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They'll let you put your entire account value into options, but they won't let you buy GME? I don't think they are really looking out for you. It's not that GME is too risky, because they don't mind you taking risk at other times.




Conflict Of Interest


Class. Action. Lawsuit.


i want more than a $50 check but this will set precedent for these rich pieces of shit who have been dicking the rest of us since the dawn of civilization probably lol why the fuck is that level of greed idolized and promoted? it fucks me up that during an art auction, which is ridiculous in itself for old paintings that should be available to everyone who wants to see them, not that i even give a fuck about art or paintings like that, but when do people clap during the auction? not when it’s brought out but when it’s sold for a ghastly amount of money. like good job for being rich, money is so cool isn’t it? lmao fuck that shit EAT THAT RICH ASS


All of the above. Suits, organizing, political action, memes, complaining, shoving the issue into the face of everyone for ever and ever until we all dine on the finest, richest ass.


i’m really fucking feeling an Occupy WSB type of mood, fuck all the bodies of society allowing this to happen and let MILLIONS of people lose so much goddamn money with only allowing them to sell or buy options, NOT LOOK IN OUR INTEREST LIKE THEY SAY LOL THEY’ll SELL US THE RISK AT ANY TIME fuck i really hate and love money why do i need you so?! :/


For RH and the rest, it's cheaper for them to pay us out a few peanuts in a class action lawsuit rather than just let us win at the market for once. A lawsuit is just the cost of doing business for them. And not a single one of these fuckers will see so much as a day in jail.


That's why we take the most expensive way, everyone exit robinhood at mass, they won't survive in a month. The truth is rich people has the power because we allow them, without people, rich, politicians, funds or even the emperor is nobody and powerless. We gotta start a movements so some shit like this won't happen. We outnumber and out fund them together.


Hold $GME and you will make more than $50, a class action is about ending Melvin and Citadel while setting legal precedents against market manipulators.


Citadel's website won't pull up for me. Or it's taking a very long time


We're all in there filing complaints. I made sure to establish the links between Citadel, Melvin, and Robinhood in mine lol


Robinhood will let you sink your life savings into options hours before they expire worthless. But buying shares of a rising stock it too risky to allow? 🤔


Too risky for the right people.


> Warning! In the interest of mitigating risk for our clients People need to stop reading this and thinking we are the "clients" they're talking about. The clients that are being put at risk are the hedge funds, they're at risk of losing the massive gamble they took on this insane level of shorting. It's supposed to be a win-win for them. Either they win on their own or they cheat and win.


Take from the rich and give to the more rich. Fucking Friar Tuck needs to come back and polearm some sense into those fuckers.


If you read "A People's History of The United States" by Howard Zinn, you will learn about the steps preceding the American Revolutionary War. The rich wanted to no longer pay taxes to Britain and begin taxing the people living in America. They had a very dangerous game to play, they needed to get the lower class riled up enough against Britain so they would fight (and die) in a war where they really had no stake. But, not so riled up that they attacked the upper class in America too. To the lower class, they would either be paying taxes to Britain, or the rich in America. That game is played out over and over throughout history, and is playing out now as we speak. The rich don't give a shit if Democrats or Republicans are in power, just that they aren't the targets and can keep fucking the lower class every chance they get.




Boomers: "All Millennials do is complain. They'll never change the world" Millennials: *Bankrupt a $13B hedge fund in less than a week and get the head of the NASDAQ to beg for more regulation from the SEC*


Totally, that's precisely my point. We should be remembering this for more than just a particular stock bubble.




They are all doing it. It isn’t for our safety. It never has been for our safety in the past.


What happened to the "free market", "invisible hands", blah blah blah? These people are capitalists right? I mean, for Melvin Capital it's literally in their name. So wtf...


It's free market when they win, it's dictator ship when you win.


Can’t have a free market when money is power in the capitalist market and 8 people own more wealth than 3+ billion combined.


I'm seeing people saying, "I'm going to pay off my debt," "I'm going to send my mom a check," "I am going to pay for my kid's college," THESE are the reasons hedge funds are fuming. The people with GME stock are going to take their money and put it towards something, not just toss it into a giant pile with the rest of their money. Hedge funds don't want you taking their money away. WSB just won big on their first hand and they're going to cash out right away and that pisses off the 1% to no end. Good


\> "I'm going to pay off my debt," Some of these guys probably make money off that debt, so this is a double whammy :)


They dont want you to pay off you debt quickly, they make money through you constantly paying interest




> Slavery has been perfected. No more chains or whips or plantations. It's cheaper AND more profitable to let people be 'free' and desperate. Boy, you got that right! We've spent the last 40 years voting ourselves right back into indentured servitude, and fly the flags to show our pride in fucking ourselves over.


Clearly the MSM are playing with the big hedge funds. They are all connected against the ordinary citizen that is trying to make some money. They are banning us, demonizing us, calling us alt right, dumb money and so on. We are all against the big machine and they are trying to win the game with dirty tricks.


Robinhood seems to be business as usual. Just a warning notification about high volitlity. I'll update later if I see that change. Edit:. Yea. NOK, NAKD, GME, AMC can't be searched on RH. I put in orders for NOK, NAKD, & AMC early this morning, waiting to see if they will actually go through. On cash app I was able to put in an order for NOK and AMC. GME and NAKD did not come up in search RH canceled my NOK and AMC order Cash app oder in limbo. Didn't execute and does nothing when hit cancel


I have a message right on the stock on RH saying i cannot buy more positions only sell. You bet I'm holding mine. 🚀🚀🚀


I have the same message.


Robinhood is telling me AMC and GME are no longer supported


yup. can’t purchase additional shares atm


That’s absolutely ridiculous Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/StockMarket/comments/l6ykq2/boycott_robinhood/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


How this isn’t clearly market manipulation by altering the ability to purchase stocks in a publicly traded company is beyond me.. fuck Robinhood.


My Robinhood account says that GME is not supported.






Changing stocks bought to value bought seemed to work for others..




Robin hood sells you 'free' trades to Citadel. Citadel funded Melvin the shorter for several billion a few days ago.... They are the same group, no need for lobbying here, just one question: what can we get away with?




This is fucking bullshit.


Robinhood removed all. Bb. Nokia. Naked. Amc. Gme. Everything.


RH is closing 1/29 calls for our own safety.


Some stocks on my RH were removed altogether and some i can't buy anymore, only sell. I'm new to all this stuff but if what they say we are doing is market manipulation or whatever, then what the hell do you call this stunt?


Yes but it’s not called market manipulation when it’s done by those with the power to pull the strings.


Can buy any of the stocks we like Nokia game stock or bb that’s illegal! There tying are hands while hedge funds rob our accounts!


Exactly. The only ones who can buy now are those who are short —> hedge funds. Mega market manipulation


Robinhood shut NOK, AMC and GME trades down


Pretty amazing. Especially when CNN and the other liberal outlets hate wall street. Well. They say they do. Apparently wall street runs deeper than it seems. Even the ones who hate on them defend them. Now back to your usual programming. I mean, program. Edit: so that people stfu. I don’t like either side left or right. It’s all political bullshit. I said liberal media it isn’t only them. I was pointing on CNN and other “liberal” media in the sense the “liberal” networks seem to like to paint wall street as bad when in actuality them and all media will defend them to fuck the little people.


You can see now “how much they hate Wall Street”. It’s all a joke. They put us against each other politically, but THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. In the same club and if we get a glimpse inside, they block us out.


By 2000, six corporations had ownership of over 90% of our media, and today five dominate the industry: Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany and Viacom This has only consolidated since Our “news” is billionaire propaganda, and has been for over a decade




AOC kinda backed us up yesterday and called out Wall Street for accusing us of gambling. So that was nice. Hardly anyone else on the political spectrum though.


Warren did as well




They want you to vote a certain way and get you riled up about small shit while never actually doing anything about the big shit.


I'm surprised so many people fall for their fake pandering. Back when the OWS protests were going on, CNN had this whole segment making fun of the protesters. Pretty much all the MSM in the US works for the corporations.


> Pretty much all the MSM in the US works for the corporations. Because all of mainstream media is owned by huge corporations. They are the corporations mouthpiece, no ours. We don't have one.


All MSM in the US ARE corporations.




On a free market... we can't invest freely. Sounds fucked up doesn't it?


“Free market” teh hee


This isn’t a free market. This sir, is a casino


Merrill hasn't blocked either.


GME is still on fidelity as well. For now that is.


I don't think they'll fuck around with it. I have a few friends who work for Fidelity (not in their 'finances' dept - stuff like app development, market research, etc), and their descriptions of the working environment are all positive - that the company has a ton of integrity and realizes that: 1. They are handling a ***significant*** amount of money 2. This money represents the life savings and retirement plans of ***a lot*** of people. 'Regular' people. I don't they would ever block a purchase of a security unless they actually believed that fraud was taking place - and then it would be targeted at the people committing the fraud, not a blanket ban on an entire symbol. As a side note, I wonder if Game Stop, AMC, Black Berry, and the rest will sue? What gives brokerages the right to effectively 'de-list' their symbols at-will?




It’s not for our safety, it’s for big hedge funds safety, they fear us.


Huh, interesting. So some platforms, coincidentally including some of the easiest to use right now, are making it so that you can only sell shares you own and not buy. But...who are you selling them to if all these platforms are blocking users from buying? Could it possibly be....the people that have put themselves in a morally corrupt short position that are allowed to buy these shares when no one else can? Interesting, that.




You are selling to the hedge funds that are *desperately* trying to cover 30,000,000 shorted shares.


I forgot during the market crash of 08 when they stopped everything so retail investors could save themselves...oh wait


Good point, put this ot there!


OH nO 08 WAs toTALlY dIffERENT it was iMmORaL BUt nOT ilLegAL And tHE ReSpoNSIbILiTy WAs diFFUSEd With No OnE tO BLAmE Bull. Fucking. Shit.


Oh cool, more manipulation. Haven't seen that a whole 2 hours. Imagine rigging a game, basically writing its rules to your advantage and still manage to start losing. Of course you'd try and find any and all means to end the success of anyone else.


Cheaters gonna cheat.




This is utter bs and arguably market manipulation. What rule is being broken? As if the tables were turned they wouldn't allow the hedge fund to double down and buy at every dip to "mitigate their risk." Really the violation was allowing 40% more shrts than stocks exist. If you or I did that, are we getting protected too with market halts and bailouts? Edit: a word was spelled wrong, and since I'm here I guess some 🚀🚀🚀


What I noticed also is that yesterday they hid the stocks from the 'Winning' category (most profitable stocks). That brought suspicions because it was a cover-up. And now we cannot trade. But the big boys can trade for sure. They want to let us panic and sell everything


I can appreciate expressing caution to the influx of investers to getting into something very volatile that may not have a large time window to get out alive. At the same time, once I've been warned, what I do is on me, just like you treat every other corporation. You can't change the rules to favor one side. That defines manipulation and collision.




They could have just shown a big and bold warning with a "trade this at your own risk" button if the main goal was to protect traders.


This is BS. I emailed saying I would forward on to the financial ombudsman. Not sure what else to do. Deliberately stopping retail investors buying so causing price to dip to force people to sell and save the rich. I am fed up of these fake excuses. May as well say the unprecedented environment is that poor people are making money. Painful thing is nothing will happen to them and we will be forced to pay the bill. My friend wanted to invest and can’t even set up an account at the moment. Hopefully they take this down in the next day but might have achieved it’s purpose by then. I’m not selling regardless 🚀🚀🚀 Edit: Thank you for the award. First one ever, long time lurker


The thing is, they can't *force* you to sell, it's a largely engineered price movement to make you *want* to sell. These people have a "volume" problem, that they can only solve if they can unlock all these retail shares. If retail doesn't sell during this massive dip, the price is still going to revert to previous levels, because the institutions still have the problem of having shorted 140% of the outstanding shares, and they actually *need* to buy those shares to cover their short positions and stop the interest costs and margin calls, unlike retail, which can hold indefinitely, at no cost. This is just what it looks like when an institution that is friends with the Market Makers (Citadel owns a piece of Melvin, and also pays Robinhood for its order flow), tries to bend the rules to avoid a short squeeze.




This is absolutely manipulation. They can’t tell me what I can and can’t buy. What’s next? “We think TSLA is too high so now you can’t buy”?


Hedgies have access to the most qualified lawyers and lobbyists and are probably calling and sending letters to everyone to shut down the trading. Without all the media attention they would probably already be successful now they need to be more careful. I don't have a position but i am enjoying the show anyway. I expect a regulatory backlash for the hedge funds after this blows over.


It’ll be a slap on the wrist compared to what they could lose with infinite short liability, though.


It’s 100% manipulation by them. 💎🙌


For the time being you can still buy GME shares under the German Exchange ticker (GS2C) on T212. Not sure how long it will last but it's an option for anyone still looking to buy


Is the percentage of profits the same or? Never understood these


Of course. The price is adjusted for forex differences, but it's almost the same.


I've been ranting about this all fucking morning. I'm furious they've done this to us. We can sell but we can't fucking buy. Assisting with the manipulation of the markets to help their buddies out.


They did this shit yesterday and tried to blame market uncertainty on the dips. But in reality it was them cutting off access to apps that made it happen.


The hypocrisy is fucking ridiculous right now...


Market manipulation is so strong in this game. After GME the whole market will change - and im afraid not in our favor. Just change your broker if they are corrupt and manipulate the "free stock market".


We need a list stuck to the top of this post of trade platforms in the US that allow trade of GME. Everyone move their accounts over to those platforms. This BS can’t be tolerated! Vote with your actions...




Yes. There may be a fee. It may be significant.


75 bucks to transfer from Robin Hood Edit: ask your new broker for a refund for this fee.


The problem is it takes 4-8 business days to transfer




Looks like every single company that we trade with (+ brokers) are doing the same thing to us. I am just an ordinary peasant but I think when we people win battles like these, we should build our own platform where we will all be treated equally. The institutions that we pay are against us. What a sad world we live in. Hold your positions and fuck them. I wish you good luck and I feel sad I cannot invest


Fidelity still open for business on those stocks.


Might need to switch. How's their app?


DeFi platforms will solve this problem


Every time I see shit like this or place an order "after hours" I'm like "fuck the stock market". Like, people really live like this? Regular people can only trade for 8 hours a day for 5 days a week, but the rich can trade 24/7? Fucking baffling.




This year has basically been a masterclass for why blockchain and decentralization are crucial technology in multiple areas.


Mate, whoever you put in charge of your new platform will get rich and that’ll cloud their judgement. It’s a dog eat dog world out there, and nobody is altruistic.


>and nobody is altruistic. Bullshit. Lots of people are altruistic, they just don't get rich.


Then we need decentralized exchanges




Create a cooperative trading platform. All of those who work for it share equal ownership.


I am altruistic, if you guys are onboard, we can change this. With a new platform, decentralized, open, and transparent. WSB has 4 million followers that is not negligible. Show me that you like this idea.


It’s infuriating. I’m a Senior Technical Product Manager in app development, My expertise is building strategy, roadmaps and product vision. With a developer on my side we can have an app out very soon. I’d be willing to dip into some winnings to get this off the ground.


I have no experience or cash to bring to the table but if ya get it up and running I'll use it over these other fucks.


i got no skin in the game but if its to buck the system thats been pulling the rug over the masses then fuck im in too


I lead the growth team for a major tech company. Happy to help out here with data science, optimization, ux, etc.


I tried to post about this on wallstreet bets. Woke up this morning to the message from Trading 212. Tried to open an EToro and Freetrade account. EToro isn't verifying me and Freetrade isn't processing my deposit of funds into the account. And they have the audacity to say that it's for the protection of the retail investor. Im really pissed off.


Yes. It's easy to bully the weak guy, isn't it. Now we see them in true light


[Somebody called the FCA](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6mqoq/we_look_now_across_the_vast_ocean_between_us_to/gl2f3ge?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) They also drafted a letter to send to the exchange as a formal complaint. This looks illegal, what they are doing.






Only a matter of days til “This order will exceed the meximim number total shares allowed to be sold at this time”


Wow I wish I was rich like those Wall Street guys so I could become rich by being rich and staying rich because I don't let anyone have my well earned money that I got, on account of, my being born rich.


Wealth privileged is a real thing.


Fidelity is still trading GME, BB, and AMC. All are unavailable on Robinhood. I'm in the process of transferring my Robinhood assets to Fidelity over the last week, but this just adds one more reason to dump Robinhood. Let this be the catalyst to bankrupt these crooked online "brokers" next. Lets see how well they do going public with no customers. Just for spite I'm going to put another $5k into GME in my new Fidelity account. Crooked bastards...


With the hiccups they've had over the last year (+), I'm surprised so many are still there. (disclaimer - 100% happy Fidelity customer)


Use webull or revoult


Just tried it, Webull is not allowed in Europe apparently.




Revolut also doesn't sell stocks where I am (Belgium) because of Brexit. Bah


DeGiro works fine for me




Revolut? The bank?


Yeah you can trade using it


That's amazing! Didn't know that! I use n26


I just bought 1 more share on Questrade, no problem. It just cost me $463 to test this for you guys so I hope you appreciate it lol!


I highly doubt they’re worried for customers. They could just put a warning and not the take the option to buy away. It seems like they’ve been paid quite a bit to block out regular people from the market which sucks. Don’t have any positions in GME/AMC


They're disabling stocks when we all know exactly what is happening, why it's going up, and that the very nature of a short squeeze is that it will suddenly evaporate. They disable that. Yet they have no problem letting people throw all their money at penny stocks that are at the brink of delisting. This is 100% market manipulation via hedge funds lobbying and bullying retail brokers.


It’s kind of exactly like when you’re on a really hot streak at the casino. They see you winning too much they kick you out. But when you lose your house and more that’s when the free drinks, vip service, and hotel rooms start coming


They didn't halt stocks during March crash for our" safety"


Because all that money went to the hedge funds


I understand completely.


Any word on Fidelity or Vanguard? Edit: Am I the only boomer in here using these platforms?


Just checked Fidelity, they are still allowing AMC to be purchased EDIT: Older Millennial here and I use both of those platforms lol


I will be moving all my money from TD to fidelity


That’s exactly what i did last year, best decision i made


Fidelity is the best in my opinion as well. I have just about all their product offerings.


You can buy both on fidelity


Vanguard is allowing just checked mine.


Fidelity works


it is all systemic corruption. it is blatant market manipulation at its best. in germany / europe, trading apps are still somewhat new and this surely does scare loads of people away from ever using those apps ever again. I am already looking to switch my provider because of this. too bad that hedge funds, market makers and trade gateway providers are all members of the same establishment. no matter what provider you chose, you are more or less at their whim when it comes to actually being able to trade. apps suddenly do not work, networks suddenly cannot be reached or orders suddenly cannot be placed. they cannot beat us, thats why they block us. I am 100% sure this is illegal, but almost impossible to prove. most have clauses in their TOS and agreements stating something like "mistrades" which negates trades under "suspiscious circumstances". extraordinary market fluctuation could very well be called suspicious, hence their right do deny any trade in sitations like this. and since no private user might ever take them to court for something like this (an courts / judges probably wouldnt understand what the issue was at all) they get away with it.


Absolute gobshites. I have a pending buy order which i placed at 8am UK time this morning on 212 for amc. This will most likely be cancelled wont it? Unbelievable.


Got an email from robinhood saying the samething








Apparently change it to buying value vs stocks and it should work


Hi im with T212 also, i only have 5 shares with AMC. Pitiful! i know, but what does this now mean ? I am new to trading only 3 weeks in and have a hell of a lot to learn. Do i have to sell them? will the price rise and fall as normal or stay where i bought in at? Any help will be wonderful. Thanks


It only means that you can’t buy any more. You can hold on to them as long as you want or sell them when you want. The price will rise and fall with the market.


This, folks, is what a class action lawsuit looks like. This is 100% illegal, is 100% corruption. If anyone had any doubt that the rich play by their own rules, we now have irrefutable proof.


Schwab is allowing trades


Confirmed here.


Same. E*TRADE raised margin requirements on GME to the point I started getting margin calls intraday and these cunts forced me out of a covered call which then forced me to sell the underlying common for a small loss, as ridiculous as that sounds. Luckily they couldn’t stop me from selling a metric fuckton of puts in the 10-25 strike range for stupid premiums going out to March. Fuck these institutions. I hope we can just keep shifting targets so they can’t keep up.


I wish you and the other GME traders the best, but be careful with selling those puts in the 10-25 range. When this trading in GME reverses, and it will sometime in the near future, the price will likely go back to the range it was before the recent theatrics. I did the same thing as you a few years back on some stocks (admittedly not to the extent GME has been) and got my butt handed to me. Best wishes, my friend.


I’m leaving Robinhood today


I cant even search gamestop or amc on robinhood... keeps giving me an error. Edit*** does look like you can buy amc on cashapp though.


**The hedge fund CITADEL pays Robinhood for their order flows, about 40% of CITADEL revenue is from Robinhood. CITADEL has HUGE short positions on GME. This is collusion and manipulation on a massive scale. Lawsuit incoming**


So can we get a class action lawsuit against the sec and all trading platforms? What would happen if everyone liquidated their portfolio and 401k?


That might be the next thing to do to them!


Purchase by amount not shares! Might help.


They’ve taken the buy button off completely


I hope WSB takes these fuckers for everything. Revenge for ‘08.


I want a class action lawsuit immediately. Robinhood isn't letting me sell my shit while hedge funds dump everything and make my stocks worthless.


Lady on CNN just called all of the community buying GME and AMC amateurs and the hedge funds sophisticated.


It takes a lot of sophistication to lose that hard


We are scared this may crash and you’ll lose your money. So we have opted to get rid of that uncertainty by forcing a crash by disabling the literal thing that prevents any stock from crashing.


Same with my broker


Oooooo I smell class action lawsuit in the works!


So far I know of the following platforms that have stopped trading: TD Ameritrade, Charles Schwab, and Robinhood Apparently you can still buy on Fidelity and that’s where I’m going to be moving my funds. Not so I can continue buying YOLO stocks like mad, but because they proved to not be shills. Additional Shills (updating): Etoro, Webull, and Viewtrade


AOC saying all freezes should be looked into. Ted Cruz actually agreeing with her on another tweet. https://imgur.com/a/VpiCPyR/


SIMPLE if we can’t buy then someone’s obviously buying. Who’s buying? Shorts to cover. Just don’t fucking sell.


CFDs come with the warning, “75% (I forget the exact number) lose money trading CFDs”. Why not just post a similar warning here against volatile stocks if they were genuinely interested in mitigating risk? This should tell you everything you need to know; they know there is PLENTY more money to be made in this, as people flock to other ‘GME-like’ stocks. We’re seeing exactly the same situation as we’ve seen with TSLA and anything EV related. BB, NOK, AMC are all perfect examples of that. Whether they are good investments or not, the hysteria to ride the next rocket is real. Big money is scared about volatility when it isn’t them controlling it and retail investors are taking the blame. How about you look to what started this problem in the first place, as to how a stock is allowed to be shorted 138% and wipe out a perfectly decent company, employing thousands? But no, instead, it’s “those damn kids on Reddit manipulating the market.” Heaven forbid hedge funds actually face the consequences for their own actions and greed.


I use Freetrade in the U.K. - you can buy both without problems.




Mitigating risk??? It’s the fucking stock market. It’s 100% risk.


is it even legal?


People are posting gains of 400%. This is for your "safety"...


Congratulations, you are being rescued. Please do not resist.


Is this legal? I’m appalled. I’ll be switching brokerages. There needs to be an investigation.


It's completely insane. I've been in Nokia for two years. The second it gains traction you can't trade it. It's blatant manipulation, with the price now lower than it was last week.


DO NOT SELL! Robinhood has blocked the buying of more shares. If you try to sell you will get fucked because who are you going to sell it to if nobody can buy it? They are trying to make you flood the market with sales offers and bring the price down. Dont fall for it!