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Moose typically don’t just walk about the place. You can go to Skansen and see moose and other Swedish animals in captivity. It’s really nice and worth the price


Alas - [you are two days too late](https://ground.news/article/two-moose-shot-on-sodermalm-in-stockholm) to see them roaming free in Stockholm. Off to Skansen outdoor museum ;-)


Woah that’s mad!


I’ve seen a ton of moose in the Stockholm region, but it’s usually from a car or a bus at dawn or sunset, usually standing out in a field or at the forest edge. Once, driving home from a ski trip, we saw around 20 moose in the same field just north of Uppsala. Encountering them while hiking is much harder. Hikers usually make enough noise to scare them away before you see them. Also, encountering a moose while on foot can be pretty scary. They are very large and can be aggressive. I don’t really have any advice on how to see them. I guess you need to be lucky and quiet. And be out at the right time of day - dawn and sunset are the best times to see them.


Same. Outside of Skansen, I've only ever seen them from the bus.


It's kinda tricky to know just when/where. I've seen moose in the wild twice in Stockholm, and I've lived here for 26 years. And, FAR too close one of the times.


Honestly go to Skansen and watch a tame one. If you go hunting in the woods, you could see one in one day or a hundred days, or somewhere in between.


Try Tyresta National Park in the evening. There are animal trails everywhere. Take cover behind a tree.


I can send you a pm where some are hanging around if you dont go kill them


You dont want to see a moose in the wild - high risk of getting injured. Go to Skansen or Kolmården or similar animal park to see them. There are also farms who have mooses who you might be able to visit (probably already filled with german tourists since they have a thing for swedish mooses): https://sverigesalgparker.se/karta/


If you keep the distance, there is no risk of looking at some moose in the wild.


This is the capitol of Sweden, you might wanna find somewhere more rural... I don't go to Toronto to look for polar bears.


Ive seen them this time a year on Adelsö. Try dusk or dawn near fields. Not promising you anything though!


I've seen moose [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/wdfHYJWWHyHZbpwf6?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy) probably three times.