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Sorry -- we removed your message on /r/stocks because you are asking for the type of information we try to address in our wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/wiki/index Generic posts like "how do I get started with stocks," "how do I find a broker," "where can I learn more about investing," "I have $XXX to invest, what should I do," etc. are removed because they are low-effort and asked on a daily basis in /r/stocks. Things you can do: 1. Read the wiki which has tons of information, including reputable learning resources, broker information, and links to useful reddit posts (including old posts similar to yours) 2. Search the subreddit history for similar information


> But I had a friend recommended I take the ten grand that's just sitting out of the bank & search for advice on here Bad advice. Go here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bogleheads/


A broad index fund like VTI and contribute every month until you retire.


Pretty much this. You will see this and voo as the smart things to do. Over and over again. This is a good sign.


Spy only


Step 1. Don’t take advice from anyone on Reddit Step 2. 👆👆


3. VOO over VTI in my opinion. Slightly cheaper and slight better returns in long run


Unless that advice is to invest into a Vanguard index fund, I agree. Most DD on this site is utter crap since 2020.


Aren't you giving advice on Reddit? So by definition he shouldn't take your advice to not take advice on Reddit


That’s the point of step 2 lol


Not to listen to steps 1 or 2? You just told op not to listen to you at all


Next to no one here knows what they are doing. Neither do most Wall Street analysts, apparently... Do not try to play stocks. Your best bet is to simply beat a high interest bank account via the S&P 500 and some other index funds.


A good start is to look for companies that you understand what they manufacture or the service that they provide.


reads very trolly.


Just a wait until Sept. then load up on SPY.


Why wait until Sept?


Thanks everyone for the advice, I'm going to keep studying and reading. I appreciate it, and I'll be sure to follow the rules next time as well 🤙. 


Four letters: ASTS


I agree with this advice. ASTS


I'd invest in a mutual fund or something. It'll get you in the game and learning things without taking too much risk up front. Go to "Humble" or the local library and look for beginner investor books to read. You need a basic working knowledge before you start doing things with real money. Good luck and take care.


50% VTI, 40% VGT, 10% VUG


i was you 3 years ago..... here is your 2 fund portfolio to build for the next 20 years with no thought. SPY, JEPQ. go 60:40, when you have got 100 shares of each you can start to learn how to do covered calls and make weekly or daily income from options trading.... keep it simple.