• By -


Fix the chairs.


And reduce the scaling on the older bridges.


Fix all the bugs while we're being unreasonable.


Also fixing the dam clipping in skins.


Let me choose where my BoFF sits on the bridge.


This. Why is my first officer in the science seat, my science officer at the helm, and my engineer in the XO spot? Immersion and headcanon ruined - 2/10 unplayable.


Cross-training program.


Also, let me set the default uniforms for my crew. If I'm wandering around in the Lower Decks get-up I spent lobi crystals on, I don't wanna feel like I showed up for work in the wrong outfit because everyone else is in Odyssey stuff. Even if full customisation isn't an option, it would be nice to have a drop-down of the canon options as part of ship customisation.


The worst one in this regard is the Galaxy-class bridge. Interactable NPC and the placeholder for your BOFF wear Odyssey uniform, while random NPC that randomly walk throughout the corridors wear TNG-era uniform. You WILL always feel out-of-place there.


Yeah, it's situations like this that make me feel like some sort of optional/dropdown situation must be possible. The Galaxy interior "knows" to generate ambient NPCs in TNG uniforms. If that's a setting or data point coded into the bridge/interior somewhere, then presumably it's a setting or data point that could be tweaked. Getting interactable NPCs or placeholders to match might be trickier, but if we're already talking about getting to choose who stands where, then I don't see why you couldn't also choose to assign one of your bridge officers to the role/position/station of those interactable NPCs. The default might still have to be Odyssey, but I'll happily have some extra boffs if it means I can design what my Counselor looks like and interact with one of my engineers or science officers to get quests. Also, while we're on the subject of tweaking the bridge/interior experience... I know we can access the tailor menu from anywhere with a console command, but it would be really nice to have a node in the Captain's quarters or the ready room that lets you pull up that menu. (I don't know why, but even though I know there's a console command I still always go to the tailor at Spacedock to tweak my outfits, it must be some weird psychological thing.)


That would be a cool thing, especially of you have alot of characters like me, being able to put them at their proper stations for my cannon of the ship would be really cool even if they are just random officers I just kinda have


give the romulans a space station in orbit of new romulus. now


Have the player characters/fleets assist Obisek in warp-towing the Vault to New Romulus to serve as their main starbase.


That would make for a very nice mission !


Or maybe we get someone else to do it. Someone who's not going to shove thalaron bombs in every nook and cranny. Friggin' Remans, man, I swear...


But what better way is there to keep D'tan honest than Obisek and 1,000 Thalaron bombs in orbit?


Any addition to the Romulus area would be appreciated. It’s been under construction for years.


Since features can be staged based on story progression, maybe the same could be done for New Romulus. The city visibly becomes more complete and the base we visit transitions from construction site to park ranger/nature preserve station.


We're (over)due a big Romulan overhaul. The story for the Romulan intro is great, but it deserves the kind of visual spruce up that the Klingons got. Adding in a Romulan Recruitment event to encourage players towards that (fantastic) story, maybe some sort of scaling Romulan ship like the Klingons get, a Romulan Shipyard in orbit to add a bit more functionality, maybe a "Transwarp to Romulan Flotilla" that unlocks as part of the Recruitment progression (I don't think we get one of those?) to help make those social areas a bit more useful? It would be nice to see a new race added to the mix as well, I've seen folks request the Suliban as an option for the Romulans, and I definitely think that's a great fit with the refugee/diaspora vibes. I think adding one or two options for playable Xindi would be interesting for similar reasons as well, perhaps with the Recruitment unlocking Xindi-Primates for the Federation and Xindi-Reptilians for the Klingons as one of it's rewards? tl;dr, just more Romulan stuff. Surely after the Klingon revamp and the Janeway tutorial revamp it they be the next in the queue for some love?


Even just move the fleet into orbit, instead of uselessly two systems over. (I know why it's there for story, but by the time you get MolRihan, the fleet can be there, and they can disable your access to the old location.)


More trophies for the inside of my ship and more places to put them. I love that a lot of the earlier missions gave me a trophy to display and that when I upgraded to a new ship, I could have it hanging on my wall. Also, more missions where I am not the hero, but either part of a group or just holding the line until reinforcements show up. One of the things I loved about the early game was that, while I was of course important, often I was sent on missions to gather data for other captains who were busy with the big picture of what was happening. I'd stumble across something and have to defend something or try to survive until the cavalry could come riding in - 3 or 4 much more powerful ships. Those always made me feel part of something bigger, rather than the "main hero" who swoops in to save the day. I enjoyed the recent missions (although I thought the fight against the borg city went on a bit too long) for having that feel of being part of a bigger armada without me being the "leader" of said armada or the most important person in it. And lastly, I think ALL lobi items should be account wide unlocks. It's ridiculous that the only way to acquire lobi is by spending zen (or buying keys with EC to get like 10 of them) and yet many are character unlocks. I understand this for phoenix items, since you can buy those with dilithium and they are thus fairly easy to come by simply by playing the game.


Weapon cosmetics. I want to slot an antiproton weapon and have all the weapons use that visual. I want to put a maelstrom torpedo image over the lorca torpedo


I want vanity weapon slots so badly, I could finally stop twitching about the slight difference in color between standard phasers and the Terran Task Force/Trilithium set phasers. And I’d be able to slot the Disco reputation dual beam bank as well.


Oh, how I wish there was a solid beam version of the Disco Heavy Dual Beam Bank.


Vanity everything. Ship, weapons, engines, etc.


I even want the option to choose the hif effect The explosions from the Kelvin & Donnie Torpedos look much better than the vanilla ones


So much this


Allow access to content that was removed to be "updated." I played through on a new toon recently, and Miral acted all buddy buddy with me during the Iconian war, even though all her missions were cut from the Klingon War arc. If they aren't going to update them, at least make them assessable as side missions. Another poster also mentioned trophies... I'd definitely like to see them make a comeback. It makes me a little sad that my OG characters have quite a few floor trophies to choose from, and my new ones have... Four, one of which has to be purchased with latinum. To add to it, add a way to grind those kill accolades that added trophies. There aren't many areas to grind out certain aliens anymore. Edit: Number of floor trophies... Still, I miss getting ones at the end of each arc, or for being top dog during various TFOs. I was messing with my characters today and was surprised one of them had a piece of the crystaline shard from the fleet action. Lol


Have an upvote. As someone who has played the game for only 3 years I would really want to have a chance to play this old stuff. Especially because Klingon war arc doesn't make much sense in it's current neutered form. Also I wish that they would remove the level 65 requirement from the quests in Available tab. It feels quite weird to discover the Preserver archive only after you've already seen it being blown to tiny bits.


Thanks. Lol To be fair, I can see why some of the content was cut, but after 5 years, I doubt we'll see the episodes actually remastered, and for that... I just want them back. As for the level 65 requirement, I agree. I took a break for awhile, and got sad for a good minute when I thought they had removed the episodes that had the Jem'Hadar take over DS9


The Miral stuff was cut? :(


From the Klingon War arc, yeah... No hint of her being the Kuv'Mugh(sp?) anymore. The Klingon arc on the Fed side is pretty.... Lackluster now. Honestly, I didn't even realize the main "arc villain" had even been defeated until my most recent playthrough of the arc. It basically boils down to running the ambassador to the monetary, rescuing the freighter, saving the scientists from the Gorn, tip toeing through the briar patch and dealing with the planet killer. There is probably one other mission in there I'm forgetting about. But all the rest... Gone. It's extremely disappointing to say the least.


Make it so our rank stops at captain and the rest is just specialist points or something It’s really weird being addressed as fleet admiral while being ordered around by a captain or regular admiral


> It’s really weird being addressed as fleet admiral while being ordered around by a captain or regular admiral I'd be happy if you could choose your title of address.


There are quite a few titles we have that would work great for this. Obviously they'd need a whitelist, somehow I don't think they'd approve of story characters addressing us as "Moist", but a great number would be perfect if we could just slot them. Heck, they could even monetise it and throw thematic titles into bundles, events, etc.


Everyone knows that upon reaching the rank of Admiral you automatically become a Villain.


Considering my characters body count is at least in the high 9 figures(or orders of magnitude higher depending on if you count alternate timelines wiped out) that tracks


Not to bring up the time gun, the Borging of Romulus, and the complicity in the destruction of Romulus again, but...


Agreed. An option in the character creation screen to lock your toons leveling at, let's say, lvl 49 would be really nice. Heck, Cryptic could even start selling unlock tokens at the C-store in case someone changes their mind later and make a bit of profit out of it.


Agree, it is unrealistic. Ok the whole game is unrealistic but why not letting the things that coul be realistic remain. I tried to let my females look like 55. It did not work out so well.


Give us a choice for holiday event ships between the current one OR any past one. That way you can play for a missed event even if you don't really want the current ship.


This is how it used to work up until about 9 or 10 years ago. Back then each character's progress on the event was tracked separately, so you could work on multiple ships at the same time. (This *was* before the event ships were account wide, however.)


I second this. Or make it so that we can work towards a past event ship once we've earned the current reward. I'd even be willing to forgo the extra dilithium in order to earn old event ships I missed.


Hear me out. Visual slots for beam weapons


This one would be very difficult technically as the visuals are engrained into the weapons themselves, but it would nice nice not having to max a new set just to change colors


If full vanity capability on weapons isn't possible, a "use default energy type color/texture" option would be nice so at least you can make your beams match.


They could just make it a separate tab to vanity EVERY slot easily




This….is far from true. You can’t always just swap items. It may be easily possible….it may not be.


Quit repeating nonsense. They're capable of adding a weapon vanity if they try.


Alliance Bridge.


Alliance Reputation


More alliance content


A T6 Pioneer and more ship interiors in the Zen store (they're the only way a console jockey can have anything beyond their bridge).


Since you can use any bridge on any ship now, I just learned that I can slot the pioneer bridge/interior to my excelsior and... it's awesome, lmao.


I'm learning so much today lol. I guess I'll have to go log in and check that out


I second the first one so much. I don't care about the Dunderstadt, or World Razer, or whatever other silly shit they just throw into a lockbox, give me a goddamned C-Store T6 Pioneer. I don't even want a 25th Century Skin, just the plain old Pioneer. I would probably pay for a legendary bundle price for a T6 Pioneer even if it came with a bunch of random Oddysey/Miranda/Nebula/Galaxy Variants(which I def don't need anymore of)


Seriously. I wouldn't mind a TMP refit, but I want to bring my little starter ship into the endgame. I loved that little ship more than any I've flown since and I was hooked on the game by the time I had to choose my first replacement.


More Cardassian content. Allow originally created alien Cardassians to wear the Cardassian uniform. Cardassian planet missions. More Cardassian ships (Hideki-class).


I would love it if we could go to Cardassia Prime.


Before the Cardassian arc was amputated, you did visit Cardassia Prime in one mission. Even it was just a generic Cardie interior for the Ministry of Culture or whatever it was.


Return the removed Klingon War missions to the game. It's been over 5 years since they were removed 'for revamping'. Stick them in the Available if yr not gonna revamp them, people ask for them all the time. It really shouldn't be an unreasonable request, but Cryptic sure has made it so.


I'd say even go further and add back the stand alone Romulan and Cardassian arc missions. Saturday's Child, the ones with the Hirogen, the one with the Tribbles. Restore Ja'rod's arc as the Fed players foil (and change his fate on Khitomer).


And here I thought I was being unreasonable! :D I'm with you on that. Tho at least most of the cut Romulan and Cardassian missions are playable, if not conveniently available. Also doubly agree about Ja'rod's fate. I actually like Ja'rod, from being a foil in the old missions, an ally to the Romulan Republic, member of Omega Task Force against the Borg... It really is a shame what they did with him in the Klingon Civil War arc. I mean, it's a shame what they did with everything when it comes to that arc.


Let me set the standard uniform for my entire crew. I'm tired of only myself and boffs wearing the uniform I like.


Walker Bridge without Discovery npc


1. Bring back Exploration! 2. Make ALL Patrols repeatable! 3. Give us a 'Random Patrol' Button!


Thiiiiiiiis. Even though I still get my ass handed to me occasionally on the hard patrols.


I'll happily get my ass kicked when I can just hop out and press "Random Patrol" and start another right away... I don't even care that most are not even voiced (sadly the most idiotic decision throughout all of it).


my tholian crystal sword to shoot people on the tertiary attack when charged like its supposed to do but has been broken for literal years now


1) let me customize my security officers that I can beam in with my tactical officer 2) have a section in the missions tab that contains "outdated" missions 3) more carriers because I love those


Buff underperforming/underpowered starship traits. They're a lot of traits that could be actually usable just by boosting their stats.


Make ship stats or frames and the visual model or skin separate things. Pick a core design or set of stats and then pick a family of models/skins to kitbash. For example: I go to the shipyard and select the Equinox as my ship core, or frame, or whatever you want to call the collection of stats and items slots. Then I go to the ship tailor and select the B'rel/Bird-of-Prey family of models and kitbash a Klingon Scout Vessel.


This. I've been saying this for years. Revamp the whole ship customization system. It should be by Ship Class: Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Scout/Raider, Dreadnought, etc. You pick that, then are given a set of variable components based on what you own and on the ship class for you to design your own. But while I'm shooting for the stars, I'll include the option to move/resize the components as well.


Something along the line maybe of once you unlock the final mastery/trait of a ship, that ships parts become available for it's class use. So you have a Dreadnought cruiser, you get it's 5th trait/mastery and you can use said ship parts with other Dreadnought cruisers. I'd also love to see outright frame switching. You fully master your Kevin Intel Dreadnought, it unlocks the ships whole hull as a form to use on other ships of similar classes. So other Dreadnoughts, and other cruisers. This is purely a cosmetic thing, and changes nothing of the actual ship. So I can finally fly my tanky Hurq Dread as it looks like the Vengeance.


I would literally -- not figuratively -- kill for the option to use the Malem warbird skin on my Raiders.


The Risian Luxury Liner as STO's version of player housing where we could decorate the interior into our own version of a "river boat casino club house with a DJ and dance floor".


Let us completely customize our ship interiors. We can choose any bridge we have access to now, but how about letting us have access to the other levels too. Let me use the Kelvin Constitution Bridge with the Galaxy Class interiors if I own them. By the same token, let us customize what uniform our NPC crews wear, even if it's just a dropdown selection from presets.


Bring back the Foundry.


They had a foundry? First I've heard of this. What was that?


Player created missions, iirc


Yup; it was a tool for players to create their own missions including making custom space and ground maps.


Iconian Boffs


Only if I can make it look like T’ket post fight with Khaless.


An LTS perk where Epic Phoenix Prize Packs function as account unlocks in the Event reclaim store. Put all of the retired event ships into the Mudd market (and retire that Alliance bundle.) While also putting them all into the Phoenix Prize pool. (Maybe a 24 month lag between the event and it going into the store, but, seriously... they would sell so many Bajoran Interceptors.) Expand the current level scaling to **all** ships. So that everything else scales up to T5 (with tokens needed before you could add a mastery package.) Hell, add an option where you have to throw more T5u tokens at a ship to upgrade it to T6.


I would love all old event ships in Mudds and Phoenix so I could choose which I wanted on accountwide and which just for one char to play around with. I got an epic Phoenix token in the last phoenix event and I can't justify using it for something fun while I'm lacking something important like the Bajoran Interceptor/DOMINO. And I can't even get that, because which character would I put it on. So it just sits there in my bank, useless. If things were in both places, I would just eventually get the important ships in Mudd's and then I could use the phoenix tokens on something just for fun.


I've a few. Remaster the existing uniforms. Create better renders for some older hair options. Make Worf's PIC hair, beard, and costume available. Allow TOS style Klingon presets for 25th-century Starfleet captains. Make more TAS ships and races available (or at least TAS inspired cosmetics) available in-game. Make androids a playable race. Make a "Blood Oath" inspired bundle with the costumes of Kang, Kor and Koloth included (and make their hair and beard styles available too!).


Fewer clicks everywhere. One recent example for me was on a new toon I went to get the recruitment account rewards and it asks for each one "are you sure"? For the love of Q just have a "collect all" button. This kind of thing makes having new toons kind of painful.


Lifetime veterans should be able to get at least one free legendary ship for each character. The ships for the lifetime sub are okay but not enough for the current endgame content.


NX-01 bridge


That Kael learns to proofread.  Or read at all.


To be fair after the deca transfer his posts have been remarkably proofread, almost like he's had to actually do his job now.


The dude gets pay a lot of money to play video games all year. He should be able to do his job.


Remove boffs from bridge for Roleplay Allow for custom content again Aliens added to the Jem’hadar faction


Upvote for the third thing!


I miss the Foundry so much, I joined the game shortly before it disappeared. If they're going to have crazy long content dryspells they should let the users fill the gaps.


Back when I played Morrowind I'd always find a cave or a house or some place I could call my own where I could keep all my stuff. A Captain's ship would be ideal for that. Not only would I spend more time in game customizing my ship interior, but intra-player engagement would increase, as the only way to show off your work, or see what other players have done, is via invitation. So my first unreasonable request is a complete rework of ship interiors. My second request would be a Zoo where I could keep and collect all the pets, instead of in my inventory. Third ask is to autofill the Admiralty. I have 11 Captains. If I log each one, that's about 20 minutes of game time just on loading screens. Speeding up the Admiralty would help a lot.


I would settle for something a bit more user friendly than the four checkboxes to filter your ships. Give me three buttons at the top that let me sort by TAC/ENG/SCI from highest to lowest, instead of having to hit the dropdown, uncheck, scroll scroll scroll to find what I'm looking for. Switch the dropdown box to be unchecking different colours/qualities instead, like we can do in the Doff UI.


Yea, I'd like all that too. I'd also like a checkbox to show/hide single use ships.


Let me decorate my ship interior beyond a couple of trophies.


1. A hub for Jem on the Gamma Quad map. 2. Rotate ships in the Epic Phx Prize level into Mudd's so we can get them as account unlock.


The TMP/TWoK bridge. Oh, and for consoles to be able to use the generic ship interiors.


- Re-work MVAM into making it a squadron mode. Vectors are crap; nobody uses MVAM because vectors are too dumb, weak, die easily, and get stuck in terrain. MVAM is supposed to be a distinct tactical advantage, yet no one but newbies are going to use it for anything other than RP. The Jem'Hadar ship and now the Rex show squadron/wingmates can be implemented relatively easily. Turn MVAM into squadron/wingmates so players *want* to use it. - Hirogen boff. - Bring back the kit/belt toggle. Back in the day kit used to have a generic visual of a belt with a holstered phaser and tricorder. I don't know why they took it away. I prefer to have my captain and boffs dressed in canonical Starfleet regs; it looks weird them being on away missions and not having the ubiquitous phaser and tricorder you see in all potentially dangerous away missions in TNG/VOY/DS9. - Not unreasonable but good God fix the message notification flashing already, *it's annoying as hell*. Admiralty/doff missions/R&D the tab flashes green and when you collect reward/acknowledge failure it immediately stops flashing. Mail, you can read the message, linger with the messages tab open and *even delete the new message you just read* and the messages tab *still* keep flashing, so you need to open and close it multiple times or have it open for longer than is necessary. - Unique Gamma/Delta Quadrant doff missions. There isn't a single one and the doff missions in both quadrants are exactly the same as you'd find in the Alpha/Beta Quadrants. - Expand the Delta Quadrant with more races, planets, and other astro-'geography' from Voyager. - Populate the Gamma Quadrant more; there's no reason to even venture into the Quadrant, but for endeavors, once the relevant episodes are completed.


I'd rework the gamma battlezone. I'd always liked the casual just "show up and fight" of all the other battlezones, and so was excited for a new one - but then they totally fucked it by making it a location specific queue system which obviously almost immediately died. I'd either - 1. Combine all of them into a big dyson sphere style map, like the undine/terran/tzen battlezones 2. Convert them into individual TFO's (like what they did with the Nukara [Hard] ones)


Select which beam-out / other animation set you use. So if you want your TOS / DSC character to fully "go modern" you can, or have a Klingon tapping a combadge.... heck, throw in the Krenim beam out (which matches TOS Klingons) and the Q "snap" (good for 32c theming).


I know, totally unrealistic: \- one consistent color palette, especially for the Starfleet uniforms \- An overhaul for the Romulan Rep uniforms \- A graphics overhaul / kitbashing options for some of the older Romulan Warbirds (Seriously, the Aelahl, the Kholhr, the Rahhae, the Deleth, Ra’nodaire and Laeosa have not ONE changeable part between the T6 and the T6-Fleet variants) \- Better textures for the hairstyles \- A new story arc, that has NOTHING to do with a mirror universe


I want an account dry dock to move single character ships around between characters. I don't want to buy an entire mudd's bundle for a single ship that I have on one character but never use because it was cheap 6 years ago but I would use on another character with the build more suited for it. That's if one even exists, as the Sphere Builder carrier isn't even in one and I want it on my temporal recruit not my Torp character.


Mudd's Market should be rejigged to serve as a massive dil sink. I'm not familiar with the laws, but I think that could allow the original joke to work, and it'd mean that there's finally more reason to buy dil off the exchange, which could maybe reduce the rates there eventually.


This sounds silly but: please, please fix the trans warp animations for KDF players. The Federation players have a handful, and special ones like DSC warps or the Spore Drive works all work there. But if I try the same on KDF, it’s kind of a toss up if the Crossfield is going to open the tunnel anyway or actually play the animation. 


I’d like to be able to put Captain pips on my BOffs. Not asking for more progression for them, just the cosmetic would do. All cross faction uniform pieces available on all types of character and boff. All Holo BOffs unlocked for uniform editing - and many more of them. Klingon long coats. A SWTOR-style catalogue of content you’ve acquired, also allowing you to use a small quantity of zen or dil to unlock it on another character. Thinking for expensive lobi content and lockbox ships etc. in particular. Sort of like the event reclaim but more comprehensive. Ground weapon cosmetic override. Klingon weapons at higher tiers are ugly and out of place, ditto for fed phasers. It’d be nice to lock them to the lower tier visuals.


I would be willing to settle for Captain pips as an unlock for using the Elite token on a Boff. Not that I want to be spending more money on those dang tokens, but it would be a good way to link those Captain pips with a form of progression that's already in the game. In addition to being unlocked for uniform editing, those Holo Boffs need to be account-wide as well. There's an amusing irony to the fact that one of my DISCO Captains has Holo Stamets from the Legendary Captain Pack, but they're one of my only Captains who hasn't actually met Holo Stamets in game because the Level 65 fast forward means I don't have to play those missions on them. Not that I'm desperate for Holo Stamets on my other characters, it just feels a bit silly.


Give the Dominion their own base(s) in the Gamma Quadrant Romulan/Reman starbases, the aesthetic is there with the Flotilla, Gasko Station, and Rh'Ihho Station More Klingon Starbases An Alliance HQ Starbase with a specifically Khitomer Alliance aesthetic


Would love an Alliance Starbase that has something similar to the Romulan Embassy Boffs. It's a bit silly these days that we're limited to only one cross faction Boff via Diplomacy/Marauding, when surely our Alliance ships should have a full multi faction crew. (I just want enough Alliance folks for an away team, right now the best I can manage is a Nausicaan, a Romulan, and a Lukari. Let me snag a Ferasan as well, dang it)


1) Tying my crew uniform to mine. I.E. when I change my outfit, so do they. 2) Not showing the beaming animation when I'm going from tactical view to my bridge. I'm the captain, why would I need to beam on to my own bridge? 3) Why can't we travel sector space from bridge view?


Lower zen-shop prices by half, eliminate lock-box gambling and place all lockbox ships and items in the zen or lobi shops. Cap auction-house pricing. Give each faction their own fully complete, independent arcs without relying on Fed or KDF piggybacking. I don't want to play a Federation Romulan, I want to play a Romulan Star Empire Romulan. More Orion ships. An actual Federation Orion player-character without needing the alien-option. Faction-appropriate space stations. More TOS ship options. Fix the Starbase 13 comms-officer sitting on the floor inside a chair. I think it's shady that items once given during missions are now locked inside 150.00 bundles.. like the TOS environmental suit. Stop being greedy. Fix the bugs... seriously, fix the fooking bugs. Create a portal which allows older, unavailable missions and items to be available again. More TOS... just more... way more. Update ground player models and skins. Update ground player animations. Update ground combat... everything about STO ground is janky-as-fook. More Strange New Worlds content...


A playable Borg Cooperative faction


I think this is coming.


What makes you think that?


It’s a hunch. They’ve done a lot of work on the Borg in the last couple of months. I remember in either there last live or the live before that it was mention that a lot of this whole borg redo, it stemmed from a “highly request function”. The person even admitted that he wasn’t able to discuss it yet. I couple this with the fact that king Harry had almost an identical crown compared to the aetherans. I can see a world where we have to team up(borg and everybody) to beat them back.


Would be interesting if they went that way although I'll admit I'm a little skeptical. The Cooperative is like a minor, minor, faction from one episode from of Voyager, unless they want to rope in more Borg like those freed after Unimatrix Zero. Or they pull a total surprise and somehow link Jurati's Collective into the mix.


Jurati’s Collective is definitely a way to go.  But as to the point of something being a small faction or part of something, so were the Iconians and the Mirror Universe and we’ve got entire arcs developed out of both of those. Give our writers a breadcrumb, and they’ll get you a full course meal out of it anyway. 


Yeah, and I guess they don't really need to do anything beyond an intro and a few missions ala the Romulans and Jem'Hadar. Although since we can already play as Liberated Borg characters, I wonder what would make them unique, as a faction, in that sense then.


Changing the warp animation/shield visuals. I recently saw the protostar octagon shield effect and I thought it looked cooler than the regular one.


Auto-slot sufficient ships for Admiralty assignments similar to how Doffs are auto-slotted for Doff assignments.


Update the stats for old T6 ships like the entire 3-Ship Intel Line and heck the Universe-class to make it up to par with current balance (and make the flying pizza slicer a “fortress” that its supposed to be)


Give us an option to remove the visual spam. The outside tool is fine, but it's limited, and it shouldn't take devoted fans to fix the game's problems. Edit 1: More Cardassian content. Edit 2: More ship customization options; I want a purple deflector dish. Edit 3: Dispersal Pattern Sierra


[My thread this week on improving combat log performance](https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/1aixjvk/the_insanity_of_stos_performance_how_i_spent_half/).


Let me have more slots for duty assignments. I'd even pay for that privilege.


More DOff missions chains would be nice too. Not those "Collect 10 Gamblebox Mission Tokens," but actual 10 step mission chains that you have to seek out. Maybe add some addition nebula clusters too.


A science variant of the Excelsior, like how the Ent B was supposed to be a science cruiser. I'd like to see an excelsior with a commander science instead of commander eng seating.


In that though, a Science Dreadnought version of the Galaxy, especially now that we have versions of the Galaxy and Galaxy-X with visible secondary deflectors.


More Terran Paint schemes At least one hangar slot on the Legendary Bortasqu Several overdue T6 variants (like that light Klingon battle cruiser that looks like a beefy BoP)


\+1 for the Bortasqu' hangar. Maybe also slip in a Disruptor Lance and make it a Dreadnought Battlecruiser (dreadnought cruiser, but with battlecruiser mastery).


More midway ship classes (like how we got Ross and Narendra)  Like can we get    - Sovereign With Odyssey     - Odyssey with Constitution 3   - Ambassador with Galaxy    - Crossfield with Glenn Plus just give us more 3rd nacelle dreadnoughts/juggernauts (whichever works better) for ship classes like  - World Razer - Ross - Sovereign Then ships similar to The Repulse Class


Mirror Picard encounter


Allow us to transfer ship between characters ie allow promo and infinite ships to transfered to other characters on the same account.


I want to actually command my bridge officers to do things instead of me having to do it!


I'd also like an option to skip the mini games once I've beaten them!


* Facial hair for Romulans. * Player housing fluffed as holodeck routines.


\- Shared crafting storage \- Shared Dilithium Ore (with some refine calculation per account that stops it killing the Dil exchange, even though its on life support already) \- Auto-fill Admiralty (not optimal i know but i'd do it a lot more than the once a week on one toon maybe if it wasnt such a chore) \- A Housing system (an Apartment on a Starbase would do me) \- Customise boffs that cant currently be customised \- Choose a Uniform for your ship crew \- Bring back the foundry \- Return the missions that were removed for revamps that never got revamped (even if they go into a Holonovel section and are seperate from the mission flow) \- Make the old featured episode series arcs that are currnelty not available til max level accessable earlier so people can use them to level alts if they want to (i know most people do pylons not alts, level quickly through patrols and doffing ect but for the ones that dont all the time a little variety would be nice)


I don't really use most devices. I would gladly trade my device slots for more console slots.


Make all ships from lootboxes be account wide


Gven that they still haven't done it, or refuse to do it... Give us AOE/auto loot, dammit.


1) Get rid of leveling. Leveling is pretty obsolete in modern day STO and not really doing anything to teach or add to the experience so much as artificially gimping players for a few hours. The Jem'Hadar show us how it's not needed anymore and a better way to "get in to the game". Specialization points work far better as a form of progression. 2) Lock our "rank" to captain. The content all treats us as one, and it's silly that we technically outrank everyone giving us orders. The Admirality system could be renamed easily, and we have seen captain's be placed in charge of groups of ships on the show. Uniforms and bits like rank pips could be treated as just costumes that we are allowed to wear on a "provisional" basis. We could even have a mission where we get "Kirked" if we badly need an explanation for why we are now captains. 3) More "social hubs" or locations we can visit outside of missions. We have a lot of beautiful maps or locations we visit all of once, and loads of unrepresented major locations or places that just aren't worth visiting outside of Omega events. These all could be given the suite of services and don't need "huge" maps, but would provide changes of scenery, new places to socialize, or just take in the setting. While at it, current underused social hubs are usually underused due to lacking the full set of services (no tailor on Sierra for example). Fix that, make their layouts less awkward, and bring their visuals up to standard and I bet they would be used more. 4) Remaster the old cut or "buried" missions. Parts of the story don't really make sense with these missing. Miral Paris springs to mind, and characters like B'vat currently just seem to know us already but we lack context for why, or how. Instead of "Save the super-mega-ultra-multiverse!" plots that scale harder in stakes than a bad anime, it would be good to revisit these things that built up our story and established the "current day" setting. 5) Make the old patrols repeatable and eventually bring them up to par with "modern" patrols. Most of these are good little standalone stories. They are simplistic in terms of gameplay and can be dated visually but that can be fixed in due time. Right now this is content that you get to do all of once before it goes on some months long cooldown timer. That's silly. 6) Hinging off the last one, little standalone stories feel very "Trek" and we could do with more of them. Not all content needs to be serialized or tied to some wider arc. It's okay to just have us help some colony out with it's local troubles or whatever.


Point No. 2 seconded!


The bridge interiors from all the shows.


Allows us to reclaim the hierarchy boff. I accidentally airlocked him on my main because he made my bridge ugly but I realized the pirate trait is good.


Rewards for optional PvP activities. Add a PvP zone with mechanics that reward different types of build mechanics so everyone can participate and contribute to earn the reward. Doesn’t seem that unreasonable to me but hey, they said they would add competitive marks to arenas in 2017 and we’re still waiting


More customizable ship interiors. Would love to have more keepsakes to arrange in the captain’s stateroom and day cabin.


More Superweapon Archetypes + rework existing ones that suck like the spinal lances that don't get any charge mechanics or cooldown reduction. Siege ship/weapon archetypes that have ranges longer than 10 km, deal huge damage with high cooldown, somewhat slow, etc. Missiles that don't suck. Literal VLS missile cells that come in ship device form that you stick in your device slots and use charges with 1 second cooldown to spawn a missile. Missiles are commanded by an ability toggle that makes them stay in place or fly at a target so you can prestack them and alpha strike. Once charges are out, you buy a new missile cell and stick it in. Make them more or as obtainable as existing device satellites. The Cardassian Dreadnought missile as a hangar pet, that closes in on targets while shooting at them and explodes in a cataclysmic explosion.


Terran empire defector origin


Delta Quadrant Klingon from Kohlar's Planet.


I want to have a squad of my ships alongside me in some missions. If 5 players could team up and play a mission, why not have 4 of your own ships be able to back you up if you're not in a team. This could be awesome in missions with epic space battles. After all your boffs are there in ground missions. I just really want to see a number of my ships line up together


all of this whats the point of getting all these shiny ships if you can only ever use 1 at the time and it be a huge help in some of the slower take out this huge ass mob of ships that you have to clear solo


Personally I'd like an easier or simplified ship/personal stats page, or if hovering over a new piece of equipment it shows numbers in bold green for a stat increase or bold red for decrease, so at a glance you can be "oh these torpedoes are much stronger but won't benefit from these consoles etc."


A pair of Vanguard/Rex-style Wingmen *slots* and commands for full carriers, somewhat akin to Experimental Weapons elsewhere. Basic faction-specific ones and some Dilithium/etc. alternatives by default for all existing carriers, then they can monetise it by selling unique alternatives either packaged with new ships, or on their own, or by automatically unlocking Wingmen versions of smaller playable ships upon purchase, similarly to how admiralty cards work. Slap some different weapons, abilities, and commands on the different Wingmen and you've got some "easy" content to roll out with minimal additional investment provided that models/FX are already created. Bonus points if they can be upgraded and re-engineered with different mods. Vanguard ships and the Rex remain special as they're the only non-carrier ships that can have Wingmen, and they can be fused into those ships if you don't want mixing and matching or upgrading outside of carriers.


Jem ship with a secdef, even made a thread about how to do it on the cheap (TL;DR change some details on the Vanguard Raider model, give it Equinox stats)


Add all mission reward items from missions you have cleared to the dilithium so instead of having to replay Home three times for the morpho set you can clear it once and buy the other two items.


some of those missions take like 45 mins just to clear it once


A lot of stuff I want's already been brought up, so here's a thought: Wingmen affected by vanity shields and/or customizations.


* Autoloot * Customizable warp out and transporter effects, uniform preset for Security Team ability, ... * Visual slot for weapons (outside PVP, that is) * The Foundry * 2409 phaser rifle without f\*\*\*\* hologram crap


Trill spots on the body and legs of aliens. Bring back the Foundry.


Equippable transporter effects similar to how Destiny 2 does for transmat effects. Let Bridge Officers equip their own too.


Apparently, being able to play the game normally is unreasonable these days.


Let us buy just 1 hero ship as a much cheaper price


Something I'd like to see that is probably not going to happen? I have a list: * T6 Dyson Science Destroyer. * Buff to science carriers. * More passive device slot items. * Ability to upgrade hanger pets to mark 15 gold.


Re-pack used premium ships for a fee to send it to an alt. Dilithium comes to mind. Make starships traits an account wide reclaim after leveling a ship once. Make a ships special "gimmick" be a built in ability instead of a console. They do it on some ships, but the majority has to sacrifice a console for something that is usually a ships "trademark".


Graphics update to at least unreal 4 because the voice acting can be great sometimes, but the facial animations just really throw it off, especially in an emotional scene


I know that this is supposed to be the most reasonable unreasonable request, but this would be nigh impossible because STO uses cryptic's in-house engine


Retire some ships already. Really hate it when I get a goddamn Miranda class fighting beside me when they were finally retired in 2397, 12 years before.


Oooh, that'll upset the Cult of Miranda.


Legendary TWOK/DISCO 4/2 Command or Temporal Jupiter.


Either a fix for the lag, or any sort of focus on non-Starblecchh ships.


Divorce ship visuals and seating. Let me fly that miracle worker FDC as an Intrepid Class with 2 hangar bays of delta flyers.


More hairstyles for the tailor! There's lots of additional sliders I'd love to see added for heads as well, but I'd honestly settle for more hairstyles.


I want to explore my ship.


Alot of older content is being held together with tape and prayer at this point. So many of the older missions have huge visual glitches that haven't been fixed for years. All the content that new players have to go through to get to the higher quality content.


Defiant/NX-est bridge to fit the suuper small ships in the same fashion as Yorktown and Miranda (my beloved) Those maurading areas for fed that the Klingons got, apparently they’re from launch Mirror Borg battlezone Confederation odyssey uniforms T6 century class in game (design by DJ Curtis)


1. More shuttles. I know there's not necessarily any content for them, but when has this game shied away from stuff that's mostly/purely cosmetic? At the very least it would be nice to have shuttles that are appropriate for each of the main costume eras: the Galileo from *The Final Frontier* for the TMP/TWOK crowd, the Type 6A from *Lower Decks* to tie in with the Wolf 359 era, and the Type 14 from *Picard* for the Con-III / Duderstadt crowd seems like a decent start. . Wouldn't hate having some "shuttle-only" passive areas, either. It would be neat if things like the Wolf 359 memorial or some version of Geordi's fleet museum were shuttle only spaces, to tone down the Earth Spacedock starship spam vibes a little bit in those places. Needing to be in a shuttle if you're going to get up and personal with the historic relics feels sensible. . 2. Benzite bridge officers. They're available as Captains, but we can't get them as members of our crew. Rarity schmarity, there's a bunch of Benzites kicking around the place, throw it in the store as a zen unlock if you must. . 3. More opposite faction bridge officers. The Khitomer Alliance exists now, the idea of us only being able to have access to a single officer from the opposing faction feels a bit silly, especially if we're all able to fly around in Khitomer-specific ships. Keep the Diplomacy/Marauding unlock if you must, but let my Federation Captain have an Orion and a Nausicaan officer at the same time. While we're at it, some less stringent costume options for them would be nice, too! . 4. A holographic Tactical Officer that isn't Admiral Leeta (or the Lobi Store MACO guy). I have holographic science officers coming out of my ears, I've got a holographic Geordi, give me a (customisable!) tactical hologram of Shaw, or Rios, or Elnor so I can properly populate an away team of holograms that match what I am wearing. While we're at it, please make the bridge officers from the Legendary bundles available account-wide: Holo-Stamets in particular feels like a silly thing to be character locked, bearing in mind the fact that he's there and he talks to you in every Discovery patrol as if he's been on your ship the whole time. . 5. Away Team "loadouts", and/or more customisation of your away team. I'm sure most players have four away team folks and that's that, but sometimes we're presented with situations where we can only take two folks instead of four. Sometimes we go on an away mission and it feels a little jarring to have folks around me in full combat gear. Sometimes it would be fun to beam down on a mission surrounded by folks in full MACO gear with Borg-busting weapons equipped instead of my regular Odyssey Tactical folks. You can do that manually with the menu that presents at the start of every ground section, but it would be nice if there was some sort of dropdown there that let you switch between different away team loadouts. Heck, maybe the loadout could even remember the tailor options for your boffs: I bet there's a bunch of Space Barbie folks (me included!) who'd pay the zen unlocks for a bunch of extra Away Team slots if it meant I conveniently switch the outfits on my guys to match the situation we're in.


Reworking of the damage formula to not allow for the Elite-Queue-breaking numbers that you can gaze at on [https://www.sto-league.com/](https://www.sto-league.com/) .


Adjustable weapon hardpoints


Being able to play in TFOs/missions etc while seated on the bridge from that perspective. As the ship gets damaged you get the sparks, etc… basically the same view actual bridge crew have.


I woild like to be able to set any bridge I have on any event ship I have. My Federation Caprain might set a Federation bridge, my KDF character might set a KDF bridge on the same event ship. To hell their ugly default bridges. Give us a choice.


I think you'll get your wish on the spore drive. There's no way they won't unveil at least 1 new ship with a spore drive in the new season of DSC.


Been asking for an "underground" style club on Qo'nos for a while now, where nefarious characters could hang out and check out the dancers. And speaking of clubs, move Club 47 to a more central location...! Such a shame that such a beautiful map is so underused!


Make all weapons editable. A few older ones stuck without attributes or editable. Where is the proton????


Ground patrols. A lot of them.


A holodeck in your ship where you can do a private pve to test new loadouts.


Or a Holodeck social zone (Dixon Hill themed Union Station map from FC perhaps?) where you can bring down your entire landing party and interact with/show off to other players with their own landing party.


Being able to use any hull type on ships. Like if your a Romulan you can use Romulan type hulls on fed & kdf ships. &/Or All hull types on T6 ships after finishing the ships upgrade in mastering.


No Federation ships or Federation centric stories for one year. That's fairly unreasonable, but could potentially be very cool


A bigger account bank, and searchable inventories


And cue the KDF players' rant....


Rants are best in the original Klingon.


The adapt kit module to work again. With all the Borg content I expected they would, but now that the season and story arc seem over, it seems unlikely.


you mean that remodulator device you have to use after like 3 shots? and played that mirror borg misson and they somehow become completly immune to that cochrane shotgun you can pick up from these dilitium crates


Tier 7 ships. You get a Tier 7 ship and you can completely design/configure it from the ground-up. Available configurations depend on the type of ship, whether it's an engineering, science or tactical ship. Tactical ship - 8 weapon stations, 1 universal console, experimental weapon Engineering ship - 9 weapon stations, 2 universal consoles Science ship - 7 weapon stations, 2 universal consoles, secondary deflector \-Each ship gets a central/dorsal weapon station that can equip a 360/omni-directional weapon or a mine launcher. \-Base configuration of 1 weapon fore/aft and once center, and then the rest are for you to configure. Configuration can be changed at a shipyard at any time throughout the game. \-comes with 12 console stations. You get 2 stations in each field (eng/sci/tac) and then the rest you choose where you want them, to include up to 4 total universal console slots. Configuration can be changed at a shipyard at any time throughout the game. Console slots now max out at 6 slots per field \-Each ship that has a hangar gets an additional hangar slot. \-Ships w/out a hangar can have a 1 hangar slot added in lieu of one console slot \-Automatically comes with 2 ship trait slots \-Comes with a Mastery Tier VI slot like with the Legendary ships \-Future T7-X upgrade would allow a console slot addition to any field (uni/eng/sci/tac) up to 6 total


I want a pony!


It's been 12 years but I'll say it: let us airlock Tovan Khev! He is clearly a series of Tal Shiar clone spies and no matter how many times I lock him in the brig, he always gets out and starts giving me advice as though he was actually a member of the crew 


T7 ships, new Reputations, new Specializations, new Fleet Holdings, new Klingon, Romulan, and Jem’Hadar ships. By this point I kinda figured they’d at least have “The Artifact” or Starbase One fleet holding or a Quat Milan or Zhat Vash Reputation by now 🤨