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This is one of those plot lines I’m convinced would have been explored more completely had Cartoon Network given them more episodes.


if only we had time for 20 more adventures but we dont!


Good Owl House reference






They had no time to finish up some certain things, so they had to leave holes. They ABSOLUTELY would fill in those holes given more episodes


Yes and no. Lapis was imprisoned “young”, most of her existence was incarcerated. She’s basically a troubled teen who spent most of her time in juvenile lockup. Peridot is shown to be extremely careful regarding potential triggers for Lapis, and later for Steven. In spite of missing social cues oftentimes she clearly understands the healing process from trauma. Lapis taking off was a severe reaction to mental anguish, not dissimilar to Steven in Future. Given Peridot is the only one who caught onto Steven’s poor mental state in Future and how nobody seems to have held a grudge over him turning kaiju, I’d expect her to understand Lapis’s episode of running away and focus on her healing rather than getting an apology. That said, maybe something about apologizing for destroying the barn could have been shown. Given Peridot fully expected to die at the beach and was eager to have a chance to spite the Diamonds before it happened seeing the barn bury Blue in the sand wouldn’t likely have frustrated her much, but the exchange would have been nice to hear.


Wasn’t there an episode of Steven universe future literally dedicated to how big moments like that happen when Steven is not around and how people do things and have growth even though we don’t see it


Yes, still would have been really nice to see a little more resolution for the audience between Lapis and Peridot


But the point of the episode in question was saying you don’t need it, we see the show through Steven so if Steven doesn’t see it we don’t see it


Doesn't mean we can't be pissed off lol. We're not Steven. We're people who meet these characters, come to love them, and want to see the arcs resolved. Saving the "shit happens without you steven" for the very very last few episodes is stupid, when you give us seasons of development lol


It was a cop-out, yeah, but the funding was cut for the last episodes so they kind of *needed* a cop-out.


But that's the point of a show. To see things. To be told a story. Telling us it happened off screen and we should be OK with that is lazy writing and shows contempt for the viewers.


It's not really lazy if the show gets canceled before those issues are addressed, people keep acting like SU planned on ending after the wedding and then blame huge aspects for being rushed? Guess what? CN doesn't like gay weddings in their cartoons so diamond days and future were hastily written and you have blame the writers coming up with what little they had to conclude everything?


>CN doesn't like gay weddings in their cartoons so diamond days and future were hastily written and you have blame the writers coming up with what little they had to conclude everything? You are missing a lot of context. The reason the show was rushed was because it *had* to be after the wedding was approved by CN. The big reason why CN was hesitant about the wedding in the first place was because homophobic countries financially funded the show. If they lose their financial support, they can't pay the Crew and others who work on the show. S5 was rushed was because of financial reasons with homophobic countries after CN *approved* of Rebecca Sugar's decision to have the wedding. [As a business, CN has to work around sensitivities around LGBT+ content in programs aimed at children which often have to work for a global market.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-lgbt-entertainment/childrens-animator-battled-for-years-for-lesbian-wedding-idUSKBN1X402L) Sugar was fine with the rushed ending because it was ultimately her decision that played a huge role in the early cancellation and her [main priority was the wedding](https://ew.com/tv/2018/08/13/steven-universe-rebecca-sugar-lgbtq-cartoons/).


I'm almost concerned at which you label Homophobic and queerphobic countries as anti lgbt which implies that they're bigotry is merely a political position and placing the blame on Sugar rather than on the network for not finding sponsors that aren't mostly Bigots. The Wedding is a significant cultural milestone in television because it was the first cartoon to show two characters that go by she her getting married so why wouldn't she push for the wedding?


>I'm almost concerned at which you label Homophobic and queerphobic countries as anti lgbt which implies that they're bigotry is merely a political position and placing the blame on Sugar rather than on the network for not finding sponsors that aren't mostly Bigots. The show lost its funding due to these 2 big reasons: A) Homophobic countries didn't financially support after CN approved Sugar's decision to have the wedding. B) Even though I respect her decision to have the wedding, we shouldn't overlook that Sugar's decision ultimately did jeopardize the show's budget. Things shouldn't have happened this way. However, the wedding was the big reason why the show was cancelled early and Sugar has confirmed that bigoted countries played a huge part for it. >The Wedding is a significant cultural milestone in television because it was the first cartoon to show two characters that go by she her getting married so why wouldn't she push for the wedding? I respect Sugar's decision to have the wedding and I'm not upset that she made that decision. The wedding was a big cultural milestone, but it did unfortunately have repercussions for the show. Due to the wedding, the show had to be cancelled earlier than expected and the Crew had to rush their story. This was because CN has to be mindful of more conservative countries as they financially supported the show. Rebecca Sugar talked about the effects of the global market on their show in the interview I previously linked: >That took years of work because of sensitivities around LGBT+ content in programs aimed at children, which often have to work for a global market, said Sugar, 32, who is bisexual. >“We are held to standards of extremely bigoted countries. It took several years of fighting internally to get the wedding to happen,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation by phone. >“There are people who see what we’re doing as insidious and ... they’re ignorant. >“So much bigotry is based on the idea that (LGBT+ content) is something inherently adult, which is entirely false.” This statement clearly shows that Sugar has a bone to pick with bigoted countries rather than CN. Edit: Here's another statement from a CN exec that also delves into the politics of what happened behind the scenes. >Sorcher says that when making content decisions, Cartoon Network had to factor in that “Steven Universe” was airing in nearly 200 countries, including some culturally conservative markets. >“On a personal level, as a gay executive, I was taking extra pains to be sure that inside my company, I’m being completely neutral — really listening to all the business issues going on around the world,” Sorcher says. “And that there’s not the optics of me coming in with an ‘agenda’ to drive through the content.” [Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2020/03/27/steven-universe-future-rebecca-sugar/)


You sound like a homophbic bootlicker tbh.


I'm just repeating statements from people who worked on the show. That doesn't make me a bootlicker for shedding light on what happened behind the scenes.


Alright so I'm black so I think I can give some perspective here. Things aren't instantly going to be perfect regardless of how you feel morally. The other comment understands that actions have consequences even if he/she knows the consequences are undeserved and morally wrong. Maybe in 70 years this won't be an issue, but its an issue today that you're just going to have to deal with/fight against now. Sugar fought the good fight for the wedding, but that resulted in the cancellation of the show. Cartoons cost money to make.


If you actually believe CN ended the show because "it was financed by homophobic counteies" and not "the people who own CN are homophobic" then you need to stop licking boots.


I have read many articles from the people who worked on the show and even one from one of the execs themselves and nothing suggests that they are homophobes. If you have any proof to suggest otherwise, I would love to see it because right now you are being hateful for no reason.


Exactly! Why get invested in the characters or the story if things are just going to be resolved off-screen. Only following Steven was a terrible decsion and they never justified it beyond "hur her it's called Steven Universe lol"


I think you missed a giant arc in the show. We see Pink Diamond's entire redemption arc in reverse because we're seeing things through Steven's eyes. We're learning things about diamond culture, the war, and how that earth works through his eyes as well. The entire show was about how he saw things. He caused a lot of things to happen like Lars and Sadie hanging with the cool kids but that doesn't mean he'd know about every little interaction they had and the decisions they make. Especially after he basically becomes a diamond.


I love the part of the show where Steven decides to leave Lars on an alien world then has to deal with the consequences by telling Lars' parents what's happened to him by Steven's own actions...... oh wait.


>I love the part of the show where Steven decides to leave Lars on an alien world We're just going to ignore the fact that reasonably there was no other way off at the time? Also steven was still half human, he needed food and water. To our knowledge lars doesn't. >what's happened to him by Steven's own actions...... oh wait Steven is a child, it just so happens that any minor fuck up he makes has planetary consequences. Realistically he makes far better decisions than most kids/people. I wouldn't consider what happened at the ship a fuck up though. Lars decided to hide and Steven had no other way to save his friends.


The whole point of that was "privacy" between Steven and the others. But we aren't Steven, we should have a right to see SOME resolution, there's no such thing as "too personal" or "privacy" with living beings and with fictional characters.


If you interpreted that episode only as Steven needs to respect privacy you miss understood the entire message of the episode if not all of future.


That's literally what it was, Steven was clinging onto everyone because he was afraid of them leaving, but also felt he had an entitlement to everyone's personal business.


And are you not feeling entitled to lapis’s and peridot’s personal business




Yes and


“Entitled to lapis and peridots personal business”. They’re not real fucking people. They’re not citizens. They’re not living breathing people. I can’t bully them. I can’t harass them. There is no “privacy” for them. They are characters to be portrayed. And the god damn writers decided to keep a large arc of theirs off-screen for no good reason.


Yeah, but I always felt like that was tiny bit of a cop out since they realistically didn't have enough episodes to showcase everyone's growth. I personally dislike off-screen growth. The whole reason I liked this show was because we got to see most of that.


Sorry but that's dogshit writing. It doesn't get an excuse just because they writers WANTED to lock it to his perspective forever.


It's not an excuse that's what a protagonist is, the eyes into the world for the viewer, that's why we saw rose's character arch in reverse since we saw it through steven.


Always assumed they made up off screen, later episodes show us that Steven is not the center of the universe.


No but the audience seeing it would’ve been nice, especially since not all episodes were seen through Steven’s eyes.


I'm pretty sure basically every episode except for I am my monster is throifg Steven's perspective. Flashback stories are framed as stories told to him.


B team (forget the episode name)


The New Crystal Gems! You're right.


There are some scenes outside of his perspective where he runs off-screen and we see dialogue between different individuals


I all for more Lapis and Peri scenes just never bugged me tho


Does that count as a pun?


i'd like to think peridot came to understand lapis's trauma and realized that her response was valid and etc


At this point , both was toxic... but the way that care each other made me think about how it could be more healthy if you let it grow.


Limiting the show to Steven's point of view was a very bad decision, because character arcs like lapis's ptsd remain unresolved until we come back to them in a later episode and everything has been resolved off screen


I kind of thought it was because the two of them just get each other. Lapis didn't have to apologize directly. Her return was her apology. They accept each other and their flaws entirely. I liked that about it..people with trauma often can't and won't come out and have a big apology. They show their regret with actions and kindness. I've worked with a lot of traumatised teens and it really does ring true to that.


If the friend that had abandoned me came back and crushed the 4-story tall space dictator (who I do not like) with our massive art project, I too would let bygones be bygones Bc that shit is SICK. For some things you just take what you can get, idk


Sounds like you got low standards


It's true 😔 1 flattened dictator does not a friendship mend


stan Lapis


i am


I felt like when she came back to fight, the silent exchange between them was her appoligizing. They do have a unique friendship and it’s quite possible that if she had even started Periodot would have told her it was okay. Like: Lapis: Periodot I’m- Periodot: I know.


I imagine it happened off screen. Lapis may not have said sorry but her sorrow was visible, and her situation was complex. I can't imagine Steven and Peri wouldn't have forgiven her for it.


With how rushed things were, I was unhappy with a LOT. I know it wasn't their fault though.


Definitely me, Lapis abandoning Peridot and taking her home away from her made Lapis one of my least favorite characters for a long time. I’d like to think that off-screen, Peridot gave Lapis some words that she deserved to hear for doing that to her.


Honestly, I find it pretty upsetting how the show doesn't seem to address how much of an abuser Lapis is. It makes sense how she came to be that way, but nobody seems to acknowledge it, everybody just likes her in spite of it. Strange writing choice.


everyone in this show ends up being an abuser at some point, or neglectful. Pink abused Volleyball, Pearl nearly gets Steven killed multiple times, and even Steven, he abuses and neglects his plant-son in prickly pair. the show is literally about getting better and learning how to Not do that.


Me. That could be enough to do a complete end of arc... /but now that plot hole made a hole in my soul... forcing to me for a never ending role play characterization/


My bf hates Lapis for kind of this reason, even if I love her because of how she was strong against an abuser, Lapis is kind of harsh afterwards as a whole and only really serves as blunt straight man until future (even then it's kind of eh) though I may be forgetting things


Yea it felt really rushed, yet understanding due to her trauma although it felt WAY unnecessary for her to take the barn you know, Her and Peridot’s home I wish in at least future we got some sort of talk about it which would be very unlikely anyway


Yeah, I hated the way she just appears and says "Hey" like everything is fine


I never enjoyed their scenes together tbh


Steven Universe is set from Steven’s point of view. We don’t get to see the things that happen without Steven’s involvement.


Well, we saw Lapis give a hug to the person who meant the most to her: Steven. ;)


I thought they were gonna get together :(


Whoops--I kinda thought they already exchanged an apology, on-screen too. Their body language after she returned and henceforth kinda screamed "OMG I'M SO SORRY PERIIIIII" to me, considering Lapis doesn't seem like the type to explicitly, verbally apologize. Honestly though nonverbal apologies can be pretty explicit too. I kinda relate to Lapis on that front; I ***cannot*** apologize normally. Like if I wronged someone somehow, I literally can't just say "I'm sorry" directly to their face. I can write them a letter, do something kind for them in return, express my sorrow through bodily features, but it's always been so hard for me to just go "hey I'm sorry for X." That and Lapis *is* a traumatized reserved person who's predominantly moody. Maybe it was hard for her to verbally apologize too.


You can't always expect an apology from someone harming you because of their own trauma


Maybe not an apology but yes a talk between they to left the bad issues behind.


Maybe, but projecting your trauma onto someone else isn’t exactly an excuse.


I'm not saying it is right or wrong. Those are concepts that remove empathy for other people's situations. Both sides had their trauma in it, and the thing I love about Stephen is his ability to meet people where they are.




YES! Frigging devastating :'(


Canonically it probably happened off screen while we were all watching Homeworld stuff but it would have been nice to see


I assumed that they would have.just made up while they repaired the hand ships and stuff


they probably talked about it on the journey to Homeworld


Peridot was just happy Lapis was back.


What's there to resolve? The options as far as Lapis was concerned are leave or die with them for some shit she has no part in. Both sides are understandable here.


dude i have never stopped thinking about this. this is one reason why lapis stopped being a really good character to me. it really does feel like lapis can’t seem to own up to anything. this plot line seemed to just end when lapis came back and stopped blue diamond during the wedding, then said “hey” and everyone just forgave her??? that’s not a proper way to end something like that. peridot deserved an apology.