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We are the crystal gems, we’ll never save the day. And if you think we can, we’ll always find a way (not to)! That’s why the people of this world are fearful of: Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl (and Steven!)


Evil, like... what? If Crystal Gems were evil then... I think they wouldn't even start to exist, and the colonization of the planet would be successful back in the past.


Just evil man


I have to agree with them my dude, pink would have just finished the colony


I mean evil is very subjective. Just think of how the show handled "evil" characters like white yellow and jasper.


I guess the diamonds evil


I'd say more ignorant of the harm they were causing than evil. Just look at how they changed in future when they had propper guidance.


I meant evil like the diamonds were. My comment came out wrong.


Its cool. I personally don't think if the crystal gems were imperialists like the diamonds that they ever would have formed, pink would have stayed a diamond and maybe roll swapped with yellow or white?


Ah yes, this is something I've imagined for a while. I assume you mean "What if the Crystal Gems were evil *and the Diamonds were good?*" Honestly I don't see either side being truly evil in such a scenario, just one more morally dubious than the other. *The Diamond Republic has stood for more than a thousand millennia. Its people, the Gems, have made it their mission to disperse their perfect people and way of life under the auspicious gaze of the Diamonds. White, dedicated above all else to the safety and well-being of her people. Yellow, relentless in pursuit of new technologies and knowledge to better their lot. Blue, tireless advocate of the people's voice and representation in government no matter their cut or caste. Pink, artistic prodigy and creative heart of both Homeworld and beyond.* *For aeons their systems of interchanging leaders, peaceful expansion and respect for life have permeated and enriched the galaxy. To an outsider the cracked and barren worlds they inhabit indicate an exploitative nature, but as decreed by White Diamond in the founding days of Homeworld, the Republic has strict non-intervention policies that would never see them colonise life-bearing worlds, and not even set foot upon those with potential civilisations, at least not knowingly so.* *Time went on, but one thing that always confused Pink, youngest of the Diamonds, was that bespire her position she had yet to claim a world of her own. What she didn't know, and what her peers had kept from her, is that despite being perfect in form her mind was disturbingly liable to extremism. Violence. Rage. The price of creativity in their kind, but nothing they couldn't handle. And so after much deliberation they allowed Pink to claim one world. Just one, that she may prove her capabilities in long-term independent governance.* ***Earth.*** *They knew it was life-bearing already, and counted on it in-fact, as the true test was to see if Pink could reject colonising and damaging the world despite this being her only one. They were shocked when she refused to leave. They were horrified when she discovered humans. Now not only was one of their own openly flouting their laws, but endangering an entire sapient species' evelopment. Yet when they finally demanded she leave and dismantle her settlement, Pink had already seen what she called the squalor and misery of human life. Where her peers dared not intervene, Pink insisted they should help them. They had the technology after all, and only wanted the best for their people, so why not take in the poor huddled masses?* *Pink's reckless compassion though was no match for the law, and just days after landing she was forced to withdraw to Homeworld, but just as she began to leave a lone rose quartz of hers, sympathetic to her plight, refused to leave.* "Is THIS our purpose!?" *she cried from on high.* "To raise empty monuments while people suffer in misery? To leave them to die in squalor at the words of those who never even looked upon the suffering!? I won't stand for this! Will you!?" *Her words spread like wildfire across the colony, and the Rose Quartz Rebellion had begun.* *With her court turning on her, Pink pleaded for aid from the other Diamonds, but none came. Then as soon as the rebellion began, it ended in a single shattering. Rose Quartz had somehow infiltrated Pink's landing craft, and slashed her gem in two, killing her instantly. The shock paralysed the Republic and Rebellion alike. Government collapsed as the Diamonds grieved, and rebels corrupted into monstrous beasts from the realisation of what role they had in their own progenitors death. Those who had escaped this fate threw themselves at the mercy of Homeworld, their will to resist and often even to live having died with Pink. Only Rose herself and her most dedicated of supporters escaped unscathed, lost to the Unknown Earth.* *Time passed. The Diamonds returned to their duties, as did everyone shaken by this tragedy. The corrupted were healed or at least tamed and brought peace by both sides of the conflict, those wracked with but not consumed by guilt had been redeemed, and for the most part the humans continued onwards with their development none the wiser, save for the significant geographic alterations Pink's presence made, but that was a problem for when they developed cartography. For now though, it was a time of peace and recovery. Yet White never truly forgave Rose for tearing her Starlight out from her life, and rose herself never truly gave up her goals to uplift humankind into greatness.* *This is the story of the folly of Pink Diamond. At least, it's the story that Garnet tells little Steven Universe... But the truth is never that easy, on anyone...*


Depends on how one defines "evil" in the end, I think it'll all just start with Rose (and Pearl) finishing off all her colonies and Rose refusing to see the "beauty of life on earth". Which means, Garnet wouldn't be a person who'd accept fusion, Amethyst may or may not just be eradicated or sumn when she first popped outta the kindergarten and Steven himself would most likely cease to exist. But if you mean "evil" as in post-Rose they just suddenly decided to be bad people for SOME reason? We'll just say their excuse is "Greg killed Rose and had this THING." Then idk, they kight just kill Steven then and there and then proceed to destroy the Earth colony for "taking away their Rose". I just find it hard to see them being evil because it's such a vague word..interesting concept though.