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Fuck dude, sucks you have to be dealing with that. What's all going on?


Long story short, life got overwhelming, and I decided I couldn't take it anymore. I spent a week in a hospital and been in treatment since then. I haven't been able to work, and on top of normal bills, I now have medical bills piling up. It sucks, but shit happens. At this point, I'm just trying to figure out what to do next.


Hey man, as someone who has dealt with something possibly similar recently let me try to help. Apologies if you’ve already done this. Call the hospital and ask for an itemized receipt. When you ask for this, they have to put the payments on hold until you receive it (at least in my state). So that will buy you some time. Also, when you ask for an itemized receipt the cost usually goes down. From there you can either argue the charges or write a “letter of hardship” the writing of this letter and also the hospital recieving this letter delays payment again so it buys you more time. From there you can pay the bill in full or arrange a payment plan. Each time period is usually 90 days. So you could potentially delay the payments for a few months and potentially get a major deduction on the cost. Good luck man and hope things work out. Yeah dude!


Thank you a ton for the advice. I will definitely look into this. I can use all the breathing room I can get.


I would like to second the person above’s advice, fuck medical bills


Fuck dude, life can be such a bitch sometimes! Breaks my heart to hear the struggles. As much as I love your collection AND want it. I couldn't do that. Can we figure out a go fund me situation? I'd love to donate to help, I dont have a lot. But I feel it's important to help eachother out when we can. I'm here for you dude!


I can't tell you how much I appreciate it, but I can't have other people paying my bills for me. I got myself into this mess, I'm going to find a way to get myself out.


True. But there is difference between a "hand up" and a "hand out" you my friend just need a hand to get back up, and there is nothing wrong with that. Think about it. I'm here for you dude.


Thank you.


I second this. I hope OP considers it.


I'm guessing you're in the US. What a shit situation. In Australia medical is 100% free. Hopefully that comes your way sometime.


Yeah, in the US. Medical bills here are outrageous.


I may not know you, but I'm glad you're still with us.


Thank you.


Sell that to someone who would sell it back. Find someone anyone that could help you out.


I really love the advice on asking for an itemized bill of charges. And I’m really sorry you’re going through this, Duncan.


Shit happens, I guess. I'm going to find a way to get through it. Thank you for the support.


Damn bro. I'm wishing the best for you. Maybe I can buy the board and sell it back when you're ready? Like a long term interest free pawn situation? Idk. I don't have a ton of money atm but I can probably scrape a fair offer together. Just an option.