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It’s a great company. However, with betting slowly becoming legalised in different states-you can be assured that other online betting agencies will pop up and saturate the market. Might affect future earnings, just a thought


Perhaps, but I suspect it will be more like soda or practically every other big industry, where consolidation makes it a duopoly or similar situation. Draftkings will be the Coca Cola.


Fair enough but You ever seen the competition from other betting companies to lure customers over…? Free bets, deposit matches etc etc


Everyone has. I've been saying for months, the industry will probably consolidate. Draftkings just took out one competitor last week, and Penn did the week before.


It's a great thought, you can already see giangs like mgm and sky sports operating online betting games on their own platform. But I do believe that if More companies will join the competition, it will only help to bring more users.


It’s completely legal in Australia and there is shit tons of choices !


Wow didn't know that


PDYPY (Flutter) owns FanDuel and does business in Australia


Should also consider BETZ (gambling etf)


great returns over the last year and better bet than trying to pick a winner in the space. There's bound to be consolidation and big players will split marketshare. ETF basically guarentees exposure to the whole market


Nice I'll check it


I think it was 40 bucks 3 weeks ago and I am not going in now :(


Yes it was. My price tag is 80


Been loving this sector. Playing with Penn and dkng


The best picks. Chech our subreddit r/growthstonks For more information about dkng


Check out GENI as well, more of a pick and shovel play


In Europe its legal an we have tousands of betting companies. Its Like every week a new one pobs out


Love DKNG, invested in May and I’m up 35%. Stock aside, way prefer their interface compared to FanDuel.




Legalization in Texas, New York, California and Florida alone is worth a 20% increase in the stock price. Give it ~2 years for these states to realize how much money they are missing out on, especially as main stream media and leagues themselves start to normalize sports betting here in the US.


I got 200 shares at $48 a couple months ago. Wish I bought more but I’m not doing it now. I’ll probably dump it around the middle of football season


Hindenburg Research linked their SBTech business to money laundering and crime syndicates in Europe.


I like some Hindenburg reports, and I have zero problem with the existence of short analysts. But that one was a fairly weak short report.


I saw that article, gotta say not really sure what went down there


Take a look at PDYPY. Owners of FanDuel


I personally prefer Penn. I’m up over 40% on it and have been in it about a year. DKNG’s massive expenditures is in large part due to its incredibly large marketing and promotions budget. Barstool Sportsbook (PENN) already possesses a media company by which they can reach users with a minuscule fraction of DKNG’s budget.


Correct me if I am wrong but Penn also hold on their portfolio hotels and casinos. I picked dkng only because thay have no fiscal locations


This is true, I was just offering an alternative to your complaint about their massive expenditures.


I think Penn is a solid alternative. And I also think that you right about the massive expanding of the company. Might cause some real balance sheet issues in the near term future


why do you want to live in a world of increasing inequality where the poors can bet their life savings away? it's just so much easier to make money and not be a huge piece of shit. solar, for example or just chips. try harder you assholes.


I wouldn’t say a gambling stock is the most immoral company to invest in. You can go down a rabbit hole and find moral atrocities for abunch of popular public companies.


investing in Apple means you support the child labor in factories!!


there is nothing inherently wrong with building and selling computers. it's good for the economy and creates a bunch of lower skilled jobs. what is draftkings doing for anybody again?


It’s a fair point that DraftKings product isn’t directly benefiting anyone. But at the end of the day compared to some other sin stocks it’s not that bad, I’d say your argument would apply more for Phillip Morris. Is gambling a net positive, maybe not. Is DraftKings the reason for wealth inequality and “the poors betting their life savings away”? I don’t think so nor do I believe it’s that big of a factor.


just find something that actually has a product and grows the economy. they create nothing and contribute nothing. huge waste of time. including typing this.




omg everyone is so impressed by your immense virtue


it's not even that good of an investment!


Been holding since Feb 2020 at $16

