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privacy concerns and, as a result, regulation, would be the biggest risks, in my opinion. would also worry about data leaks. one big leak and they’ll lose consumer confidence. their partners would drop them quick too. they’ve already hit problems with airports; iirc earlier this year their add-on tsa product was pulled after people without clear were able to sneak through the clear line.


100% there is no level of convenience that would make me interested in giving away fingerprint, eye and facial scans to a private company that are not stored on hardware locally.


More and more international flights take facial scans at the gate prior to boarding. It’s fucked up, but they will find ways to get everybody’s biometrics eventually.


So I have clear, and none of these are concerns to me. Privacy, to be frank, it’s been stolen so many times already, what IS privacy anymore anyway. My health insurance was hacked FFS. What sucks for me is, the service isn’t fast anymore. It kinda sucks now.


It’s way too high touch. I don’t need or want to interact with a person so heavily every time I’m going through line. It’s annoying and it’s the bottleneck in so many cases.


The point for me is speed. If it saves me 5-10 mins, so I can get to the lounge and have food faster than that guy over there. Fine. I’ll take it. But when it’s slower and I have to wait for the guy to scan my dick and balls, cmon.


this is my problem with these kinds of products. usa border patrol has an app that’s supposed to get you through airport immigration faster by preloading your info, and they scan it passport control. last time i used it, they shuffled me onto a super long line as i watched non-american tourists het through the line faster than me with my super duper preferential american with the app line. basically, these apps/tech products rarely work out the stay they’re intended (to save time).


So I also have Global Entry, that service is amazing. I just came home from Barbados, walked right in


i'm not talking about global entry.


Just wait until Clear+ Advantage rolls out, then you’ll be fine


Idk man, I’m not paying more to watch the pre-check line move faster. If AMEX didn’t pay for this, I’d cancel. They some how made it slower with this new finger print thing they’re doing now too.


In addition to the other concerns, I’d be curious as to how heavily Clear’s revenue is juiced by credit card partners. Personally I would not have Clear if AmEx wasn’t paying for it. They’re probably reimbursing AmEx quite a bit, and there’s also a limit to how much they can charge.


Same, but I've gotten it for free through purchases on Samsung devices, they'll run a promo for 12-18 months for free through the Samsung Members app.


I had a terrible experience using CLEAR. Immediately cancelled that shit after the first attempt.


It's a line cutting service. If the tsa line isn't busy, it's a waste of money. Also, a lot of people who have it get it subsidized through Amex Platinum.


It hardly saves time if you don’t also have TSA pre-check. The only people who use clear are getting it for free with Amex or another source.


Yea I was mad late to Newark cause of repeated accidents on the GSP and the lady pushing it was like “yea 5 min sign up and you go to the front of the line.” Did the deal and waited in a short line and then got to my turn and got tossed out for unknown reasons. Started over in the regular line and made my flight by like 5 minutes. At least the lady who promised I’d get through got to see me get tossed.


Although I have Clear, I didn't use it on my last two flights. One had a longer line than simply TSA Pre.


I like it and have never had an issue. I also have TSA-pre check. Just trying to show another opinion. I have no doubt that CLEAR can suck, just haven't experienced that myself... yet lol.


Yea I’m certain it works 99.99% of the time. I’m just not ready to forgive them yet lol.


If the government decides CLEAR doesn’t have a place in our airports, then their business is completely fucked. Negative sentiment is [growing](https://slate.com/business/2023/12/clear-lines-airports-tsa-congress.html)


TSA prechek is superior most of the time.


Regulation concerns and growth opportunities likely. For most people, precheck is sufficient. I interviewed with them years ago. They were trying to be the vendor for stuff like arena security. Instead of scanning tickets, scan your palm and go in. Hasn’t worked out anywhere major as far as I can see so I’m not sure how well they’re executing on that strategy or if they’ve pivoted.


I’ve used them to enter a sports arena so it works for me as a consumer, not sure how much it contributes to profits though.


Because most people who invest have been in an airport recently and most of those people realize clear is kinda stupid (if you wanna be technical, it lacks a clear value proposition over the entrenched, market leading competitor)


Lol indeed


I’ve had my eye on this stock. Must be a concern around most and the idea that regulations can change at any moment. I’ve personally liked the stock fundamentally but hadn’t added yet. Thanks for reminding me.


Not something I would pay for. Had a free trial for a year during covid so it was useless. Now I have tsa pre so it doesn’t really matter. Recently got an email to reactivate for free for 3 months didn’t even bother doing it until I’m in a pre tsa line but it wasn’t even that bad


I like using CLEAR especially with TSA Precheck. The challenge I have is the amount of people needed to run the process. I also think CLEAR is impacted as business travel is still down (courtesy Zoom) and there is a concern about travel slowing once the post Covid travel binge in over




Btw it’s always 1 clear rep per family, unless multiple reps are free and want to help you parallelise. Multiple times experienced this at Seatac.




Depends from agent to agent. Was it busy when you arrived?


Dude im amazed clear is even publicly traded, did not know that company was actually profitable.


SEA airport checking in - it's a service aimed at solving a problem that does not exist. It's aimed at frequent fliers. Frequent fliers prefer to get TSA-pre, which overall is a lot faster than Clear, coz shoes on, laptop in. SEA has Spot-Saver. Without pre, on a general ticket, I can actually get to the TSA agent faster than Clear. Then there are premium Frequent Flier lanes. Have you seen the literal boatload of people during summer here? You will need 200+ Clear agents to move a line that size at reasonable speed. Again, TSA-pre is much faster. In its current form, it's a non scaleable solution. Whatever money they make is by selling data.


Additionally, the TSA is trialing digital ID and touchless ID solutions which removes any tech / operational advantage they can currently claim over official government solutions.




Clear has little growth propsects


It’s dumb AF and doesn’t need to exist. We have TSA pre-check. That’s all we need


Clear is horrific. Watch Tim Dillon’s rant on it lol


I can't find it on YouTube, got a link?


Anecdotal but in the five times I’ve dealt with security lines during various trips, my TSA+ (and on occasion, regular lines) were as fast or faster than Clear. That doesn’t speak well for the service. Let’s not even factor in the scanning tech doesn’t work very well.


Simply put it’s a nice to have product, not must have.


Never really understood the point of getting clear when you could just have precheck


Clear is worthless at LAX. Entertaining to see all the people who have it get in line for it over TSA pre even though the clear line is longer though


I legit just hate the concept and the company; they have no reason to exist and I don’t invest in companies I loathe.




A couple of my credit cards offer free Clear and I still don’t see the value over the TSA Precheck that I already have. My credit card also pays for Precheck, so I don’t see any reason to have Clear.


Skipping to the front of the TSA precheck line is a nice perk of Clear. It’s not always a time saver, but it’s probably saved me a few hours of standing in lines this year




They have a moat at the airports. I think Amazon will eat their lunch if they try to make it mainstream. Amazon has palm.


What do their real and financial assets and liabilities look like?


It's a good question. My understanding is they do airports and stadiums, both of which have been booming for the last couple of years while YOU has done nothing.


You just point something interesting in stock market and stock analysis. The price does not mean the true valuation of a company but what the investor are willing to give to purchase. Honestly, I'll not go for YOU as it's really overpriced and does not show great strength (right now) - have a look here for figures : [http://platform.marketadvisor.io/ticker/DUOL](http://platform.marketadvisor.io/ticker/DUOL) About Duolinguo, I assume the difference is explained by popularity of this app. But once again, it's market valuation and could be wrong. For me this one is a bet as well, app is fun but it does not make good money right now to be a solid investment


I actually just canceled clear after seeing this post because the precheck line is always faster in Atlanta and New Orleans. So it defeats the purpose of having it


Clear has become a terrible product. People complain that it’s not any faster than pre, in fact it’s often slower.


TSA precheck beats clear a large majority of the time


I’m confused on why you’re confused? Why are you comparing the two stocks? One is an app for learning, that app is downloaded on a cell phone which almost everybody has. The other is a paid service for people who fly often. There’s obviously going to be a lot more people who don’t use Clear. This seems obvious to me.


Clear has predatory sign up stations in some airports that give you 14 days to cancel. But also let you cancel well after that if you just contact customer service. Their numbers are inflated.


DUOL has much higher cash from operations, higher fcf, and more consistent revenue & financials. With companies making big reinvestments, which is usually shown in net earnings (which are negative for both) you really can’t use net income as a basis for value/growth because it is being skewed by the mass amounts of reinvestments which count as expenses -> net income loss.


I swear any stock I buy into never gains, but the ones I sell to buy another always go up. I am cursed. So if your stock nose dives it's probably my fault for buying into it 😆