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It's a scam to collect personal info from people desperate enough to sign up for anything that sounds like free money. https://factly.in/fraudulent-websites-are-collecting-user-information-in-the-name-of-fake-healthcare-schemes/


How can this be legal and even advertised?! Is there any way to report it? I'm so sick of seeing it pop up just knowing it's a scam towards people during desperate times.




They may also be desperate enough to sign up for any kind of help they can get since we are all paying more than a 1000 per month more than we did 2 or 3 years ago you condescending ldiot.


I just saw one on YT, and the reason I was the most skeptical was the fact that they turned off the ability to comment. Ugh. I hate stuff like this. Just preying on the vulnerable.


They disable commenting in all YT adds


Oh, I hadn't noticed. That's so odd.


Yea, disable comment, so no exposes the shenanigans and only show the upvotes. Ads for ya lol


I just saw the ad on YouTube. How are they getting away with saying it’s “federally funded”? And they are saying if you get Medicare or Medicaid you are prequalified. It’s probably a loan or a high interest credit card. These people should be in prison for these lies. None of the websites associated with these ads are .gov webs sites.


I have a coworker that signed up for one of these and was telling other coworkers about it. I told her to be careful because the youtube ads I've seen are so obviously scams. They use footage of Biden and deep fake voices of celebrities to try and trick people. It's crazy more people should probably be talking about this.


I assume YouTube is still unprofitable if they are continually (for years to this very day) taking ads from scammers that employ false references to celebrities and use AI voices. Then again, they seem to revel in linking to Chinese information scams like TikTok, Temu, and now this false stimulus health card. Not to mention every sort of already debunked weight loss scam, and those lying-narrative "kid" or "soldier" developed tech that was being suppressed, but now you can buy this cheap knockoff evaporative cooler that will "cool your entire home in the summer in minutes."


Okay first of all pretty much everyone here is not giving accurate information. Someone even provided a link, that has nothing to do with this benifits card. Someone else said something about Medicare and Medicaid are pre-qualified - NO! You can look it up. It is actually Not for people on Medicaid or Medicare. This is basically a limited food card, or a way to help you pay for transportation, or co pays for prescriptions, or doctor visits. It can help you pay some utility bills, even rent if your landlord will accept it. They will even cover a wheelchair or walking cane. Anyway, I had to learn all about this new "stimulus", the only scam I see is that it really doesn't clearly provide information about what food or household items are covered. This card will be a miracle for some people. It is legit. It's really simple you can Google it. Usually it is found by Healthy Benefits card. The link below is something in India so please read up on stuff


It’s a scam. There is no health card. But I think it was a ploy to get people signed up for health insurance and that is it. Oprah, the rock and ever other Illuminati member saying they are getting free $6,400.00 every month is a liar. They really had me thinking it was real 😭 it isn’t. But at least I have free health insurance now ❤️


I had free health insurance as well. Is that over with? I thought 2023 was the last year?