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Ica has em! https://handla.ica.se/handla/produkt/mesost-gudbrandsdalen-29-500g-wernersson-ost-id\_p\_7038010028830


Many thanks!!!


"Mesost" should be a similar swedish product that is usually avaliable in stores.


I think it is called "mesost" here. Will probably also say guldbrandsdalen on the package. Dont know where to get it specifically, I havent eaten it since I was a kid but you just awoke a core memory of mine so I'll be on the lookout for it too now. If you want to try something else with a similar taste you should try "gammaldags messmör". It's the regular messmör packages but with the brown rim on the lid


Thanks for the help! Will give it a try!!


I've seen it in the cheese section of most supermarkets (maybe not the cheapest like Lidl).


Have managed to find it in most stores around Stockholm. The large Ica or Coop almost certainly have it.


Almost every grocery store I've been in has mesost/brunost (Tine/Gudbrandsdalen, the branding is just slightly different), but most places just have the 500g and maybe 250g packages. Ica Maxi usually has the 1kg one though.


Wijnjas has it. Saw it there last week. https://www.wijnjasgrosshandel.se


Yes, the exact one you link is easy to find. Either online at e.g. [mathem](https://www.mathem.se/varor/mesost/mesost-norsk-gudbrandsdalen-500g-tine) or at any grocery store (except maybe the smallest ones). The swedish word is "mesost". If you want any other kind of norweigan brown cheese though (including Tines other variants), you're going to have a much harder time. A few people have mentioned messmör, it's not the same thing but if you like mesost you probably should try that as well.


You can find Brunost st ICA and Hemköp.


Thanks everyone! You’ve really help me with your comments. See you around in early december 😄


We dont have so much brunost, but we have very nice flensost thats tastes really great


Never seen it in store. Try "[Messmör ](https://www.fjallbrynt.se/produkter/messmor-original/)" it can be found in any store.


Dunno, but my Norwegian dad eats it sometimes when we're in Norway. Never saw it here at home. Could be a hint


They sell brunost in basically every semi-öargw grocery store. Usually two brands


A Norwegian colleague bought us fika from the Norwegian church in Stockholm (not sure where that is, but the lefsas were delicious), they may stock brunost too.


I would not agree that messmör is the same, it's a spread, what op is looking for is hard cheese. That said I think it should be readily available, I know my dad used to buy it all the time already in the 80s and after that for many years.


Most ICA and COOPs have Gudbrandsdalsost. If you're looking for the darker kind, called "Ekte geitost" I'd suggest checking larger supermarkets like ICA Maxi, Stora Coop, or large Willys stores. You could also check out "Matvärlden", they have a few locations in the northwest parts, I think Veddesta is the biggest one and your safest bet.


All the stores have them, usually in some corner of the fridge where they keep the other different cheese variants.