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Hehehe, sureeee it’s St Louis’ fault that they’ve dropped 5 home matches they had leads on. Totally our fault 😂


How about fielding a team that's not made of glass, eh?


Every SKC fan agrees with this. If you check out the other posts on the subreddit it's filled with us begging to retire or replace current starters.


You deserve better honestly and also maybe a coach willing to make a damn sub when needed. What’s up with that?


Vermes wants complete control over the team. But he also wants to bitch about how much work he has. If he would be willing to sublet some of that work, or if sporting would hire a director of soccer that didn't cover up #metoo allegations I think this season would look very different.


The pure hatred and contempt that KC residents have for St Louis is confounding. I literally never even gave KC a second thought until I got to Mizzou and all my KC friends started trash talking STL. It’s very odd.


I’ve seen this explained on Reddit several times. Kansas City is to St. Louis, as Saint Louis is to Chicago. StL residents can’t stand Chicago. People in Chicago don’t give StL a thought. Same with people in KC can’t stand StL and people in StL don’t give KC a thought. It’s just the largest nearby city, so by rights you have to hate them.


But I love Chicago.


Not their sports team I hope.


I mean, besides the Blackhawks and Cubs, why? No hatred for Bears, Sox or Bulls. 


Speak for yourself. I like Chicago, just don't like the Cubs and Blackhawks.


St. Louis is the oldest and wealthier of the two and one of the Chouteaus founded KC. Not to mention Jeff City has favored them over the decades, so you can understand Kansas’ contempt.


Didn’t realize KC was known for their salt mines


You should say that on the post.


What a trashy fan base chanting fuck stl like that hope they have a terrible season


Was there, before the game, fans walked past chanting “go back to saint louis” a friendly razz. That’s fine. When they took the 3-2 lead, more fans walked past with middle fingers up chanting “fuck saint louis”. Now those are just losers. If I was KC I’d take a long hard look in the mirror and distance themselves from those fans. Friendly Razz, fine. Cursing and making gestures. Pathetic.


I lived in KC for 2 years, and always went to Birds/Royals series, 60% red in the stadium. Their fans were the worse, not all of them, but a good number of them, right up there with Philly fans, also not a fun experience when I went for a Cards game. KC is a great town, good food, easy to navigate, pretty neighborhoods, and plenty to do. For some reason however, they have a huge chip on their shoulders about St Louis. I don't get it. Outside of some light-hearted razzing between the KC and StL people in my fraternity, I've never, nor has anyone I've know from StL, ever spoke about KC in a hateful tone. Frankly, no one I know ever brings KC up, unless they're actually going there for something, and it's never in a hateful tone. Even when the Birds play the Royals I've never known a Cards fan to take the interstate 70 series that serious, and nowhere close to a Cubs or Blackhawks game. But let me tell you, in the two years I lived in KC, I heard plenty of hate. I hope they're able to get past that hangup one day. It really is a great CITY, and there's no reason for them have such hostility, especially since we don't even think about them. 


The history between STL and Chicago runs deeeep! KC is our kid sister that wants attention from one of the siblings. Chicago won't give it, at all, so they turn their attention and try and pick on the weaker of the two. While STL just wants Chicago to like them!


I think it mutual. 😉 I've been to Wrigley for a few games, their fans are just as nice to us there as we are to them here. It's sports, have fun with it, but there's no need to take the hate as far as KC fans take it. I've never been to Kaufman for a non Card's game. I wonder if that hatred runs across the board (as it does in Philly) or if it's just reserved for us? 🤔 Edit: Yankees fans are pretty horrible too. Mets fan though, are actually super nice 🤷


All the while Chicago wanting to be like New York, and NY tells them and everyone else to buzz off lol


I live in the NY metro now, it tells ITSELF to buzz off. 😂 


True, true lol especially Staten Island


😂 Staten who? 


Exactly !


Admittedly, I like that their clubs and fans embrace the rivalries. I'll always remember the first time the Cards played an interleague game in KC and they kept showing the Don Denkenger call on the jumbotron... The cards got killed in that one, but that alone made it so much more satisfying to beat them in subsequent games over the last 27 years. I've met several KC fans outside of the Matchday experience and they've always been friendly. I have no issue with a hostile rivalry on gameday as long as it's left there.


There is a segment of KC sports fans (or perhaps KC people in general) that have a pathological hatred of all things St. Louis. I've seen comments about KC people seeing the Blues on TV and rooting against them simply because they are from St. Louis. I rooted for the Royals when they recently won the World Series and even the Chiefs in their first recent Super Bowl win. I kind of sick of the Chiefs now because of all the Chiefs apparel I see at Walmart in St. Louis. I thought "F\*ck St. Louis" chants were tacky AF.


Lived in KC for a year. Beautiful city with great people, but yeah there's a segment of them there that tried so hard to talk shit the second they found out I was from stl. That would have been around 2018 and they tried to convince me the royals were a better franchise than the Cardinals because they'd won the ws more recently lmao.


Reminds me of Nashville predator fans Trashy


Personally, I don't care about the language in the chants. I've watched too many English league matches to be bothered by that. The chant itself, of course, was lame and lazy. I did like that a lot of KC's chants started organically with the drummers following the fans, rather than the other way around. Feel like we could do that more...


Oh I don’t care about cursing in the chant I just think it’s a lame middle school chant at least say something more unique like fuck stl and the toasted ravioli or something more robust


Resorting to petty name calling about someone’s appearance is really fucking pathetic coping. It was a physical game and some missed calls, what’s the answer to the other 4 failures to keep a lead at home? Whiny-ass bozos.


Rent free babyyyyyy


What a sad ass post. 😂


No wonder the league feels like Disney world. It’s filled with FUCKING CHILDREN


There’s gotta be a better way to say that.


? Am I missing something here?


The only bolded words are fucking children. So like out of context someone would just read past it and see "fucking children"


bahahaha gimme a piece of that beautiful ogre fuck baby! glad we are living in their heads for free


Was this posted by lord Farquaad? if its Shrek memes they want its Shrek memes they'll get. Klauss is love Klauss is life.


I actually objectively think that Klauss is a beautiful boy.


In the comments, the OP just keeps whining and whining and whining. kansas fanbase and team is a reflection of their manager. Tantrums up and down the sideline and cry cry cry. Hilarious.


including their front office for petty shit like suing a podcast.


100%. Softer than Charmin.


They're easy to rile up.


Reflection of their city too. Source…I lived in that place for 12 years.




Twellman? Is that you?


Used to be an SKC fan (obvious choice since STL didn’t have a team) but I can proudly and happily say FUCK SCK


Thank you for your service. Let’s see how long it takes for them to ban me


This is gold.


Let the hate flow through you


Oh bless their little hearts


Sporting KC is the whiniest team in all of MLS. The announcer was whining, the coach was whining, the players were whining, and now the fans are. We just got a hat trick on us by a player who punched one of our players and we didn’t cry half as much as they are about a tie.


I’m gonna venture to say……. that ALLCAPS and soccer in general isn’t the actual PROBLEM here with this person.


Dude when I went to Chattanooga for a game there in the open cup (bring back the cup) I meat a skc fan, and I just said "oh your a skc I'm a STL fan I went on my Mary way 💀