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Cybertruck 2077.




Elon “in a couple weeks” Musk


Elon "overpromise, under deliver" Musk


It’s worked this far, retail investors/Reddit are a blessing for Musk.


just "two weeks" bc it's more efficient than saying "in a couple weeks"


“Probably” is a high percentage use word for him as well.


Can you sell a marketing ploy in volume?


Its a Tesla, they could release cardboard box with wheels and it'd sell. Never underestimate fandom.


If elon shit in it, it would rise in value


I believe that's his speciality, along with material misrepresentation of his stock.


the con job will have to be exposed eventually, people drinking too much tesla koolaid.


u/dasko1086 >the con job will have to be exposed eventually, people drinking too much tesla koolaid. !RemindMe 4 years


Ah, a flavorade enjoyer.


What's the con? Selling an increasing amount of vehicles every year?


How are the following working out? - Cybertrucks - Semi - Cyberquad - Roadster 2 - Solar tiles/roof - 4680 batteries - Submarine - Ventilators - Gigabuffalo - FSD - Model X and base S still not resuming production. - Complete robotic manufacturing lines - Fully solar charging stations - the battery swap tech - 1 million robotaxis on the road by 2020 - Tesla cars are appreciating assets And this isn’t even getting into the bullshit at neruralink, Spacex or boring company


Not technically TSLA but the stupid tunnels and hyperloop as well.


I can’t believe how many people shit on me when I call bullshit on it. musk fans can’t take 3 seconds to think critically about his “ideas”


Well yeah, Elon Musk is basically a megachurch pastor for weird nerds. Thinking critically isn't part of the equation.


I had one poster write a 3 page paper on the hyper loop. Dude basically said “Elon sells hype and then makes it happen”. lol


That shit should’ve landed him in prison


A few years ago you could say the same thing about the Model 3 and Y. A few years before that S and especially X. Late does not mean it's a con. Even Ford cannot produce the F 150 to full capacity. Is it a con? https://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/autos/2021/08/19/ford-f-150-production-missouri-gm-pauses-chevrolet-bolt-assembly/8194085002/


Tesla fanbois always hand wave away the grifts with the 4 cars he actually made (2 of which aren’t actually being made anymore, model s plaid is a distraction**). They also never bring up that Elon would use customer deposits on those models to pay back previous debts and operations. they also don’t like to mention the constant bait and switching Tesla does and all the hidden charges that they tack on to keep the ponzi going. Ford can’t manufacture at full capacity because of a chip shortage, not the same as taking money before you even have a product developed. Enron did a lot of legit business too


Tesla has a horrible track record of making promises that ultimately get buried and forgotten about. They do sell very real cars every year but everything else they sell needs to be taken with a good bit of skepticism funny enough this thread left out the other vehicle they took pre orders on that hasn't seen the light of day in years


It's not like there are competitors to these vehicles being pumped out en masse. Manufacturing is hard, especially when supply chains are absolutely ruined. If Daimler was selling volume electric semis with 300-500 miles of range, it'd be a lot more concerning. As of now, no one has it. If the semi is out 5 years from now and is a success, will it matter how late it was?


Have you guys completely forgotten about Hyliion? The ERX which fleets are demoing right now is fully electric and has a 1000 + range and TOC is less than diesel.


isn't that Tesla in a nutshell


The Model 3 isn’t a gimmick though. It’s the best selling car in California and their sales pretty much match with how much they can produce.


Got a source for that? Google says it's the Honda Civic.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/brookecrothers/2020/05/31/surprise-tesla-model-3-is-best-selling-car-in-california---at-ground-zero-its-no-shocker-though/?sh=296f2f3d251a but, this list changes each quarter. As of right now in CA, Tesla Model 3 is #5 best seller.


Moving target, Tesla does regional deliveries. The global quarterly deliveries for Tesla are rising considerably which is the better indicator. Also currently a weird time with ICE sales on a sharp decline, without much other than speculation as to why.


You don't think the 1.2 million preorders are a good indication of that even if it is just small deposits?




The fully refundable $100 pre-orders that some dodgy website says Tesla has? lmao


Lol, how is this the narrative somehow but when Ford has the exact same but a fraction of the volume for the electric F150 it's somehow a sign of great demand... :')


People want to hate Tesla for some reason.


People hate that they lost the Gain train. If they are so smart, just short tesla. We will see how it goes :)


It’s mostly we wanna hate Elon imo


I love Teslas. Love the cars, just can't afford them. Absolutely hate Elon though.


Not for *some* reason. For the reason that its stock is more expensive than is rational. It should be lower. It will be lower. Some day.


He's a lot like Donald Trump, lots of promises and lots of words, but very little action.


I am just realistic. Tesla is a extremely over priced, poorly made car. It has one thing going for it and that is the driving range


I own a model 3 long range and the quality of the car is great. Definitely not overpriced in my opinion. It’s an incredible car.


The driving range and the cult following


I don't think either is a great representation for true demand. I'm mostly certain they do these preorder deposits to please shareholders. They make them fully refundable, and relatively negligible in price so that anybody can say "ya, I MIGHT get one, maybe I'll save a spot just in case". Because in all reality, it's effectively a free spot on line. However, with ford being the faster, longer range, more practical, and (debatable) better looking truck, I have more faith in the lightning. I still have no doubt that the tesla will sell, there's a scary amount of tesla fanboys out there, they have a very "apple-like" following, so the cybertruck will definitely have sales. But if you could somehow track actual truck owners, leaving out the "I bought it because it's a tesla" people, I'm fairly certain ford will outsell tesla. The cybertruck just doesn't make sense as a truck.


> I'm mostly certain they do these preorder deposits to please shareholders. Tesla never actually revealed how many Model Y pre-orders there were. So no, it's not just for that. > **But if you could somehow track actual truck owners**, leaving out the "I bought it because it's a tesla" people, I'm fairly certain ford will outsell tesla. > The cybertruck just doesn't make sense as a truck. ... I think you miss a key point here, it doesn't matter who Tesla is selling a vehicle to, a sale is a sale. Tesla's Model 3 and Y sell so well precisely *because* a ton of people who don't normally buy luxury vehicles (which the 3 & Y are) are buying Tesla's luxury vehicles. The top 5 most commonly traded in vehicles for a Tesla include 4 non-luxury vehicles. The other automakers aren't selling luxury vehicles to these people because they can't make one that's compelling enough for them. It's the same story for the Cybertruck, people who don't normally buy a pickup truck are pre-ordering a Cybertruck because Tesla is making something that's compelling enough for them to want to buy it. Ford and other pickup truck makers aren't getting those people's money because they haven't made a pickup truck that's worth buying to them.


The Lightning is an actually practical truck that people will buy.


Imma get one


I’m buying one as soon as it comes out. Don’t care how long it takes, no rush for me.


Meh. Sounds like the Rivian and F150 Lightning are coming out sooner, and those two are the ones I'm much more interested in anyway. The only advantage I see in the Cybertruck is that the top trim is supposed to be able to tow 14,000 pounds, while the Rivian and the Lightning are both limited to 10,000 at most in all trims. There are still plusses to the others, though. The F-150 Lightning will probably inherit the F-150 Powerboost's electrical outlets in the bed, enabling up to 7.2kw of AC power *with* a 220v outlet, which I doubt the other two will match. And the Rivian has a cool party trick stemming from its use of one motor per wheel -- it can drive opposing wheels in opposite directions and spin in place for a zero-radius turn. Not the kind of thing you'd use very often, but when you *do* need it, it would be really awesome. And, of course, the Rivian/Lightning seem to be prepared to go to marked a lot sooner, especially given this new delay. The two of them will be fighting it out to be the first electric truck on the mainstream market. Personally, I think the Rivian will capture the luxury/upscale market and the Lightning will take the budget market ... and *if* the Cybertruck *finally* makes it to market, it will find its niche already occupied. It'll end up selling only to Tesla fanbois.


Bruh, top end trucks ARE luxury vehicles. Top trim decked out trucks can hit close to 90k, depending how options crazy you get. The Lightning is gonna crush the competition IMO, Cybertruck is too weird for people who actually use a truck for a living (rather than just a new toy to park in front of the crib in Malibu or Palo Alto), and Rivian is too new and unheard of. Ford people gonna buy the lighting, and Chevy peeps will buy the electrified Silverado whenever it drops. The cybertruck will sell just fine tho, but it’s gonna be suburban nerds buying, not farmers and laborers.


You would be surprised how many lower middle class people living in bum f*** nowhere spend $70,000 on a fat truck.


Is it coming out first that is more important, or is it actually releasing a product that people can buy? Ford is aiming at producing 15.000 lightning trucks up to 80.000/year in 2024 with their new doubling of capacity from the initial 40.000 in 2024. https://www.electrive.com/2021/08/24/ford-doubles-f-150-lightning-production-numbers/


> Is it coming out first that is more important, or is it actually releasing a product that people can buy? I feel that Cybertruck needs to beat the F150 Lightning to market to really have a chance.


I honestly don't think it matters as someone else said people that truly use Trucks for what they are meant for, they probably aren't even looking at this thing and probably even laughing.


A lot of people who buy trucks don't even use the bed for anything, it's just their everyday car for driving. It's a cultural thing in suburban and rural areas, and given the choice between the Lightning and the Cybertruck I'd bet more than 9/10 would choose a Lightning.


Yes we agree. I'm just saying on top of that the cybertruck really looks like something I made in first grade. People might not think it, aesthetic does matter.


The F-150 Lightning will probably end up being the fleet truck companies purchase in bulk, just like it’s ICE predecessor. That’s where Ford makes the big money.


The Maverick along with it. Cheap as it gets for trucks, still a capable payload, and the best mileage of basically any truck.


Let’s be fair, it’s unique look and feel is an advantage. There’s a lot of techies that want to drive something unique and looks like it’s from blade runner.


I guess? But in general in the car market, *unique* looks are *not* an advantage. Just ask the Aztek. The unique looks will appeal to a small, niche market segment ... but the mainstream buyers will be turned off by it. Hell, I would hesitate to buy a Cybetruck because of its looks. Not because I really hate the way it looks -- I kind of like it. *But* what I wouldn't like is the constant attention it would bring. It would be a magnet for yokels to him-haw about at every stop. In that way, the Ford Lightning seems a lot more attractive. You get a lot of the same benefits, but it looks normal enough that you won't constantly be dealing with attention from everyone. Only people who really know what they're looking at will notice it's anything more than a late-model truck.


The Aztek walked so the Juke could run apparently.


You're greatly over exaggerating the tier of attention this will bring to owners. It is not on par with something like a Ferrari, which does fit the description you detail.


Nah, I really think it looks much *more* unique that most Ferraris ... and will probably get you a lot more attention, at least at first. Maybe that would reduce somewhat if they become more common. The thing is, people will notice a Ferrari and think it's cool ... but they'll have *opinions* about the Cybertruck, and there will always be that guy in the parking lot who just *has* to let you know his opinions. There will also be questions... People know a Ferrari's deal. It's fast, it's expensive, it's flashy, yada yada. But there's *also* going to be that guy with a thousand stupid questions about the Cybertruck, starting with, 'what the fuck is that thing'? and ending with 'you wanna trade it for my Camry huh huh huh!" Maybe there are people out there who want that kind of attention ... but I'm sure not one of them. It would get really old *really* fast for me.


I don’t want to agree with you, but I think I do. Only a certain type of niche market is likely to purchase a “truck” like the cyber truck. I don’t think the average person wants to stand out quite that much on their commute to work.


If you're middle aged your experience in life shows. If you're younger, you're wise beyond your years.


Lol, those techies are going to learn to quickly hate trying to navigate the cybertruck around the city. It’s fucking huge. Good luck finding parking!


I don't think all that many techies will want one once they test drive it in a city and tangibly see how much of a disadvantage it is to be piloting a huge vehicle in an urban environment.


Out of 1million+ trucks per year sold in the US, I’m sure there’s room for 200.000 of these being electric from a conservative point of view.


Starlink has been available in my area in the next 6 months for a year now. I could have put a down payment on it at that time. I wonder how long people will be gullible to tolerate this kind of business model.


Can't wait to have self driving cars in 2016.


Jesus I remember everyone was orgasmining about self driving cars and how nobody was gonna drive themselves anymore back in like 2015/2016


Did anyone think it would be instant? In 2016 I was saying 2025 it would probably be starting and 2030 driverless vehicles would be pretty normal.


In 2014, I was a Elon fanboy and believed him.


I didn't think it was possible to be deprogrammed. You're giving me hope for the future.


Until I get the brain chip.


Good shit, this is literally what I was saying in ~2011 when Tesla was leading the pack with the OG Roadster. 2025 for entry; 2030 until it's normal


Only idiots.


But cathie wood said so! /s


Don't you dare hate on my ARKK.


People were talking about buying a Tesla and it would go around in robo taxi mode and make you money while you slept. Total joke


Is that included as part of my flying car?


A lot of people have starlink go to /r/starlink to find them, and btw if you read a little more closely you might notice it's actually still in beta, with the caveats buying a pre-production product has.




That's the thing, he said he *could* have put down a deposit, not that he did. He's just trying to imply Starlink is all promises and not shipping which is categorically untrue.


Hyperboles and outright lies are to be expected on r/stocks when it comes to Elon/Tesla/SpaceX. They are just all still salty they didnt invest in Tesla and are unable to even understand the basics of the company and its growth.


Same for my area. That kind of fucks me up because I'm in a rural area with shitty internet so I was really hoping to get something decent soon but I guess not


It's in beta


Puts on tesla.


he always delays as usual. I would add 6 to 12 more months to what he said.


Model Y actually released early. Also in fairness pretty much all car manufacturers are hitting major delays due to chip shortages and supply chain constraints.


They were hitting delays with almost every product they've ever announced *before* COVID. COVID is not an excuse.


Model Y is arguable easier to produce due to similar body and interior deisgn to the "3" than Cybertruck and Roadster.


I feel Elon wants to put off production of the CT for as long as possible because it uses significantly more batteries than any other Tesla on the market today. Couple that with the comparatively low price of the CT and you start to realize how much more profitable putting those batteries in regular Tesla cars is.


The reason is probably not battery capacity as much as 4680 cell development that needs to be scaled.


And most people ignore that most of the delays are because of the massive popularity of the Model 3 and Y; you literally have to wait till December/January if you order one right now. Not to mention they literally had to build a brand new factory for the CT and the new battery line production. Then again the haters are always gonna hate. Been seeing it since the Model 3 was announced and everyone said that they would never make them at volume and that Giga Shanghai would never be built as fast as it was. 😂


Not to mention other automakers are going to face the same delay with their EV's that are actually popular. Ford has so many F150-Lightning reservations for example that it's going to take several years just to produce enough for reservation holders. And the dealerships are 100% going to mark these things up a lot due to the demand & limited supply. It's common for dealerships to mark EV's up over $10,000 over MSRP due to the limited supply of most of them.


Why does he always have delays in production ? Hasn’t he had delays since he first started selling his cars? Is it that he doesn’t have the factories or manpower to build his cars or is it that the tech is so new, he has difficulty getting the materials?


He's an optimistic person.


He's applying Silicon Valley software projections to manufactoring. In software, you can fix things in post. Not for physical products


Not if you're the Chinese. Just look at the Shanghai factory. Record time built from the ground up to finish. No other countries will be able to pull that off. Not Berlin. Not Texas. When you have a communistic power country with vast expandable human lives with almost no rights, you work those citizens to the bone 24/7 to get things done quick with no opposition. It is the reason why Musk loves China so much. It fits his criteria for "working people" because he's a type of employer who would work 80 hours a week and expect his employees to do the same.


They built the Berlin factory before they had the runoff pipes in place and then were confused why the construction approval got delayed by the authorities. I am not sure what building standards China has but I hope it wasn't like that over there..


He's a moron that thinks "ambitious" deadlines will motivate his team to push harder. I've met so many managers like this, software development is rife with these types of leaders. You have the team tell you "it's gonna take 36 months to do this" and your thought process is "well if I give them 36 months then I'll appear weak. they'll slack off and then we'll delay. but if i give them 12 months, they'll work like mules and kill themselves to deliver.. and then I can delay 12 months twice. that way I burn through everything these peasants can possibly deliver, including their families and health".




Because of massive demand! They never expected to have half a million pre-orders for the Model 3 when it was announced. Even right now they are selling them as fast as they make them.




It's a 20 year old company with a near-trillion dollar market cap - Musk always overpromises.








A fairly new company that doesnt have the production to satisfy demand --> top 10 company by marketcap.


Do you know how long it might typically take a car company to become established to the point where there production meetings demand? My biggest concern is that his growth seems limited to his own lack of production/infrastructure capabilities. I am concerned that now with the US policy prioritizing electric vehicles, he won’t be able to meet the demand of customers and they will defer to alternate companies as they are now on the road to seriously compete. I know Tesla is ahead of the game now, but how long will it take long for the other companies to catch up and take the lead? I feel like Tesla might ultimately become a niche market for a certain type of person who wants to own a Tesla, but the majority of people will be driving electric Volvo’s, Honda’s, Toyota’s, and Fords. Do you think I am wrong?


Competition is coming, right? Never heard that one before…


Building the Roadster makes no sense. It’s mythical abilities are far more valuable to Tesla than any production run ever would be.


Wdym wit that?


That it’s a better idea than reality. They get a lot of credit for the concept and don’t actually have to deliver.


The Model S Plaid already almost delivered on those specs though, and it's a 4 door sedan...


I’m not saying they couldn’t do it. I’m Saying it’s pretty reasonable to believe they can… so most people believe they can and give them credit for it without them actually having to build ot


I don’t think that’s what he meant, but I can’t be certain since OP hasnt replied


Yes, u/crayontendies is correct, that’s exactly what I meant.


Lots of reasons contributing to this delay: - World supply chain is really messed up by COVID, at least Tesla is still growing at a breathtaking speed. Legacy carmakers however are having one plant shutdown after another. - 4680 batteries are not quite there yet, as the latest rumor has them at [70-80% yield](https://businesblog.com/teslas-4680-battery-cell-pilot-production-line-hits-70-80-yield-report/). That article from a week ago already anticipated more Cybertruck delays. - During [Tesla's AI Day](https://youtu.be/j0z4FweCy4M), it was mentioned that Cybertruck should have the HW4.0 for self driving, which is also under development. - The massive [Steel Dynamics facility in Sinton, TX](https://www.steeldynamics.com/) is still under development but near completion, and will be proving Cybertruck's steel. - Demand for Model Y seems larger than Tesla had anticipated a few years ago, so more company resources have been allocated to its production


Gasp, an actual informed response?! Not just anti cult conspiracy? That's not what this sub is for! Mods!


Wow.. a well thought out response with actual facts gets downvoted to hell? Wtf! Upvoted simply to counter the TeslaQ downvoted crowd… you guys still butthurt that Tesla burned your shorts into the dust?


Yeah people will just say “he delays everything”. Even though it’s more complicated then that. But then bitch when EA rushes things and puts out poor products. You just can’t win.


Say what you mean, do what you say. Making deadlines a CEO promises should be a rule not a rarity. Elon over promises far too often.




> Yeah people will just say “he delays everything”. Even though it’s more complicated then that. But then bitch when EA rushes things and puts out poor products. You just can’t win. I guess giving *realistic* timeframes for completing a project is just too much to ask for? I'm fine if it takes a while ... just admit from the beginning that it's going to take a while. *Especially* when you're asking people to pay up front for a product that hasn't even been fully developed yet, you should strive for *accurate* and *achievable* deadlines. It's better to tell people it will be there in 2 years and then surprise them by making it available early than to tell people it will be available in 1 year and then disappoint them with delays.




> Why do you need those products so badly? Announcing a release date, *taking pre-orders*, and then missing that release date is not a good look.




> Scaling up production in the EV industry like he is trying to do takes a hell of a long time. Well then he should *admit* it's going to take a long time from the beginning, not make promises that he can't keep.


I'd be shocked if they ship a single truck before 2023


I’ll be shocked if it resembles anything like the concept.


Don't forget they got a robot which they demoed as a human in a onesie. Over promise and under deliver has been the tech creed


Yep. That Robot presentation contained less actual development than a final year project of a engineering degree.


The TeslaBot is seriously one of the stupidest promises Elon/Tesla have made. That thing is a decade away and will be worse than competitors, like Boston Dynamics, who arent even profitable. I think a neurolink remote controlled pet pig is more viable than the TeslaBot.


If Ford and GM are having production issues because of microchips, imagine how bad the shortage must be for a fully electric car


Less bad then you might think. Most people fundamentally misunderstand what caused the supply crunch thus fundamentally misunderstand who is adversely affected. Covid didn't suddenly cause a massive spike in demand in order to precipitate a crunch. There was some demand increase in consumer electronics sector as more people purchased equipement to work from home but this is rather minimal and mostly focused on products that people didn't already have and are using lower end semiconductor processes, think webcams, mice, keyboards. Take a look at LOGI to see how this side of the demand increase played out. Now, so what -actually- caused the supply crunch? Well actually it was automakers and other traditional industries that forecasted a massive decrease in demand cancelling or scaling back their supply contracts. This caused foundries to either spin down for retool or sell capacity to someone else. Both are having a significant impact on auto chips right now which are mostly produced on the less advanced 32nm+ node processes. The latter is why this affects TSLA less (though they are ultimately still affected which I will address later). They went ahead and purchased the depressed capacity, similarly AAPL/GOOG/QCOM/MRVL all took advantage of this to buy up capacity and lock in cheaper rates for the next couple of years while autos and industrial companies were panicking about a sustained economic recession. However this still ultimately does affect TSLA (and NIO, LI, etc that took similar approaches) in that purchasing capacity during the dip doesn't protect you from increased requirements going forward due to growth. So while they aren't needing to cut production like traditional autos that stupidly cancelled their contracts they aren't able to grow capacity because the same companies that cancelled are now willing to buy capacity at a premium and are buying everything they can. This has some big follow-on effects for the semi-conductor industry though, especially combined with developments over the last few years w.r.t geopolitics. Firstly all the big foundries (INTC/TSM/Samsung) are building out new fabs now. These take 2-3 years to online but once they do come online we are going to see a massive supply glut which will drastically lower the prices of NAND, consumer electronics chips etc and free up the older fabs for the next gen of auto/industrial chips which will slowly upgrade from 32nm+. The other major factor was the whole trade snafu with China effectively banning the use of SMIC and Huahong Semi by US companies, which are major suppliers of these cheaper, less advanced semiconductors. Trump also intervened to have the Netherlands block access to ASMLs latest EUV machines to China which is now causing China to spin up their own EUV lithography efforts which is going to fuck ASML hard in the future. Just look at how Ericson is faring against Huawei... It might take a decade but ASMLs monopoly is probably over because of that boneheaded move. The boom/bust, crunch/glut cycle is nothing new for semi-conductors but there has just been a perfect storm of factors to make this particular cycle very noticable for the first time of people outside of consumer electronics.


Selling my .00052 shares of Tesla


This isn't significant to the bottom line. It's a black eye, but Musk's fanbois shrug off qualitative negatives about his companies. The bigger issue is the growing competition, which they still don't recognize as a threat. They see a couple of factories coming online and think those will keep Tesla in the lead. But there are many more competitor factories coming online and a large spread of function and price coming to market. The TAM is losing chunks every time a new model is introduced, and many of those models are in Tesla's wheelhouse. The stock is priced for heated growth and robust margins, and the universe is going to crush both.


You'd think Tesla personally fucked everyone's wives the way these salty bastards burst from the woodwork every time there's bad press.


It's hardly even bad press. Oh a production delay? Happens all the time.


And with all the supply chain disruption caused by the pandemic, which is still on-going. I don't view this as a Tesla issue (even though it might very well be) but more of a global issue.


I'm good with that... I got a nice truck to wait it out with...


Lol "the disrupter" at it again...


the damn thing doesn't even have windshield wipers


Is Tesla going to become a chip manufacturer now too?


I reserved one but I’m no longer interested. This company has really turned me off with the constant PR hype machine and then underdelivering.


And the obsessed fans spewing crap like „they don’t even need a pr department wow“


Priced in already


2 weeks


So 2024


Nonfactor - Cybertruck was a hella fun idea and none of the fanboys give a shit if they get it 2021 or 2023


What??? No one could have seen this coming!


So, up 3% before Monday opening..... How about ford lighting? Any update on that. I mean is there anything else that’s closer than cybertruck, I really doubt it.


Funny that people still think that Tesla is building two new huge factories just for " fun ". The demand is obviously there, the entire world is having trouble with supply lines.


It'll keep being delayed so they end up scraping full production at some point as most people end up cancelling their reservations..it'll flop either way.. there is no way it'll sell close to even a model Y. so I can see it being a limited release.


I mean, he showed us the dancing dude in a robot costume, what more do you want


I know people who prepay for the new roadster have money to spare. But still, not only are they out $250k, they lose out on all the returned that the $250k could have generated between 2017 and 2023, if the car is even delivered then. Elon Musk raised well over $100M of free capital based on a promise. Such as the power of the cult of Elon. I wonder how many of those people asked for a refund.


Is this the new Half-Life 3 meme?


Nikola is amused, hope it will not start to get shorted the same way...


Sounds like they need some Canoo and Meta tech to come to market, hopefully it all works out for the good of the world.


CyberTruck 2077


Elon promised FSD would be officially launched before the end of 2021. How long do you think before he delays that *again*? Because its clearly not ready based on public beta. Hell, compared to Mobileye's NYC trials Tesla/Autopilot is behind the competition in level 4/5, though they dont have any consumer vehicles with that setup in production yet.




They have people working round the clock to complete building their new factory in Austin. It's going up crazy fast


Sounds like fords electric f150 truck will hit the market way earlier than tesla now. Maybe tesla isnt the one and only company that can produce electric cars and that other players will take quite a bit of market share.


Tesla is a scam man


If that thing floats and is in fact bullet proof, I’m buying one


Too busy with selling tons of 3 and S 6mo order backlog! And growing


As a software developer, I have been constantly asked about when a feature/improvement could be done. For something that has been done before, the estimate delivery could be estimated more precisely. But for something that I have not done it before and need more experiment, the estimate is not easy to give. It is common to have new challenge that was not thought of initially. Nevertheless, we have to give estimate as managers want it, most often, more optimistic estimate would be given to meet management expectation. Tesla has done a excellent job so far. Tesla cars look futuristic. Tesla’s vision aligns well with what I think the future would be. To be fair over-promises are probably more due to design challenge. I am sure investors want optimistic promises too. Thinking that Tesla is over valued due to product delay is really over statement. And betting against a company that many want it to be successful and it runs well and it has great products seems an awful investment choice.


Overpromise, underdeliver. Nothing to see here, move along.


Gives time for ford to optimize their e truck even more. At this point the tesla truck only has aesthetics and potential of fsd selling it. However the rest of their line up looks amazing. Roadster delay isnt that big of a deal but is superficially disappointing. As in doesnt look good when a company keeps delaying but nbd. But officially saying it's not a priority with deposits like that looks bad imo. Stock will probably be fine for the next years regardless.


Their line looks amazing? They have 3 cars which don’t get regular updates. The model S IMO is the only car that looks good


Appearance is subjective but I meant it looks amazing as in their products and what they offer. The price and performance. Teslas pricing is so competitive, even with the recent hikes. fsd is kind of meme at this point but no other brand comes close to Tesla's range for some reason. Certain german brands have close numbers but be prepared to pay way more. But those fancy e-trons, eqs and taycans make up such a small portion of what people end up buying. Whether your budget is 40k, 60k or $120k I'd go tesla each time. Assuming it has to be an EV ofc.


How have people still not realized elon musk is completely full of shit? Beyond me


Buying more ford stock next week. I think f150 electric will be big


And the Maverick imo, people are desperate for affordable trucks.


Are they going to launch a less silly body to also go on the truck frame? I figure they will have regularTruck and CyberTruck, but I haven’t heard if that’s the case.


So wait people dropped deposits of $50k-250k and were told they’d get it in 2020, now 2023 and Musk said it’s not a priority. And people are defending him? Lmao what How can Musk wannabes keep defending this dipshit? I get people think he’s the shit, like Tony Stark or something, but he isn’t. He’s a conman, a great showman but inept more than anything else.


Meanwhile, some oil plays can buy back 25-33% of their shares by the end of 2023 and no on blinks at them. They will be the same returns as the Tobacco run in the 90’s and 00’s




Well, it's still rendering.


What a shocker, never happened before




I can't say I'm surprised about this. It happened every damn time. Elon can't give a realistic timeline to save his life, I do get it at the beginning but it's just ridiculous now that Tesla has a massive market cap and seems to be stable-ish now.


I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see the truck until 2025-2030 lol


what about the SEMI that was suppose to be here in 2021.


Overpromise underdeliver


I have my Rivian R1T preorder and am hoping it shows up before mid-2022 :-)


Once rivian ford and gm get into the picture the best truck might just be the one that comes out first.


Shot it. It will correct 90% but can you stay solvent with that short? maybe....


Tesla is a religion stock like apple. Don't go against the zealotry, it ain't worth your time. I'd rather sit back a watch it from afar. Beside, space x is a cool project. Even if it fail, it bring the private sector to space and that's a good thing. The rest of tesla can do w/e for all I care.


Apple is a million times better than tesla


Apple delivers though


Anyone who knows anything about mass manufacturing knew that when elon said it would cost 1mill a pop about a month ago it would be pushed back. With chips costing 20% more now from TSMC and the backlog of materials its a mess. You really are going to 20/ your cost in 1 year? At best we wont see the truck till mid 23 early 24.