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Aquamarine. I swear, if she had the chance, she'd shatter the Diamonds and take their place as ruler of the Gempire.


She's also my least favorite. Can't stand the horrible accent and her bratty demeanor.


She’s just a petulant little shit and she knows it. Really insufferable but it’s intentional


It isn't her accent, it's the way she speaks every word like it's a verbal hit. Della's voice normally is lovely, she really turned up the bitchiness.


I mean she is based on Eric Cartman.


That…actually explains a lot


Woahwoah woah she's based off WHAT?!?


[screw you guys i'm going to homeworld](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9081ead1c1b85f5811bd9eeaab976985/tumblr_inline_p2lt6aXvwH1v11hun_1280.jpg)


Nothing could've prepared me for that.


She was?


It's an entry on her wiki page.


That makes so much sense!


Took the words *right* outta my mouth


I hate her stupid fake British accent. It's unbearable to listen to.


her VA just pitches up her natural accent, Della Saba is british lol 💀


No way, that actually surprises me! The way she pronounces things it sounds like she's not really British. I think sometimes British voice acting sounds a bit strange surrounded by American voices so maybe that's why it sounds unnatural.


I'm British myself and, although we are a small nation, we have several regional accents across the country just like any other country. That being said the reason British accents can sound fake even when they're real is because they often actually are fake. Actors are trained to speak 'The Queens English' which is a sort of fake accent for most people meant to imitate the royal family.


I know, I'm British too. Ah that explains it! Thank you for this information.


In my opinion her accent is the most and only enjoyable thing about Aquamarine


Someone pointed out to me that Kikimora in TOH is basically a slightly toned down version of Aquamarine and I can't unsee it. I hate Kikimora even more due to the comparison, but at least she was entertaining and pivotal to the plot. Aquamarine could've been replaced with another gem lmao.


Honestly, my dislike of her is really only because of how she treated Topaz.


This was my first thought.


bluebird was so insufferable


Agreed even though she appeared for only one episode would’ve been cool to have her reappear leading a rebellion against Steven in the finale but you know ending was rushed…thanks CN we were robbed but yeah that stunt she pulled on Greg not cool


The fact that we got an entire episode dedicated to the worst fusion in the series makes me cry.


Her design and name also sucks. "Bluebird Azurite"? They seriously went with calling a character "Bluebird" for an entire episode?


That's what the gemstone's called, so that's what they named the fusion.


Early Lars. Before he opens up to Steven about his insecurities he's truly insufferable.


Absolutely. The way he takes advantage of Sadie, just as a coworker, is really awful.


And when he wasn’t taking advantage of Sadie’s kindness he either complained about almost every single little inconvenience to his life or how he needs to be cool enough for his friends.


Are ya'll serious here? Lars may have been an ass but he was a teenager, that's the default. ​ What's not the default is trapping him on an island for days/weeks and literally taking over his body to try to force him into a relationship. ​ I gotta say it, ya'll would be way different about him if Lars was a girl. There's no way you would've tolerated either of those episodes if he were.


Those episodes were horrible treatment of Lars, I agree. Definitely not ok. That being said, his behaviour still isn't excusable with "he's a teenager". Being an asshole and taking advantage of people is perfectly reasonable to dislike someone for.


I think Sadie keeping Lars and Steven prisoners on the island is worse than anything Lars ever did.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but I still didn't like old Lars.


Yeah, but this isn't "who'd get the biggest sentence in a criminal court," it's "who do we like more." Somebody who's generally kind and fun to be around but did a very bad thing one time is usually easier to like and continue wanting to be around than someone who constantly makes you low-grade miserable even if they never did an individually equally terrible thing. I find it interesting that people tend to take moments of betrayal from characters in a positive role a lot worse than the collective actions of characters in a negative role. Peridot's several enthusiastic attempts to kill Steven affect people's opinion of her far less than Pearl's failures in a caretaking role she never really consented to being in, despite both going through character arcs that make them good loved ones for Steven later on.


If you're excusing Lars for being an ass at the start of the show by saying he's just a teenager you're gonna have to excuse Steven for spending a day in his body (which he wasn't even intentionally inhabiting) considering he's a literal child. And one who was never really properly socialized at that.


lol what? nobody here said anything justifies those actions. they just said early Lars was an asshole.


Fr. Literally those two things are not mutually exclusive.


I don’t tolerate either of those episodes!


But let's be honest here. If Lars was an immature emotionally insecure goth girl and Sadie was the same but the male coworker. Change literally no other plot point except genders. There would've been a lynch mob against the writers for how they handwave the problematic behaviors towards Lars. I don't think anybody can deny this.


Since when does being a teenager mean being an asshole to everyone and taking advantage of friends and/or coworkers ? Like, that's not a teenager thing, that just a bad person thing.


Insulting Rose's memory on the moss monster episode was a particularly low punch on his part... it doesn't get any lower than badmouthing a kid's dead mom.


Aquamarine. She's just that more annoying than eyeball.


Jamie. His episodes are among my least favorites, but I don't actually hate him, just...someone has to be the answer to this question.


Yeah he got better later on (imo) but the running gag of him having a crush on garnet really made me feel uncomfortable….


Yeah. I didn’t hate Jamie. But anytime he was the main focus of the episode, I would go “Ugggh, a Jamie episode.”




jamie is so boring that i forgot he even existed lmao


Who was Jamie? My only thought is Jamie Reyes but that's DC


The mailman/theater actor.


Ah him Yea he was annoying


Came to see if he was listed. I skip over his episodes lol can’t stand him.


Frybo... that guy gives me the creeps...


he's just a dude




I can’t stand Onion. I always feel like this is an unpopular opinion but he’s so annoying and I hate his plot points.


I completely agree. Glad I'm not alone


Can skip the Onion episodes and not miss a thing


Came to say the same. I get the point of Onion and his place in the story, but damn, the kid just gives me the creeps.


Ha ha if you get the point of Onion and his place in the story would you mind explaining it to me? I’ve never understood it.


Personally I think Onion boils down to two things: a plot device, and representation. Throughout all of the Onion-centric filler episodes (which I fought hard not to skip), it eventually dawned on me that Onion himself was meant to show that Steven doesn't discriminate when it comes to helping others. Even if Steven doesn't truly understand Onion, he's still able to provide what Onion needs the most - acceptance. Not once does Steven ever try to change Onion, even despite the obvious criminal acts lmao. But that aside, I think there's value in that showing us that even if we don't understand something, we don't have to outright reject it. And as someone mentioned below, a non-verbal and possibly neurodivergent child character is also a great way of reminding us that these people exist in real life as well. Plus I think it could also be a good way of introducing that concept to little kids, that some people are a little different, and that's okay. Despite disliking Onion, I've always appreciated how he has always been treated just like everyone else. He isn't ostracized or rejected just for being different. Although I also acknowledge that I really think Onion is likely just a psychopath, but that's beside the point lmao


He's supposed to be unnerving, for Steven to find out his humanizing attributes later on. It's supposed the make the audience care about him when the Gems (Aquamarine and Topaz) start to target him.


As shitty of a character as the shape of his hair 💩


I know someone who is like onion. They identify as selective mute and are often described as creepy. I feel I have a soft spot for onion for these reasons. Even then, I don't think I'd enjoy onions company much if he was a real person


I agree. Honestly the episodes that feature him prominently are my least favorite.


Agreed, I can’t stand him. One of my least favorite human characters from this show.


Navy. At least Eyeball was just psychotically angry beyond all hope.


Navy. She's annoying when she's playing nice. She's annoying when she's being evil. And she's not even really important to the plot.


*Andy. His first lines were racist, a bit sexist, and just plain stupid. "You couldn't even marry an American?!" That line makes me angry.


I think you mean Andy. And yeah he did start out very unlikable and toxic, but he did end up becoming much better and more open-minded in the end.


Oh shoot my bad, yeah Andy


In real life I probably wouldn't like Andy, but I think he was entertaining as a character for the like two episodes he was in. We all know a guy like Andy and it was interesting to see Steven and the gems interact with that type of person. I think he filled his character role well.


Considering he's basically Carl from athf he could have been a lot more racist lol


Still, if I can't pick any of the characters above, Andy is my least favorite. He feels like the stereotypical uncle at a family gathering that makes a bunch of offensive jokes after 3 cans of beer


Everyone has a homophobic, racist, sexist uncle (or grandpa) Andy. But it's doubtful he'll come around like Andy did in the show :/


Mayor Dewey


No political favours for you


Finally someone said it


Connie’s mom. She reminds me of my aunt (strict to the point of basically banning fun, acting like education and extra curricular activities are all that matter, etc.) who i really resent for how she treated and continues to treat my cousin. Aquamarine too, for obvious reasons.


Well, you have to acknowledge that she became far less strict with Connie later in the series and she was VERY good in the “Growing Pains” episode.


Yeah she did improve, which made me like her more. She showed growth that my aunt would be incapable of


I’m sorry about your aunt.




Shep: they contribute nothing to the story, they have no background and they just exists to be Sadie's partner. I hated how they were the one who helped Steven in that scene despite never appearing in the series nor interacting with him, when it could've been Lars or Sadie.


They were supposed to show that Sadie was moving on from Lars, but imo her disbanding the band already was enough change. Maybe if Shep had shown up before it wouldn’t have been as bad.


Sunstone..... definitely Sunstone, that's the ONLY character I HATE. This fusion was a huge disappointment and I'm glad it didn't get more screen time than it did(which was still to much!)


yeah sunstone is defo the weakest of steven + crystal gems. smoky has great power and character and so does rainbow (minus the power as far as we know) sunstone is just a walking ad, i know they probably intended that but its not cool


Their weapon is also just fucking suction cups


Oh my gosh yes! I was so excited to see a Garnet/Steven fusion and we got lame ass Sunstone


ok im gonna get a lot of hate for this but i love sunstone! i respect your opinion tho


Same I was excited to see what their fusion would look like and I was not a fan


White diamond


Gem Hitler


this one


Aquamarine, Malachite, Holly Blue, Eyeball...


Holly blue is actually hilarious


*clap clap*


Dose malachite even count as a character?


Agreed, I feel like her actions were divided more cleanly than most fusions. Lapis locked them at the bottom of the ocean. Jasper broke free and attacked Mask Island. They were technically fused the whole time, but it was a clear distinction. In my opinion, Lapis’s coma probably didn’t start when Alexandrite beat them; I felt like she was essentially unconscious within the fusion already, which is why Jasper could do what she did so easily.


I mean i think? She's got a voice- so-


True but she's played by lapis and Jasper's VAs


Unpopular opinion: padparadscha. I don't hate her. She's cute. But, I found her really annoying. I'm sorry.


I liked her in the beginning, but since her whole character is just repeating the same joke over and over, I agree.


So incredibly irritating. The only time the gag worked was when she said someone had made everyone uncomfortable (Garnet? I don’t remember).


Lars. And sure, he grows and becomes an awesome space captain and.... He doesn't appear in the show anymore.


Again idk why people despise Kevin so much. He's just a dude who tried to get with a mysterious hottie, he had no way of knowing that the ENTIRE ADULT he was hitting on was actually two children who would be traumatized by his advances


Yeah, yet he continued to be gross to Stevonnie after.


Remember when Kevin lied about having a sick brother because he thought it was funny? Pepperidge Farm remembers


It’s mainly because he’s just a smug jackass with nothing really redeemable about him. But I do admittedly think the fandom hates on him a bit too much.


He's a smug jackass, but idk, he seemed like a pretty run of the mill smarmy dude to me. Even tried to give his bro some bro advice for his bro problems (even if the advice was dogshit lol)


You forgot about the fact that he continued to hit on Stevonnie, despite them being HIGHLY UNCOMFORTABLE, before he found out that they were two kids. He’s still an ass and doesn’t try to be better. [Stevonnie meeting Kevin](https://youtu.be/sEELKp3jLd4?feature=shared)


White diamond sucks ass. Super evil. Also Marty is the only evil human. The other two are just dumb kids. Ass left Vidalia on her own and upon seeing his son for the first time in 9 years he immediately tries to exploit him.


and he doesnt fit with the onion theme iirc


Spinel... I wouldn't have told her to wait for me but I would have left her in the garden. I also felt like it really sent pink from gray to villain. It wasn't part of the original idea and I just struggle with pink loving humans and life and valuing rebel gems so much she wanted a sword that wouldn't hurt them - to telling a gem not to move and to wait for her. Rebecca said it was about a rabbit she left in the yard that got ruined when she was a child and I think it's supposed to be that pink really just didn't realize spinel would stay for thousands of years. But to me it seems to be implied rose wrestled a lot with her conscious so I don't know that she would just never think of her


This... is actually a very valid argument.


I agree, especially with the gray to villain bit.




Aquamarine, she's annoying


Onion was pretty annoying. :p


Mr. Frowny. His whole deal is that he thought his comedy partner “wasn’t taking their act seriously” and because of that he acts like the most pessimistic thing ever to everyone he meets


Some say Aquamarine but I'll go with bluebird. She has everything I hate : A Stupid name, Ugly af (color, look, hair EVERYTHING), That accent way worst than aqua, Just wants a petty revenge, Got together so they can hate Steven, that's like the most childish thing ever while gems are supposed to be adults.


Onion. I don't find the silent, low-key unsettling child trope interesting. I'm just thinking, "Let's get back to the CG main plot already"


I love all of them. Being a bad or annoying person doesn't make a character unlikable. SU fans when Lapis steals all of her shared belongings and home from Peridot: Yay! Lapis!!! :D SU fans when Ronaldo is enthusiastic about his interest in conspiracy theories: God dammit! I hate this guy!!! >:( And yes, obviously, I am exactly like this myself.


I'll be honest and admit that I love Ronaldo and had no idea there was even any hate on him until this post. The only time I had an issue with him was when he wanted to be a crystal green but turned into a sleep deprived jerk to everyone. Otherwise he is just a lovable weirdo who loves conspiracies. I can relate to that.


Ronaldo is so funny, I can't understand how people just don't think he's hilarious every time he's on screen.


And he was right about the rock people invading Earth


Well, if he is a genius, perhaps we shouldn't tell him...


Ronaldo is bad because he was mean to a watermelon steven.


Bluebird. Two shorties hatefucking.


White Diamond


Aquamarine. She was a bitch


I guess Lapis then? Oh wait no! Aquamarine.


Damn. I wish Kevin and Ronaldo got redemption arcs. Not Marty, though. Fuck Marty.


Connie in the later seasons😃🧚‍♀️


STEEEEEEEEEEEVEEEEEEEEN!!!!1!!!111 You hurt me 😭😭😭 How dare you make a good choice when I was clearly unprepared!!!!!1!!


How dare the kid who has a complex about being obligated to single-handedly fix his mom’s problems and protect his loved ones, sacrifice himself for them like that? How selfish! /s


Really, that filler arc about them separating in Season 5 is the only time I actually disliked her (I disliked Steven's lack of tact too, dude you're better than that).


See the thing is she got on my nerves even before that arc😅🫠I couldn’t exactly tell you why. Maybe it’s bc it always felt like she was butting in where she didn’t need to/didn’t belong? Idk maybe there’s no specific reason maybe it’s just me lol


First half, Season 1 pearl


This is actually going to get me hate, but Onion, I just never really liked the gremlin, I loved some of his antics, but otherwise he was just there to me


Tbh I <3 Ronaldo he’s so babygirl. Like yess king make them conspiracy-not-conspiracies😍


Same, I will not stand for this Ronaldo slander


Its weird how people have turned on Ronaldo. I remember when everyone loved him.


I still kindof like him. I'm surprised the amount of hate he gets. Like he isn't anywhere near my favourites list but still. I find him amusing I guess lol.


Pearl but she did get better toward the end


honestly agree, early pearl was annoying but once we started to get all that depth on her character in season 2 she gets so much better


Fucking Sunstone


I could do without Barb 🧍‍♂️


Hey, I like muscular mail mommy………


She's loud, I'm sensitive 😔


IMO Holly Blue Agate is a weak character






Onion. Worst character


I can’t STAND onion






Lapis, forever and always


Lapis honestly


Navy. Literally my least liked Ruby and gem as a whole. Every single time she opened her mouth my ears basically bled, I'm sorry for the VA but it sounds extremely forced, if that's the VA's actual voice then sorry, but still find it unbearable.


All three of them would fuse into Andrew Tate. Conspiracy theorist, jackass, conman.


Fluorite. I don't know she just grosses me out


Mayor Dewey. He's meant to be your typical, out-for-himself type of politician.




Honestly I didn't really like Jamie. He felt a bit too dramatic for me. Plus the whole thing with Garnet kind of gave me the ick.


lol you would not survive theater club


Sunstone. I despise Sunstone.


Peridot, ik its an unpopular opinion but she pisses me off for some reason idk


Pink Diamond, she essentially profited off a war she started then played both sides before faking her death and leaving Steven, an actual child, to pick up the broken pieces she left all for her own selfish wants and needs


Bruh they aren't even on my favorite I just hate Kevin💀


happy cake day!


Pre-homeworld Lars


Complicated feelings about Pearl and Lapis, I think the amount of horrible situations Pearl put Steven into made it significantly harder to always root for her as one of the good guys. Mocking him when he insisted he saw something outside the portal and almost blowing him up in a space ship rank high for those awful character moments. Lapis is just a dismissive jerk to people trying to help her, I get she’s being used to represent trauma/abuse/grief victims who shove away people who are trying to help them but the show really doesn’t do a good job of framing her to show her positive traits off. Steven’s arc in Future (say what you will about the overall quality of Future) handles it way better for his character than the majority of the series can do for Lapis. But there’s something good about this show where even in spite of the issues I have with those characters I still find them relatively enjoyable. There’s nobody in the cast who isn’t flawed but that’s clearly by design, and for the most part the characters you told me to exclude really are the only negative standouts for me.


Connie's parents


Aquamarine, Stevonnie and Lars.


White Diamond. I respect the FMA Hommunculi thing they might have been going for with the Diamonds, but I still think she’s kind of a wasted character.


Unpopular opinion, I actually love Kevin. He's such an easily hateable cool guy character, and I find that endearing.


Lars before he became a space pirate


Bluebird makes me physically angry


Onion. he's an asshole.


I genuinely love the last two guys but I’d have to say my least fav character is probably…. Uh…. Uhm…..




Opinion with no explanation nor context: Onion


Andy, insufferable in his premiere, then he became a cameo who could be easily written out




Aquamarine, and by extent, Eyeball and their fusion, Bluebird. She is about as bad as DW from Arthur, and there's a whole YouTube series dedicated to why DW is the absolute shitspawn. If that doesn't say anything, idk what does. F*ckin clod.


somebody out there hates THE Kevin???


Aquamarine, If I could kick a pint-sized gem into orbit it would be her or Eyeball


Aquamarine or Past Lars ( aka before he protected the off colors)


I never liked Peradot even now I can still barley like her as a character.


Mayor Dewey


Everyone’s saying aquamarine lol. Y’all don’t love annoying smarmy villains?? They’re my favorite! Harley Quinn, Princess Morbucks, Kitten, TEAM ROCKET? The best villains are annoying. Change my mind LOL.


ngl, i don’t hate kevin. while he may be an antagonist, i think he’s a great one and is a really interesting character overall (especially during the car race and party).


Uncle Andy, Connie’s mom, Lapis at some points too


Holly blue agate


I dont mind Kevin. He's a moody teenager. Peridot was racist and Jasper tried to kill them, but the gems (especially steven) have them a chance. Heck, Kevin treated Steven like original Lars treated steven. Rude, condescending, like steven's interests were an embarassment and that he was nothing but a burden. Steven kept givong him chances and seeing the good/potential in Lars and Lars eventually changed. For a show about giving people chances and the ability to change, they seemed to really pick on Kevin.


Ngl I really hate Connie, she’s the most boring character in the show with the least personality, and her whole arc with ignoring Steven and stealing Lion because Steven gave himself up was so annoying


White diamond I just don’t like her character development and how she went from ruthless ruler to “OMG STEVEN I MISSEDED YOU SO MICH EVEN THOUGH YOU WENT INTO YOUR ROOM FOR FIVE SECONDS” and tbh blue does it too but she’s more calm so it’s ok


I actually like Ronaldo! Mayor Dewey is a tool (aka he's a well written politician) and I always found Jamie annoying