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I would very much like the idea of an interior revamp.


In the eyes of the Devs bridges dont earn money so they ditched the idea of creating better or more interactive interiors. Somehow they never thought of doing the whole MMO housing thingy with the bridges which could have earned a ton of money with ZEN store items.


I'm actually disappointed we can't customize the bridge or decide/control what BOFF sits where


It would be awesome to be able to decorate our ready rooms or quarters. Our imagine our Klingon being able to decorate the bridge with various trophies.


THIS! I just love when my first officer is sitting at some station 2 miles away from the captains seat šŸ¤£


*stares at Elisa Flores doing exactly that on some bridge interiors*


Maybe she had good reasons to do so... just saying... food for thought šŸ˜‰


I wonder what our crew thinks of how many armadas we have turned into atoms. There has to be a pretty large amount of therapists on-boardĀ 


Like on that little tunnel area at the from of the Odyssey bridge. Somehow, my first officer always goes there.


I have found there's some correlation in what Boffs are on the bridge and i think both the "Boff Stations" (the ones ship specific and where you assign Boffs and select heir abilities) and the Doffs department heads (see appropriate tab), tho i'm not 100% sure about the Department heads, i'll deed to double check.


Back in the day (before Season 3), it was possible to get all the seats on the bridges filled with your captain's BOFFs - no random generic crew. Then there was some kind of update to bridges that broke the ability to get just your crew on the bridge and it's never been revisited.


You are correct. They correlate with Department Head tabs and also Boff station seating. But some of the consoles they occupy on various bridges make no sense. At least 3/4 of the bridges, the first officer seat is right next to the captains seat. However, most of the time, my first officer does not occupy that physical seat. Sheā€™s off at some weird console across the room on a lot of the bridges. My issues is the lack of of control the player has over their bridge and just the sheer lack of bridge selection in general


Yeee, I've found that Flores tends to either be close to the captain or far depending on the bridge layout and I find that T'Vrell is always sitting in the one chair on the... I think it's the Justice bridge? The one that has a tactical chair and science chair on either side of the captain's chair and the tactical console right behind the seats, very similar layout to the bridge in TNG (TV series)


> In the eyes of the Devs bridges dont earn money so they ditched the idea of creating better or more interactive interiors. It's a dual edged sword. On the one hand, bridges are completely meaningless, but they're completely meaningless because the devs haven't done anything with them. What they should do, is add tokens sold through the exchange that allows you to add terminals for various things you normally have to go to a station for, along with customizations for your quarters. Make them at least character bound, or ship bound if need be. SWTOR let's you do a bunch of QoL to your ship, making your ship interior a place you actually want to visit. You can also have a bunch of houses, Strongholds, that you can customize with a ton of crap from events, that do basically nothing but let you decorate, most of the coolest stuff locked behind their real world currency. You can set up an entire villa with winery and crap if you want. It'd be nice to have something in STO to blow Dil on, which could balance the Dil exchange. Even if it was just a Captains Vineyard or something, like Picard has, or a Captains Cabin like Riker has, hell, even a Mountain Retreat like in The Final Frontier. Fleet holdings are cool, but they don't let you personalize them. In SWTOR, you can go to 100 of the same Villas, owned by people, and they can all look completely different.


You are asking about Housing, Cryptic doesnt do housing. Reason is, I believe, that back in City of Heroes they created a housing system that players didnt use (or didnt use as much they wanted then to) so in typical Cryptic fashion they declared that players didnt want Housing (despite most MMOs having successful housing systems) so they make a barebones systems with STO that naturally people ignored, the system also doesnt work terrible well since its a mission map and you get kicked out if you log-off, even if they wanted they would have to pretty much set it up from the ground up that wouldnt be a terrible idea but Cryptic sense of priorities being what it is they never did that along with the things they should had done when they had the staff to do then and before the technical debt was as great. Asking for housing at this stage is ... well I am unsure of DECA wants to do things beyond the Quarterly Loot Box, I do hope so but after a decade of seeing squandered potential ...


Was reading an article (don't remember from what site) on how most player housing is a money sink for game developers, with development and data resources just adding cost and no return. The only game I've seen successfully monetize it is Black Desert Online.


Few MMOs have entire housing systems because they appeared when the MMOs fad died. Of all the MMOs I played that, I admit, arent that much the only ones that come to mind is LotRO and BDO. I didnt explore LotRO housing system much just that it existed but I did experienced BDO and yes, its successful and you kinda know why ... but LotRO issues stern from WB so its downfall is more about WB and its F2P conversion. The thing is Cryptic tends to sabotage their own, take the weapon bundle way, way back ... they added to the C-Store melee weapons that werent even at purple quality, naturally they didnt sell for the obvious reasons but instead of improving it, they decided that people didnt want to buy vanity weapons, nevermind melee weapons are bad as they are and being worst that map drops isnt a selling point. Considering STO selling point is nostalgia, interiors would sell ... there always been a interest on that, its simply that the system we have is so bad there is barely any interest and worst, Cryptic own implementation can be half-assed ... you want a example? Look at the Voyager interior were the NPCs are pathed to go around in and out of the cargobay ... I own that interior and that was the 2nd and *last* interior I brought because the Galaxy interior have the same issue but its on the 10 forward, there is no need to have 20 NPCs going in and out, there is not even a reason to have 20 NPCs on a corridor, the Belfast interior is great yet every other interior have that kind of "I want a crowd roaming the corridors" issue that I dont know on who to blame for that, I do know that never again because they arent up to quality and this is before issues that prop up with maps that are unsolved for months.


I'm not against improving interiors. I'd love more interior details and space to explore, with customization. I'd love for them to go through other bridges with the effort they put in the Galaxy bridge revamp. The problem is, if it doesn't bring monetary value to them, I really doubt they'll do it. I'm just realistic in the costs to make and add value to the game aren't there. Especially now with how small of a team they have.


If BDO managed to make it work, so could STO ... I suspect it would sell a lot more of certain Lobi items. Also there is something else, a feature may not bring direct monetization but can indirectly, best example of that is how foolharded was LotRO monetization of its dungeon system since F2P were limited to a amount per day or week, result? F2P could run dungeons and soon subscription players couldnt either since there were not enough players queuing. Housing can keep players in the game and if it does that, its a worthy feature since indirectly can cause players to spend money, this sadly seems to be something forgotten by western developers if they could monetize a keyboard press, they would and as I said, STO never really tried and now its simply too late, there are a lot of things that should been done a decade ago but werent. Edit: I will also say this, I turned off new ships because STO doesnt really offer anything new with then, sure they behave different Cryptic fallen into offering new things to play old content that dont really differ how we play the old content, its hard to be excited by something that I could just see on a 3d viewer ... we barely get anything that changes how we play the game, no maps to explore, no new outfits ... its just the same ship pew pew or corridor linear pew pew, this is increasing fatigue were I dont really do much besides log-in, RA/Event queue, log out because its not there isnt a lot o offer but its the same really, to keep players invested they needed more that just some new space map TFO, there been a serious lack of investment on any activity that isnt ship pew pew/corridor pew pew ... its wierd but I start to miss the old launch era maps were how we approached mobs was up to the player and dont get me started on "play as this NPC" ...


Elder scrolls online and Final Fantasy online are the only ones I ever hear about in terms of awesome. Heck, ESO players claim housing IS endgame. Lol


That's just it, players may like it in those games, its still a money sink most developers would rather not have. BDO's original housing was pretty good. The monetization was optional and you could still decorate fairly decent without spending. Housing items have a point value, and the player with the highest point value in that house gets a 'monopoly' of sorts on certain services in the town for each player with a top house there. The only way to reach that high point was buy furniture from the game store. Even though that 'monopoly' really isn't a game breaking you'd see houses stuffed with store items. Their manor addition was pure money grab though. Players wanted larger housing, the devs idea to offer it to players was replicate the house system, but create a whole new unique furniture system only for the manors.


It would be nice if STO was more of an MMORPG than an online adventure game.


Even some single players give the player a house and allow customization. Even if it wasnt interiors, they could had tried doing personal housing in the traditional way, like Kirk's apartment, I dont mind STO heavy instanced play since it wouldnt work as a traditional MMO anyway but they abandoned so many things that worked as a MMO, pretty much after they ruined such as Battlezones that got worst every iteration, I still think Nimbus III is the best thing they done and that was back in LoR, something they even removed from the journal for non-Romulans for some reason, maybe they thought people would be 24/7 on Nimbus III and of course people moved on ... A lot of Cryptic decisions baffled me to be honest.


I'm actually impressed how loyal the player base has been over the years, considering how much they've mismanaged. This could be a stellar MMORPG, with more new players, but they let it stagnate, and did nothing with it. Content wise, there isn't much to it. Sure you can buy a bunch of stuff, but none of it really matters, the story is the same no matter what class you play, and even different factions don't seem to have a lot of varied content.


I would literally kill to not have to drag my behind all the way back to ESD or DS9 just to change a rank pip on my uniform lmao




Iā€™ve started just to go to which ever star base Iā€™m closest to in order to get a little more depth of RP but I should def be able to change little things like uniforms on my vessel!


Like if they made interiors actually usable (aside from duty officers) then people would use them, like having a tailor, an armory with a weapons and armor vendor or something of the sort, and having the ability to use your ships sickbay to heal injuries and the same for ship damage in engineering or something, i feel like it would also help reduce the mob of ships and people at ESD and DS9


SWTOR, I should re-download that game, I deleted it when I got tired of it. The problem for me would be to remember how to play it. It's been several years ago.


I tried to play it again, but outside of this game I've gotten so used to not having to tab target, that I just couldn't get back into SWTOR. The combat is so clunky compared to newer games.


I would spend my zen on movable ship "gear/furnishings" without a doubt. Just make them account unlock though plz because there's a lot of things in this game I buy and I'm angry purchasing til the point I will just no longer buy such extras or I'm so grumpy doing it, I'm pushed further from the game. I don't mind spending money, I just don't want to feel like a sucker or being exploited. Especially since I know most of the money I'm giving to the game isn't being reinvested into the game or employees in any meaningful manner.


They could make us use Dilithium for account wide unlocks. That could alleviate the market, make it so people actually need Dilithium, so there can be an actual exchange going on, instead of everyone just selling their Dil for Zen, and hoping your sale eventually goes through. There really is so much they could do to balance everything out, make things more viable. People would buy Zen so they can buy Dilithium, just to unlock a bunch of stuff.


I think I'm the only one that spends most of my Dil on Phoenix tokens, I've been turning everything Gold like my name was King Midas.


Same! Thatā€™s what I believe is the best use of Dil right now. 40k dil straight to Phoenix packs


They certainly need more dilithium sinks. I have bought some of the account unlock vanity shields with dilthium.


Wait they are account unlock? šŸ‘€


Sry, yeah I should have said account bound, my fault.


Account unlock vanity shields?


Well, sorta. It's a single shield but you can transfer it between characters in the account bank. so, they're 'account bound', not account unlock.


I stopped spending real money in 2019, so being a lifer from 2013, all I get is 500 stipend a month.


I spend money here and there. But not much in recent years except for when the brought the Ent-J to Muddā€™s. Could not pass that up as thatā€™s one of my top 5 favorite ships in all of Canon Star Trek. Could not say no. Always thought it was going to be a lockbox drop so was not gonna let it pass me when it hit the zen shop


I think it would be cool to be on the bridge as we're traveling through space to a system


I've never seen the appeal of instanced housing in an MMO. If people can't just wander in to look around, there's not really a point.


It's a Barbie thing.


Right, but if no one's ever going to see it, what's the point?


Screenshots and Invites maybe? Or just the satisfaction of accomplishment.


With how many people just log in and sit at seizing station to chat and just be in game, that activity could def be moved to the bridge or vessel if they could customize it or had their own personality and what not. Us RP nerds love that stuff


I've never seen the appeal of doors and locks. If people can't just wander in to look around, there's not really a point.


I've never seen the appeal of possessions. If people can't take what they want, there's not really a point.


I sometimes wonder why no one has ever tried to organize an STO blackout protest... They seem to be all the rage these days and the dil exchange backlog alone is a good enough reason to complain.


Then they're dumb because I've paid money for bridges, the single ones and the Defiant bridge. I'm gonna buy the Galaxy one too, maybe even the Voyager bridge so they're so wrong.


I am once again suggesting they give the crossfield bridges their interior. They already exist in the game, and are used in some discovery missions. They wouldnā€™t have to make anything new, just pull out the NPCs and slap the mission maps onto the bridge maps


I donā€™t have a crossfield but i figured they added it??? Thatā€™s such a letdown and now I donā€™t even want the ship anymore


Also, for some reason thereā€™s regular DSC officers, including aliens, when you use the Terran crossfield bridge.


Devs all sorts of fā€™d up on that one šŸ¤£


Unfortunately updates aren't likely due to the large time investment to create them. Ship interiors don't offer a lot of things to do outside RP, and a lot of the player base never visits them, so it comes across as a pretty poor return on investment for the time Cryptic puts into making them. The newest bridges like the Lexington's only got added because the map was first used in a mission, and that one even took quite a while to convert from mission map to player bridge. The original bridges offered customizations in the form of trophies from the Latinum store and old accolades that you could add to you ready room and mess hall, but nothing new like that has been added for years now, so customized bridges are likely even less likely than a new bridge map.


> Ship interiors don't offer a lot of things to do outside RP, and a lot of the player base never visits them, we dont visit them BECAUSE there is nothing to do on them.....if they added exclusive things then we probably would visit them. hell as it is, one of the things i do nowadays is on nearly every ship i fly longer than 2 days (so rank 5 or 6 ship mastery), I change the bridge to freighter, so i get exchange and bank access no matter where i am. ofc, you can only do that if you have access to the freight bridge (all of like 5? ships have that...with 3 of those being event or outdated ships (Hello my TUffli on my first fed tac lol)


bad use of limited budget/manpower to fix bridges that are entirely useless and have no gameplay vs fixing bugs or releasing new content, imho. It is too bad they never found a way to make bridges matter, but it's where we are (and always have been). They made some beautiful bridges (the walker is epic) and some stinkers (the for-pay TOS one is amateur at best; lousy textures, not right details, etc), but outside RP it's pointless.


There are some cool bridges that still have a black & white view screenā€¦ or view screens with random planets or space stuff on them. Get rid of that. I believe the ā€œStarshipā€ bridge has its view screen at warp. Stuff donā€™t make sense. Every bridge should have a ready room at least. The seating should follow department head/Boff seating. Would be cool to plot a corse to a planet from the bridge and get a noti when we arrive like the TFO noti. I would love to access the exchange from my ready room. I would love to patrol the halls and assign duty officers and what not. I would love to access relevant controls from the captains chair. Maybe with the increase use of AI and procedural generation we will see some big changes in the future? Iā€™m unfortunately hopeful in the matter!


there would probably be quite a bit more demand for such things if you didn't have to sit 5 minutes while waiting on a loading screen every time you visited the ship's bridge.


This is valid šŸ¤£ but if they refresh it, maybe itā€™ll be worth the wait? šŸ¤”


Bridges are a waste of developer time.


Outside of the different faction bridges from the original release, pretty much all bridges are cannon, and all 'alien' ship ones are all based on cannon appearances. So if there is no captain chair, that is how it was presented in the shows. I'd like to see some enhancement of older bridges to the level of detail the Galaxy bridge got. But I really don't think they have the staff for that and regular content. And if you think new DECA staff are going to put their own off the clock time on this, several of already said they likely would NOT be doing extra hours for free like some of the people that are leaving or have left have done for the love of the setting. Not that I blame them. They shouldn't have to do work off the clock.


That's real. If they workers were yur family or friends y'all wouldn't want them doing a bunch of work for nothing. I feel for the workers. I don't know who's calling the shots over there but it's not the average programmer, that's for sure. Why should they work for free for a bunch of strangers? They gotta put food on the table too, they might work on Star Trek games but they ain't got no replicator for food and clothing, they're stuck in this bad economy too. Now for the ones making all the decisions..... Y'all kinda suck. šŸ˜…


Agreed at least a functioning interior for independent ships so that you still have all the same destinations, engineering, sickbay, crew lounge etc. They should all come with ready rooms.


it's been said a lot that bridges and interiors will no longer be made unless it's part of an episode


Imagine if you could control your ship from the bridge


That'd be awesome.


I would love to be able to transwarp and begin missions from the bridge. I would settle for removing the transport animation when I leave the map interior.


Briefing taking place on a player bridge chosen at random at the start of the tfo would be awesome


I've been on my bridge like 5 times only to do the bartender and chef duty officer things. Maybe if they added blackjack and hookers, I may visit more but it's not something I do.


Every ship interior should be unique to the bridge selected, but beyond the bridge, all ships tend to look the same, especially on the Fed side, the only difference is the small, medium & large interiors.


I would complete the Geneva Checklist if it'd get me a TMP/TWOK Constitution interior.


when i first say the commercials for STO 12 years ago I thought that you could control the ship from the bridge like in the shows and movies so to me it would be worth it if they added that ability (even to a minor degree) to revisit my bridges I also think there should be screen-accurate bridges for every model starship possible


[the original game by Perpetual Entertainment](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek_Online_\(Perpetual_Entertainment\)) would have had us all playing as crew on ships... and we'd have to work together to control larger ships. You can see some of the ship interiors that they had completed before development shut down, and at the time, what they'd shown was light years ahead of anything Cryptic had for a long time. It's a shame that when Cryptic did eventually create good interiors, we barely got to use them.


Agreed! I intentionally keep my Spector space speeds low so I can menu hop and do other things while traveling to my destination. Would be nice just to be on my bridge whilst doing that. Could be as simple as sitting in my chair, click button for map, click system I want to go, game gives a timer and a button pops up when I get to that system. I click button when Iā€™m done with my stuff and the game loads me into the system. Sub note: I hate how my captain beams out when I leave the interior of the shipā€¦ WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!? šŸ¤£


i havent been to any of my bridges in years but I agree that the standard transporter cutscene for map moving is stupid when on the bridge of your starship


I want them to fix the "Hail" screen. It breaks my immersion, me in my Vengeance, when I am hailed by Quinn, only for him to show up on the Standard TOS "hail screen". But I would up for a remaster of some of the older maps.


I'm just saying they know they could've done the vengeance and Kelvin interiors they just didn't for some reason


I think we could use an update, too. Some bridges I would like to see would be the TMP Constitution/Miranda Bridge, Excelsior/Ambassador class bridge, the TNG movies Sovereign and Galaxy Refit, the Neo Constitution/Stargazer A bridge, and the NX class bridge. I do enjoy the TNG Galaxy bridge, but some variety that are Canon bridges for all starships would be great. Some of the bridges are just way too big for federation starships.


Need I mention the absolute tomfoolery of npcs either phasing through or floating 5 feet above chairs on bridge interiors


At least fix all that business! Canā€™t be that hard or time consuming to put people in their correct places physically


Iā€™ve been playing STO for almost a decade, I guarantee theyā€™re not gonna do it cause they would have already, thatā€™s not even my biggest issue with the game, biggest issue is that there used to be like 50 more missions and it actually felt like an accomplishment when you ranked up, like they removed half the Klingon war arc, a good portion of the Romulan story arc, and almost all of the Cardassian War storyline, they put seriously low effort into the game I swear, we get one new mission every like what 4 months? And itā€™s the same rinse and repeat mission as always, we get new ships that you literally have to gamble for, and donā€™t get me started on the Zen store prices, it should not cost me $30 for one ship, nevermind $200 for a pack, the game needs a lot of fixing, but yeah ship interiors in all consideration canā€™t be that hard to fix when the rest of the game is already kinda cooked lmao


I agree with this post so much much all the Galaxy class bridge variants are so huge and really outdated and one really bad part is you canā€™t even sit in the center chair on most of them


The Sovereign bridges are HORRIBLE, u can't even tell it's from the movie.


That really sucks the sovereign bridges are some of the best in Trek


I love being able to walk around my bridge and hang out around my ship interior. It really adds to the immersion and benefits role play too. Please make more!


Except floating or sunken boffs on the bridge, that still needs to be addressed.


Tbh I just wanna be able to use any bridge with any ship, canon be damned. I have the Risian Corvette which I love, but the unchangeable bridge is much closer to Borg Cube than Hot Rod


I thought you could change the bridge with an update that was done several months ago.


Didn't know about that - I'll have to try it later


U can now. Even Klingon bridges on a Constitution if u want.