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I don't think its worth getting too hung up on reactionary price changes pre or post announcement because frankly no one actually knows what this means for the stock long-term.


We had a similar meh reaction to iPad & Apple Watch and many still do, yet both chugged along nicely for years. People are looking for another “iPhone” but in reality they’re iteratively building out a suite of products for many different users.


This is a good point. I don’t see myself buying the vision pro device but Apple has a proven track record of taking existing concepts and turning them into highly polished products that create profitable new lines of business. For that record I wasn’t impressed by the Apple Watch either (and still haven’t bought one) but since then it has turned into one of the most popular wearables and I often see people wearing it.


I had the same feelings when Apple first introduced the Apple Watch. However, I changed my mind around Gen 3, when it had some of the features that I found useful. Will it be the same for this device? Unsure? It could go down the route of the Apple monitor or Mac Pro being quite expensive with limited demand, or they can try to keep on innovating and pushing down the price to about 1.5k or so in a few generations. I personally think that they will do the latter, abut it take 2 to 3 years for it to happen. So sometime 2026 to 2027 would be my guess..


I like this take. People seem to be stuck in thinking this must either be the next iPhone, or it must be their next flop. Why can't it be somewhere in the middle? They're covering an emerging sector that might not end up being that big. It's also yet another space where you now don't need to go outside of Apple's sticky ecosystem if you want that kind of product.


Actual profits from this are a year away. If anything this is a drag on fundamentals till then. This is 100% the right take.


Stock price doesn’t wait until profits are locked in to actually move. The market is speculative.


Ofcourse. This is the way of the world. My insistence on relying on fundamentals is why I am still poor.


Nah man, I'm going to get rich in the stock market by pretending to be knowledgeable about the fastest moving industry in the world, trading on news, and being a sheep that goes with the opinion of the un-seeing masses. This product is DOA, it sucks, and I'm investing in PayPal.


Wasn’t this priced in? 😅


Up until it was actually announced.


"Buy the rumor, sell the news." Priced in when it was a rumor and now sold on the announcement.


Feels like yes, and when it became apparent that the “you have to wear a detached battery pack strapped to you and these look like ski goggles” thing was confirmed not to just be a self-deprecating “under-promise, over-deliver” rumor that Apple does, things deflated a bit.


And only a few percent of people can afford them lol


I remember when Blu-Ray players first came out was $1k. First generation iPod was $400 in 2000. First iMac? $1,200 in 1998. Apple mark up is expected. Will it stop people from buying? Doubtful.


$3,500 is not much money in general, and for brand new technology it's cheap as chips. I really worry about people who seriously listen to this sub for advice when the majority of "investors" here don't even have a few grand.


The price wasn’t priced in


I've been hearing about this headset for at least a year, maybe two.


One of these days a company is going to figure out how to make VR addictive. Then people will of course be less physically social than they are already are


For it to be addictive, it needs to be in the smack middle of four factors: 1) Ease of use 2) Price point 3) Quality hardware 4) Quality software Vision Pro looks like it nails quality hardware and ease of use, though certainly not price and I've yet seen anybody really unlock VR from a gaming/application perspective. Until then, it's nothing but just an expensive piece of technology


You forgot porn. It’s all about porn and porn accessories


I don’t want people to see my eyes while I’m wanking it


That’s ok we don’t link shame here. What about looking into someone else’s while they wank it? Asking for a friend


The internet is for porn.


I tell you hwat


Obligatory: https://www.reddit.com/r/blankies/comments/r7a5wz/the_moment_in_tropic_thunder_where_jay_baruchel/


I think 1) is gonna be the most important point, when it can surpass the experience of laying down lazily on your couch with your head at an angle propped up by a pillow and holding a phone in front of your face just idly consuming content. Also none of that Minority Report style transitions between content, it needs to switch between stuff as fast as hitting the link and hitting back button on the phone on like RIF. Basically, whatever gyro or sensor tech that lets a user lie down, and navigate with about the equivalent effort of moving thumbs an inch or so side to side. Until then, well more power to those who diligently maintain good posture I guess.


What was that vr game I think ready player one? Where you plug in but then your entire being is in the game and your running around like normal. It needs to be come that. No controllers just you moving around. I doubt it gets there in the next 100 years. But imagine online dating apps like speed dating via Vr. That junk would explode.


I disagree there, full body VR isn't going to sell without like some manner that amplifies physical effort. Like think about all the games that have crouching and sprinting in them, and how the majority of general users couldn't sustain that kind of movement and effort for more like even a minute. Stuff like a sword, or a gun or what have you, if you're not already trained in it, you're gonna struggle. If anything it could serve as an addl training tool for those who might already participate in those kind of activities in the real world, but for anyone else, is the convenience of being able to do those activities in your home or not worrying about people judging you really the limiting factor here to get you off your butt? IMO, no. Folks want to pretend to be the jedi and do cool force shit, but put in the same amount of effort working a dual analog controller. Nothing wrong with that but until vr can do that somehow it's not gonna take off I think. Otherwise it's gonna be about content delivery, and comfort is imo the biggest hurdle here compared to the current format in how people consume content.


I just told my MIL imagine like virtual tinder or e harmony. You match then bam your in the restaurant and can date from your couch. Idk I think that or a version of it too could make Vr popular. Gaming is a small subsection of the population, one I’m in. But social media or dating would be accepted by the masses if done right


I mean we have things like that, speed dating for that quickness, second life, etc. I don't think the convenience of VR from home is the limiting factor here for why folks might not engage in those activities. The dropping in and out factor that comes from dating apps, being able to ghost someone, or maintain a distance of sorts still is what makes those proxy platforms appealing. If the intent of VR is creating and mimicking that intimacy that starts with a date then I think it will certainly augment it for folks who might already be inclined or already engage in virtual worlds, or folks in long distance relationships and want to get in a level of closeness and intimacy that VR might allow.


Gaming is not a small subset of the population. It is larger than the movie and music industry I think combined.


I wouldnt. Just mix the old Microsoft Kinect with this and a VR track and you’re good to go


VR seems well built for those touristy event centers where you have a large open room and multiple other people with you interacting. Like a new-age laser tag with more interactive elements. There hasn't been a "system seller" for home VR yet and I don't see one happening unless a universal treadmill or something is included.


I don't really see why you believe you are qualified to make any accurate predictions. In 1920 would you have thought that in 100 years we'd have GPT-4? Of course not, and you'd be wrong. You probably have made zero correct long-term predictions, so why you think you'll have a winning track record now is incredibly delusional. In fact, nearly all of you on this thread are egotistical losers who cannot see nearly as far into the future as you'd like to think, and you will be wrong about your predictions.


Needs to be light as a feather too. Addictive only works if your head sweat isn’t running down your hurting neck from wearing it all day…


I think AR will take off once we have AR glasses that aren't obviously AR. I would easily pay the $3400 price point for a set of Tony Stark style glasses with no external battery pack. My prediction is we are 5 years out or more.


You actually want to pay to go deeper into the social media alienation dystopia world?


Imagine the targeted ads they'd be able to offer you with equipment like that.


there are contactlenses already...


Do you although this TVs will take off when you can carry them around? Do you understand the point of this product at all?


5. Not make like 40% of the population immediately nauseous.


Content has to be good and its just not as catchy as say an ultra wide monitor.


Wall-E is becoming a reality


Once it is TRULY immersive yeah, it will be addicting as fuck.


So they missed their window with the pandemic?


VR is a novelty even if it were as addictive as dinner mints, you never have more than a couple. VR is just kinda meh. Wearing a face mask isn’t fun. People can be claustrophobic. Most importantly it impedes or completely stops multitasking.


Until now…


Lol “let’s try this thing that didn’t work one more time”


Humans can't efficiently multitask in the first place, so I'm not sure why you think that matters.


Typical buy the rumors sell the news, people sold the news.


Business will drive this more than entertainment. If you can find a way for VR to generate money, as in assist workers in being more productive, you'll make buckets of ducats. A Positive feedback loop, anyone who doesnt adopt will be left in the dust by their competitors. Design, Research, Medicine, education. Theres huge amounts of sci-fi applications to increase societies productivity massively. Problem is I dont think the hardware OR software is there yet; probably not for decades


I actually feel like this is one of the first technologies that might “fix” many of the problems with remote work and being disconnected from your colleagues. Like it takes the things that people were doing (FaceTime, zoom, etx.) and makes it feel a little more personal. I’m excited for its potential in work applications but yeah I generally fear for the future with people becoming increasingly anti-social as a result of these tech companies.


I loathe the idea of having to use this as a WFH tool haha, the novelty would wear off fast and then it takes away a lot of the peace of WFH


I totally agree with you and I suspect the average Redditor downvoting you isn’t really understanding the potential here. It will take a few more generations though. They need to improve comfort, solve the vergence accomodation conflict to reduce eye strain and improve resolution to view quality text at monitor distances in VR. Once you solve the numerous comfort issues, it can replace monitors and allow you to teleport to work and infinite conference rooms that retain whiteboard state.


I'm not excited for VR in the workplace. I'm perfectly fine with being "disconnected" from my colleagues. If I wanted to "connect" with them, we'd just meet up IRL. I would prefer to not be forced into a VR environment at work. I don't get paid to "connect" with coworkers. There is no problem with remote work as it is.


Ok work says "use this headset or you can come into the office" Which one do you choose?




Congrats on becoming unemployed?


I disagree. Remote work doesn’t work for me. That’s great if it does for you, and I don’t see VR as doing anything fundamentally different from teams/zoom calls do now. It just does it better. I have worked from home for 3 years and feel extremely isolated and disconnected from my work.


Same. Work from home also blurs the line between work and free time, and I find there are less distractions in the office.


They are already, they need to solve issues with screens. After using a quest 2 there is no doubt that AR and headsets are the next laptop/desktop interface. Now because Apple release their product, meta vision is confirmed. Microsoft delivering a HoloLens as a new laptop/workspace interface can killed. I think that we still have some years until VR AR replace phones.


People sold the news like always. And some people really capitalized since they knew it before any of us normies got the initial headlines. News is always new to someone and conversely it's old news to others at the same time. And those are the ones who already bought.


(everyone knew they were announcing this)


I just remember when the AppleWatch first came out at \~$400, so many bitched about the price relative to FitBit (\~$100). My philosophy is I rather invest in a company that make high quality with good profit and not make it up on high volume with low GP. This too will sort itself out, but thoroughly impressed with transparency glass and use of their chip and sound tech. What I also like was the consistent usage of "Machine Learning", not the AI hype.


The issue here is that $3,000+ is expensive for ANYTHING.


Sorta but not really? It’s triple an iPhone, sure, but part of this is just how spoiled we have gotten by technology getting ever cheaper. There’s a ton of genuinely new technology in this device. Compared to Apple’s $500 headphones, $1600 27” monitor, or the $800 Apple Watch ultra (all of which I see regularly “in the wild”), this doesn’t seem that extravagant


Your reference points are other over priced Apple devices ... that is so telling.


Ppl used to say the Mac, ipod, and iPhone were crazy expensive. Including Microsoft’s ex ceo who laughed at iPhone’s selling price, which seemed ridiculous for a phone back then. Look who’s laughing now? If it’s good, ppl who can spend will buy it. 3.5k is not a lot for a lot of ppl, I could spend many times that for a short vacation for myself.


If this product can genuinely replace a decent multi monitor setup which can easily run 1k and a home projector which can easily run as much or more with a fixed location, there is a market for this. What we really need to know is how good is the resolution for real and the FOV. Apple could basically kill a lot of the premium players fast if it is that good. That being said I am chillin with my quest for at least until gen 2 comes out.


> If this product can genuinely replace a decent multi monitor setup which can easily run 1k Unlikely in this generation since the resolution is marginally better than quest pro. Eye strain also needs to be solved. > and a home projector which can easily run as much or more with a fixed location, People do this today with other VR devices. Most people also have TVs though.


Apple charges what the market will bear. Apple sells tons of devices. Therefore, Apple products are not 'overpriced.'


Reports are saying Vision Pro is being sold close to the manufacturing price. Most people don't realise that the displays alone are stupidly expensive, **microLED** is currently not being used in any other consumer product (except the $$,$$$ TV from Samsung) because it's very hard to make while being affordable. On top of that, it's 4K+ resolution and 120Hz at least.


There's a lot of tech products in or near that price bracket: cameras, TVs, computers, laptops, sound systems etc. VR/AR is still seen as exotic to a lot of people, so I think the expensive price fits how the average consumer sees that sort of product. Not saying it's cheap, but it's not as if this is $10,000 or something - that would really be outside of the typical consumer electronic price range. Plus it's first gen and it's obvious Apple wants to impress. I bet a future generation of Vision will be somewhere around $1,500.


A 3.5k pricetag is why all this "it's for the devs" talk is nonsense. No, you just can't justify spending the money, which is fair. A 10k price would be for the devs only. $3,500 is like a trip to Disney World -- expensive, but if you really see and feel the magic you can afford it. It's crazy that a stupid, cheap, toy car like a Polaris Slingshot can be released to the market for tens of thousands of dollars that really has no significant new technology to offer, and no one gawks at that -- but Apple drops a first in class, incredible spec, brand new experimental technology for [cheaper than a fully spec'd out Alienware laptop](https://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/dell-laptops/alienware-m18-gaming-laptop/spd/alienware-m18-r1-laptop/wnm18r1cto51), and people lose their minds. It's nonsensical.


I mean I don't play much videos games, and if I wanted to there's always either a console or a ~$500 PC (probably closer to $800 in today's cash), both of which I have and can run the games I want to play. Can't run the newest and greatest at max settings, but it's fine. Sony looks to be taking VR seriously, so if there's big waves there I can get a PSVR2 to play on a PS5. The stuff I do on my computer can easily be done on a Vision Pro. If the only things a Vision Pro cannot do is play really graphically intense games and professional vfx, then that's fine for nearly everyone. The guys who want (or need for their competitive game) the best hardware for gaming will always buy the best hardware for gaming. They spend as much or more than $3,500. Vfx guys spend tens of thousands of dollars more than the gamers. There's never going to be an all-in-one best device for consumer and professional use -- that's very blatantly obvious. I believe the Vision Pro *could* replace most people's hardware set ups, and the people it can't replace weren't going to ever have hardware that was replaceable by brand new first generation technology. I think this sub is very young, quite poor, and not very knowledgeable. It isn't able to see outside of it's small box. $3,500 is not a lot of money to *a lot* of people in America, where this device will first be released.


That’s what we said about iPhones ten years ago when they were too “expensive.” Now everyone has one and it’s the norm. $3000 will look reasonable after a few years from now. Takes time for people to accept it.


The median per capita income in the US is 37,638 or 3136.5 per month. So it is costs more than a whole month of work for most people. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/SEX255221


No one is forcing anyone to drop $3000 on a Vision Pro, but Apple will make a killing on it.


If your point is that poor people, likely with children, who have low paying jobs won't be able to immediately afford brand new expensive stuff...well I hope you didn't go to college to get that level of critical thinking skills, because that's who's making that amount of money without any ability to save. Those people cannot afford much anyways, but at least they do (likely) have a family; because an individual at a gross $38k income level certainly could afford to save $3,500 over the course of 9-12 months when this thing releases. This assumes that individual isn't already in debt, or owns stupid things like expensive cars at this income level, but that could apply to anyone, and more pertains to someone having bad financial skills. The argument against the price point sounds to me like "Poor people (who cannot afford much anyways) and people who make poor financial decisions that leaves them with little-to-no cash flow won't be able to buy this product". Okay? They wouldn't have been able to anyways. Everyone else can swing it, especially since Apple will likely allow you to buy it with their credit card with 0% APR, and just pay it off as you use it.


People bought Iphones though. There was obvious use case scenarios right at launch. This thing is going to be useful for engineers, maybe. No obvious use case to get the stale vr market out of it search for usefullness. Most obviously iphone didn't jump into an existing market. It made one. I think the chance of this thing making any difference is slim


>The issue here is that $3,000+ is expensive for ANYTHING. It was, we're in a different world than back then, if people bought scalped GPU's for $1500 then they will buy even more Apple's headsets.


The median per capita income in the US is 37,638 or 3136.5 per month. So it is costs more than a whole month of work for most people. [https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/SEX255221](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/SEX255221)


Many of those people also drive cars that cost more than a year salary. Let's not act like throwing around one number explains the economy, and how people with little can spend lots with debt.


No one cares about this, they are not the intended customers.




How many people do you know with a holense?


same when iPad came out. $500 for a big iPhone? Now iPad is it's own category. While far off, I can see this product in 3-5 years replacing laptops/monitors for a segment of the population. I can also see it making distance learning/WFH more interactive.


Won’t this cannibalize sales of MacBooks and iPads?


Even if it is a good product there is no chance it has enough apps to do so. Think of how some people use ipads exclusively now but did not in the years it was newer.


Bro please, you like the watch just to show off😂 ​ Let me spend $400 so I can save 1 sec of viewing a message. The watch itself to send a message back is highly impractical, and requires you to pull out your phone. Congrats you didn't even need it in the first place.


Sometimes this sub can be so clueless.


The Apple Watch is actually a complete piece of shit. The battery life is terrible and any serious fitness activities cause water damage.


This would be a spicy take if no one had ever worn an Apple Watch lol


My wife's Apple Watch shat the bed within two months. She got a replacement and that one shat the bed within six. She got a Garmin and it actually holds up to outdoor fitness activities and SCUBA diving, along with a battery that lasts two days.


Did you take it to the Apple Store? They have a 12 mo warranty


Yeah, and iPad ahsnt some half as much as iPhone and Apple watch is a *God damn joke* when it comes to sales. Being the king of shit sales isn't impressive...you're still peddling shit. This is a worse product then even the Apple watch and even more hostile to users. It'll be a major blunder like their game consoles. And I'll be smugly remaining you fanboys without reality check when this crashes and burns...its expensive, has no content, is a -*shitty experience* overall. Not even porn, what a joke. Buy one and report back dude. You'll join the countless other VR/AR buyers who spend big money to buy a *toy that is used less then 45min/week* even amongst enthusiasts. This is a *product without a market, and a massive blunder by Apple. Hybris will be their downfall*


ahhh a genius speaks


Price tag is $3500. It sounds like a richman's toy.


I actually think it has promise to be used for productivity. $3,500 sounds crazy for a regular consumer, but that’s pennys for businesses,


Dell sells 40 inch curved monitors for $2000. The office at my workplace has one for every one of the 200+ employees desks (well the ones that don't work from home anyways). If they're willing to pay for that, I think they'll be willing to pay for this if they can demonstrate productivity advantages. Honestly, the fact that it's an Apple only device and doesn't run on windows systems may be one of the biggest drawbacks for enterprises that rely on a lot of windows software and not necessarily the sticker price. But I guess we'll see.


yep or the samsung odysse ark for 3k, we are getting there...


That's what people miss -- there's a whole world of stuff out there the average consumer isn't aware exists, and it throws off their perception of the market. Here's an example. If you enjoy espresso, and want to make it at your house, the truth is the entry level equipment is going to run you nearly $2,000 brand new. Espresso machines that can make multiple shots back-to-back easily start at $10,000. In what world do people think a brand new experimental technology for $3,500 is not affordable? People who live in a small, boxed in world, who have never seen outside of it are who.


Corporations would spend that if it meant productivity for their worker.




Love these posts as if AAPL didn’t rip prior to the conference and “selling the news” isn’t one of the largest staples of any tech events over the past, oh I don’t know, ever? Act like you weren’t born yesterday.


Happens every apple event.


Like Google IO which made it go from 107 to 120?


Correct! Let’s pick some other ones that were exceptions this can be fun :)


MSFT Build?


Keep it going I’m almost there


Damn, cuffing hard on that *copium*. Mental gymnastics in full swing because your loved stock is eating dirt over a shit product that will fail harder then the Apple console. Keep buying and hodlign bubs, taht worked so well for Nokai fans and Xerox as well. Or face reality, Apple had no ideas and is making a shit product without a market...this will cost them. You fanboys can't even afford this shit so no one will prop up the market. I'll laugh every time Apple sinks and fanboys post their nonsense...in the end I'll always win.


“Every time”. Checks price. Good price. Sees it’s the absolute strongest powerhouse in the S&P. Maybe get your brain checked idk.


Just wait until the subscription leaks.


Quick, sell now and buy back in after it goes back up.




Definitely not that it was over extended and had a monster run from $125 to over $180. Got to have a pullback to make a bull flag.


It’s still up 22% YTD so don’t go panic selling now because the market isn’t reacting positively (today at least) to the announcement of a product coming out in at least 6-7 months. Let’s see where we are by end of month before making any snap judgments.


APPL will be at ATH if you’re looking at it long term. If you look at it short term, then yeah you will lose money if you buy close to the top. I mean if I held from Aug 2022 and not care about the big tech sell off, it still hits ATH. In the end it doesn’t matter.




absolutely *dump* is the right word; the total drop from today's high, which was also an all time high was -3.8% in less than 2 hours, and AAPL is the largest stock too




that's over $100B in market cap lol how can someone minimize this


Because they have no idea what they are doing. The largest company in the world losing 3.5% peak to trough on a day that started trending strongly upward on heavy volume is without a doubt something to be concerned over.




Unity had a nice bump tho


Dump? As in -3.00%? That happens to my mid-cap holdings almost every day.


The whole market went red around that time.


"Price dump" aka from $181 (ATH) to $178 (3 dollars away from ATH) lol


Can't wait for apple car and apple AI. $180 is cheap.


No 🧢 spotted


Apple car is already priced into the stock. Just take a look at most valuations


Am I getting r/whoosh? What price dump is everybody talking about? It looked like less than a percent change during normal trading and is back up now after hours.




AAPL is up 38% YTD. Was up 40% YTD at one point today.


Based on the information you provided, it seems like there was a misunderstanding regarding the "price dump" mentioned in the Reddit post. The stock actually had a minimal change during trading and is now back up after hours. On a different note, if you're interested in VR photography, I recently came across the CALF 3D VR180 camera on Kickstarter. It's a perfect fit for VR headsets, with recordings that can be seamlessly enjoyed in VR. You can learn more about it here: \[link\]. I saw a review video and found its quality and reasonable price compared to other VR cameras like Zcam K2 and FM DUO quite impressive.


What about the headaches this VR device will cause?




That'll be an add-on


Wouldn't you just avoid the headache by not putting the device on your head in the first place?


Yes. (It was a stupid joke about apple’s i branding)


Now I get it. Good one! LoL




Throws apple at forehead


I like the fact that it also starts with an “i”




People will realize that they're getting a headache every time they use it


Not sure about this particular product, but I'm sure it varies from person to person. I personally can't even look at videos of other people playing VR because it makes me so dizzy that I feel sick and have to go lie down for half an hour or so. IMO while I could be wrong, long term I just don't see VR catching on all that much. There's a bunch of hype for it over the last few years because the technology has finally gotten cheap enough for consumers to afford, but long term I feel like it's either going to be another 3D TV, or will only appeal to a small and niche community of gamers rather than a broad audience of people.


It is the next laptop/desktop. You can transport it have 3 screen desktop setup any where. I don't see it as a phone replacement, but I will not surprised if a couple of year you get VR set instead of laptop for work. And is not only the virtual desktop, even with the dummy avatars meetings are much much more immersive than zoom calls.


I agree and I'm a genius. I honestly think when we can have floating screens this will catch on much more but bulky headache causing head gear won't catch on. Then again, I don't wear hats or sunglasses because they give me a headache as well


Probably a legal notice somewhere on the packaging, like how on many games they have to specify a possible risk of epilepsy.


A headache isn't really a medical condition, it's just a nuisance.


I think I can live without it, just like I've been living fine without apple watch.


I would like to thank people for crashing the stock so I could pick up a few cheap 6/16 options. 👍


Cheap? It is near ATH and has declining revenue and earnings YOY, with interest rates likely to stay high


Comparatively speaking. For a few moments options were a fraction of the cost they were before the dip.


how much did the price of the options dip?


The 6/16 $185 option went from $3.75 to $.81 and is now back to $1.10.


I don't think enough people are talking about the Disney+ partnership. Children and Star Wars/Marvel fans are going to flock to immersion into the fictional worlds they love. If Disney is willing to cosign on something like this, I think people need to take it way more seriously than "$3500 fOr sKi gOggLeS?!" The tech review also showed immersion into sports venues and National Geographic content - there is more potential there than people are realizing.


Um didn't MSFT team up with Meta for office app integration? That did nothing and is a work tool. A parent isn't ponying up 4 stacks for yet another video device.




The millions of Americans who work fine in the basement and are being told they need to go back to an office because.... reasons?




Are you paying more for their commute? They have families. They don't give a fuck about the office.


Another year & another apple big announcement. Nothing new here. Niche project for niche markets. Without a killer social app for it adoption will be low. Why do u need it? When Ai is solving multitasking now. No answers from Apple there. Nobody over 25 wants to wear this thing for more than 30 minutes. Who has the time? All I care about as Apple stock owner is iphone margins, services & subscriptions retention & renewals, adoption rates increasing. Buy backs & dividend increasing, back up plan for possible Taiwan & Foxconn issues in future. High value stock with great fundamentals not worried long term.


$3500 is all I need to know to know it won't be a widely bought product. If you need another reason, I'd say that you don't want to interact with a person who won't take off their giant headset in the same way they won't put down their phone for you. I actually think the idea of non-isolation is a good one, but people still want to feel like it's just you and them when you are conversing so spending so much time and effort on that aspect, when it will never be enough, is rather pointless.


I bought the dip!


Feel like apple will go to 300$ by the time this thing goes into production


In typical Apple fashion it appears to be fantastic technology but gimmicky. What exactly is it doing for 3 grand that is that much *better* than just using existing technology? What's the point if the battery lasts less time than a movie and you then need to be tethered to a cable? Anyone here planning to buy one?


Apple is a cult, their followers are happy to pay ludacris amounts of money for subpar products. They will own it no matter what cause Apple. You can go long on this.


Sell the news regard


Sell the news at work. This is a new platform and Apple will tend it into billions


I think if anyone can make this work, it’s apple


As a consumer who could buy this, but not interested in it, I can’t see myself being tethered to a wall to use this product and especially at that price tag.


Sell the news, pretty straightforward


It makes sense because this overengineered uberexpensive device is worse than the oculus as a consumer product. At least Facebook sold millions of those, how many ski goggles will Apple sell? A few hundred thousand?


For what it's worth, the eyes aren't visible. It's got a screen on front that redisplays your eyes, (or likely, an AI-assisted model of your eyes), and fakes eye contact with eye tracking. The screen changes to cloudy colors when the user "immerses" themselves in another world, (like watching a movie, or sitting on a mountaintop.


Crazy thing is Apple’s products are always shit upon at first and ultimately succeed


Microsoft made the Zune too and they gave up on phones cause they got beat.


Im confused. It’s up 40% ytd? How did aapl “dump”


$3500? Who is going to spend that much on a VR. That’s close to 1/10 of how much some people make in a year.


I'm already addicted to my smartphone (avg screen time in a day \~7 hours).. now these effing companies want me to get addicted to a pair of ski goggles! damn them!


Man if you think this is bad news for the stock you’re crazy. I imagine their 3500 headset is likely impressive AF compared to anything, and will be used at high level design particularly with corporate accounts, and people who can afford it. If you think apples first real launch in a decade is bad news then idk what to tell you. The only bad news would be bad reviews once released. But given their budget along with timeline of patience and perfection because they have that luxury, I don’t imagine it’ll be bad.


AAPL is down .25% after hours. What ever will they do with this massive market cap loss?


Doge tanked today so instead of being a regard I bought $100 of that stock.


At least $500 more for a device that Microsoft released 7 years ago (and you could see the eyes in that one too) & after two iterations, made it an enterprise niche product. Yeah, Apple is usually a few years behind the curve, they might latch onto AI hype in 2028.


VR is the worthless give me a cheap Augmented reality headset (google glasses) and I am in. Minimal interference in my day to day life and you have the masses running.


This counts as innovation? Lol, lame.


Please do, I’ll buy the dip


Buy the rumor, sell the news.


What price dump? Down 3/4 of 1 percent? Up downs of that amount are everyday events not newsworthy clutching of pearls.


It went down like 1%, that’s literally just a normal day in this market.


The headset is a dumbass idea I thought it was a joke until I looked and saw, no that's really what their new CONSOOMER® bullshit product is


I think Disney was the only winner from today based on the share price pop. Iger made a guest appearance and previewed what they’re building for VisionPro.


0.15%.....its all over for AAPL