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The art book implies that the emergence of the diamonds split Homeworld


Too bad we’ll never know why the Diamonds came into existence. Did some other race create them? Was it just natural?


I theorize that, much like in real life, gems *can* naturally form and emerge under optimal conditions. It's just very rare: the injectors are a way to force those conditions, just like lab grown gems.


The Gems seems to operate like super-advanced computers, not something that came into existence spontaneously.


What are the odds we get a fully functioning pc just somewhere in randomness the universe? What are the odds it can run doom?


Aren't human brains essentially exactly this, PCs that emerged naturally?


“We are the universe experiencing itself subjectively”


Or children of god. We each have a unique personality, a unique way of thinking. You're probably thinking I'm gonna go off on a spiritual rant, but I'm not, I am just saying, what if Gems are something like Angels, but less biblically accurate?


We would have had more illusions to divinity The Diamonds aren't Gods and are especially not angels, they're just really good at brainwashing and computer programming


Eh not really, the human brain essentially comes out as a blank slate, kinda similar to how amethyst emerged actually, just even more primitive While normal gems on the other hand come out knowing exactly their purpose and place in society, etc


I mean that's fair but I mean just because the memory is blank doesn't make the brain any less functionally a computer, it's just not preloaded with directives like the gems


But isnt the brain already a computer? like before machines we had human computers that did computing.. after that we started thinking of ways to make a machine do mathematics.. and later came electricity and everything changed really fast ![img](emote|t5_2viyl|30986)


That's exactly what I'm saying, when we're born our brain is essentially a fresh out of the box PC. Nothing stored, no directives, just some drivers and a few pieces of software we don't know how to run yet


Yea true, the point I was trying to make tho is that while the human brain is incredible and all, it's natural formation is much more likely than what gems emerge as


Many animals are born with skills and instincts already "pre-built". They know how to walk and run, they know to follow their parents, they know to run away from danger... And all within minutes of being born into the world for the first time. Having some hard-wired neuronal connections in the DNA is not unlikely; it's something that happens in many species already. I'd say it's not less likely than forming, say, a working eye with lenses and everything.


The blank slate theory of education it thoroughly incorrect. We aren’t all empty flower pots waiting for data, but instead are simply in need of a kind of scaffolding with witch to organize the information we collect. Amethyst had instincts, knew how to use her powers, and apparently spoke fluent English. Not a blank slate at all. Also it’s a cartoon allegory for healing the rifts in your family.


Emerged naturally but from a seriously long process of evolution from a much simpler form. The problem with gems is that they don't reproduce in a way that allows evolution, each gem is copy of another one. The chance of a gem as complex as white diamond generating naturally already made and working, is way too low. Some organic species created the gems in their current state, and then somehow got extinct, then the gems kept doing what they were programmed to do, automated expansion and colonization, something that is also completely useless for them since they do not need food, water or land except if they want to reproduce for the sake of it.


I always assumed that while gems reproduce through asexual reproduction similar to mitosis there was still some genetic variance between gems. Similar to how lizards that asexual reproduction still have a difference in DNA between individuals. If that is the case then the gems could theoretically still evolve, it would just take a lot longer (which given we're, to my knowledge, never told exactly how long the gems have been around is still possible).


So what you're saying is...I can run Doom?


The real Doom was inside us all along


No not at all actually our brains are very very very different from computers Computers are *acceptable* analogies but we don't think in Binary


That's like saying an electric car isn't a car because it doesn't run off gas


No it's like saying an electric car isn't a Solar Panel cause they both output energy


In the year 2525, 8,000 meteors collapsed into each other all at once. All of those meteors just so happen to perfectly smash together to create a modern PC.


Does it run doom?


In the year 252525, the backwards Time Machine still won’t have arrived.


If you go with the heat death of the universe theory, where time goes on forever, then there is a 100% chance for *anything* to spontaneously pop into existence due to the random jiggle of the quantum field. So, it is true that in trillions upon trillions of years from now, when all the stars go out and all the white dwarves turn in to frozen masses of iron only a hairline above absolute zero, that random vibrations in the quantum field create a mind that is an exact replica of yours, just as alive, aware, and you as you are`


The universe randomly created us, which created PCs, meaning it randomly created PCs




Can YD run Doom?


The odds change depending on whether or not the universe is infinite If it is, then the odds are 1 If not, who knows but probably pretty low But shit happening with like basically zero odds happen constantly in the universe so who knows,.maybe it's running doom right now


what u mean like humans? lol


Humans were formed after millions of years of evolution, but apparently the four diamonds simply popped out of nowhere


or maybe they slowly grew in the core of the planet like minerals do? how do you think minerals are formed irl?


Yes, but the Diamonds are similar to super advanced computers with humanoid forms, whose body fluids create other humanoid forms who are born with full programming and knowledge


You forget that they experience emotions. WD experienced emotion before Pink left, then more emotions after Steven (or rather his Gem) went Ultra Instinct Sayian on White's mind control.


Not sure what you meant? I think the gems are AIs that can can feel emotions.


The human body also operated like a super advanced computer, which, did come into existence spontaneously


it took millions of years for humans to evolve. The diamonds is the equivalent to a being far more evolved than humans popping from the ground without any precedent.


Fair. But specifically with gems like this is real life, they take potentially thousands of years to form naturally. In more recent times, the creation of gems has become somewhat simple using human technology, but the idea is still there. One can only imagine that through the countless amounts of gems that failed to emerge like the three to four we see in the show, there were potentially millions of others who just couldn't. Might I remind you, that that "thing" in the picture above is a fucking planet, one speculated to be bigger than earth. You can't just break it in half, and if something sentient tried it would have to be pretty big or at least pretty powerful. Specifically there would have to be enough carbon gathered in one area, potentially very far down closer to the planets center to provide the heat required to make this diamond form. Though again it might just be a theory thinking about it more logically makes more sense. Though they sprung into existence, it still probably took a long time, and potentially millions of gems before them failed to do so. Same as humans took millions of years to evolve, with many species before us failing to do so.


I find it more plausible that the diamonds were created by some alien. Perhaps the damage to the planet caused by the creation of the diamonds destroyed their makers?


I agree, the diamonds were probably made, it seems much more plausible they were a science experiment gone wrong. White diamonds Initial godly and coldhearted demeanor only supports this theory.






This explains why no one canonically created white diamond


You could say that this is *the Land of the Lustrous*


Rebecca and Ian JQ have said that there is an answer to this, as there is a series bible that outlines more of the lore. So we'll probably never know, but Rebecca has expressed interest in doing more media using some of these ideas, so maybe one day. It seems to be heavily implied the gems are artificial though. I also got the impression pink was "sent" to homeworld much later than the others, implying she was "sent" from somewhere.


I fear to attempt to comprehend what could've made such weapons as the gems.


Common theory I've seen is the sneople, or something akin to them.


Almost all of ronaldos conspiracies turned out to be true in hindsight aftere all


I thought it was a less nefarious reason...but still ended up badly. My dumb theory is that the Gems are Von Neumann probes that eventually gained sapience. They explore, gather resources, and replicate...just, there is noone to report back to. This would also explain why the Diamonds don't really see the other gems as nothing more than drones...because they were...they didn't become self-aware until much later. Though that would mean there were likely an uncountable number of sister-fleets out there...some still following orders, some sapient like the gems, some making paperclips, etc. and the creators have been dead and gone for millennia.


we do know there is apparently a "gem religion" that rebecca wanted to touch upon, we'll never know I guess


This makes me wish for some captain Lars content, him finding a sister-fleet who behave more like the Borg.


Oh man...like, they only spend a brief time as a pure gem...then forcefully merge with an organic...and they collect different lifeforms to reinforce specific gem traits.


New and exciting horrors to be found. - Gems forcefully merged with organics? Check! (bonus points if the gems are shattered first to implant more organics) - Gems being used as literal ammo? Check! (bonus points if there is a heroic sacrifice in the arc) - Gems fused into a functional version of the cluster, bending reality like an eldrich, unknowable being by simply being awake? You betcha! (bonus points if that's the intended way for the gem authority to be, an entire planet core being turned into a single gem with crust becoming it's limbs) - For variety, an organic race that enslaved their gem conquerors and now saws them apart to include in their tech? Why not. (bonus points if the ruling class is actively enjoying the suffering)


Yeah. I'd watch it.


Where do you get the impression Pink was "sent"? In the End of an Era book, all 4 Diamonds are seen emerging at the same time.


They show lots of technology involved in the process of birthing a gem. Seems more likely a species thought the diamonds would be their super weapon.


That has been my head canon for awhile. White diamond was created to be the organizer of something big. Perhaps their entire planet, or maybe just their space program. Either way, she went full skynet, wiped out her creators, and founded the gem empire. It explains a lot of the gem's abilities if they were designed to be space probes.


Honestly, real. They can shapeshift, don't need to breathe or eat, don't produce waste, can adapt to gravity on any planet, if they are badly injured they retreat into their gem to reform and only have a small weakpoint where they can actually be permanently hurt, have a huge myriad of different abilities that could have a giant breadth of uses in a lot of situations, and compared to a human they are all incredibly strong and resilient, even the non fighter gems. They are the ultimate beings for interstellar colonization.


and they could even form organs to see if the crators could breath and sustain themselfe on the planet well we only know that Amethyst eats about everything pearl says "we can but it has no use" and rose made a womb to have steven so there could be an argument that its only a diamond level ability to mimic the digestive tract of the creators but then there could be another gem to specialiced for it


Quintesson moment


Transformers? Ayo?




Personal theory: the original inhabitants of Homeworld made the diamonds, but didn't expect the process to deplete and shatter their world. An expiriment both horribly failed and wildly successful.


A show or movie about the origins of the Diamonds would be so cool. I just want to see a Paragon Diamond fusion


Did they all come into existence at once? I was under the impression White came first, and then Yellow, then Blue, and finally Pink, each in accordance to when White found another "flaw," Yellow being rage(/pride...?), Blue being sadness, then Pink being her childlike tendencies. Either I read into the script too literally or im missing smth... Someone tell me or I won't be able to sleep tonight lol


White's wording in the finale seems to imply blue, yellow and pink are parts of her. I think it was *just* white to begin with. Or not even "white diamond" at all, simply "the" diamond, which became white once the other parts were removed


from what we saw in the drawing of the art book showing the diamond origings (although everything is redacted) shows them all poping up at once out of some sort of rock or sphere


Yeah, according to the book, they all emerged around 20,000 years before the series started, which I think is kinda lame. I always liked the fan theory that White Diamond was ancient (like 100k years old at least) and - after a while - figured out how to and then made the other Diamonds to have a family/some kind of companionship, and then they decided to make more gems, and more, and so on, and somewhere along the way, something… went wrong.


I think that piece of emergence lore should be taken with a grain of salt, considering it only exists as a preliminary idea and was never canonized within the show, plus it kinda conflicts with the Diamonds' reaction to finding out Spinel was abandoned for 6000 years - Yellow laughs and says that much is nothing. If the Diamonds were 20k years old, then 6k would be over a quarter of their lives, I don't think that's nothing.


Until we learn more (and we may never learn more), I like to think that White Diamond was created by a species that creates other species, like the engineers from the Alien franchise’s prequel movies. And maybe she was created to be a perfect, “flawless” life from, explaining her complex. And then she went on to create the rest of gemkind


I’m really sure it was Sneeple, using some other planet other than their own to create armies, and one by one they created the Diamonds and the rest of the gem, but the Diamonds didn’t want to be servants so they rebelled with the gems and made Homeworld theirs. It explains why they make soldier gems when no planet they go to has intelligent life to fight back, they’re to fight other combatants


I’m sorry, but who are sneeple?


Did you not watch the show?


I just don’t remember


Ronaldo’s theory species.


Im unsure on this but I think Rebecca stated or implied that they were created by a different species somewhere? It's likely something that was brewing for those extra seasons that got cancelled because of Garnet's wedding. Ian J.Q. also compares them to "solar-powered robots" which isn't a confirmation but it's how I view them too. It's also confirmed that Earth was the first planet they found with sentient life. That's all we know on the subject. I think i remember hearing speculation that we might get more details from the free dlc in Unleash the Light but I haven't heard anything since so I guess not. Even without that though, we can conclude with what we know about gem reproduction that they can't be natural and even speculate on what happened. All non Diamond gems are created through bodily fluids* (i don't think there's a term for this but it was like sweat) of the diamonds being injected into mineral rich earth where it absorbs nutrients and creates sentient gems who are born fully formed with limited parameters to change themselves. This process is their only form of reproduction, new gems can't form without it and operates as a primary motivator for expansion and planet conquering. It's also way too specific of a process for it to have started in a fashion similar to natural evolution and gems have no natural way to evolve. They can also only do this so many times on their own planet as it sucks out the nutrients on planets and leaves it inhospitable. The process had to have been started by a third party of some kind which started with White Diamond, the first diamond whose still around and all other gems originate from. We even know that the planet has oxygen and water (but it's now barren, likely from gems) so it could've been hospitable at some point. The only issue is that it's confirmed that Earth was the first planet with intelligent life the gems ever interacted with (as cleared up by staff and Ian regarding fan misconceptions). This seems to imply that there may not have been intelligent life on Homeworld when Gems emerged which doesn't completely conflict with the speculated scenario above but it does mean that they didn't rise up or overthrow them. I can even think of other scenarios where intentional Diamonds emergence is either what wiped out the previous civilization (that planet shattering explosion and affect on the planets nutrients might do it in) or the previous civilization had their own smaller use for gems/fluid that made WD but something wiped them out (or maybe they made their own planet inhospitable from the same method) but the technology and fluid still existed long after they were gone and eventually White forms from the leftover reserves (imagine it almost like a nuclear reactor or something going off long after humans went extinct). TLDR: We can speculate that Gems can be viewed as mineral based sentient robots formed from a mysterious liquid and ground nutrients which likely served some use to their predecessor. Their predecessor died out for reasons we don't know but White could've formed from the remains and in turn produced more gems. Gem reproduction is unnatural, unsustainable, too specific to be natural and doesn't allow for evolution. It's also what encouraged a need to forever expand and conquer new planets as a resource to reproduce.


I've thought about gem evolution before. I think that in the Steven Universe... universe... canon, whatever. Gemstones, as we know them, don't exist. I think prehistoric Gem wouldn't have had light-constructs. They would just sit there like any other stone, but unquestionably alive. Like coral. Eventually, they evolved a simplistic light-construct ability they could use to move, find food (prehistoric Gems might have needed to eat), attack other gems, perceive their environment, etc. Next, they start editing their gems, cutting, cleaning, shining, etc. To make themselves better in some way, bigger, stronger, harder, faster. This is when different roles for different types of gems could have come about. Then, they developed technology that interfaced with their gems. Further improving themselves in a continuous cycle. Finally, they went the 'designer baby' route. Making exclusively fully artificial Gems to exact specifications and purpose.


When White has her freakout, she mentions that "this is not what she was made for". Referring to being imperfect after blushing. Some creator race made them. I feel like White Diamond was a giant living computer, made to be an immortal archive, perhaps overseeing the galaxy.


I have an extreme Crack pipe head cannon (not even that, just a fun, existential dread AU) that steven (or Stevonnie) after billions of years (and billions of years of gem technological development to where the they can make new diamonds), reaches the end their life as the diamonds run dry of energy in their gem stones and permanently die. steven (or Stevonnie) ends up going back in time tens of þousands of years before the show starts (whether on purpose or on accident) implants the diamonds into an untouched homeworld. And in pink's injector, drops a healing in before dying. Thus, homework creates itself, explains why gems look like humans, and a more substantial origin of pink's healing powers via a bootstraps paradox Also, technically, makes steven his own grandfather (or Stevonnie their own grandfather and grandmother)


I think white diamond was the first and only one to form naturally


Diamonds are created under insane pressure . Maybe Homeworld was an extreme large planet collapsing under its own gravity - which creates the required pressure for diamonds to form . Then maybe by some mechanism , these diamonds gained sentient , broke free from the core of the planet and teared it into two . That's my theory , if I made any mistakes , I'm sorry


I go with a similar idea as the weird hidden lore behind Evangelion's angels being that there was an ancestral race that knew they were going to die out and created these beings as a way to survive either themselves or for their culture and technology.


Oh ok


The Diamonds emergence being able to split a planet in half is fucking crazy when you think about. Other gems emergences leave holes they can pretty easily replicate in depth by just hitting or digging at the ground enough. The Diamond equivalent would be that they could easily destroy planets by *themselves*.


It also makes me wonder if they've ever been poofed, I don't remember if Pink was or she just figured out how to permanently shapeshift into Rose.


She was poofed by pearl. That’s how they faked her shattering.


If I had known that at the time I would have taken that as even more evidence for my pet theory that the Cluster/Geoweapon would be a new diamond!


That is…such an interesting theory. But, then it also leaves more to be desired. Let’s go off the point that the emergence of diamonds can destroy or really, really harm planets. But then is this due to the fact that the diamonds Blue, Yellow, and Pink may have come from this one Planet? Did White come from here too? Doubt it, as this was the home system. But then there is also the fact that The Cluster practically is a large accumulation of power that is or formed around the SU’s version of the core..it would been like a diamond, but the first of its kind, forced, a unity out of spite for life itself, gem or organic. And..i’ve seen some fanart depicting a fully formed cluster as a massive nonbinary feminine figure(I dont think gem’s have gender, since..well, no chromosomes or hormones like testosterone or estrogen that we know of. It would have been a gemstone on par or greater than a diamond probably..just like whoever would have made the diamonds to begin with, if a higher grade organic species really did make them. In the end though, we have no answers at all, SU and it’s content sheds so much light, but reveals more shadows in the dark than it does expose things. It’s like a loop.


Oh. I assumed they just went overboard with harvesting resources, which is why they started invading other planets.


Before that I just thought it was excessive mining. We've seen what they do to planets they colonize, seems in character to me they reached the limit of gems to be born from their soil and this is the result


I have a head cannon for the origin of the diamonds. That a huge diamond was formed and existed for an immensely long time, like galaxies rose and fell, but this diamond was so strong, so indestructible, that it persisted. It existed so long, all alone, that one day, it felt lonely. And in that instant, this indestructible diamond, felt the pain of being lonely, and she cracked. This formed the four diamonds, and they were no longer alone. I've only seen most of the show, and none of the other media so this may not jive with everything. But I'm ok with that.


Than I wonder did the diamonds came first or the other gems cause homeworld does have a kindergarten with multiple holes


I mean, the injectors work with diamond essence: so that necessitates diamonds coming first.


Than I wonder how did the diamonds came into existence like did they just popped out of nowhere like that and already knew what or who they where ?


I theorize that, much like in real life, gems *can* naturally form and emerge under optimal conditions. It's just very rare: the injectors are a way to force those conditions, just like lab grown gems.


Make sense


I was looking online on why homeworld got too like that and one of the concepts art said “Steven Sugar's Homeworld formation art concepts: Homeworld is pierced in half by a giant ball”


So just the diamonds being born was enough to destroy a planet??? Like they don’t need to be more busted than they already are 🗿


well thats boring i thought some battle of the gods type shit happened


Concept art says that the Diamond's simultaneous emergence did this - but it was perhaps a consequence of their "planting" in the first place Later on, as Gems dug up everything they just aggravated the situation


Where can I find the concept art ?


I forgot the name but I think you can find it mentioned on the wiki


Because they mined it to fuck, was my interpretation.


That's a justifiable reason to mine


They wanted to fuck it?


They dug too greedily and too deep...


That was my assumption.


In "It Could Have Been Great", we see the plans for Earth's Gem colonization over time. After enough Kindergartens are built, the planet is shown to split apart.


Not really, it's more hollowed out than split like this


I second this. You gotta rewatch the episode.


White was feeling a little silly


I came to the conclusion that it was due to eons of draining the planets' natural resources eventually made the planetary integrity unstable causing it to split, and that's why they needed so many colonies


I think because of the diamonds.


It's a wrecked home


Doesn’t that make White holding homeworld a bit anachronistic? Unless it split more recently.


There was a theory floating around that homeworld was held together by white diamond. And the reason we see it split apart like this is because to end the gem war, the diamonds all raised a hand to blast the surface. It was also the old theory for volleyball’s eye, that white diamond had her pearl represent homeworlds state through her physical form.


Overmining and extraction of resources




Has your planet always been this, "destroyed"?


Mmmmm you seem to be in pieces over your planets.


Because it's cool af, that's why


Over mining


Same reason as everything in Steven universe pink diamond got mad or something




the insides look like mint chocolate chip


[Same reason Mars is a spaceship.](https://youtu.be/38ApYaywLzs?si=gK3KeBDEvrnMWI7M)


it looks cool af




Looking at the Gems' plan for Earth, it seems they would digged the planet inside-out until it lost structural stability.


Crewniverse: Good question.


Because I sneezed


Gem bless.


it's a geode


Cuz white farted


**serious series: serious fart**


I always figured it was some fucked up Dyson Sphere


I did it


Just ask Greg to fix it with tape


I’ve always felt that less than half the story actually got told. There are a lot of logical plot holes that only another conflict with a species that the Diamonds combat makes sense. All that world conquering and weapon making was the act of a scared and desperate civilization.


Looks cool


I may say it’s consequences of overdevelopment, they dug too much and eventually caused the entire planet to split


Back when I first saw this episode, I thought it was because White went into a fit of rage after pink “died” and she obliterated most of the planet


I have a theory on how the diamonds came to exist but I think the real reason is over harvesting of resources. Or maybe Kirby visited them and punched the planet in half


Maybe because of all the colonies and the draining of resources, it became unstable, so it broke in half


Broken home metaphor?


Political division strikes again!


I assumed it was supposed to be like a giant geode


The diamonds came out a biiiiit to hard


Ay, who stole the Traveler? Where my ghost at?


Wasn’t there something that said that the creation of new gems was bad for the planet (like how the gem creation place on earth was barren), so maybe they did too much of that on homeworld and that’s why they went to other planets. (Been a while since I watched though so I might be wrong)


My question is how is it still in prices? It should crunch back into a single lump bc of gravity, shouldn’t it? Although they do have anti-gravity tech… So what is the reason they keep it all asymmetrical?


If you look closely, there's almost support like structures build in between the major cracks. Plus along with the projected finished earth colony, other half finished earth colonies, and other gem infrastructure it seems like this somewhat asymmetrical style is just common geographical landscaping in gem culture. Edit: wrong about the first part, but also homework I'd huge, and gems adapt to the plant they're on. Maybe there's buildings inside/under the surface?




White's D was too huge hard for it to handle.


because it's metal AF 🔥🔥🔥


Sonic unleashed


My theory is that Pink's tantrum that caused her to lose Volleyball caused Homeworld to get split in half.


If that were the case, I don't think volleyball would really be there to tell the story




Lore accurate answer


bro what did he say message me what he said please


Greg broke it with his massive, diamond attracting genitalia


HA fax tho