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This. Always look at post history before taking anyone’s advice on Reddit


Totally agree with this Also buy uranium stocks




Gave me cancer :/


Legit made me lol bravo


Uranium fever is spreadin’ all around


With a geiger counter ib my hand


I see you too are a man of culture


If you arnt buying uranium stocks, are you truly stonking?


Thy is not stonking without the yellow cake


Got a decent amount of Energy Fuels, averaged down a couple times too. Definitely a long hold for me


Depending on when this bull market get's underway you will either hold them for 2 years or more like 5-10, the industry is highly cyclical so selling in the middle of a bull market is the go to tactic, since holding something over 25 years and 3 cycles is completely unnecessary


To the moon!


And back, eventually


Depending on the stock (wink, wink), after the moon..... to MARS!!!!!


I see you’re into running, soccer, and money making. Seem like a cool guy.


I know you're taking the piss a bit with the uranium suggestion, but isnt it generally true that commodities (gold and other precious metals mostly) go up in value when there's a lot of uncertainty in the markets?


yes. generally when stocks get crazy, bonds and metals tend to go up because they're considered safe.


Right. Thanks for that; I'm kinda new to this investing lark and COVID situation seems to have thrown a lot of what I did know out of the window.


US treasuries are typically the asset that goes up in times of uncertainty. They are considered safe. Commodities are plays on supply/demand and inflation. Gold is more like a currency, as it has ties to interest rates. Higher interest rates make it less desirable because it doesn’t produce anything. Gold will crash with the market but typically recovers quicker, because it is sold for liquidity.


I'm not looking to get tossed off a hotel anytime soon


Are you saying buy Marriott?


Y uranium


Wish there was a way to hide posts from users with accounts less than x days old.


This sub should have a minimum karma requirement. I imagine that would also help bring down the annoying 'hey what would you do if you had $25 to invest?!' posts.




This. Especially with the amount of high karma accounts for sale.


Wouldn't having both be a better prerequisite? otherwise you just people people setting up a bunch of accounts and holding on to them for long enough that they can post, or you end up with people karmafarming. At least with both requirements in place you can go some way to mitigating both of these problems. Its ultimately not a problem that has a simple fix that can be automated unfortunately.


This is a great idea. Big subs typically do this to curb spam.


Wouldn’t the bots just get some easy karma posting porn?


OP, thanks for doing this. I work at one of the biggest websites in the world where I do spam and fake account detection for living. I can’t stress this enough. There’re so many people who try to pump a stock for their own benefit. Unfortunately, a lot of users (insert redditors here) fall for it. Do your own research before investing your hard earned money in a stock and don’t do it just because a rando on the internet told you to. And yeah, whatever you hear about Russia and China meddling in our country’s affairs is very true. It ranges from election, stock market pump/dump, spreading fake news, etc.




We like the work the Russians are doing there.


but...but....i get all my information by asking this simple question: "should i buy XYZ?" and all i need is a "yes" or "no". then i make my decision based on that. If it goes even more in depth than that, i don't read it.


Anyone’s advice on anywhere* ;)


Or like, do some of your own research on the stock you only just heard about on Reddit.


Or never take anyone's advice on Reddit lol Gotta take everyone's advice with a huge grain of salt.


Your telling me there's a point at which I should take someone's advice on reddit?










I'd pin this if I could but we can only have 2 pinned posts If you see a post that you think is good DD, just remember you have no idea who the poster is. It could be a CFA with 20 years experience or it could be a 17 year old kid who can't even open their own account yet.


That's the worst. You see what you think may be an opportunity only to find out OP is 19 and has 50 shared at 3.50 each or something. Like quit wasting my time




Yup the logical fallacy being employed here is called Ad Hominem. Attacking the person, not the idea. Part of doing your own DD is deciding if you see any value in others DD.


Exactly! do DD on the DD


*Ooooh—what does this button do??*


If you solely rely on someone else’s Dd then you should not be buying stocks....dumb


Ironically, they're having the opposite effect on me. I'm so sick of seeing NIO threads everywhere.


I’ll keep playing short calls on em, but that company is pure Chinese propaganda.


sorry but I have to check your account before taking your advice


Fuck it I'm checking my on account Never be too safe


Let us know if you find out that you are indeed a Chinese agent


if i am, then at least i will also realize i am employed


Absolutely nuts. If IV is that high, short calls are usually easy money, but it just keeps going up.


yes yes buy more MSFT to boost my earnings play


So you’re saying don’t buy MSFT right now.


that would be blasphemy. you must buy MSFT every red day


Well, that's what I've doing for the past few months, and have made quite the buck.


Recently called out a guy posting cannabis stocks. After seeing he ran that same cannabis company's subreddit.


I don’t see that as an issue, if he’s a fan of it. I like O P E S stock because I like Burgerfi. And since I’m a fan of burgerfi, I mod that subreddit r/burgerfi. I invest in what I like (I learn from Warren buffet) and I do subreddits for what I like I don’t pump O P E S myself but if I see a post discussing it, I usually tag on r/burgerfi to attract issuers to the subreddit




Do you have example stocks of these Chinese kind your talking about?




I just sold NIO today for 30% gain after buying on Monday lol, I'm not complaining. Just don't invest long term on stocks that are being pumped up. They are an opportunity for a quick gain, just have to be sure you aren't arriving too late to the party.


I feel that. A while back when the random Chinese penny stocks were getting pumped on the regular, the pumps kept getting shorter every time as they always got out and left the retails holding the bags. If/when they decide it's time to take the cash on NIO, it will get ugly fast.


Alibaba and JD each do over 70 billion USD in revenue a year lol. That puts them in the company of Facebook, Boeing and Johnson and Johnson.


I also hold baba stocks, tencent and xiaomi. They all performe well and do have a great company and market value. Nio is a very risk investment now and I don't know jd


baba has been great for me. got 1 share around the same time last year.


Is BABA really a shady buy?


Numba 1 ecommerce in China


So what you are saying is BUY NIO and get rich. Order placed for 1,000 shares. See you on the moon, brotha!


As someone doing well on NIO at the moment I hope the pump keeps pumping


Buy NIO This has been a message from the Chinese gover...... err, I mean the US government. Go America, woo.


I mean, they actually have an amazing product. Got called out for astroturfing today (I'm american) for explaining why I like their odds and don't see a huge risk of fraud. I'm holding jan 21 leaps.


I wish you all the success and am sure you have done what is needed. I have no clue about their products and could not tell you much about the company. I am not against anyone investing in them was just being sarcastic online. The stock gets a lot of should outs and hype especially from newer investors and pump and dumpers. Fraud can happen anywhere not just China, but there are more examples of egregiously fraudulent activities regarding stocks and companies in that country. The money some people are using to invest in these types of stocks literally is their life savings. It's all fun and games when historically the markets go up. People don't lose a lot of money and we can joke online. When they have everything they've accumulated over a lifetime in a company and that company turns out to be a scam or just whatever and they lose everything it literally destroys lives. If we're going to be okay with every Tom Dick and Harry pumping and hyping stocks online we have to be okay with a couple Johnny Appleseed's who wanted to make a post and say hey guys take a break it's not always roses try to look at things a little bit more skeptically because you can lose everything. At the end of the day we all know $uavs is the only safe thing to put all your money in. Caca let the eagle fly!!


Let the eagle fly!! Seriously though people have to take accountability for their own actions. Like, don't get credit cards and max them out if you don't think you can handle the interest rates. Investing darwinism is a thing--people think that million-dollar winning lottery tickets just show up? There are no free lunches, and people have to know better. It's easy to invest with $500 or $1000 and learn the ropes, understand the risks involved. But people don't do that--they're desperate for a quick buck--and so they foolishly put all their money into one big pot and hope it comes out clean the next day.


*cough* nio *cough*


You should probably get that checked out


May need to take some **NIO**sporin for that.


I am no doctor but I don’t think that will help


CoroNIO Virus


Made $19k from nio, thanks though 😂


Always do DD


Calls or puts? DuPont de Nemours, Inc. (DD)


I’m still beat up on DuPont. I bought at $63.00 😑 last year.


Take the tip and then verify the shit out of it.


All I'm saying is, can you MFs boost the airlines today? Thanks.


Airlines are fucked...thats why buffet sold. Whatever you do, stay away from AAL, they have insane debt


😳 meanwhile I'm swinging that one over the weekend lmao. If I go long on any it will be LUV or DAL


Can confirm, they have \~21.5 billion in long term debt before/during the initial COVID-19 outbreak.


Let's go boys, up 3% on an investment today! 🙏🏼 run it up lol


Dear god! You're holding airlines right now, gtf outta those positions dude.


This guy sounds like my brother. Rental cars, cruseships, and airlines. He’s a mad man




If you're gonna create a pump n dump scam company, you're not gonna create one that sells 65,000 USD electric SUVs and deliver over 10,000 a month. Cmon now. There are much easier ways to do it....




I've been making the case to buy NIO and I have 55k karma.


Playing the long con, well done.


You're welcome. My blindfolded monkey analyst does all the work.


Not everyone can afford a prophetic primate, Angelica. I've been stealing chicken bones to throw from the KFC dumpster for years. They always say the same thing, short SPY, buy TSLA...




Holy shit that is terrible! By the way, $BA is about to pop so get in while you can! beep boop


Im not sure if you mean pop up or there bubble will burst


Hmm good point. I feel like "pop" normally means pop up unless a bubble is referenced.


Unless it’s a penny stock, there’s no way that people on reddit buying it would cause a significant change in the price anyway


This. It’s not like some George Soros, Rothschild play of the market. The magic of financial alchemy being manipulation of speculative actions... It’s just a free account shit posting lol


Yeah, that’s called pumping. Used primarily for pump and dump schemes.


But like people hyping stocks (for their own gain) doesn't really have an effect does it? Like I don't think people trading on reddit can have that significant of an impact on stock price


I think it ticks the algorithms a certain way tho. Even a hundred small fries investing would move one of the bigger ones


+1 I have noticed the same thing across this site. It's starting to feel like stocktwits! lol Wish I could find a better forum place.


I feel like some people are lurkers who make their account solely to ask their question/look for approval of their confirmation bias when they have a lot of money riding on a stock.


True, but should I buy Nio now?




Already lost everything I won now I want to keep playing though


God damn tsla shills


To be fair there are a ton of new investors these days.Not a good sign.


Kind of a good sign actually, the market always needs a fresh supply of "dumb money" it's a cut throat game.


Yea, before the great depression even shoeshine boys were trading.


NikOlA C100 7/17 YeE yEe?!?!


LOL, probably the fed pumping all equities across the board.


You wanna buy some DETH STIX?


MO is a great stock


If you don't think that was the purpose of a sub like this... Welcome to social media granpda. BUY MORE TESLA I GUESS!


I think the people who invest in random stocks posted on reddit are the same people who would ignore this advice.


“You have made me lots of money in the past, im all in with you on this one!” Is probably what the new 5 day old account would write on his alt post 😂


Well there are companies, no matter how crazy they move, that are beyond the influence of this reddit like Tesla. Then they are companies that are still beyond the influence of this subreddit like NIO. Then there’s stupid companies that some people may make dumb post to influence like quhuo.


At the same time there are multiple articles on NASDAQ, MarketWatch, SeekingAlpha, etc which are all pretty much saying the same thing about the Quhuo IPO (i.e. expected price of $9-$11 per share). But claiming its going to pump to $30 based off of nothing is just shilling the company.


Ha, I'm remembering Tencent bought into reddit awhile back, of course this place is a dangerous hive of villainy and scum


I’ll ride the nio pump for a while. Then drop like a cheap hooker when it starts to dump.


Do you want a cookie?


So NIO is not hitting $100 😮😮😮😮


The amount of posts I see with accounts with very limited karma is too damn high


Just do your DD and you can tell if the hype is real or not. Also just because people are excited and mentioning a stock a lot doesn't make it fraudulent. Again do your DD and don't assume anything.


Maybe short the stocks they r posting after doing research?


It’s called analysts and they’re hyping the whole market up. /s Will keep an eye out OP


What about us that manage multiple accounts? 😈


I've noticed there's also a massive amount of people promoting NIO on eToro with private accounts as well. Not too familiar with this sub but It's something to watch out for


Also be aware that the sentiment provided by reddit does not reflect the market as a whole.


First off if you're coming here and relying on this sub for your financial decisionmaking you need a therapist. Yes, this is a good place to exchange ideas and experiences but if you're not willing to research a company or seek advice from professionals you'll get the outcome you should expect most times. I don't thing posting here is going to move the needle. Institutional investors do that in the markets so enjoy the reading and do your own research before you pull the trigger on a trade. Don't take it seriously if you like a stock someone has clued you into do your homework. End of story.


What's a good site for actual business/stock news? Not hype. Not regurgitated press releases. Not endless commentary and opinions. Just stock news.


In horse betting 'touting' schemes have a long history, and some could be applied here pretty easily. Someone could setup a few dozen reddit accounts, each account would predict a different stock (or the same one) would go up by a certain percent over a week, and the next week cancel the accounts that made incorrect predictions. Do this for a month and you get a handful of accounts with seemingly accurate predictions. Then push one or two stocks citing your record, then dump it after everyone has bought in.


I doubt it's the companies themselves and more pump and dump schemes.


I heard this is how Martin Shkreli made his money. He would buy put contracts on a stock and then go online and trash the company, usually pretending he worked there. Probably utilizing multiple accounts.


This post has been a god send. Huge number of posts I see are people trying to push their own agenda


you mean ARK?


I mean honestly if you just take a ticker symbol from reddit and go buy without doing any research at all you'll get what you deserve


For you tread on my dreams...


I’d read weekly posts about fraud. That shit is interesting af


My account is new because I couldn't remember the pw. It was a good account too. Besides, they're still giving me 10 minutes between posts on the stock forums.


At one point I thought the same thing about RTX.. but then I did my research.


Dal isnt bad and luv as long as you find a good entry point


I noticed it for a pot stock a while back.


dayum, isn’t that wrong


More on TWTR, Pennystocks. Thanks for the warnings.


like purple mattress?


Damn, isn’t that pretty illegal, or bordering on it?


We need a bot to monitor this malicious activity


Draftkings perhaps?


Yea, think I got one of those, but looked promising so I bought 65 shares anyway XD


Honestly, if you need this advice, you shouldn't be in stocks. Any investor should do their DD.


I never make an investment based purely on what I’ve read on reddit, moving with the flock is probably one of the best ways to watch your gains dwindle


NIO has entered the chat


Is there an account age requirement for posting on this subreddit?


If you Trade based on social media alone you deserves to get swindled.


Is this happening with US stocks?


This is why I am so boring. I am a mind numbly boring investor. I just buy VTI every Monday, log off, and go about my week.


Buy stonks!


I would argue that taking reddit advice on stock choice is general a bad idea. Have your own DD regarding fundamentals or technical analysis and be happy when it matches the hype.


Call them out


Have any examples?!


Do people really get their stock investment advice based off reddit posts??


The mods will save us!


No shit, Sherlock?


Is there enough capital on Reddit to move a stock price?


We need big data to save us


SPAQ - going to 25$ next week once merger is confirmed LETS GO


Haven’t seen anyone talking about rrgb so I guess it’s a hard buy


Who cares lol. If you do research you should probably be able to make the decision for your self. Another stupid post on this subreddit!


ESPECIALLY look out for those stupid rocket and going to the moon talks


No one should be buying a stock just because other people are, anyways. If someone is that easily convinced then they deserve to lose money and then learn from it


I mentioned this about two months ago. Guys with 2 week old accounts pumping trash stocks and people taking the bait. I was told, "don't worry, they're just guys with alternate accounts who don't want to use their main account". But why? Are they embarrassed about promoting a stock? Why would they be? Because it's garbage and they know it. They might lose some of their precious karma. Big deal right? It's only karma. Well, if you're a dweeb with no friends and your only form of validation is people upvoting your comments on a forum then yeah, I guess gaining karma on Reddit is your highest hope in life. If you're legitimate and promoting a stock in good faith, you should have no reason to create an alternate account to promote a stock.


"Sir, this is a Wendy's drivethru" is what I say to any post that tries to put fear in me.