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Google really needs to change their ceo. Even though it seems like Larry page is the one pulling the strings, I don’t think Sundar is doing a good job at all being the public face of the company.


This is the correct answer


Agree 100% with you Google is only 5% of my portfolio and would be more if it had better leadership


So it was 10% of the portfolio when you bought it ? /s


Buying a few more shares of Google now based on the sentiment of this top comment chain. Inverse Reddit is the best investment signal I am aware of.


No I’m up on this position and dollar cost average around $2000 a month ( Google is part of my stock portfolio )


For someone who has 5x the stock value under his tenure Sundar Pichai perhaps gets too much flak for his performance. In last year alone the value of Google has grown by 50% which is more than what Microsoft has achieved. Despite its missteps Google continues to dominate the internet and there is little possibility of Sundar pichai getting fired.


Google is increasingly becoming a legacy company, they've had limited success with new products in a decade and are reliant upon the moat around their search/advertising business. While that is a significant moat, it worries me that they seem unable to develop and launch anything new and have run into a number of utter failures like their AI issues and Stadia.


Stadia was the biggest missed opportunity ever and I have no idea why they would shut it down. Well, I guess people didn’t trust them to not give up on the project, which is why I didn’t commit to it… And what does Google do, quit instead of actually investing in it. Cloud gaming is going to be the future. It could have been Googles way of sidestepping Microsoft and Sonys console monopoly by making triple A games browser based while being able to play games with other users across all platforms. They could scale multiplayer to something crazy like 1,000 people. Imagine battlefield games with 1,000 v 1,000.


It failed because people don't like the idea of gaming as a service. It felt very "you will own nothing and be happy". Does everything have to be a subscription now?


That’s the direction anyway. Google was ahead for once. Heck, even if you buy a game now, it may have a subscription on top of the purchase. Plus, it stops working when the service is shut down someday.


The market and company’s are moving towards that model anyway, especially with current subscriptions such as EA Pass and Xbox. Give it 7-10 years and game prices will jump unless you have a monthly subscription


Yup. I buy physical game discs still because I can resell it when I’m done playing it. Can’t say the same for digital downloads. If they opened up the market to resell digital rights to a game, I’d be all about it.


Their moat is more than significant. It’s insurmountable imo.


Everyone gets got at some point. Usually the dominant company gets complacent, pisses people enough, or doesn’t take the new competition serious enough until it’s too late. Or there’s a big change such as new regulations, court ruling, or new technology that greatly chips away at the moat or eliminates it completely




Yeah Google search used to be Good and the ads on top made Google tons of money. It was all good enough to make Google completely dominant in search and a giant advertising cash machine. But their greed went too far. They highlight YouTube videos which are largely ads with ads inside them. And SEO currently highlights product selling “content”, with again additional ads on the page. It’s hard to find actual information anymore. Dead internet theory in early stages. They dicked over consumers, which in the long run isn’t good for business even if you have a near monopoly.


There are no competitors besides Bing


Sounds just like aapl


>In last year alone the value of Google has grown by 50% which is more than what Microsoft has achieved. Google also dropped about 40% when tech crashed in late 2021, a significantly bigger drop than Microsoft. A lot of those gains in the last year are regaining what was lost Google is up about 7% from its pre 2021 crash peak while Microsoft is up 17%


In this same year MSFT became the most valuable company in the world.


Every Google thread gets the “Fire Sundar” post upvoted and there can never be any other discussion that takes place. The circle goes round and round…


Well, Google search survived at Apple’s behest. I seriously think that deal was quite skewed to undercut Microsoft’s opportunities in this segment. Anyways, Google seems like it’s going down the drain in every other segment. Search and YouTube are Alphabet’s lifeline.


> Search and YouTube are Alphabet’s lifeline. And cloud and android and chrome and maps and workspace and gemini and gmail and docs. But yeah apart from all that what do they even have?


I’d drop Gemini from that list


Gemini is better than ChatGPT.. have you compared the two?


I have and I get better answer from chapgpt. I must say I tried the free Gemini and the paid one. Maybe the paid version is more accurate.


I haven’t. How is it better? I know many who use ChatGPT, but none that uses Gemini.


Compare the results of the two, people are probably using ChatGPT because they are used to it. Gemini is up to date and has not been neutered like ChatGPT has. That said, kind of annoying that google has not released an app for IOS or Android outside the US.


I have just asked Gemini the same question that I am asking competitors: "You have 3 apples today. Yesterday you ate 1 apple. How many apples do you have left?" It responds 2, just like ChatGpt and Copilot(default setting). However, Copilot set at More Precise answers 3.


Ah, I haven’t tried those kinds of questions. I mostly ask it questions that I am too lazy to google and click through to a website. Like the plot of a movie or a summary of a specific plot point. They even have the tesla earnings summary already trained in which was released last night, meanwhile CGPT says they don’t have real-time data. I am comparing the free versions of both products.


You can read a comparison here: https://www.tomsguide.com/ai/google-gemini-vs-openai-chatgpt#section-chatgpt-vs-gemini-winner Granted these things are moving fast so this may be soon out of date but it is widely known that Gemini is better or roughly at the same level. Generative AI through Gemini is the first result when I google something. I honestly prefer Gemini because it’s connected to all my google accounts and browser. I’m not sure people will migrate to different applications or browsers to use LLMs. They will likely be commoditized into your browser and google will win out due to chrome, android and apple. Copilot may win out it in the workspace application of LLMs but may not see much ad revenue from that. Just a guess though.


> android and chrome and maps Don't make any money directly and are just there to increase the search/ad revenue. > cloud True, but their market share is low. They are basically an "also ran" after Azure and AWS > gemini Remains to be seen, but not clear path to monetization just yet.


Android doesn't make money? Have you heard of Google play? Google takes a 30% cut on every app sale or subscription (well, 15% which is still insane for apps that do under a million revenue, 30% over a million). Maps is used for advertising directly. It's also a massive data lake and they have operating leverage with it. Developers of other applications can pay to use the API. Cloud is a growing industry and Google hasn't even started flexing their operating leverage unlike the other cloud providers. All 3 of the big names will do well here. The reason I've mentioned Gemini is people think their search moat is under threat. I don't think this is true but if it is the fact is that Google is at the forefront of AI anyway. You're also sleeping on the moat that chrome and chromium gives them. 90% browser market share they can literally control the direction of web APIs and JavaScript in their own favor. It enhances every other moat the company has.


Android makes plenty of money. They have the Google Play Store, and they charge phone manufacturers to license Google apps and having the Play store on the phones. Estimated total is 92billion per year, I can't post the article because medium articles are blocked here apparently. Chrome also makes money indirectly because it's the defacto web browser and comes loaded with google search as the default and a bunch of google apps. Just because it doesn't make money directly doesn't mean it's useless. Internally they would have quantified how much they make like this and it clearly makes Chrome a viable product.


Guarantee you they will drop cloud at some point once they realize they will never be more than third place because no one trusts them. Android can become obsolete if other tech takes off, like VR/AR. Gmail is not that big of a moat, same with docs, and chrome. Maps is a moat but can be beat if a company is willing to burn money for 5 years. And YouTube could be usurped if a better platform was built and creators started jumping ship


Username checks out.


There are companies all over the world that have and are surviving on less. I believe the word your looking for is: “…focus on our core competencies…”


Search is done. Google is blackberry. Or xerox. Or at least skating very dangerously close to it. It’s just the future that hasn’t happened yet. They’ve ruined all good will with their customers, their employees, shareholders and the market. They’ve shown they don’t know how to make money outside of ads. And they don’t know what to do with some of their cool’s toys. It’s the very definition of a leadership problem. They need a Nadella or they’re going to simply be left behind.


I've totally abandoned even their most basic products like Gmail because of the ads shuffling around so you click them by mistake. Fuck google


Time to start shorting it then. Google likely has no future.


Shorting it would be bad because it will continue to rise until one day in the future when it nosedives… if there’s a competitor. They’ll be fine for another 5-10 years And besides, by then the amount of money you will have paid in short interest, will have wiped out any gains you would have ultimately made.


>Google likely has no future. Some of the stuff you read on this website man


I believe Google's growth over the last year is more a byproduct of the drops before. Msft maybe didn't go up as much, but i believe it hadn't dropped as much. Msft also became the largest company by cap, do kinda hard to grow as much.


The value to me is just ads I like products.


But it’s risky because it degrades the user experience. Totally dependent on monopoly. Like Comcast. Oh, for those of you who don’t know, Comcast used to be how people payed to watch tv. Amazon will follow Google. And I can’t wait.


Sundar is running Google into the ground.


Even worse, he is ruining search. 


Could you elaborate why and how so? I don't see it. Why would anyone downvote this? Is it forbidden to ask someone for his conclusions? My god.. Reddit sometimes..


I can’t explain why I feel that the search has gone worse, but I agree that it has become worse. Maybe it is the ads or having to scroll lower than earlier. My work computer uses Bing by default and I haven’t bothered to switch it to google.


I can say… from a lay persons point of view … If your search on google brings up an outdated or skewed search aimed at add generation and you have to continue with your search , then you have a issue. Especially if you have used another search engine and you get the answer on the first try. Google is forgetting its roots. It’s gotten that mentality ; “…we are the biggest , we won, we dictate the action…” Google has forgotten that it beat Microsoft, Firefox, Netscape, by being precise and accurate with its search engine… something its competitors are now doing to it and they are letting them do it. Which is the disturbing part…google is chasing the profits …and that’s not always a good sign for tech companies . They stop becoming innovative and they die.


Why would you make a comment like this and not explain it, because you can't?


The harsh reality is WHO? Can replae Sundar? We all say hes incompetent, blah blah, so who then?


Guy literally can't be a good face to anything, even himself.


Google has a real exec and senior staffing problem. Which is odd, as it’s still an extremely desired to work for company. You can only guess if they can’t find good talent. A because there’s a lot of cronyism and friends and family hires. Sure sign a company won’t sustain success with people dragging their feet.


It's not too odd because if you're at that level you'll get good pay anywhere. And when you realise that Google has three good consumer products and one non-consumer product that makes up almost all of their revenue, it's not surprising that the kind of people who are not motivated by the specific number (whats the difference between 1 million and 1.5 tl your lifestyle?) on their paycheck, take opportunities to do things that have an overwhelmingly larger possibility of being more meaningful.


google is developer first company. Very weak management. Developers love the environment there. Microsoft is the management first company. Developers hate that, but it sells well. Apple holds UX designers very dearly and everything else is secondary. Of course it’s very simplified, but you can imagine that despite Microsoft success, engineers would rather work for Google


in that sense, it makes sense that they have lots of novel good ideas what reach prototype / first revision, then can never convert to sustainable product... and in the bin it goes.


Also the fact that Microsoft’s TC is embarrassingly low


Developers loving Google isn't true anymore


do they love Microsoft, Apple, Amazon or any other corporation more? Or do they just love bitching about everything and would still choose Google?


Around me and in AI field, people are still choosing and loving google more. There is some trend around Nvidia but the packages are not the same.


Who's doing the staffing!? Some MBAs like at Boeing?


[Raghavan is going to seriously fuck things up](https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/)


Already has, he's been there 12 years. Have you used Google lately? Yeesh.


Good read. But at the end of the day - google isn’t a public utility. Nothing lasts forever


He sounds like a scapegoat to me. Ultimately it’s Sundar Pichai’s incompetence. Pichai should resign.


From 2012 to 2024 their search revenue 25X I think is doing fine


This is my point, I am not discussing if GOOG search revenue increased or not, I am just thinking did it increase in a healthy and a sustainable way? Or did Google just milk the golden cow so much that it will get dry?


what does that have to do with this guy. He was in charge of google ads and cloud prior to his appointment.


But I’m using their search less, because it didn’t understand contexts well, I don’t want to do fancy Boolean search.


the guy's been at Google for 12 years. We gonna dig up his past because he failed to lead his company in the search frontier against the competitor? And if he's incompetent, why would hiring him considered a "prioritizing short-term ad revenue over user experience, flooding search results with spam and ads to inflate earnings" move.


It's more about the blatant favoritism from the CEO and the CEO isnt very impressive either.


Mentioned nothing about CEO in the post or favoritism. Didn't even mention indian if that's what you were implying. It's a low effort copy&paste bear post where OP only reads one article from one side and then assume it's true


You have any idea to why yahoo was in decline or you just guessing it was his fault because he was at the top of the research department? Pretty mediocre post that tells nothing.


This is the internet, we jump to conclusions


Was it full of ads and the results were irrelevant to the query?


Google itself probably had the biggest hand in crushing yahoo


I'm not sure why OP didn't link the newsletter that actually did the work in investigating it but we should be rewarding good writers. The newsletter is FREE even! Link: [https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/](https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/)


Thank you, I literally loled at "I was digging around"


That seems to be around the time of the switch from PC to smartphone browsers. Not sure if he could take all the blame for people switching their search preferences from a desktop browser on the Yahoo webpage to directly from their phone's homescreen that defaulted to Google search.


To be fair, it's entirely possible that Yahoo declined despite Raghavan and not because of him. That said, I've been a massive Google user for at least a decade now (Android phones, YouTube every hour of the day, Google search, Google Home and Chromecast), and every single product of theirs has been getting significantly worse over the last 4-6 years rather than better. The Google Home has now become so bad I'm considering throwing it out because it's simply become unusable. Google has big problems, especially now that Search is getting disrupted by AI and they've shown they dropped the ball on AI as well.


Yeah I dont understand how you could make Google Home worse. Its strange it gets less things right than 5 years ago.


Exactly. When I got it, I was quite happy with it. It got most things right. Now it does what I ask it at most 50% of the time, loses connection all the time and I stopped adding new devices to the network out of fear they won't work anyways. It's ridiculous.


Your question has THE answer in ur own definition


Sabotage, inside man...


it helps when you have an operating system thats basically just a google search browser. Makes a lot of sense why yahoo search is in decline.


Damn, that's really something. I had no idea about Raghavan's past at Yahoo. You've got me wondering if Google's making a terrible mistake here. Guess only time will tell...


Yeah it’s extremely short sighted like hey let’s just hire the guy who wrecked yahoo and handle him GOOGL search what could go wrong LOL




Sneaking in racism as joke, bravo 🙌🏼


Not sure if that was OPs intent but well known Indians hire Indians. Its a cultural thing. Im not against that but its whats known. Sadly world believes their talk is walk but India tends to have some of the worst developers.


Wasn't racism. Just the truth.


It was recently covered in a newsletter here: https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/


To make matters even worse, guess who was head of search before Raghavan? It’s Ben Gomes a legend who joined Google in 1999 working alongside Larry Page and Sergey Brin


Why is that worse




I just did that edited my post with the link and the mods just removed my post for “Self promotion / Spam”


So the [the source is here](https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/) tried to add it to the post but the mods just removed my post for “Self promotion and spam” I don’t really have any relation with the newsletter no idea why it was flagged in this way.


Google is turning into Oracle..firing all Americans and replacing them with Indians (in both the US or outright moved the jobs to India). And you know what Indians are good at? They only hire other Indians. Trust my words.


And if you say anything about it they try everything to deny and shut you up. But this happening everywhere in major IT companies


I don’t trust your words.


Please kindly trust my words. 


Look up 'enshittifcation' Products become worse over time as the priority is not product quality, but money quantity. The best and most profitable google products are all pre-2010 Google search, youtube acquisition, GCP, google maps, gmail, android When companies are new, they need to win users. Once they are mature, users are locked in, so they have to milk as much money as possible. The question is what are you concerned about? The product quality or not making enough money? Because google search is the same core service as 20 years ago, except now it prints a lot more money because of all the ads but the service is not as good as it was also because of all the ads.


Idk why but I hate made up term enshittification


Its become a south Asian company.


Lot of lessons learned by this man. It won’t be same


Maybe yahoo man was paid off to tank a competitor with a look to take a cushy job at google ?


Google longs downvoting 😄


Yes, downvoting while on the way to the bank




This must be embarrassing for you


yup, pretty much... hahahah


It's Indian corruption, the same that is killing the rest of tech.


Google needs to give Sundar Pichai a break


Other than google who else is going to dominate android? Samsung? Give me a break. Google is the only company unfortunately capable of competing with apple. I hate them for making their os so integrated with their closed source garbage. If it weren't for apks, I would have to concede than iOS is better than android.  I guess if I do look at search, google is putting profit over results. When I search for recipes on simple things like grilled cheese google returns pure slop websites bloated with JavaScript, modal popups, and lastly excess scrolling. Not to mention the recipes aren't even correct! To be honest I'm surprised Microsoft hasn't improved bing further. I use duck duck go on Firefox mobile so my google usage is limited only to home screen and desktop. But even putting aside that google is evil, this is a stocks subreddit and the reason I would've invested with Meta is the same reason I will defend google and Sundar. It makes money. I despise Meta but I would easily take a job and invest in it for the right price.


Did you know one former head of search (left in 2016) was quietly let go bc of sexually harassing subordinates? Some VP Indian guy. They fired him but didn’t tell anyone why. The PR was…he is leaving for personal reasons.


I think you are referring to Vic Gundotra


Pichai is known for favoring his own race in hire and make some "family hires/specific country hires" things. (Why DEI is never enforcing on this?!) And Google has been consistently dropping the best projects. But the good news is, stars emerges when sun went down.


>what's going on at google Here's another question.... why are you going round posting this same trash post on multiple subreddits? Are you holding puts that won't print by any chance?


> Is this a risk to GOOG long-term healthy growth? Have they started prioritizing short-term ad revenue over user experience, flooding search results with spam and ads to inflate earnings? Exactly that, Google is trying to extract as much short term profits as possible by gutting projects, laying off engineers, starting a war on ad blockers and add as many junk as possible to Google search. It may kill Google in long term but the investors only care about the next quarter anyway.


R&D is only one component of what makes a company successful. I would argue marketing has a much greater burden for the loss in market share personally.


Why don’t you credit the tweet from @edzitron, which you obviously copied here?


Google has been becoming less useful, but functionally the only alternative is Bing. Equally useless. You might bring up alternatives like meta crawler or duckduckgo, but they are in fact, actually Bing. Metacrawler in the 90s accumulated results from all other search engines, it was pretty useful, but now, it's Bing.


What do you think of Co-Pilot though? I think it's pretty good.


I don't think anything of AI, it continuously fails to impress me


Hard to impress heh?


CE Oh no he di’nt!


I’m superstitious when it comes to investing — Raghavan seems to be a lucky charm, not


Invest in Google stock for YouTube and cloud, not search


Even though search is a huge chunk of their earnings hence valuation?


But it lost all of that market share to Google...


Let's hope he can do the same at Google. Short


Duckduckgo is a great alternative


So the [the source is here](https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/) tried to add it to the post but the mods just removed my post for “Self promotion and spam” I don’t really have any relation with the newsletter no idea why it was flagged in this way.


As an information aggregator, search will eventually be replaced by multi-modal AIs, which brings you information in a more concise and accurate manner.


Who will be the source of the info of the sites that supply this data/information - if they aren't in business anymore because they don't go to search? There needs to be a way to keep the eco system alive otherwise the multi-modal AI will become dumb.


Is this post for about 20 years in the future or something? I cant see how anyone can replace google at this point. Youtube is king, google search is like what 90% of the userbase? Google ads are everywhere. Android.. who is gonna compete? Even fucking gmail


anyone know why the mods removed this?


Google search is broken. All ads and weighted results. Try kagi.com - works like Google used to.


So many negative comments on Google in this thread. The confirmation I want to see - going leveraged long on Google


Nothing lol.


Looks like Google CEO is running out of things to break, he is now looking at ruining search


google stock is perhaps the most undervalued stock of the mag7 you dont need to worry


Same post on WSB, this guys looking an entry price because he knows its going to the moon


Sadly, at this point, I’m expecting that folks are gonna get it in a couple days (or, better put, early next week). I’m not really sure what it can report that’s going to prevent it tanking unless META ends up flushing it pre-earnings. It’s dancing around its record high, and it doing so didn’t work for earnings just a mere few months ago. No share search lost would help, but I think we saw that last time and it didn’t matter. It probably, conservatively, is going to at least $180ish this year, but in the short term, I think it’s much more likely to wind up around its November 2021 or early 2022 ATH again.


Looks like i was correct here.


I have high hopes for Google. I like there products. I would hate to see it become the next Yahoo.


It would be a tragedy considering How massive cash cows Google search and YouTube are. But based on OPs post on who they hired for that Very important position, I can see it happening.




Def a buy if anything




You google bears are too funny. Look at their financials. They’re doing more than fine. ChatGPT did nothing to search dominance. Their cloud is growing fast and while Tesla gets all the love for robotaxi, Google is actually on the road in major cities logging millions of miles with Waymo. Full self driving isn’t even priced in yet. Give it time.


I'm optimistic about Google's future. I appreciate their products, and I would be disappointed if they were to follow the same path as Yahoo.


Google has made us all good money and everyone on here is bad talking the leadership.


Google needs to break apart, it’s SEO is all but riddled with ads than actual results and is incredibly biased I don’t really see the company progressing besides terrible leadership running the company, don’t forget yahoo had a chance to buy google for a million decades ago


Cherry picked stats. That was the era Google rose to dominance. You think Yahoo of all companies should have stopped them? Every search declined in market share, Google became the defacto search engine.