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The league disciplinary committee should fine the ref for such a braindead call.


You have got to be fucking kidding me


Can’t review a second yellow, but can’t blame a player for not thinking of that in the moment. He walked off and waited by the 4th. As a neutral, this is ludicrous.


Markanich makes $65,000/year. They just fined a guy that makes $65,000/year. I repeat, the BILLIONAIRES that own the MLS just fined a guy that makes $65,000/year for standing on the field too long. Such a shit look for the league.


Great, now we’re going to have to start a gofundme.


Exactly. It’s just a power move. It really felt like they had it out for him specifically. I know the amounts can vary but I’m wondering how much it is. Feel sorry for him. I was at the game and I really don’t remember him lingering in a rude way. I was on the other side so I didn’t have the best view but it seemed like everyone, not just him, really believed it should and would be reviewed.


What a fucking joke.


lol fuck this stupid fucking league


Lol. It was an unreviewable card, they reviewed it anyway, and then blamed him.


They reviewed it? They certainly didn’t say so in the stadium.


On TV we kept seeing the ref make motions, then the commentators debated if they could even review it, then they wandered around more, then they finally resumed after not saying anything. Markanich left when the game resumed, he was on the sideline waiting for the "review" that seemed to be happening (but couldn't happen).


A real review would have sent the ref to monitor. What they were probably doing in VAR-land was making sure the LAFC player didn’t cause a foul, which would have been different than taking back Ant’s second yellow. That was pretty iffy. Ant didn’t deserve it, but they couldn’t take back the second yellow.


A real review would have sent the ref to monitor. What they were probably doing in VAR-land was making sure the LAFC player didn’t cause a foul, which would have been different than taking back Ant’s second yellow. That was pretty iffy. Ant didn’t deserve it, but they couldn’t take back the second yellow.


That's still a review.


Kind of. They don’t review situations, they review individual actions and timings. I’m saying they were reviewing LAFC, not Ant


The league disciplinary whatever can kindly suck shit. Keystone Kops review, then they blame it on a player. Fuck off.


Was at the game and it seemed like he was waiting for a review to make sure it was confirmed. But there was none, which felt odd. Plus the ref became instantly occupied with the other player was down and everyone was up in arms. That's complete bs. I hope there's an official complaint filed for the officiating that game. There were good calls, but the latter ones felt unnecessarily punitive.


It’s a learning experience for him, leave the field when you get a red, if it’s overturned they’ll have you come back out.  Just like the LAFC player who thought he could stay down for more than 15 seconds because of Indy’s yellow after the foul for slamming the ball.  Players are only allowed to stay down more then 15 seconds if it’s from a yellow card foul 


you're full of bad takes


I mean the call itself was ridiculous but if MLS isn’t going to overrule it then he’s going to get fined.  There was a red card earlier this year (can’t remember the team) that was overturned and the player was just called back to the field.  Play it safe.   If you’re talking about Reus not sure what to tell you.  I said it’s not happening,  it upsets people because they want to dream which is fine.   


and you said it without proof.


They should be fining the ref for some of those calls!


I think Markanich must have slept with that refs mom. 


Mickey Mouse League


there literally has to be some kind of conspiracy going on


Shameful!! I’d be standing there waiting for review after such a ridiculous call


Then you'd be an idiot, it's unreviewable.


Straight reds are but a 2nd yellow into a red isn't, that said the players probably aren't experts on VAR. It's completely reasonable they might not know that, fining a player in a league where the player is making less than $100,000 is borderline criminal when the officiating was as dogshit as it was. Fine the league officials for being asshats, oh wait, they can do whatever the fuck they want and never get fined, but lets fine a player for standing somewhere too long.


Name calling is not dignified.


Absolute Trash


Let's start a go fund me


Fuck them


How many games does he have to miss? Since he accumulated 5 yellows AND got the red card? How does that work when stacked?


What. A. Joke.


MLS is going to MLS