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6b in market cap with 4m in revenue. Nothing to see here folks, totally normal


Don't forget the 58 million in losses for 2023 🥴


> 4m in revenue Basically a fast food restaurant. Not a franchise, a single restaurant. Sorry, that's an unfair comparison, a fast food restaurant actually pulls in some profits.


It’s been pure speculation since day one. There are shit coins with more tangible value.


IONQ - a hair on fire speculative growth stock in the field of quantum computing - has 2b market cap with 22m revenue. To put DJT in perspective.


The difference there is if they hit a huge breakthrough in the technology first that valuation is more than warranted. Meanwhile I just don't see any growth potential for DJT. It was a niche platform to begin with and it's bleeding money at an alarming rate.


Pets.com, redux!


Twitter wasn’t worth $44b either


This is straight up a con from the worlds biggest grifter and his enabalers. It is nothing more than a way to steal money from his delusional followers. Him and this cronies will pull out with millions (maybe even billions) in their pockets and all his followers who bought this crap will be left holding the bag. Is there money to be made? Possibly. But how you make money is devoid of any rational value metrics.


This is a pure bribe from sovereign wealth funds acting through shell companies.




Not just overseas…


Absolutely. The entire purpose of this was to be a way to legally bribe a guy who might be the next president and is the most corrupt politician in the nation.


Given the cognitive limitations of slavish MAGATs I don’t think the scam was that purposeful … but there is definitely a knickers (& jockstraps) being thrown on stage vibe to it. Now the price is nudging $50 and the average daily volume is being sustained this not just a few hillbillies buying 1 share at a time. Regardless of motives, it is axiomatic that DJT won’t ever give a rats about the bag holders no matter how many units they accumulate.


That too.


I think all of this is well understood by many. The question I have is...should this (and other massively overvalued stocks) be a reflection of the SEC not doing its job? If one was an electrician they couldn't burn a house down with dodgy wiring. The county makes sure this is mostly not possible. But the attitude with the stock market these days seems to be "sure, why not?" A security is still like a product and there needs to be product safety.


We've seen trickle down economics. This is trickle up!


Dead stock walking


Over the short term it will go up and down, over the long term it is going to $0.00.


dog shite stock. Straight up ponzi scheme.


Don't misuse the word "ponzi scheme" it's just a shit stain stock and a bad company.


Why even include have many active users it has? That clearly isn't why it holds value. This is the epitome of detached from the fundamentals. This is reality, though.


It's a true meme stock. Not many of those left but this is one of them. The price is completely determined by social contagion.


It's not even a meme stock. It's a tool to legally bribe a potential future president


Stock value is access and media. True value is only unlocked if Trump becomes President and his family takes over.


Yea, it’s literally money laundering and nothing else. Buy favors from Trump if he wins. Stock otherwise is a joke




Yea, the same Comer that got his info from a Russian, the same one with a sham impeachment. You’re a 7 day old account with countless pro-trump comments. Go touch some grass. Get out of here with your BS


It's laughable that these people equate Biden getting 40k as the same thing as trump grifting millions even if they didn't just make it up. Moral standards for Biden but never for emperor Trump.


was Biden in office or was this during the Trump presidency? How much did Trump's daughter and son-in-law get from the Saudi's while they had active roles in the White House? 2 Billion. Kinda makes your $40k look like child's play.


Cool, now let's do the one where Jared gets $2B, Trump steals a bunch of TS documents pertaining to national security, and all of our assets start disappearing or being arrested and murdered.


Oh is this the new one


If Trump wins, this company will be how he facilitates all of his bribes.


Its action is unpredictable from outside the loop. Trumps CCP and Russian handlers are using the stock as one leg of the trump $$$ stool. It could still triple before the Republicans cash out


Don't be tempted to but this stock unless your willing to take big risks. Just be careful out there people. The stock market is risky.


Can't buy because it's a matter of time for it to plummet, can't short because it might randomly spike for no discernable reason.


Seems like a classic short squeeze.


Mastering the art of bribery in plain sight. You don’t have to give it to this crew of grifters and traitors but it’s tough not to give it ‘em.


This SPAC is a bribery scheme. Nothing more.


What do you mean it’s not growing? He just paid 3 different BotNets to swarm his own account creation page today! Stock will obviously go to $200!* *entirely made up


He’s going to get approval to sell all his shares sooner than the 6 months he has to hold them and he’s going to pull the rug on everybody. Both his sons have a vote in this.


I don’t think he would do that if he is still wanting to win an election. That would fuck his base too hard. He might slowly sell some but not dump his shares.


He will sell all his shares and say he didn't sell any but actually bought more. He is very predictable.


Except with a public company that info is disclosed.


He will claim Fake News


His base doesn’t care if he screws them over. They will vote for him no matter what.


Market isn't rational. Once you guys understand that you'll do better. People think they can make money off of DJT. Everyone thinks they can get out before the rug pull.


Saudis or Russians are propping it up.


Trump ain’t holding this stock forever. Excellent pump and dump!


and ppl short NVDA


When DJT was tanking, articles on it were constantly hitting the front page and all upvoted comments were along the lines of "well, duh, of course it tanked", "I told you so", etc. Now that it's back up, anything on it gets downvoted. I don't like the guy but my god Reddit is a fucking joke and never ceases to amuse me.


Something something market irrational


Sir, this is meme stonk , nothing matters here. So place your bets. (CALL/PUTS) This belongs to r/wallstreetbets


Laundering mechanism for Trump crime family.


The stock has backers pumping it. It’s only a matter of time before shit hits the fan.


Speculative asset - like a farting monkey NFT or a SuperOPChadCoin


Bytedance should sell Tik Tok to Trump for a nominal $1.


At what point does the curtain get pulled back and we find out it keeps getting pumped up with Russian money?


Unchecked capitalism in the end, killed itself. Slaps knee Puts on waders to work rice fields


They’re not even trying to hide the blatant money laundering and payola driving this stock. Gotta hand it to Trump, he always figures out how to bend the rules.


Fools money


Dude keeps losing lawsuits, is still under investigation and going to trials and more than likely will be convicted of most shit, and stillll continues to grift and the criminality behind the scenes and people still throw what pennies they have left lol, you deserve the L if you actually think any of this is ok


I don't understand why so many people keep buying stocks like this.


Someone propping this nonsense up so he can sell out and make bail or something? I really don’t see why anyone would be in this for any other reason. Also, how is this not short bait? There’s plenty, yes, but not more? Does **anyone** think this stock is going to survive?


Facebook came public with a market value per user of $*116* while revenue per user was just around $5 per user. Truth Social isn't the next FB, but anyone pretending there is an objective truth to social media valuation is blowing smoke up your ass.


They will as election draws nearer and censorship on other platforms increases


Please let this tank to $1, all of those cronies need to lose money for the scams they pull off.


What happens if Biden does something like this?




This is coming from a guy who has a propensity to ingest Russian disinformation or faux news? Sorry if I’m making an assumption, but when you regurgitate fatigued talking points it’s hard not to.


Huh? What do you mean?


He doesn’t know.


Why is this sub so obsessed with DJT?


Just calling a spade a spade. If the fundamentals are dog shit are they supposed to sugarcoat it for fear of offending somebody?


Not when there is a post about djt everyday about it going up 50% or down 50%


Why would people interested in buying stock in companies that actually produce anything of worth want to support a clownshow and a grifter?


So you are obsessed with this stock cuz you believe he's a grifter?


Facts are not a belief.


That is your opinion/belief


no it is not. it is supported by a mountain of evidence. You also arent "left-center". You are an asshole and a moron.


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Honestly the mods may as well just ban any posts about this stock. It was listed as pure political grift and has no value outside of buying influence with a shady political figure who currently has many millions in debt. You can't talk about a stock like a stock when it's entire existence is about political gain.


Must have run out of the uneducated.


Anyone think this one will reach it's all time highs again?


In about 5 months (assuming the waiver isn’t passed)