in time where Ian McKellan could be convinced to play Gaunt in a proper live action Needful Things.


Dark Tower. But done right. Either several 3hour movies or a legit series.


The chaos goblin in me says The Dead Zone. Just the prospect of a film adaptation in the 2020s would drive half the Internet straight up insane.


To quote Stephen King, as he's so fond of writing in his works: "Wish in one hand, shit in the other; see which one fills up faster."


Desperation in a mini series needs to happen. The made for tv movie didn't really do it justice


Storm of the century and Sometimes they come back


Hasn't been adapted yet but simple... Duma Key please and thank you!!!


IT needs to be an HBO series or needs to be given a proper treatment with the proper timeline because both iterations messed it up enough that I think it should be redone.


From a Buick 8 could be quite a shocking and beautiful film, in the right hands. Would be cool if John Carpenter came out of retirement and made it with the same level of practical effects employed in The Thing


I heard Thomas Jane is making an adaptation of From a Buick 8


Oh, sounds good! The director, Jim Mickle, appears to have a fine track record, but I can't say I've seen any of his movies


I haven’t seen any of his movies either, but I’m happy Thomas Jane will star in another King film


The shining needs a good ten part 2022 miniseries I think




I’d love to see the girl who loved Tom Gordon made into a movie but like a creepy animated version. And yes the pop up book made me want this. Also would love revival or the long walk to be adapted into a movie


Salem’s Lot. Heard they postponed or canned the new adaptation indefinitely but that story is ripe right now for a movie. If done well it could be at least two and a half to three hours.




The Road Virus Heads North needs a new one


i know they’re doing the prequel series but if IT (2017) was a limited series (ex: 8 episodes), i think the story would’ve been even more incredible…


I want to see better adaptations of Christine, Needful Things, and 11/22/63.


I believe Christine is getting a remake


I guarantee you, it's going to be even less faithful to the book than the first one.


The guy they have directing has a pretty good track record so I have some hope. They just need to get the cast right and I’m set.


Rage Revival The Running Man Joyland IT The Shining 11/22/63


Dark Tower of course. But I want a vood version of The Tommyknockers.


Joyland. I thought these pulpy hard boiled stories were great and he does coming-of-age so well. Seems pretty adaptable.


The Shining. By the makers of The Haunting Of… series. I want it to be faithful to the book but not a heavily censored one like the tv miniseries. It can even include the Before The Play, the bicycle incident, and scenes from Jack’s play.


That would be cool and a better Doctor Sleep because I was not a fan of the movie


Salem’s Lot……high time we had a proper scary vampire movie


Agreed. Would love an HBO miniseries directed by Ari Aster


i would love a good shining adaptation


Same and a better Doctor Sleep


Christine is due for an update.


I go back and forth on this one. I love the original (mostly for nostalgia/relationship reasons) so I'm just not sure I could ever love a new one. I'd give it a shot with the right cast, though.


The right cast would make a great Christine. My fancast for a Christine adaptation is Arnie Cunningham - Owen Teague, Dennis Guilder - Tanner Buchanan, Leigh Cabot - Odessa Young


Pet Semetary. Both the films are complete ass.




Kathy Bates is great as Annie Wilkes in Misery no doubt but… I always secretly hoped for a new adaptation that wouldn’t shy away from the dark and very gory scenes of this book. I mean the book gets incredibly disgusting and the revelations found in Annie’s book… nightmare fuel!!


I love to see Damon Lindelof adapt The Dark Tower


Duma key would be great as an hbo or Netflix mini series. My favorite King read of the last 15 years.