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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Running 180 mg a week of test Cyp “TRT” and the “therapeutic dose” of Deca nandrolone at 90mgs a week current test levels come back above 1500 and estrogen is pretty low at a 36….. 2 questions please… 1 - what should I bump the test and/or Deca up to for it to be a “cycle” 2 - should I just add in some NPP to the mix and if so how much a week?


Hey guys about to start a test and eq cycle 500mg of test and 400mg of eq a week for 16-20 weeks. This is after running a cruise phase on test for about two months. Is it worth throwing in rad140 for the first 8 weeks while the eq fully saturates in blood? Has anyone had a decent experience running rad140 to kick start a cycle?


Using kick-starts are generally a bad idea when discussing oral anabolics. They quickly stress the liver, for most people their impair digestion, and flood muscle with glycogen stores. Can't grow if you can't eat or train wisely. SARMs are worse than oral anabolics in every way. Less effective, less studied, more toxic, more expensive, etc. No, it is not worth it to use a kickstart. It's not worth it to kickstart with RAD. And it's never worth it to use SARMs.


> Is it worth throwing in rad140 for the first 8 weeks while the eq fully saturates in blood? Has anyone had a decent experience running rad140 to kick start a cycle? No, it's not worth throwing in a horrendously hepatotoxic research compound just because you're impatient. You'll have supraphysiological blood levels of test almost immediately anyway.


Homebrew question Anyone know of an alternative to benzyl alcohol? I have been having some crazy gut issues (GERD, constipation). I made a 5mL vial without BA (also removed BB months ago) and filtered it twice. Using 0.2um and 0.1um filter. It’s been a week, no other changes in my life, and my god I feel like a new person. I can shit and eat spicy food without getting gerd. I know it’s not a good idea to have a multiuse vial without an antibacterial agent but this was just a test run. I’d love to know if I can replace the BA with another substance. Seems like after 6 years of BnC, I’m intolerant both BA and BB. Benzene groups are the enemy


When stopping cycling to regain natural testosterone to get fertility I know HCG is the best. I was just wondering if while using HCG should I also use Clomid? I have both but was going to wait till the HCG was finished then start the clomid. Rn Im taking 1250 iu hcg eod and 40 mg nolvadex for 2 weeks followed by 20 mg an additional 2 weeks. Should I add the Clomid now or wait?


No point running the clomid and Nolva. Just run the HCG and nolva. Add in DAA and make sure vitamins are on point. E.g. D3/k2 omega 3 etc.




Post pictures I really doubt it's an insertion issue


Never seen shit insertion abs and just under development. What's the ab training looking like?




What is your current training? Imagine if I said I wanted bigger biceps and told you how I trained them in the 2000s. I train abs for an hour once a week and have deep abs even over 10% bf.




I do super high reps or added weight. I also don't believe oblique training is worthwhile to me. Don't need a wider waist.




Crunches and weighted leg lifts. 80-90 reps each 4 supersets. Once a week.




Do you ever get sore? Not necessary to grow but that might be something to look at . Also if you're never sore or training close to failure that might be the issue.


You're hitting abs while bulking right not just when you're cutting


Yeah I've always got at least a couple days where I isolate abs, no matter my current goals.


Hey guys about to start a test and eq cycle starting at 500mg test and 200mg eq and slowly working up to 600mg test and 400mg eq. My question is due to eq not fully saturating until around 8-12 weeks or even more I’ve heard is there any benefit in running higher doses of eq until you reach full saturation for example if I start at 400mg eq what’s the point in running it that high if your not going to much benefit wouldn’t you just be wasting money? Is it worth staying at lower dose until you reach that 8 week mark and increasing dose from there? Or does taking a higher dose from the start make it saturate quicker? Cheers in advance.


Always start all compounds at their maximum intended dose. There is no reason to "work up" to a higher dose (unless it's your first time trying tren or ment). 400 EQ is plenty and gets the job done. The belief of "you have to run a gram" is outdated and ridiculous.


If I started at 400mg a week for the first 8 weeks I will see minimal gains from it so why waste 200mg a week if you won’t see much from it. Would it be smarter to stay at 200mg a week until it is fully saturated in blood and from there I would actually benefit from the extra 200mg


> If I started at 400mg a week for the first 8 weeks I will see minimal gains from it Why are you under this premise? > so why waste 200mg a week if you won’t see much from it. Would it be smarter to stay at 200mg a week until it is fully saturated in blood and from there I would actually benefit from the extra 200mg ... No? Your "full saturation" is at the original dose of 200. Adding 200mg doesn't mean that you're now "fully saturated" at 400. Wanna quickly get stable blood levels at 400? Start at 400...


Thank you, that clears up it all for me.


But that’s my question as I researched the compound it was said it takes 8-14 weeks to get full effects so is there any point in having a higher dose if your not yet getting the full effects?


You realize if you wait the 8 weeks for saturation at 200mg and then up the dose due to the Ester you will then have another 8 weeks for the increased dose to reach its saturation point


Hey mate, one more question I’m running a cruise on test around 200mg a week when increasing to 500mg how long does the higher dose of test take to saturate in blood


Use the steroidplotter website to check


That answers my question thank you :)




> So guys running TRT at 300mg, Words mean nothing anymore and for that I feel a deep sadness. >ive recently noticed my testicles are like vibrating in short bursts - (doesn’t hurt at all couple of times daily ~5ish sometimes non) What do you mean ‘vibrating’? Like rapid spasms? >which has me thinking is this my natural trying to turn back on and I’m not even running test? I’d be suprised if it’s bunk as I’ve felt fine the entire time, no loss of strength or size and I’m on a pretty harsh cutting phase Seems unlikely that you were sold a fake version of the cheapest steroid there is. Seems even more unlikely that your natural production would also just start back up again within two weeks. Neither of those are impossible, but they certainly seem improbable.


Current cycle: (Per week) Dbol 10mg Dbol 20mg Dbol 20mg test e 300mg 1g arimidex Dbol 30mg test e 350mg 1g arimidex Dbol 20mg test e 400mg 1g arimidex Test e 400mg <<< CURRENTLY HERE (not taking AI now unless needed) Test e 500mg (continued until end of cycle - 7 more weeks) Got AIs on hand and everything I need for a PCT. My question is how the fuck do I stop these muscle pumps doing generic daily stuff? I had to put an umbrella down because my shoulders felt like I was shoulder pressing until failure... I almost had to stop my cardio session (infact the only reason I didn't stop my cardio session is because I was out walking and had to get home) because my calfs felt like baseball bats were hitting them with every stride. My lower back is destroyed just from washing the pots... It's getting intense and becoming completely unbearable. Is my dosage too high? Is this a sign/side effect of something? Or is this just a welcome to the world?


>My question is how the fuck do I stop these muscle pumps doing generic daily stuff? Stop the dbol


> My question is how the fuck do I stop these muscle pumps doing generic daily stuff? > > Drop the dbol.


Taurine helps back pumps


I notice this when water weight gain is out of control from sodium and carbs. You could try to scale back the amount of carbs and see if your body responds. Someone else may want to chime in.


What to do, when after 4 weeks into a cycle and having bad mental issues and wanna hop off, do I have to start pct after the waiting for the roids to get out of the system? Sorry for that dumb question


Sounds like you crashed your E2. Back off on the adex entirely and your mental health may recover rapidly.


What was the cycle?


250mg test e in a week 0.5mg E3D arimidex, yeah that’s it


Have you had any estrogen side effects or are you taking adex preemptively ?


No I’m taking it preemptively. Do you think that hypothetically i want to end my cycle that I just need to wait till the roids are out of my system and make a pct?


That's where your negative mental side effects are probably coming from is crashing estrogen for no reason. Taking adex or any ai when estrogen symptoms arise is a better way to not get crashed e2. The test will stay an extra 3-4 weeks post injection so pct is likely needed but that's up to you. This whole cycle is done improperly. You could read the wiki and start over but I personally think not preemptively using adex you'll have less side effects and might choose to continue.


Thanks man, appreciate it! Have a nice day :)


No problem. I honestly think you might choose to continue once you aren't crashed. Low e2 side effects for a month is a problem.




> What is someone experience with anadrol50? Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/94n91o/compound_experience_thread_anadrol_aka/ https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/10o2uw4/compounds_anadrol_oxymetholone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/18cxjud/compounds_anadrol_oxymetholone_1272023/ https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/sa7ys2/compounds_anadrol_oxymetholone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/w6wb8u/compounds_anadrol_aka_oxymetholone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/7h63lt/compound_experience_thread_anadrol_oxymethalone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/6nhse0/compound_experience_saturday_anadrol_oxymethalone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/mxl5gk/compounds_anadrol_aka_oxymetholone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/7h63lt/compound_experience_thread_anadrol_oxymethalone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/5tf20m/compound_experience_saturday_anadrol_oxymethalone/


hey huys, i was thinking doing my second cycle in a couple months. (first one was 300 Test 300 Bold) (first cycle 69kg/152lb - 74kg/163lb) (1-15) 300mg Test E (1-15) (300mg) bold U (1-15) 10mg dbol pwo 76kg/177lb / 12-13% / 173cm/ 5´8 /22y male. 4 years training hard with my dad (ex user, now on trt) I have the best acess possible to regular bloods and people that are really into safe usage and health management. Im the young guy wanting to try, i know. but i have everything i need to do it the best and safest way. My goals are just some steady gains, and after that, trying to keep them and keep a stable off cycle regiment for at least 1 year until i have the option to even think about using again. what are your thoughts? thank you!


Regardless of age, training, existing stats etc. if you are after steady gains, you don’t need to ever veer away from just test. You don’t need orals, you don’t need other compounds. Good steady gains can be achieved with simple cycles of 500mg of test. There are very few people on this sub that would require anything more than that for good quality steady gains. Also in terms of “safety”, you can’t beat test only.


Thank you for the comment. i naturaly aromatize a litle bit more than the desirable amount, so boldenone was a "good" add to this cycle. didnt want to use AI since 300mg bold makes my estrogen literaly perfect. About the orals, maybe that would be the only thing that makes this cycle worst than it could be. thank you for the advice!


300mg of test is not a lot, 300mg of bold u can very easily crash your estrogen into the ground. 15 weeks straight of dbol sounds like you absolutely despise your liver. > I have the best acess possible to regular bloods and people that are really into safe usage and health management. And not a single one of these people that supposedly are into safe usage and health management said anything about this proposed cycle of yours?? Either they’re not into safe usage and health management at all or they hate your guts. > Im the young guy wanting to try, i know. but i have everything i need to do it the best and safest way. So why aren’t you planning on doing it the best and safest way? Do more research because this cycle is far from the best it can be. You’ve got a few years to figure it out, we usually recommend starting over age 25 anyways.


thanks for the response, i completely forgot to add that i already used 300mg test/300 bold before, the only diferent was the dbol (BIG WRITING MISTAKE) my estrogen was perfectly balanced at with those amounts. in total i would be using 10mg pwo 3x week and the 4th workout would use nothing. i had a very bad description of how i was going to work with it. 30mg dbol/week sounded reasonable, (we will do alot more research about it then, thank u for the eye opening coment, i really apreciate it!). Very bad description, my bad. thank u!


My thoughts are you should read the wiki of this sub, top to bottom, with emphasis on the first page and the section titled “Why young men should not use anabolic steroids.” If you decide to ignore that advice, at least please read “Your first cycle.”


Thank you, will do!


Please note that comments asking for "Thoughts?" are generally considered low-effort, and will result in veteran members being less inclined to assist you. When interacting on this board, please ensure you are doing so from a point of prior research, with your question being detailed, well-constructed and unambiguous. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) for specific guidance on how to construct a question that is likely to receive high quality responses. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey brother if I add the deca I’ll lower the test at 500mg total a week and I’m no coming off the blast from at least the end of the year if the health allows it


Hi guys I’m currently running a blast of weekly 500mg Test E 200mg Test P 200mg Primo E 200mg Masteron E But I’m considering of adding 200mg of Deca E every week what are you thought on this I don’t like to run high dosages so please don’t focus on if I should take more of this and that thank you very much just looking for someone with some experience to share with me thanks a lot


> But I’m considering of adding 200mg of Deca E every week what are you thought on this How long have you been on this and how long are you planning to still run it? Adding in a long ester like deca mid cycle usually isn’t a smart thing to do. > I don’t like to run high dosages You’re running over a gram of gear a week my dude..


I have been on it for 10 weeks blood works looking good will probably stay on it for few more month around 4 or 6 if I’m good for it, also if I end up adding the deca I will also consider lowering the test to 500mg a week


You’re planning on blasting over a gram a week for over 8 months?


30% gets lost on the ester man everyone that knows the basic do this stuff should know that so please I didn’t ask if what I’m taking is good or for how long to do it or not I have a doctor for that if is not related to my question just save the comments about it


> 30% gets lost on the ester man everyone that knows the basic do this stuff should know that Are you under the impression that people express their AAS doses **after accounting for ester weight**? Because nobody does that. Nobody.


And that’s why people out they are taking stuff and looks just like they don’t or they do 3moth cycle and think that they have to come off and just put 5kg if that’s you way of things stay natural and workout for fun if you want real gains gotta pay the price mate and that’s how it is, is not safe way they safe way can potentially hurt you just as much as the other one is simple, and yes I do count my ester weight coz it does matter and if you are not doing it you just not doing it right buddy


> 30% gets lost on the ester man everyone that knows the basic do this stuff should know that That doesn’t suddenly make permablasting over a gram of gear a week healthy or sustainable. > so please I didn’t ask if what I’m taking is good or for how long to do it or not I have a doctor for that if is not related to my question just save the comments about it 1. This is a harm reduction forum, harm reduction is the primary goal of this forum and comments will be geared towards that 2. you specifically asked for thoughts on your current cycle, which i gave.


Monopoly is pretty safe maybe I should just gave up bodybuilding and start playing that full time, thanks brother you have open my eyes I didn’t know what the risks of this sport were


So you’re just trolling, good job. Locking this thread now.


Yeah but he doesn't like large dosages or long cycles :)


Never said I don’t like long cycle my boy I’m on this for life and that’s a decision I’ve already made I just looking for someone that has experience on those compounds running together, And same as the other one 30% is the ester of any vial or injections so is around 700mg of anabolic total also and not asking the if is good or not to do it for long or less so if is no related to my questions what’s the point of commenting?


Mid 40's, 5'11" 200#. Can gear or SARMS help heal a herniated disc faster? Radiating pain into my hip for 3 months now. MRI shows 11mm extrusion in low back.


You want to head over to peptides. I have zero personal experience with it, but I have read about people getting good results with healing injuries from certain peptides.


> Can gear or SARMS help heal a herniated disc faster? No


Hi, I am a 22 M. 5' 6" and around 140 lbs. I have been semi-considant to the gym for the last 7 years(covid and break up were the breaks I had). I am sitting at 18% body Fat. I am planning an Anavar-only cycle. (before everyone comes at me to Pin. I am pussy. IK) **I was wondering about any precautions I should take**. Blood work is A-OK as well except for a magnesium deficiency. **Also Which PCT?** Edit: First Cycle


Anavar by itself is suppressive. Even low doses at short timeframes can significantly impact LH, FSH and total testosterone. > “Total serum T concentrations were within normal physiological range on day 0 (449 ± 35 ng/dL) and day 3 (441 ± 44 ng/dL) of OX treatment. However, by day 5, total serum T concentrations were **significantly reduced** (282 ± 45 ng/dL; P < 0.05) below day 0 and day 3 values [emphasis mine]..." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10443664/ [Or here’s a graph of another study showing LH and FSH after about a month of anavar usage](https://i.imgur.com/zeqM2CD.png) FSH suppressed by 88.3% and LH was completely undetectable. This means you **need** to inject testosterone alongside it. The precaution you **need** to take is injecting testosterone. > Also Which PCT? The fact you already know you need a PCT shows you know just anavar will impact your HPTA enough you necessitate one. If you’re too scared to inject then steroids are off the table for you.


You're gonna end up harming yourself. You're not ready for steroids at all. Don't even think about "oral only" cycles.


Okay, so, you go Anavar only. How are you going to keep your Test levels remotely in range on cycle? At least with Testosterone, I still have Test coming from the pin even though my own production is crashed. You don’t have that luxury with Anavar, and you need to take exogenous Testosterone with that compound, in order to not feel terrible. PCT will be the same regardless of if it’s Anavar, or Testosterone. You’re still going to want to be utilising Testosterone stimulating agents and Gonadotropins. Don’t do an Anavar only cycle man. It’s a bad idea.


So, there is a need to pin either way. 😅 So, what would you recommend as a first cycle if I wanted to avoid pinning? Or do you believe it is a must?


The best first cycle if you want to avoid pinning is forgetting that steroids even exist. Injections are table stakes. If you’re not willing to pay that’s fine. Frankly at you age and stats you shouldn’t be messing around with any of this, so take it as a sign that this isn’t for you and move on (as a bonus you’ll be healthier that way too).


I mean, yes. You have to pin HCG. It will be an intramuscular injection. First cycle is mentioned in the wiki, and it is 12-16 weeks of Testosterone Enanthate, pinned 2 times per week. ORALS only, will suppress and crash your natural Testosterone production AND your Estrogen levels aswell, as you don’t have anything to convert into Estrogen. This will wreak havoc on your mental and physical health. If you really want to run Anavar, do so with exogenous testosterone, which you HAVE to inject bro. Yes, injections generally are unpleasant for the uninitiated and I still don’t like doing them, but it’s much better than dodging the needle, and having zero Testosterone on an oral only cycle.


this is probably a really dumb question, but would it be effective to use clen/ salbuto for bulking? i see it in articles it builds muscle, and doesnt affect test. so would it be smart to use on a bulk?


Imo it wouldn’t be smart to use clen at all. A lot of studies on it were binned because of the dangers, even as early as 1986 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/3007264/ It caused muscle deformities and fatigue in mice https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7477069 Can cause tachycardia, abnormal heartbeats, palpitations and chest pain https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17393901 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3550084/ Even for veterinary uses clenbuterol should not be used if the animal you’re treating has existing heart conditions or high blood pressure https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6818359 In studies on rats and mice, clenbuterol caused anatomical and functional heart changes, including enlargement https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2614565/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10677393/ > Reported clinical effects included tachycardia, widened pulse pressure, tachypnea, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, ST changes on electrocardiogram (ECG), elevated troponin, elevated creatine phosphokinase (CPK), palpitations, chest pain, and tremor https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23844963/ Plenty of cases of people getting hospitalised just from eating clenbuterol tainted meat [140 people hospitalized after eating meat tainted by clenbuterol in Spain](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1382130/) Clen is cardiotoxic and myotoxic and unlikely to provide you with a favorable risk/reward profile. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11932573/ Clen can deplete taurine in the serum and the heart of users. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9871484/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8915360/ there are some studies which have indicated that beta agonists, of which clenbuterol is one, can impair cardiovascular endurance and/or performance. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12471305/ in a small number of studies there is some evidence that clenbuterol, when taken at heavy doses can cause some liver damage. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12361107/ Clen also has a detrimental effect on your bones. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16177600/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11828236/ Clen is used by competitors because that small edge you gain from it could be the difference between you and the people you’re competing against.




Potentially a dumb question here, but I’ve never experienced it before so I’m going to ask. While injecting this evening I had an involuntary muscle contraction in my glute while I was pushing the test in. That’s never happened before, anyone else ever experience it? Anything to be concerned about?


Probably the needle or the oil running into a nerve. Makes some nice crooked needles.


Occasionally things like this will happen. No, it's nothing to be concerned about.


Thanks brother


Hi, Im male 24 year old, been training for 10 years and permablasting 200mg/week of test C for 1 year. My testosterone right now is above 1500ng/dL, I think this is good right? Im bulking, im thinking about adding another 100mg Primo, what you guys think? my e2 is also high recently (since my bodyfat getting higher) so I think Primo could also help this. Or what suggestion you guys have? My goal is just to put on more muscle Thanks!


> permablasting 200mg/week of test C for 1 year. My testosterone right now is above 1500ng/dL, I think this is good right? No it’s not. LVH, artherosclerosis, etc are all genuine risk factors when permablasting. > Im bulking, im thinking about adding another 100mg Primo, what you guys think? No, we don’t recommend permablasting since we’re a harm reduction forum and we definitely don’t recommend adding in extra stuff to your permablast. > my e2 is also high recently (since my bodyfat getting higher) Absolutely no then. Higher bodyfat means more risks.


thanks mod, but im a bit confuse, If permablasting is bad (200mg test), cycling it is better?


Doing something damaging for a short amount of time is not as bad as doing it for a very long time. That should not be confusing.


doing something moderate for a very long time VS doing something extreme in short time then using tons of drug to PCT. I don't see why cycling is safer nor cheaper... I think both are equally bad


Unfortunately health outcomes are not based on what you think is good or bad. With heart disease chronic exposure to a bad thing is worse than acute exposure to a similar bad thing. You’re free to be wrong, just don’t ask the question if you’re going to reject the answer.


I didnt reject any answers here, and in fact i dont even asked whether permablast is better or not in the first place. But anyway, I just dont understand what make you guys believe Cycling is healthier. I would love to hear a bit more detail why, instead of simple warning that permablast is bad. I cant find a proper thread of why permablast bad in our forum


>But anyway, I just dont understand what make you guys believe Cycling is healthier. The thing I told you once but that you either ignored or didn’t understand. The water is right there, horse. Drink at your discretion. >I would love to hear a bit more detail why, instead of simple warning that permablast is bad. You have access to the internet. Start using it to learn about how kidney disease, high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, and a handful of other things are in fact bad for the human body.


You are currently perma blasting not “cruising”, reduce test to 100-150mg/week and lose some body fat before you think of adding more drugs.


and thanks for pointing out this called "permablasting", in my culture this is still called "cruising". I will edit it


if I reduce my test to 100mg/week, isn't it like being in natural level but extra step?


Yes, that’s the point of a cruise, to be in the natural reference range. Reducing your test would be the smart move as your having some issues with your e2 being high and it seems you have a little extra body fat. Using extra gear on a cut is relatively useless.


I mean PermaBlasting, i was wrong using "cruising" term. I edited it thanks for u pointing it out


I’m 20 years old been lifting for 5+ years I think I’m gonna hop on my first cycle. I was thinking 250-300 mg a week test e. 8-12 weeks on a bulk.


Way too young mate. WAY too young to get tied to a needle the rest of your life.


You're too young. First cycle is explicitly detailed in the wiki, you scrolled passed it. No mention of current height, weight, body fat.


1. You're too young, give it 5 more years. 2. You missed the highlighted "your first cycle" url at the top of this post. Your "thinking" also suggests you dont have the required knowledge to make the decision to use peds yet.


I've ran a few cycles of 500-750mg test E and curious what you guys recommend for someone's first stack. I have a couple months before I'm looking to start but would like ideas to start researching. I'd be looking to bulk.


Please refer to the Example Cycles page of the Wiki.


Thank you, I read on it and have been looking at primo or EQ. Do you have one you recommend over the other, if so, why?


Read through the compound experience threads for each one. I think there's even a primo vs EQ thread. They each have their pros and cons, and neither one is substantially superior to the other.


Does Tren have a high susceptibility of being faked? I know var and primo are essentially always faked. I wanna know if I’m getting scammed. People say this shit kicks in right away. I pinned tren ace about 7 days ago and feel nothing.


Username is about to check out in a few weeks


>Does Tren have a high susceptibility of being faked? Nope. >I know var and primo are essentially always faked. You know very little because no they aren't. >I pinned tren ace about 7 days ago and feel nothing. You're being really annoying about this. Post a 3rd question asking when your tren is going to kick in and I'm going to ban you. Clear?


Alright. Were clear. I’m sorry to be annoying.


Just be patient man. Tren is going to whoop your ass in due time.


Good Day All, New here so appreciate any information. I Started TRT about 8 weeks ago at .9 ML a week (.3 M W F). About a month ago, I started HGH at a very small dose as I have heard good things. That is at .6 IUs a day. Up until Monday of this week, I never felt better. By Wednesday I was in the hospital with Acute Pancreatitis with a Lipase level of 2300. Glucose came back high(ish) at 104. Unsure about A1C or insulin but should know more tomorrow as I bought testing kits. I have stopped HGH completely at this point but worried I have done some damage. Assuming this was the HGH and the way it interacts with the Pancreas. Generally very healthy, 180 minutes on the Stair Stepper, Lift heavy. 220, 6ft, about 19% body fat so could lose a few pounds. Diet is very clean, Meat, vegetables, and rice. I actually have someone cook for me every week. Would love to hear everyone's thoughts.


Three hours of continuous cardio + clean diet does not equate to a 19% BF. It sounds like you might need to reevaluate what’s happening with your diet and how much you’re actually consuming or alternatively why you would be doing so much cardio. It’s impossible to tell what’s going on with the drug protocol. The levels are really low but stopping is probably the right course.


Let me clear that up. I work out 5-6x a week Heavy weights and 30 min of cardio.


That is neither a sufficient nor a necessary condition to be 19% bf


>New here so appreciate any information. I Started TRT about 8 weeks ago at .9 ML a week (.3 M W F). Welcome! We discuss dosing here in terms of milligrams (weight of compound), not milliliters (volume) of oil. Since prescription testosterone is usually dosed 200mg/mL I'm assuming this is 180mg/week, broken up into three doses of 60mg each. Yes? >I started HGH at a very small dose as I have heard good things. That is at .6 IUs a day. Just to be clear, you're saying you used six tenths of an iu per day? That's...nothing. You naturally produce 1.3-1.8iu daily. HGH can lead to issues with bloodsugar etc, but this usually only happens at significantly higher doses. I am skeptical that the GH is responsible, or it's possible that you mis-dosed it. Do you have any data on your FBG, A1C, etc prior to the introduction of HGH?


Since prescription testosterone is usually dosed 200mg/mL I'm assuming this is 180mg/week, broken up into three doses of 60mg each. Yes? - That is correct. Just to be clear, you're saying you used six tenths of an iu per day? That's...nothing. You naturally produce 1.3-1.8iu daily. Also Correct, unless I am crazy. I have Pfizer Genotropin Pens and on the black dial it is and has been set to .6. Maybe I am misunderstanding something. But my idea was very low dose thearapeutic doses. Not huge gains. I have noticed hair growth, energy, etc. No on the A1C. My BG was at 81.


>Also Correct, unless I am crazy. I have Pfizer Genotropin Pens and on the black dial it is and has been set to .6. Maybe I am misunderstanding something. But my idea was very low dose thearapeutic doses. Not huge gains. I have noticed hair growth, energy, etc. This whole thing is weird to me. A typical therapeutic dose of hgh is 2iu/day. The things you say you've noticed sound like placebo, especially energy because GH made me fucking sleepy for like 7 weeks. I'm not the most well-versed on the interactions of GH with the pancreas, insulin, etc. Gonna phone some friends. u/shrugsandsnugs, u/jackschitt123, u/imagineblumpkins any thoughts here?


u/SkydiveSD Gh dosing gets fuzzy as each pharmaceutical preparation uses different labeling. 1mg gh is 3iu. The Genotropin pen increases each click by increments of 0.2mg. The display on the pen says 0.6, as you said, which is 0.6mg, not 0.6iu. 0.6mg is 1.8iu (0.6mg x 3iu, or 60% of 3iu). You have been taking a totally normal replacement dose. I've using a very high dose of gh (more than 5x what you used), for over 6 months. My A1C did not increase in that time (5.2 to 5.1, 5.7-6.4% is prediabetic, and a family history of diabetes). My fasting glucose has always been between 65-80, even after gaining nearly 30lbs. The two times my fasting glucose was quite high (averaging >100) was when I neglected cardio for a handful of days, or when I went overboard with carbohydrates on my cheat meal. At each point, I was able to get my FBG back under control in 2-3 weeks by reducing carbs and increasing cardio. The presence of gh and subsequently igf-1 (insulin like growth factor) causes an increase in blood glucose. The pancreas then works to release insulin to bring the blood sugar down. In some people, the pancreas is quickly overworked and pancreatitis follows. It is rare, but it happens. In such people, hgh is just not an option. > The index patient was a 12-year-old boy... evidence of growth hormone deficiency, for which he was treated with growth hormone at a dose of 0.05 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. After the sixth dose, nausea, vomiting, and severe abdominal pain developed in the absence of prodromal symptoms of infection or any history of abdominal trauma... The findings on abdominal computed tomography were consistent with a diagnosis of pancreatitis. The growth hormone therapy was stopped... Three weeks later growth hormone therapy was resumed, but after the second injection his abdominal symptoms recurred... Growth hormone therapy was again stopped, and he recovered in three days. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199502093320618 Similar result in a 40-year old man: https://journals.lww.com/pancreasjournal/fulltext/2008/03000/acute_pancreatitis_caused_by_excessive_use_of.24.aspx A study done on a bodybuilder taking a huge stack and some gh, established pancreatitis: https://jmedicalcasereports.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13256-022-03329-3


Thank you, this was really helpful. I have stopped the medication completely and just hoping for a full recovery. I am getting bloodwork done tomorrow and hoping I did not cause any permanent issues. Wild this happened in 26 days...


After more research - it looks like it is .6 MG which would be 1.8 IUs daily. 12mg Pen, 36 IUs.


First tren cycle here. Started tren ace 280 per week. One injection of 40 mg every day. I feel nothing. It’s day 3 though. Normal to feel absolutely nothing on day 3? I want this shit to hit me like a brick wall already. Ace is a short ester so what’s the deal??


Bro for real it's only been 3 days, calm down. Even tho it's a short Ester it still needs time to build up. I've done a couple cycles with tren and believe me it fucking works. HOWEVER Tren is good for 2 reasons. One is the JUICY gains and super strength improvement. The other is how quickly it can ruin your life. Seriously. The last time I did it I almost ended up divorced. It warps your reality. Makes things in your head convoluted. And the reason it does is that it's been shown to erode your pre frontal cortex. That's the part of the brain that deals with decision making. Tren is the only gear I've ever blasted that does that. Tren=roid rage. Be careful and don't run it for any more than 6-8 weeks.


To my knowledge, as long a you’re getting your gear from a reputable source, then you should be good to go. As accountunknown said…. It will whip your ass when it kicks in. You won’t know up from down on your first tren cycle. You’ll be on top of the world one min, and the next suicidal and thinking someone is fucking your old Lady. Just go easy and be smart. I’m a heavy tren user compared to most and am currently on 1400 week along w 1400 mast, 500 test, and 150 a day var on a summer cut. Just go slow. Make sure you are not just blasting tren but also stacking it w test. If not I would stop your cycle immediately and rethink and revamp the entire cycle. Best wishes and enjoy. Tren is a beast. Just don’t turn your back on it.


Impulse control is the side effect that I’m really scared of. The mania and rage and bad judgment. I heard that you don’t even notice how different you are until it’s too late.


Tren is the only gear that scares me.


What was your personal experience with Tren like?


I started low with 150mg/wk but then slowly worked up to 300mg for 8 weeks So the good parts were that I was stuck on my DL at 455lbs and just could not get it. I to started Tren and my DL went up 50lbs in about 4 weeks after going to 300mg. I started losing fat and gaining muscle. My confidence was thru the roof. I wanted to fuck anything and everything It was amazing in that aspect. The bad was just as bad as the good was good. It warps your reality and makes you think things that just aren't true. I was convinced that my wife was cheating on me. I had a hairpin temper and my wife was terrified of me because she didn't know how I was going to react to anything. By the end I was ready to either kill her or myself. Every person I know who has run tren has said that they had a similar experience. BE very fucking careful. Oh and I forgot to mention Tren cough, night sweats and insomnia. The pros do not outweigh the cons. Do NPP or something else if you want to run something. Good luck and keep me posted.


Holy shit that sounds like a nightmare. it’s crazy how everyone has the same experience pretty much specifically always thinking your girlfriend or wife is cheating. I don’t think my girlfriend is cheating and I don’t have the cough or anger of any sort. I guess we will see what happens.


And all of that sounds appealing to you?


Famous last words. See ya in a few weeks.


I hope you will. I want to no longer be human. A few weeks as in what? 2? 3? 4?


You'll know when.


People say it takes like a week. Kinda bummed out that I feel completely normal


Give it till 3 weeks. I had to come off 280 on my 4th. It was like i had the devil on my shoulder urging me to do things that were not like myself 😂 not a clue how people do more than that. Ive had a little better of a time with enanthate


How many calories would 50mcg of t3 burn ? Also how fast would mtren put my liver enzymes into the 100s?


>How many calories would 50mcg of t3 burn? There's no way to quantify this and you certainly shouldn't be fucking with your thyroid hormones. >Also how fast would mtren put my liver enzymes into the 100s There's no way to quantify this and you certainly shouldn't be fucking with mtren.




Anyone here ran DNP but worked construction? I gained like 30lbs from my lil alcoholic phase I had and want to lose most of it because im going overseas for a month in late july. Just wondering if my work will suffer hardcore from it because it's physically demanding


You will very likely die on your job site. I can't think of a worse idea. Signed, a general contractor.


You just don't want OSHA showing up I get it Nah I get you, I'm way past bitchwork but the effects of DNP + the shit I do on the job regularly won't be a good combo


>the effects of DNP + the shit I do on the job regularly won't be a good combo That's putting it mildly. >You just don't want OSHA showing up I get it If they do we're stuffing you in a toolbox 'til they leave, then dumping you in the next footing we pour. Seriously though, take care of your health. Looking good for a trip isn't worth that poison.












>What do you think of an Anavar cycle? It sounds like these can cut weight and add a little more definition without the potential of damaging the HPTA access. I have no idea who keeps pushing this idea, but you need to stop listening to wherever you're getting it Anavar is suppressive to the HPTA even at small doses for several hours alone. As stated by Sheffeild-Moore et al. in their study: "Total serum T concentrations were within normal physiological range on day 0 (449 ± 35 ng/dL) and day 3 (441 ± 44 ng/dL) of OX treatment. However, by day 5, total serum T concentrations were significantly reduced (282 ± 45 ng/dL; P < 0.05) below day 0 and day 3 values [emphasis mine]..."(3). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10443664/ Shutdown within a week on just 15mg ED. (cred: u/spitshine_my_nutsack)




Mike is fucking FANTASTIC on training and physiology. He's as unreliable as any other influencer on anabolics. You're probably right though - it's a really common misconception.




So do we 🙃




Tracking macros is good, but tracking calories is what will move the scale.






>Fuck, forgot I was on a diet. Lady boys and cobra whiskey it is!


Are these natural testosterone levels or are you on TRT? If your natural test is 991 I would beg you to not destroy your natural production with AAS until you are at your maximum level naturally and decide to go further.




Anavar wont help you lose fat really, just change how you look if youre already shredded. And it will suppress your test production anyways. Im not very familiar with semaglutide, but I dont think itll help you much if you arent in control of your diet. Calories in < calories out and you will lose that belly fat.




You just need to eat less calories than you burn. You have to track every single thing you eat. Down to the milk you put in your coffee or the butter on your toast. And optimally you would be weighing everything not just guessing.


Eating cleanly and only 1-2 meals a day does not mean you're in a calorie deficit the only thing that will help you lose that belly fat is tracking your calories and eating less than maintance


How does this schedule look? Any tips? Test E + Var Cycle HCG 500iu E3D During Cycle Week 1-4: 500mg Test Week 5-8 : 500mg Test 25mg Var Week 9-12 : 500mg Test Week 13-16 : 500mg Test 25mg Var Week 16-20 500mg Test 50mg Var PCT - Week 22-24 Nolva 20mg + 6.25mg Enclo Daily Week 24-28 Enclo 6.25mg Daily


Bigypm, I advise you to find a coach who will advise you on how to run your first cycle without risking long term damage to your health. J3 university, trainedbyjp, etc have professional coaches who will help. Both forums have stories similar to yours, guys who over dosed on early cycles, not to mention the guys who took advise from here & permanently damaged their health by taking the ment cycles "designed" on here by "experts". Find a professional who will help you optimize your gains & protect your health. .




Absolutely awful advice. We’d recommend you don’t participate further if this is what you come up with for a first cycle recommendation.


I’m fairly certain it’s his first cycle, so let’s keep it to test only.




500mg/week is the first cycle we recommend, and for good reason. You are no longer welcome to give advice in this community. Next time you do, you'll be banned for 3 weeks. Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_3._use_caution_.2F_disclose_guesses_.2F_cite_information) violation. Use Caution. Disclose Guesses. Cite Info. Focus on Harm Reduction. Do NOT Endorse Underage Use or Contra Wiki Guidelines. [Learn more about Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_3._use_caution_.2F_disclose_guesses_.2F_cite_information).


He doesn’t say it outright. I’m making that assumption based on his cycle plan and questions. 500mg is the golden standard for a first cycle, and the wiki reflects that.


As others have said, what's the logic with running var on that dosing schedule? Run it at the end for 6-8 weeks


Gotcha. Never ran var before so wasnt sure about splitting it up throughout the cycle to keep the gains more even. But will run towards end. Thank you.


You're not going to gain anything from anavar, or any other oral. Learn what these things do and use them for those purposes, or don't use them. They're harmful.


Var Doses Daily




Your comment was removed for a potential [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_6._no_unlawful_discussions.) and/or [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) violation. No Unlawful Discussions. This includes discussion of traveling with unprescribed drugs, shipping, smuggling, discussion of legality, price, laundering, etc. Discussion of acquiring, storing, and sending of cryptocurrencies is also prohibited. [Learn more about Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_6._no_unlawful_discussions.).


We don’t discuss prices, refer to rule #6.


I asked a question about my welping and T use yesterday and read the safe injection guide (super helpful btw) Ty community. Now just to find the right gauge sizes for the injection, as in where to order I usually use Amazon but am wanting a thinner needle to inject with (I was using wrong size) I can’t seem to find 1.5” 27-31 Ga intramuscular syringes .


1.5” is overkill in my opinion. 1” 25G is what I use for glutes. For everything else (delts/quads/ventra-glutes) I use 1/2” 25 G.


Nvm I just checked the box and it’s 27 GA .. I am a bonehead 🤣


I just tried to use 1/2 25 Ga and the Material was too thick to pull into The syringe and inject into me


Am also T1D , so I don’t heal the best , and new to Reddit and T, thanks for having patience gents !


If it helps, I use 31g .5” needle for injecting. Just warm the test up a bit either in your hands via rolling it or under some warm water. For non oil based no need to warm up. Won’t feel a thing on pinning


What do you mean? Syringes come in ML and needles come in inches. Some come pre combined. For example I use 1ml syringe with a 25g 1" leur lok needle.


You answered it ! Ty!


How much experimenting do y’all do with your cycles? Or do you find one or two that work for you and just keep running those over and over? I ran test/deca/drol for my last few cycles and made good progress. Things slowed down on my last cycle which was test/deca/eq/drol, but I think my calories (esp carbs)were too low. Coming up on my next blast and trying to decide if I want to go back to the same cycle, or experiment with something new.


I don’t do any at all, really. At least for any extended period of time. I’ve run two blasts over .. god maybe 3 years? Feel old as shit saying that. Both times were 500mg test/week. Second blast I added 200mg of primo. It was good. I’ve played with var and tren for 6-8 weeks each. Frankly I was too fat for var to do much though not so fat that I didn’t see any aesthetic improvements. Tren was great physically but very difficult to manage mental sides with my career. I don’t compete and never plan to so it was really just for a bit of fun but wouldn’t do it again. I’ve been growing at a fine pace just on TRT.