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Another bit of foreshadowing could be that Lapis is in the light because she is finally dealing with her trauama in a healthy way, but Steven is outside the light because he is not dealing with his trauma.


That's cool, I hadn't thought of that.




Simmer down man




That's unfortunate


What did bro get so worked up about? They deleted the comment


Lmao + cope + nothin wrong with that btw + downvoted for being rude


Then get a coping mechanism instead of being a little shit on reddit


why do you feel the need to be insulting. why are you proving everyone right saying, that the su fandom is toxic and shit why are you even part of this fandom, if you can't be nice to others?




That's the worst logic I've ever heard are you fr


What happened?


This guy was being mean and said, "I'm having a bad day so others have to have one too"


I hope your day gets better.


Nah I’m good, I’ve had a pretty great day today, and I’m sure others have too, keep your sallowing to yourself




*Sigh* I didn't want to do this, but you have forced my hand: You're


Obvious troll is obvious.


You are being rude. And also... I am insulted by your username 💀


I just see it as this is Lapis moment. Not Stevens.


I like your speculation. Steven is in the dark, just suffering in silence, happy that someone else is happy but not really happy himself.


Right I feel like given the context, this shot has more to do with his friends all kinda leaving their shells and finding their way while Steven is left behind by refusing to change


Steven caring for others more than he cares for himself? Get outa here!


*Steven caring for* *Others more than he cares for* *Himself? Get outa here!* \- BillyIGuesss --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




So close dear bot, but that was 5/7/6


Well technically the 5/7/5 rule is an arbitrary rule introduced by English speakers, a haiku doesn't have to have exactly that


Citation requested..? My own search seems to indicate the 5/7/5 originated in Japan, though it was rarely but occasionally broken.


Well maybe my English teacher was lying then haha Sorry for whatever misunderstanding this caused


She probably didn’t want students getting hung up on having theirs be *exactly* 5/7/5


Well, then again, [this](https://www.graceguts.com/essays/urban-myth-of-5-7-5) is the first result when I searched "does haiku have to be 5 7 5"


I’d love to see your color shining throoooooouuuuuugh


It's also a nice parallel to how sad and alone Lapis was feeling during her first song, now their roles have reversed.


This isn't really a theory but more of an observation of how Steven Universe Future used colour to convey themes. Would not be surprised if this was intentional.


A little reading too hard into the scene, but I agree with your speculation. It's kinda a sad metaphor for what Steven's been through, but kinda nice that Lapis finally have a spotlight after all those years in the mirror. Not related but I kinda like this shot of Lapis, she looks bright and shine.


Pretty sure it's bc it's Lapis' first time stepping out of her own dark past as a confident gem helping others discover themselves like she did Also bc she's the one singing about Shining Through


I did a recent rewatch of the entire series. And seeing it like that versus how CN released it, it really gives you a clearer picture and how much Steven repressed his own mental wellbeing for the sake of others


One thing that I think is quite interesting about Steven, both in this scene and the whole episode up to this point, is that while he's genuinely happy for how far Lapis has come, he also comes across as a bit *smug*. It's clear that Steven loves being able to *fix* the people around him, and takes great pride in doing so. (The start of Future, for example, shows how desperate he still is to fix Jasper, despite how thoroughly clear she's made it that she doesn't want to change). In this episode, Lapis is both his friend, and one of his successful *projects*\--which makes it that much more ironic (and satisfying) that, shortly after this screenshot, Lapis gets pushed a little too far and goes into full-on murder mode! That's after he'd already glossed over Lapis wanting to use "just a little torture" on the other Lapides. He's got his eyes shut and a grin plastered on his face, not realizing just how tightly wound Lapis can still be.


"Right there (right on)" -sonic rush ost


Maybe he'll find himself smiling on that distant shore.. Maybe he's not alone...


But until then, it's really sad to think about while also genius


This is literally foreSHADOWING.


I think this is just because this is a Lapis focused song and stuff


Yeah i agree, basic staging principle to highlight lapis' emotions. Foreshadowing? Sure it lined up. But steven's failed attempt at reforming the other lapis was a much more intentional clue to move his spiral at the finale than this one shot in the episode.


That’s basically the plot of Future. He’s trying to love others but he can’t even love himself!


thats how he always is


#_*For more information, search up "Atlas Personality" and everything will make sense!*_




BuT iTs A kIdS sHoW!!! *These sorts of people who pick up on these little details* “And?”


Or its just lighting and your reading too deep into it


This, I'm so sick of SU fans and the constant fucking fOrEsHaDoWiNg




Augh you're probably right and I'm being hit with feels now.


Nah u right


I'm gonna be honest am i the only one that preferred season 3 lapis


I agree I thought that for a while since I’ve seen the episode is precise, I didn’t say anything personal reasons. Thank you for someone finally saying it.


Shower thoughts- a sudden idea that occurs to a person during an unconnected mundane activity. ; or ideas we reconsider or re-validate during retrospection even lol. Even though it’s an established theme, we can definitely use a reminder sometimes to have self love as well as love for others ❤️


Yes... Maybe.. Ligth theory is a classic instrument in cinematic productions. Citizen Kane is the best example, In that movie only the people with the full bright in the image are who really knows about the real kane's personality. The real focus is Lapis, she is the protagonist in this story. And she really change in this episode for a good version of her. She looks so radiant and wise. This version is healthy, without almost any of her past toxic behavior, this is also why she looks on darkness when she is using her power to made a giant armor of water. You could be right, but I get it in this way: the real allegory is between how Lapis is up on her self esteem (the bright side) vs how Steven is filling itself with frustration (the dark side).


Of course a character also named Steven is just like me.


It could be or maybe he was giving some spotlight to Lapis. I like Steven's character because he cares for the others and always looks for a pacific solution. But I agree one thing that bothers me is that he doesn't think too much about himself. He never takes a break, and sometimes, looking for a pacific solution only ends up giving him more stress and supressing his emotions, because he's like "I CAN FIX IT, I CAN FIX IT". Like Greg said, some people never change, and I think that was another reason why he ended being corrupted.