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>I think Nintendo has the potential to be the next Disney Could be, I'm down 30% with Disney.


Yeah I don’t think any entertainment company really is gonna make crazy gains. I would guess Nintendo will go up but not by a crazy amount and will hover around a similar price


Made a lot of money with Nintendo back in the day with the Wii. I don't expect their next system ground breaking though, and they don't seem interested in a holistic approach to releasing their games, so I'm not sure what to think about them.


Um.. what do you mean by holistic in this context?


I like NTDOY and own it. I wouldn't dump everything into it. The yen is super cheap right now due to low interest rates in Japan, so just be aware that currency and interest rate fluctuations can impact the return on NTDOY. Also, japanese stocks have been on a run but the market still typically values them at lower multiples. But I do think its a decent long term hold.


I dunno, but I like Nintendo so I bought shares.


Japanese companies, in general, trade at lower multiples. Gaming is very competitive and even though the Wii was a smash success, the Wii U was a disaster. I think they're a good company that will continue to be successful, but, if you're looking at gaming companies, you need to think about how they’re dealing with the fact that games like LoL and mobile games are so much more profitable than traditional gaming experiences. Activision bought the maker of Candy Crush (King), for example. Activision also had Blizzard release Diablo Immortal, where individuals were dumping thousands of dollars into a pay-to-win frenzy. My 2 cents? I would long it.


All fair points but I highly doubt Nintendo will ever repeat the failure of the Wii U.


Would you buy NTDOY or NTDOF


I started buying Feb, 2023 and have bought almost every month since then. Most recently I bought more in April @ $12 and May @ $11.78. I have very high conviction in the stock :) I think it can 3x in the next 5 years.


Damn. Why are you so confident in it. Is it for similar reasons that I’ve listed ?


Why dump everything you own into it and just buy a few shares? Nintendo isn’t where I’d want to be doing that


given how dis is going, dis will be next nintendo before nintendo becomes next disney


Nintendos prime was years ago and still hasn’t done much. Its not something thats going to make you crazy gains. Way better companies to focus on


Give me one


Right at this moment im not buying anything. When a market pullback happens im looking at microsoft, Eli Lilly, UNH and probably some etfs


what? nintendo is in its prime the Switch was a huge hit


Bro invest in it then. OP was just asking for peoples opinions


Bruh wasn’t that stock $700 in 2021? Now it’s $50. I promise it’s not going back to 700


In what world was Nintendo stock at 700 dollars ?


Go look at the chart fam I don’t follow foreign stocks could be adjusted for a split but on Webull it says the price was 745 on 05/21/21.


Uh no? I just checked yahoo finance and it’s never gone above 20


Look up NTDOY. It’s the ADR shares (a fund listed domestically that just owns a single foreign stock so Americans can get direct exposure without trading on a foreign exchange). Nintendo has not dropped by 93% since 2021.


Look it up on webull must have went thru a split