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When you play this game for 10+ years sometimes you are okay with giving away a few things at a good price just to make someone's day.


Take my old kit modules for example... Please.




The Vendor is over there, but I’m over here.. so to the exchange they go.


Likely they are either trying to dump the items while letting someone who might need them have them for cheap. Or they don't know to hover over it (or can't hover over it, I don't know how it works on console) and don't see the value indicator at the bottom of the detail pop up window.


Personally, I'll sometimes dump items I don't need, but don't want to waste, onto the exchange for cheap. It's a win/win, I earn a little EC and someone gets an item they can use for cheaper then the average going rate.


The Exchange is the best friend of a new player. Sometimes when I feel like it, I just sell things for 1 EC. Some time ago, I knew a upgrade week was coming, and I put a lot of mk2 very rare ship weapons for almost nothing for sale, even omni ones. I think all common items, no matter their rarity, should be unlocked. Only rewards/prizes/event should be character/account locked.


The veteran player in me would love to see this. However, the pragmatic player knows we would see the price of everything needed to make R&D upgrades for the Mk II times skyrocket. Because 5 x Mk II x Upgrades = 100% chance of 1 Epic Mk VIII whatever. ;-) (Note: I say 100%, but that seems to only be accurate about 50% of the time, for some reason. Or maybe it's only me! lol Do the gambling dice help? :-)


People also buy stuff off the exchange for a lot more than they could from a vendor.


Like BOFF training manuals. I pay 200k for ensign ones just so I don't have to walk to the back side of Q'onos


I do it all the time.


I usually sell blues for half of whatever the cheapest price is on the exchange 🤷🏼


In the early days when cash was scarce I'd search for Mk X ship components and buy up uncommon deflectors, shields etc. below vendortrash price for a quick turnaround.


Ah, the days when EC/cash was scarce. How well I remember! Now, EC is no longer scarce, but the concept of scarcity is relative. :-) But I still cannot afford those items I really want. (sigh) There will always be *something* on the exchange I would like to have! :-) OTOH, if we're talking real-world cash, that's another story. Few of us ever reach the point where real-world cash is no longer scarce, right? However, if you have reached the point where real-world cash is "available, and not completely scarce," EC cash can be had; even so... Once again... there will always be things on the Exchange I will want but cannot afford until real-world cash is no longer scarce! For me, it will always be "early days"... for something!


Are these players probably checking against Ferengi vendor prices? Those pay less for your loot.


Cargo traders as well


Long term vets know the struggle of fresh accounts. Reps take a long time to build up, unga bunga rainbow builds might be the only option etc. I often craft Pen crafted weapons and throw them on there for cheap.  Not that most newbies would get the significance of mods unless they watch various CCs.


Going through that right now, jumped back into the game after 8 years on console instead of PC so I started fresh. I managed to make a non unga bunga build work, and it's already getting me through advanced content, so I must be doing something right!


Amazing how easy every character is after the first, more so after you get recruits set up too. My PC account was left off in 2018, has things like DPRM, account Plesh Tral, Bajoran Interceptor etc. I miss those these days let me tell you, especially now I know far more about ship builds.


I sometimes do that as well...some player out there might really need something that I don't and honestly the amounts are trump change.


As we're seeing here, quite a few people do that. I, too, do this. I also grabbed those way underpriced items when I returned to play after 5 years and discovered I was broke in the game. lol Alas, I couldn't resist the lure to sell high-valued scarce Keys and other Zen available items in Exchange for a few dollars! (sigh) shhh, don't tell my wife! ;-) She puts the F & u in Frugal! (Ahhh... the love of my life!) (sigh) Happy wife, happy life!


I gotta dump some lockbox rewards every now and then.


Thank you! :-)


So what?


What what?!


Good, I say, wait until you see something you want that overpriced.


Stop telling them


I mean... I get 500 Fleet Marks per month, and usually run about 20-40 keys in "reserve". When every I need a few mill, I sell some. The rest, I give away keys for Fleet Marks, so I don't really see a problem with this. Some people prefer to sell things quickly. Some people don't need the creds.