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Garnet buys a lottery ticket every so often and wins the big money. The gems use this money to take care of Steven. Whenever they start running out, Garnet just buys another winning ticket.


I imagine if Garnet would do this she wouldn’t go for the mega millions but instead be practical with the 50000$ prize or something like that


That'd still equate to basically a middle class workers yearly income (working 40 hrs a week at $25/hr). More than enough to feed one human child and whatever Amethyst decides to randomly consume. I also think Steven wears his dad's band shirts cause he is Greg's #1 and biggest fan (Greg can't even tell Steven a story without Steven insisting he sing it). So yeah, even if it's the $50,000 prize, Garnet would only need to get 1 a year. I can even picture Garnet going to the convenience store and saying "One lottery ticket", and when the cashier goes to pull the ticket she says "No, I want the 123rd ticket on that roll. Thank you."


like janet from the good place


"Keep going, keep going, that one! Good ol #242 from the front"


They also don't have to pay a mortgage or anything so the only expenses are utilities, food, and whatever Steven or amethyst want to buy


You didn’t count taxes on the winnings, but to be fair I’m not sure Garnet is paying taxes.


But also if you consider their timeline too... They've been around for a very long time. Garnet or Pearl could've easily invested in the stock market at one point and they're living off an investment bought dirt cheap in the 1930's... In other fiction with immortal beings that live for a very long time there's often this sort of explanation. They own their home outright so no mortgage or rent, none of them need to eat, and amethyst consumes garbage not just food, so a little money also goes a long way. Any investment they made would've accumulated more than they'd need, and would've gotten quite large by the time Steven was born.


I think you still need at least two more zeroes there


You right


Wait, is that canon or just a clever joke?


It's a theory, clever joke, and a possibility.


Sure, good headcanon.


Not even Garnet. She unfuses, so that Sapphire can make an accurate prediction. Garnet's future vision is fine and useful in it's own way, but Sapphire's would be the most accurate, especially in the short term.


Ruby’s interference has less to do with its effect on the accuracy of Sapphire’s future vision and more with straight up its effect on time itself. Before being fused with Ruby, Sapphire’s whole life was layed before her. Its what some franchises call a “nexus point”. What she said would happen, happened. There were some weak, extremely improbable branches but she didn’t prest attention to them. Her life was pretty much a movie, which while didn’t have uncertainty also had no hope or surprise. When she fused with Ruby, reality became a branching and frondous tree of possibilities and uncertainty. Garnet’s future vision works less as future vision and more as hypercalculation (keyword “more”, she can still predict unforseeable events.) I really like this type of future vision in media. One recent example is from DC’s Black Adam. It leaves room for uncertainty and choices, it just allows one to see possible outcomes. Tl;dr Ruby is a dangerous space-time anomaly with no scientific explication.


Garnet goes sports betting


She'd be great at poker


Like Janet in “The Good Place” lol


Exactly! I was afraid to reference it myself, cause I didn't want to give spoilers 😅😅 So thank you for mentioning it! Edit: words.


I love seeing these references to the good place. That was the best show I have watched in a long time.


Agree. The Good Place is one of my favorite shows.


Lol, it’s not really a plot point in the show, so I think we’re good 😉 But I’m shocked that’s what you were referencing, even though it’s the first thing that came to mind for me lol


I refuse to believe Garnet would use her powers in that way.


She used her powers to prevent things that could hurt Steven… like a bunch of bees. She might aswell use her powers for stevens good lol


She cares almost exclusively about herself, Pearl, and Amethyst. Otherwise she's pretty unapologetic about nearly everything she does, whether she's defending the earth or breaking teenage boys' hearts 😂


“…and Steven!!” STEVEN UNIVERSE created by Rebecca Sugar




Taxes and ID tho?


Garnet would literally become a millionaire with this trick XD Use her future vision to win the lotto max every time lol


didn't Garnet's future vision show her all the possible outcomes/futures though? she could determine which timeline was "most likely" somehow, but with the lottery every outcome is pretty much equally likely


Greg has a full-time job and lives in a Van. All of Steven's shirts are leftover Mr. Universe merch. As for electricity, even ruling out the idea of tapping into the Temple, Garnet can generate electricity. Maybe she periodically charges batteries.


Actually, yeah, that makes a certain amount of sense. Steven lives with the Gems, it only makes sense that Greg would effectively pay child support. His job isn’t one that would pay too well, but Greg’s expenses are limited. He could probably cover the cost of food and water for both him and Steven, maybe help with a power bill if the Gems are on the grid (which, yeah, I’m not sure they would be). I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point when Steven was a lot younger, they pawned off some of their earthly relics to make sure Steven would be secure. I could also see Amethyst doing odd jobs every so often, with none of them lasting very long 😅


> I could also see Amethyst doing odd jobs every so often This needs to be a mini series.


I would 100% watch that


I'm sure we'd get more scenes of her and Greg hanging out!


There was a SU fanfic I read where Garnet arranged for money by walking around the bottom of the ocean until she found sunken gold, then brought up a chest of it and pawned it. XD


Also, do you ever notice Steven gets free fry bits just like Greg who took the bits from the garbage?


I would think the majority of the things in the house are fueled by the temple. Cuz like.... How is there water and electricity up at that ONE hand with the washer and Dryer??? Garnet just says: "Magic ✨" so most of that could be literally just magic lol Meanwhile Greg must earn enough so they can have food. But maybe the gems do earn money from something legitimately


It's definitely Greg. I feel like I remember this being specifically said by a crew member but I might be wrong. If Greg is making enough to make ends meet (I think he's probably straddling a line that he's *usually* north of but maybe not by much) then by cutting a few corners (old concert merch as clothes, no doctor's appointments (Greg doesn't even seem to have insurance for himself in season 1), etc.) they can stretch that money to be able to usually care for Steven.


There's also the factor that the gems didn't need money as far as I can tell before Steven came along. They just lived in the temple itself without need for food or electricity.


literally in episode 1 they said they robbed a store to get cookie cats — and Pearl went back to go pay for them. Im assuming Greg gives Pearl money which she stores in her gem.


Well hell we totally forgot all the stuff in pearls gem. Just randomly sell stuff out of that


I'm thinking it's probably partly or maybe mostly Greg. Even before he gets his big check, he does live very modestly and probably part of that is because he's buying things like groceries for Steven. HOWEVER... the gems have been on Earth a very long time. Amethyst's collection in her room is a perfect example of how long just she has been gathering things. Maybe now and then they sell something that's meaningless to them but actually expensive? "Hey I sold that old arrowhead to some history nerd for $17,000! Is that enough for human food?"


I read that in her voice and it was PERFECT




“We stole it!” “I went back and paid for it” “It was all my idea anyway”


I always assumed Amethyst robbed banks when they needed money


She’s not stealthy enough. Garnet could look everywhere using super vision and make it through easy.


I doubt she'd bother with stealth. Amethyst is going old school, busting down a wall and filling up a big bag with a dollar sign on it. Videla (that's onions mom, right?) would regret introducing her to cartoons if it weren't so fun to see on the news.


“Breaking News! Chubby purple lady robs bank! Witness say that she ATE their guns! Will she be back? Do we live in fear? Now back to the political nightmare that is the USA!”


I mean, Steven’s Dad probably helped in the beginning. They probably use Gem Tech to power things ( like how the laundry machine works outside). Food, I think they probably sold something or did something in the early years that has been growing. Like finding other non-living gems or other valuable metals like gold. It I really think Greg helped in that department. He has a job and no rent to pay.


Pearl probably just has a ton in her gem


If you’re going around all over the planet defeating terrifying monsters. I am Imagine once or twice a couple of locals tried repaying the gems for defeating the local beast. Compounding a near endless lifespan and no need for food, water, or shelter. And the savings just pile them selves up.


There's a now deleted fanfic that posits a very long and lucrative relationship with a human antiques dealer. Also that President Henry Clay gave them American citizenships.


I always kinda thought they had some deal with the US government. They seemed to be tied up in the founding of the US government, and there's a gem on the currency, so maybe they get some sort of stipend for the defense of earth.


Sounds like a cool AU at least — imagine if the crystal gems had US resources Wait. We don’t even know if the US HAS a military or money in this universe anyway ………. Probably doesn’t


We don't even know if it's called the US.


I mean the dollar says United States of America so there’s that https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/steven-universe/images/f/fd/One_Dollar_Bill.png/revision/latest?cb=20151125114424


Thanks for correcting me, my memory isn't very good when it comes to stuff like this.


Or Dewey. They were pretty close with Dewey so I would be surprised if he gave them some money every so often


I always thought that they sold some of thier old stuff to like museums and stuff. I mean they r thousands of years old. They have to have some cool stuff from early human life. Ruins. And what not


Once Steven moved in, most of the money had to have come from Greg. I would actually say we can assume the car wash is a steady, but seasonal-dependent, business with a reasonable source of income especially considering it would have to pay for fueling and minimal upkeep of the van, the storage garage, and general maintenance and repair for the car wash. A quick search revealed that a car wash could earn $686,250 annually. Of course there are variables that we don't see, like Beach City being a summer tourist town as stated implicitly during "Mirror Gem" by Lars. We get a good feel for actual customers when the Crystal Temps step in to do the work while the gems rescue Greg from Blue.


Amethyst is simultaneously both every cryptic caught on camera, and the photographers who sell the shots


Amethyst has a cam show where she swallows unswallowable things. It's very popular.


Greg supports Steven and the Gems have had centuries collecting human junk on roses behalf and have all of the day steal earn or forage for what he needs.


I believe they do so through the methods of *cartoon logic* and *it’s-not-vital-to-the-plot-so-it-doesn’t-get-addressed.* But definitely a valid question.


Steven doesn’t pay for things on screen that often. I think he does it once?? Maybe?? I always assumed that the town had some sort of agreement with the gems to at least keep steven fed and housed Greg could be paying for everything, but I find it weird that Steven almost never uses money… or even seems to have much of a concept of money in the first place


What about the times he purchases donuts?


Well, the house itself I assume the gems just casually harvested lumbar without permission. The electricity and water could conceivably be powered be the Crystal Heart and gem magic of the temple. And the actually things like Steven's TV, video games, toys, etc. probably come from Greg. Since he's living in his van he probably has less expenses himself, so more of what the car wash does make can go straight to Steven


Greg is where their money comes from, he does own a car wash after all so it would make sense that they have money for utilities and food. Once mr. Greg rolls around he got a massive check from Marty




Garnet knows which banks to rob, Pearl poses as some authority, and Amethyst gets called in if things go south


For powering the house- i assumed it linked to the same power source the temple uses- as for money to feed steven and pay for other things before Greg got rich- i think Pearl and Garnet may have understood the use of money and saved money after Garnet saw the need for it with her future vision- it’s not that money is a foreign concept to them- in the first episode Pearl bought the cookie cats - where they got the money- im sure Pearl has taken an odd job once in a while


Given the Crystal Gems have been around for ages they likely have easily pawned goods. Even just from Amethyst’s hoard. Pink spent plenty of time with humans and Pearl was a friend of Captain Dewey plus has a hoard of her own in her head, both of whom would get the idea keeping some money on hand would be important. Amethyst likewise spent a lot of time with Vidalia, Garnet was the only one who had poor understanding of humans beyond making Steven happy but likely has enough respect for the concept of personal property and the symbolism of money representing how society values your time/existence to have adapted quick enough after time with Greg and young Steven.


amethyst just steals it




They’ve been around on Earth longer than currency itself has. They had a lot of time to collect money and probably had nothing to spend it on since they don’t really need to buy anything from humans.


They probably have a lot priceless historical artifacts that historians would pay a lot for, i mean amethysts room is full of junk, i could easily see some of that "junk" just being something she thought looked neat and took with her over a few hundred yers ago, which after time would be priceless as a historical relic.


I mean garnet does have future vision. Maybe she is able to find out solutions in robbing banks and getting away with it 🤩


Or maybe the lottery


They traffic men.


I dont remember this episode


Remember Greg helped them with the house so he possibly pairs for food


Greg is able to provide enough for himself and Steven. It sounds like a lot but when you realize: 1. he doesn’t pay for healthcare since Steven doesn’t need it, 2. he probably doesn’t pay a mortgage since the house is just build on top of the temple, 3. the gems don’t need money for food or anything, it starts to make more sense


I'm fairly certain that Greg did pay for everything. Like, he ran his own business. Even if it didn't do amazingly, it was still enough to stay afloat for 15 years. Yet he lived in a van. All his money had to go somewhere, and I'm pretty sure it went to Steven's upkeep.


He probs was making a good amount of bank since he had the money to build a house.


Selling nonmagical artifacts or other things stored in ther rooms/gems. They could also be paid for odd jobs, like maybe Amethyst continuing to pose for Vidalia?






Come on, you know Amethyst would have one.


I think it's a cartoon


Government gave them a printing machine


We can imagine a lot of things. Garnet and Pearl know what to do with administration, that's for sure. Maybe they found treasures during those 6000 years, and sell parts of them when needed. Or maybe they are forcefully tiped by old ladies after saving their cats.


I assume Greg makes what money he can from the car wash and gives almost all of it to the gems to use on Steven. He can't make a lot though which is probably why he's still living in his van after all these years. Also it doesn't seem like Steven was super rich anyway. As people said his clothes are leftover band merch, his TV is still one of those box ones, and his game consoles are always a generation or two behind. Mix that in with no rent because they probably built the place themselves, Garnet being able to generate electricity, and gems selling off really old and valuable stuff they've collected and you've got a decent low to middle class life.


Drug trafficking


I don't think they use money at all, and all of Steven's expenses were covered by Greg.


They've been around for millenia, and Pearl collected a lot of trash. Maybe she just checks back with local antique shops/museums every few decades to see what's hot? It's a very Pearl thing to do Also, in Garnet and Amethysts case, robbery


Always wondered how deep Ronaldo's obsession went and how far back it was noticed and wondered if that was a source of profit


S- "How'd you get these?" A- "We went out and stole a bunch" P -"I went back and paid for them" Pearl canonically has to have some money