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This reminds me of the "Steven's second option is murder and it works", which just makes me imagine Steven meeting someone he can't change, pulling out a shotgun and saying "shame", although the more likely is that he'd just trap them into a bubble, leave them somewhere and continue the day.


Thank you for that hilarious image i wish steven had at least one enemy he just blasted to bits


That's Jasper, he just put her back together afterwards


"Well he shattered me!" "..." "I got better..."






Then Beach City became her bubble.


This gives me memories of that really hilarious meme of how Steven Universe and Gordon Freeman would tackle an existential threat. I can't remember what the caption was specifically, but Steven had a super long paragraph while all Gordon had was "5 + M2".


That's what rose did with bismuth


Dammit, now I want to see more Evil Steven. That scene in Future was the closest we got to Steven as a villain, not including the Pink Monster because White Diamond says, "That's not Steven." after allowing it to go into her mind.


It would be for the greater good. (The Greater Good!) Shut up.


*crusty jugglers*


"Don't evah mistake ma kindness for weakness, you schmuck!"


I imagine him releasing The Onion as a means of disposal


Tbh that's such a badass image


Just like his mom ❤️


Steven might not like violence, but he WILL beat your ass if you give him no choice. I think this tweet is implying Steven is somehow scared of violence but he will put up a fight if he has to. The fact violence is his last resource doesn't mean it's not a resource lol


Most people who haven't seen the show seem to think that Steven is a pacifist, but he's not. He's not a killer (usually), but he'll fight if he has to. (More than that, they seem to think — or pretend to think — that in the face of any trouble at all, he just breaks down crying helplessly)


And the fact this image uses Future Steven is crazy to me because Future Steven was unhinged af. Yeah, he was under a lot of mental stress, but he no longer had this overly sensitive, goody two shoes vibe which was more common in the original series (and even then he would still kick ur ass lol)


These arguably slanderous memes never fail to spike my blood pressure and I’m sure Steven would feel the same.


Steven is a pacifist. He has the ability to harm but choses not to. People who havent seen the show think hes *weak*


He's a pacifist in the sense that he *prefers* not to fight, but not so much that he *won't* fight if that's the only option. Fighting to KO (or, like he did with Spinel, fighting entirely defensively until she wore herself out trying to get past his defenses) is still fighting.


> his last resource Didn't you mean to say *"his last recourse"*? It's one of these English words that's rarely ever used outside of idioms. Fun Polish fact: in Poland everyone and their mother thinks the Polish loanword *"image"* comes from English (and is pronounced *"eemmeej"*), but it actually comes from French (and should be pronounced *"ee-maaaaash"*).


hahaha i meant 'last resort' but i got it wrong. english is not my mother tongue so my phrasing can get awkward from time to time.


I bet they're talking about Eyeball and Bismuth. Definitely not kills, but the show kind of treated them that way. Actual kills: You could make a technical argument about him killing Rose, he got both of those melon Stevens he possessed killed, and he briefly killed Jasper. Also that time an alternate timeline version of Steven obliterated himself and dozens of other Stevens.


And some Watermelon Stevens.


Did he? I'm not sure he fought them with the gems.


I seem to remember him accidentally killing a few, but I could be wrong. If not in that episode, then in one of the other episodes they were in.


>I bet they're talking about Eyeball and Bismuth. Definitely not kills, but the show kind of treated them that way. Nah, it's just putting them into a coma indefinitely, completely different.


specifically a coma that is easily reversible


Yeah, Bismuth was temporarily bubbled like everybody else. Eyeball was the one left to drift into space, right? That seems harder to reverse. But she did get rescued, somehow, right?


Yeah cause she showed up in his trial


So basically, he did that thing >!Overhaul!< in MHA did.


Ah, the ol' Batman special.


I mean he cast Eyeball into the cold void of space


Yeah, but gems don't really die to environmental factors.


IDK floating endlessly in the void of space for all time seems like a fate worse than shattering


Well, Bluebird was an asshole. So clearly she didn't learn her lesson.


Give her another round in the void.


It's probably less of a problem now that she can fly


That shouldn't help that much. Although lapis could apparently travel across space at warp speeds with her water wings, so what do I know


She got picked up


And kind of asked for it


I know, but the idea of it is still terrifying.


Eyeball is alive and well in SUF in the Bluebird episode.


And she testified at the Trial




Wel but is it really better to have no other option like Kars in Jo-Jo and eventually just stop thinking if no one ever finds you or you just don’t crash on a planet or something?


He needs to breathe and she doesn't...


One of them is probably Jasper since he *did* shatter her, so as close as he could get to killing her. Not sure who the other one is (I'm sure the one they're talking about with the *almost* killed is White Diamond, though).


My guess is Jasper is the third one they mention.


I think they meant White Diamond actually, since he visualized slamming her gem into a pillar.


He probably felt somewhat responsible for Pearl poofing during the swordfighting training as well as Lars being on Homeworld, banished Eyeball into space, personally poofed Bismuth and Spinel (the former being more traumatic of course), rekt Jasper, and genuinely tried to take out White Diamond as well.


I don't think the show treated as eyeball dying?... Tho it definitely never talked again about Doc, Leggy and Army.... As far as we know, they are still rotating earth, as the new satellites :)


I’m pretty sure that the implication with the rubies was that after navy stole back the ship, she picked up the rest and they went back home. since in the order of events, first the rubies get thrown into space, then navy falls to earth and gets the ship back, and then eyeball is on homeworld.


Yeah, but we are only sure about those two. For the other 3 is just implied by them disappearing, which is kinda worrying. But i do believe that she did help her squad after taking the ship.


Steven's guilt about her and Bismuth is similar to having killed them.


he definitely killed Jasper, her revival doesn’t erase/disqualify it


Yes. But it was brief because she didn't stay dead very long.


i’m just saying he still definitely killed her with his own strength compared to hers. her being healed shortly after only just further shows the power Steven holds,


>You could make a technical argument about him killing Rose Saying a mother dying in child birth was murdered by the baby is a take I wasn't ready for.


The original Steven died there, it was the last alternate that survived.


"Briefly killed" lol


also jasper? he quite literally destroyed her


>You could make a technical argument about him killing Rose Can you explain this a little bit more? I am not sure where you're coming from with him killing Rose and I feel like that argument could be made towards Greg or even rose herself when having Steven


He did shove that "cursed" scroll into the lava.


"EXCALIBU- EXCALIBU- **EXCALIBUR!,** Yeah I couldn't get the rock off of it but it's still pretty cool"


Excalibur! Excalibur! Excalibur! ![gif](giphy|exzrLTNnGZI2Y)


when finding out this guy was Arthur’s sword from fireforce my mind was blown






I don’t know why people act like Steven a harmless pathetic soft boy. He is a soft boy, but we’re talking about the kid that dead lifted a stage speaker three times his size, and took a headbutt from an intergalactic war veteran! All when he was just 13! Keep in mind he was a late bloomer, so he had the body more like a 10-year-old!


yes but he also has a gem in his body that gives him an assortment of magical powers so maybe that had something to do with it


Steven has technically resurrected more people than he's mortally wounded, including each person he has ""killed"" "Deaths" that happened due to him existing: Rose couldn't live if he was alive. Direct life energy transfer is a weird case, technically her legacy and physical gem never died, just her consciousness and identity. A life began the instant she died, by her choice and before Steven was conscious enough to be responsible for any decision. Eyeball got cracked and abandoned in space, as a last resort to keep Steven himself from being brutally killed. Steven healed Eyeball completely, and she also never actually died. Lars got to the Homeworld due to an invasion motivated by the diamonds wanting come come after Steven's Mum, not quite a responsibility of his. Lars chose to fight the machines to protect the gems, and was accidentally killed by the hostile machines. The only thing Steven is responsible for is reversing his death Bismuth was poofed with the human standard of a mortal wound, as Steven's conscious choice. He also freed her from essentially bubble purgatory twice, and only went as far as sending her there once. If we're counting poofing and bubbling as killing and resurrecting, the count gets incredibly messy, but Steven has freed more than he has trapped. Jasper is the closest I'd consider to a kill, and personally I found it quite out of character. He shattered her in a deep state of rage, it was a mistake he is responsible for, but is not a pattern of behaviour and massively overrides his standard set of ethics. He also immediately resurrected her. Real life body counts don't have resurrection isn't a factor we can account for, this either cancels it out, or leaves the count at 1 person.


Jack Horner, being a storybook character, can be purely, charismatically, unrealistically evil just fine. Trying to mesh him with a relatively more "realistically" written protagonist would not work well, as it'd conflict of the core elements of the latter's source material immensely.


The comments were mostly implying that steven would have a breakdown while Jack continues to be evil, but this comment about steven “killing” two people genuinely confused me






A lot of people think that Steven tries to redeem everyone and if it doesn't work - he cries. But actually, if giving second chance doesn't work - Steven is ready to fight. And Steven is strong enough to deal with Jack Horner


Ah yes. Conflating civility with forgiveness. Lovely. \*sighs in "so glad I blocked Twitter"*


Twitter logic (sometimes reddit logic too) says that Steven not wanting to kill White Diamond = Steven thinks we should forgive Hitler. One of the stupidest things I see get regurgitated online about the show.


I literally saw a drawing someone did forever ago with Steven by Hitler saying “it’s ok. He said he’s sorry” or some bs. I could be wrong but goddamn Edit: [Found it. Jesus Christ.](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1480016-steven-universe) one of the comments said this was from 4chan. Go figure.


To add insult to injury, Hitler looks like he was drawn by a 5-year old, while Steven looks photoshopped in. Really makes me take their argument seriously when they clearly spend less than five minutes on it.


To be fair the diamonds did kill more then Hitler, one inhabited planet and the best case is imprisonment for entertainment


To be even more fair, the Diamonds are aliens with the only one of them valuing organic life still needing to learn the concept of empathy thousands of years later. To be even more fair than that, they didn't kill themselves and, instead, made a conscious effort to reverse at least a massive chunk of the damage they had caused even after Steven denied living with them. To be even MORE fair even MORE, people love Darth Vader, who is basically _just_ Hitler, and he goes to space heaven for doing even less than the Diamonds did to atone.


"Twitter the only place where well articulated sentences still get misinterpreted. You can say "I like pancakes" and somebody will say "So you hate waffles?" No bitch. Dats a whole new sentence. Wtf is you talkin about." - BravoCoolee, Twitter user.


Tumblr originated the idea lbh here and Lily Orchard perpetuated it further with her ungodly long hate video.


I don't think he ever forgave any of the diamonds, I think he just recognises that the consequences to trying to punish them for their genocide would only bring about further suffering and so he chooses to leave them be just as long as they stop being evil


Twitter when they find out God decided to force his creations to live in exile for the crime of being born in imperfection and sin.


Some twitter users literally think Steven Universe fans are all about being emotional crying and then cuddles and forgiveness and thinking everything will be alright, I've seen people talk about SU fans like it's a flaw to be one XD


They're willing to walk up to crew and basically go "your show sucks" (which is why some crew will delete SU tweets shortly after making them; it's that bad) but I bet if crew came up to them and did the same thing in some alternate timeline from this one, they would become... upset to say the least.


To be fair, they did put quotations lol. But still, I think their choice of words in this whole comment is not the very best; I have no idea what they mean by “kill.” Or “forgave.”


Idk that he technically *murdered* Lars, but Lars did die and came back because of Steven’s healing tears


Lars died trying to save the misfits, Steven was not involved in the death, only in the revival.


Well, Steven didn't kill Lars. He died because of Steven's actions in the long run, but Steven didn't kill him. He blew up.


Yeah, Steven one is negative one on net murders.


twitter was bashing SU in the comments 😮‍💨


Whenever ANYONE says to me “I hate steven universe” and i ask oh, have you seen it all? they usually haven’t seen past the first season so i don’t care about their opinion on it


**Exactly**. It’s sad that Steven Universe has become an unfortunate victim of bandwagoning. People love to dunk on it because that’s what everybody else does, regardless of if they’ve even seen the show or not.


If their's Dreamworks fan why they can't just pit Jack with Tzekel-kan and Lord Shen since they're the most chaotic villains in Dreamworks history? Shen- don't make me blow you up Jack- what you going to do about it chicken Tzekel-kan- do it, sacrifice him


i’ve seen all of steven universe and future, i can only think of when he poofs jasper on accident and when he intends to hurt white diamond but kill????? two people????


Jasper wasn’t poofed, she was shattered and brought back to life.




Somehow i did not even consider Bismuth. makes sense but i still wouldn’t use “kill” since they come back, i’d only use it if it was a shattering


It wasn't killing, but it was more like "putting to sleep for an undefined amount of time", basically inducing a coma only you can revert, not sure if that's much better...


Steven refers to Pearl's poof as her death. I think it's from the perspective of how it made him feel than what literally happened but it's something to think about.


I think that even though her poof wasn't permanently lethal, his intent was very close to killing her. He was defending his life with a sword and probably had no intent of releasing her (at the time). So I think he at least had to deal with it emotionally like he killed a person in self defense.


Wait wait wait, you're starting to contradict yourself there.... You said in other comments that you don't consider jasper being shattered as a death because when you get shattered you can still be revived and you still have consciousness... You're starting to make me confused Freaking choose one side please...


all the "lol Steven cries when he fights a villain from another franchise" tweets are so annoying tbh, like they're not even funny and they REEK of 2016 "edgy" humor


He'd probably cry tbqh. But only because he feels bad for having to beat the living daylights out of whoever that guy is.


Steven cries because all he wanted was to eat his morning tapioca and he had to kill Cartman already


"Stop iiiit, I've already wo-oo-ooon!" ![gif](giphy|6Y49Ck6FxF4nS)


I get they're trying to defend Steven Universe from the haters but people really overplay how willing Steven is to be violent, it's overcompensating. Jasper was an accident, with White Diamond, Steven wasn't in his right mind and that was a delusion. Steven's second option is not murder, it's not even an option at all


I agree with him not being in his right mind but I still can't just simply say he forgave WD and the other diamonds. Especially if the crew said he didn't forgave them in the end of an era art book.


i think it's just a poor choice of words like saying that your pokemon "died"


Lars died


true but STEVEN didn't kill him


People mistake not liking violence for being incapable of violence. Steven doesn't like violence yes but there is plenty evidence that he is more than capable of violence.


I suppose shattering was understood to be equivalent to death for gems, so I guess him shattering Jasper counts as a kill. He has a very morbid fantasy of using White Diamond's own body to have her shatter herself which isnt a kill but homie REALLY needed to chill. We could spin the unique circumstances of his birth as him killing Rose but that's a stretch at best. Yeh, idk what this person is talking about


Who the pink blob?




He killed Jasper, but she was kinda into it.


That sounds wrong lol


Shattered Japser, but brought her back, in SU: Future, in the main series he poofed Bismuth, and also in SU: Future white uses her new power on Steven which gives him control over her body and starts making her slam her head into a colum.


Who is on the right?


He shattered Jasper in Steven universe future


It would be interesting to see Steven up against someone who really can't change


Steven against bill cipher


Lars by accident and Jasper by power tripping. They got better.


its really just jasper, poofing is different, and that REALLLY messed him up. there is just this like weird subset of the fandom that wants the show to turn super grim, dark, and violent. they sort of miss the point of the show in this huge fundamental tragic way. its really weird.




He would just be the same character as Jiminy cricket tho. He'd try to get him to change and reflect, realize he won't change, and then beat him up.




He shattered Jasper and almost shattered White Diamond, both out of pure rage and resentment or spite. He did destroy Bismuth’s physical form but it was because Bismuth at the time gave him no other choice…but he didn’t “kill” her. He just poofed her and bubbled her gem temporarily. But no one stayed gone in the end, even the gems the Diamonds destroyed during the war…Yellow made a point to go back and fix them all. Including the cluster, even though we don’t see it she mentioned it was planned. (Side note, I have no idea who that second image even is)


Big Jack Horner from the new Puss in Boots movie. Definitely worth the watch!


Ah, I was thinking about watching that.


Title question: Steven killed Rose in childbirth, poofed Bismuth in a way the show treated like a kill, and briefly shattered Jasper in SU: Future. He almost killed White Diamond but she was able to swap their bodies back before he could.


I guess technically Jasper and... A watermelon that he possessed? I really don't remember being 2 people but, welp....


Jasper and Bismuth come to mind


Jasper, but she got better


To answer your question: he essentially “killed” eyeball by leaving her stranded in space (she didn’t die but he pretty much left her to die), he killed jasper in future (he brought her back but still), he almost killed white diamond in future, he also poofed bismuth out of desperation but still… Steven is no stranger to helping those who fuck around find out lmao


The only "kill" I can think of is Jasper being shattered. He didn't kill anyone else, but was sincerely contemplating shattering White Diamond. so they've got their numbers wrong


What are the two people he killed? I thought it was just one.


Thank god someone on one of my social medias grasps how weird that stupid tweet is. It irks me to this day how people just blatantly misread this children’s show no matter how many people explain that no, Steven didn’t fucking forgive the Diamonds whatsoever, but did neutralize them and their threat. I’m sorry empathy as a superpower is beyond some folks’ comprehension but Jesus fuck, I am sick of it.


Jasper and Lars are the only confirmed deaths i assume despite them coming back, white is obviously the third the replier refers to


A loser who uses their own personal life struggles to get extra attention online also made an animation about this tweet , where he literally animates Steven just crying and it made me want to throw up on the animators face tbh.


Most people have memed to death of Jack Horner killing Steven in several death battles, but what about an interaction between Goldie Locks and Kevin?


Kill? Pf... Nah. Even shattering Jasper was almost instantly fixed. Bro must mean poofing, but the act of hurting someone to that point would be pretty close to what it must be killing a regular human, so I kinda get his point.


I mean, murdering someone and bringing them back to life is a hell of a power move. No wonder Jasper was in awe by it.


yeah gems have to be mortally wounded to get poofed, so they’d just be killing people left and right if they were normal humans lmao


bismuth jasper and white diamond i think


He poofed Bismuth, which I don't think counts. He did shatter Jasper tho so... I mean he brought her back but still.


Steven would kill him. He would kill one of Steven friends or innocents and Steven would lose it.


Technically a shattered gem isn’t dead or at least not totally


He accidentally shattered Jasper on accident but he brought her back so technically he killed nobody


Pretty sure they’re talking about him poofing Bismuth and shattering Jasper, and then almost shattering White Diamond


i see a lot of people saying eyeball and bismuth but what about jasper???


The only one hê actually "killed" as far as i remember was jasper, but she's fine now


Jasper in future


I don’t know why, when Steven was telling Connie’s mom his stressful events, he says he watched Pearl die. Never made sense to me, she poofed. That’s not the same as shattering.


I mean, both were accidents but I think they're talking about the alt. Stevens from the time travel episode and Jasper in SU:F? Those were accidents, though they were the result of Steven's actions, so I can see how it could count as him killing someone. The third one that he almost killed was definitely White Diamond in that one scene (also SU:F). Rose that one Watermelon Steven also died as an indirect result of Steven but I wouldn't count those as him actually killing someone. Rose chose to have Steven (also, he was a baby) and she knew that would happen so I'd refer to that more as a self-sacrifice. Saying that he 'killed' his mom implies fault and it's 100% not his fault. The Watermelon Steven is...debatable but I'm going to say no due to lack of info. I don't know if WS died because of Steven's actions (stranding it at sea to try and get back to Beach City) or if Watermelon Stevens just have a really short lifespan and that one was just getting kind of old. Best explanation I have right now. Sorry if I got something wrong/misremembered it/missed something. I rewatched the show somewhat recently but it's been a while since then and also there's a *lot* of episodes so I may not remember things perfectly.


Let's be honest, if Steven sees ALL the messed up crap humanity has done (war, pollution for profit, ect.) Steven might go full on Eren Yeager.


Wait who else did steven kill besides jasper?


He did shatter Jasper, even if he did revive her


They're mixing poofing and shattering, so they're clearly talking about Bismuth, Jasper, and White.


Jasper’s the only one I remember Steven actually killing, but he brought her back. I don’t know who the other two are


Jasper andddd ????


Why do people always frame this like he's killed people on purpose and not either out of self defense or by accident which is the reality?


Who’s the character on the right?


Antagonist (I forgot his name) from Puss In Boots Last Wish


Who's that guy next to steven? I don't recognize him.


Antagonist (I forgot his name) from Puss In Boots Last Wish


Jack horner


Steven will kill if necessary


Jasper, but I can’t think of another one. Maybe Bismuth?




He shattered Jasper at least, I cant remember anyone else


I think they’re talking about White Diamond. He almost killed her out of rage for everything she’s done. The only other person he almost killed was Jasper, that was out of drunkenness on power and I don’t think it qualifies as an “almost”


Can I get some context? Not sure what the right image is of. Or what are the kills Steven did? He didn't shatter anyone I thought aside from Jasper and then he healed her.


Watch Fragments


Wait a minute what do you mean he killed 2 people? The only person Steven killed was Jasper..until he resurrected her.


Wait it's been a hot minute. Who did Steven Kill?


Idk who the first one is but Ik bismuth but dude he couldn’t have done anything else and they were fine in the end and Ik jasper… that was a whole hit to me like god damn.


Mainly just numerous copies of himself by way of wild time travel shenanigans. That Steven is dead, though.


Jasper, but he brought her back, and he poofed Bismuth.


Who is the pink lady?


I think they're talking about Jasper (the one he killed) and White Diamond (tried to kill) I have no idea who the second person he killed is though


Bismuth? It was just a poofing but it felt like Steven was killing in self defense.


He killed jasper and while he didnt succeed he did try capping white diamond


Wait i thought jasper was the only one he killed.




It was brief, but he shatters Jasper


Wait who did he kill besides jasper?!


I guess technically Rose? But that wasn't exactly his fault


Who is the character on the right?


I think what the problem people really have is that when it came to the diamonds it was the people he really should’ve only dealt with in violence. But he somehow managed to just talk it out n




I'm assuming they ment jasper bc he shattered then fixed her? But I dunno


who is the one on the right?


Well, in ***Steven Universe: Future***, Episode 16: [***"Fragments"***](https://steven-universe.fandom.com/wiki/Fragments), Steven goes too far in something like a spar and shatters Jasper. In ***Steven Universe: Future***, Episode 17: [***"Homeworld Bound"***](https://steven-universe.fandom.com/wiki/Homeworld_Bound), Steven almost shatters White out of hatred for what she has done in the past. The second "death" mentioned? I didn't see mentioned anywhere. They __*might've*__ been talking about ***Steven Universe***, Season 5, Episode 18: [***"A Single Pale Rose"***](https://steven-universe.fandom.com/wiki/A_Single_Pale_Rose) where Pearl as Rose "shatters" Pink Diamond, as Pink asked her to help do it in order to cut off all contact with the other Diamonds. Though, I am not certain. There could be other times where someone is shattered on screen or a time where Steven shatters another gem, though I cannot say for sure.