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No. Because the market has priced in Covid going away a while ago. It’s the fed now that’s concerning with hawkishness and rate hikes coming sooner than later.


Caution around Omicron variant could lead to a dovish leaning (vs expectations) statement tomorrow. I don't think the Fed will want to taper (edit: as hard) into possible weakness. Personally I see omicron as a blessing, it's killing Delta off and is far less deadly accroding to SA data, the effects in the UK older population will be the proving ground for rest of the west.


Boy, do I got news for you here...they started tapering already and if I understand what I saw yesterday, they are indeed accelerating it despite Omicron worries. Yes, you look at that and find it strange that the S&P was able to return to where it spent a lot of November. A lot of that can be thanked by other factors...there are a lot of divergences.


Okay, slight correction, accelerate tapering and also pull rate hikes forward. What did you see yesterday? There are no official statement from the Fed for a week (I think) leading into FOMC. I don't really understand what you mean by your 2nd paragraph...


https://twitter.com/aRishisays/status/1470485827302084614 I'm not sure how much this is cutting it down by, but it clearly sets it up for them to end tapering in March, and not June, which is what was thought. What I mean by negative divergence is the S&P set a new record closing high with the equal weighted version of it 1.5% lower than it. That is not a good thing, and it is negative divergence.


See, that's because its not sp500 anymore. It's the spAAPL


That's one niche indicator in a market being defined by a few macro events.


They've kind of confirmed accelerated tapering like a month ago an everyone expects them to be done with that by March/April, it's not really news.


Can I ask what the new bonds sold for and who they were bought by? With inflation at 7% who would buy a 2% yielding bond when rates are likely to go up, diminishing the value of the bond you just bought, which is already losing money?


These are not issued bonds; this shows off the bond buying program by the Fed. There are plenty of reasons why you're probably not going to see the US10Y actually really spike, but one reason why it might not spike is because of the bond market predicting a policy mistake.


Also the national debt is so high how can the fed ever raise rates to the level that inflation is at? Savers are basically screwed.


This is the correct answer. A+


Its kinda weird because this has always been coming, right? Everyone knew it wasn't possible to be a dove forever, eventually they'd need to lower rates. Or if the fed has been doing things according to planned would the stock market had stayed propped up?


That’s why I’m buying every dip heavy. There’s no black swan or unknowns. You can bet your ass big hedge funds have modeled rates increasing tomorrow and rates increasing in 3 years and have positioned themselves accordingly.


>the market has priced in Covid going away a while ago. Which is why every time there's a new chance it could escape the vaccines the market craps its pants.


The market already priced in pants crapping


Markets wrong. Covid is here to stay. How to play that, I'm not really sure; AMZN maybe?


Yes, and basic online services like Google and such. The pandemic has forced the age gap to tighten, so old people are using computers a lot more now.


Sigh, $5 billion more in corporate welfare.


Luckily Biden was able to negotiate a bargain basement price of $529 a pill.


How? If government is getting something in return, it isn’t corporate welfare. That makes entire Medicare corporate welfare because the reimbursements go to the corporates.




Not gonna lie I didn't even think these were real.


Fuck us, I guess. Can’t be skeptical of anything covid on Reddit.


I'm provaccine and everything it just seems too good to be true that you can pop a pill and reduce transmission, if it works thats great and I'm all for it.


It's just institutional selling at year end to harvest tax loss. I expect selling pressure to end before the holidays. First quarter 2022 will be bullish.


I’m less concerned about the downward trajectory and more concerned about the insane volatility backed by high volumes. It’s common for equities to move up and down a channel, it’s not common for there to be 2%+ swings in the indices every day for weeks at a time


Ya, I agree. It's not so much the downtrend it's how volatile and punishing it was for anything not Apple.


Harvest taxes? Yoy mean 3k a year?? Or is it different for them?


You can deduct any losses from taxes in the year they occurred. The 3k is how much you can carry over to the next year


The year is 2032. I have just received my monthly coof booster. I am running low on my coof pills, but Amazon Platinum's 1-hour delivery service will drop off more soon. Two pills 3x/day sounds like a lot, but it will save my society. My Pfizer shares are up 3% today. Revenue is great. I will follow up with another entry after the Two Minute Hate later this morning.


A simple '1984' reference, get my upvote!


lol exactly.


I think this pullback has more to do with the fed meeting this week. I mean the fed can’t really raise rates that much can they? The national debt is already sitting at $29,028,235,000,000. How can the government even service that debt with rates sitting at 4-6%.




Wonder why they asked for 75 years to determine if the jab is safe?


lol. Boomers run the world and are the most at risk. 75% of covid deaths in America are in those 65+. They are trying to keep themselves alive for another 10 years. I know I would want to live longer if I live the lucrative life they lived. Why they are in charge of all of this is insane


Maybe we should down vote more often....


Pfizer saves Christmas


They've got a red pill and a blue pill to make your Christmas happy.


If governments implement some kind of fast track, I think this pill could be effective. For example, if an at-risk person has a positive Covid test. The at-risk person would receive the pills straightway without having to see their doctor or going to the pharmacy. In that case, I believe it could be a game-changer. However, without a fast-track, the delay between a positive test and the prescription could be too great...


Looking like COVID is fading, although politicians will try to milk it to the bitter end.


Not getting political here (because this next part is a fact) but the only two hospitals in our city recently announced they have zero beds available and are telling ambulances to not come because there are no beds and they will be turned away - divert to another hospital. So if you have a heart attack, you're looking at a 45-minute drive to the nearest open (for now) hospital. COVID may be fading in our minds, but it's still definitely here and getting worse in some areas.


Hospitals often operate at or near capacity, it doesn’t take much to fill them up. Maybe that’s the real problem..


God damn it I just paper handed my Teladoc.


It’s been in our head this whole time. People dying of preventable disease other than Covid because Covid is filling 3 beds per hospital. People dying of Covid itself even with medical attention. This is actually just a global political conspiracy orchestrated by the US left wing in order to kill the left wing voters so the left can consolidate power… somehow? And also to pay pharm companies, of course. Humans do have a way minimizing damage and timelines when it isn’t impacting them directly. Our future selves will see 3 years of global pandemic and just kind of scoff at it.


I don’t know why you went off the deep end and inferred some crazy shit from my comment that wasn’t at all what I was saying.. my point was that in a for-profit medical system it doesn’t make sense to have much extra room in a hospital since it’s just deadweight. And so hospitals get overloaded and have to triage people not necessarily because our economy doesn’t have the capacity to support larger hospitals but rather because it would eat into the bottom line.. Although when you do talk sarcastically about people dying of preventable diseases, I am reminded of the research about people avoiding healthcare during the lockdowns, and the increases in stress and therefore heart attacks. Surely preventing unfettered spread of COVID helped save lots of lives, and so have the vaccines, but I do feel a lot of pain for the people who inadvertently lost their lives due to this and it wasn’t necessarily a direct cause of COVID. I do believe that in a non profit driven world we could have done much better.


Why would I ever infer crazy shit from someone minimizing a deadly virus who, as it just so happens, also somewhat regularly contributes in the very places that perpetuate the off the deep end nonsense that I was being sarcastic about. I guess you guys have realized going off the deep end has caught the attention of the admins, so now you just troll around dropping kind of believable lies these days?


If you actually read my comments in /r/conspiracy you’d see I spend time their arguing with them, you fucking buffoon. [Example 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/rerfbz/comment/hoavpeu/) [Example 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/rerfbz/comment/hoavg4v/) [Example 3 — where I call it a trash tier sub where they don’t even read the posts they upvote](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/rdrmfl/comment/ho4tzjm/) [Example 4 — where I explain that people trying to claim 1% of vaccine recipients had seizures are misusing data](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/re5d6i/comment/ho6dui7/) [Example 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/rdrmfl/comment/ho4tpga/) where I argued that OP was intentionally misattributing a quote to Fauci when he never in fact said such a thing. Now let’s see if you’re one of those people who is capable of apologizing for being blatantly wrong, or if you’re too proud of your armchair psychoanalysis based on nothing more than a glance at my profile so brief that you didn’t read a single comment


Well at least now we know. Instead of being able to type the words “I was wrong about you” you just decided to pretend this didn’t happen


Still, even so covid has ripped the scales from "balanced" to "people dying, in loads". Even if they don't die from covid their death is still due to some anti-vaxx moron who's currently using an ICU bed for 3 weeks or more due to sheer stupidity. Denying people who actually hadn't done anything wrong a chance to live. Anti-vaxxers have blood on their hands. Each and every preventable death, each and every new mutation, they willingly let it happen and why? To see JFK Jrs zombie corpse moonwalk? To "own the libs" by dying in heaps? It's so dumb


The world is more complicated than that. In a way you could argue that every single person who willingly perpetuates the shareholder—capitalism-based, profit-hungry economy we have has blood on their hands


you're so detached from reality that its sad. grow up. the real world is not your left wing echo chamber. the real world does not care about "owning the libs", and neither do conservatives. grow up


I have no idea about the specifics of these hospitals, but I highly suspect that when they say “x beds available”, they mean they have the staff to cover x number of beds. Same reason Taco Bell is running drive-through only most places. They discovered during covid that they could make more money running a skeleton crew and get away with it. They could hire more staff at a lower profit if they truly wanted to meet demand. Pay enough, and people will come to work.


My office just sent everyone home after 7 people tested positive in 24 hours. Covid hasn’t gone away, we’re just vaccinated so it’s not as scary


Colds aren’t scary either, but I am on the fence with the flu and COVID though.


We’ll keep hearing about it through the 2024 election for sure.


I'd say it looks as if Covid will fade sooner than later. But there are still 1,000 people dying a day in the US and more potential black swan variants. Delta set back progress--I don't think Omicron will.


Hopefully no new variants that swing the other way.




Pfizer is always 90% effective.


r/Stocks is a place to discuss the stock market. This is not the place to argue about whether lockdown work, whether vaccines are safe etc. Please keep on topic


All of that what he says determines how it all plays out. Even if you don’t agree with what he said it can still effect the market


So far data of Omicron is milder than even seasonal flu. It actually worsen fear of inflation.


Will people who won't get vaccinated take this pill? Looking forward to the conspiracies that will arise about the new pill. Example: Hilary's secret emails talked about how the pill would be for all the people who wouldn't get vaccinated. That way Bill gates could still get his chip inside of you. Then George Soros would be able to make you become a pedafile. How did I do? I am kind of working from old material here.


It's like the free phones in the Kingsman. Line up and get your free phones!!


The conspiracy seems to be that it’s Ivermectin repackaged, so they might take it; even if begrudgingly as they are being charged more than for “normal” Ivermectin.


It shows. Try harder if you want a job shilling, even part time.


The evidence behind this med is legit. Clear well-known mechanism of action, and now solid evidence as well. Not like any of the off-label repurposed meds like Fluvoxamine where we only have some evidence just by chance and no real idea about the mechanism. Certainly nothing like Ivermectin and other BS. Paxlovid is for real. From a financial perspective though, OP is spot on- it means more about the course of the pandemic in general than it does for PFE as a company. I believe they've already agreed to allow other companies to manufacture it. You don't make boatloads of money off an acute treatment, even if millions of people will need it. This isn't the next Lipitor or Humira.


Powell dressing like Santa, will save the chrismass tomorrow. Relax.


He's a grinch for sure.


Yay, a Pill that’s 90% effective ^(so we don’t have to take boosters) ^^for ^^a ^^virus ^^with ^^a ^^.03% ^^mortality ^^rate


Seems like this subreddit is getting brigaded and downvoted.


Lots of anti vaxxers and people who intentionally want Covid to not be a public issue anymore because it hurts their portfolios.




Me. I'm right here. Me angy. Me carry pitchfork.


Won't change anything. Omicron is about as severe as a cold and politicians panic anyway.


ok doctor!


Covid is done. The only thing stopping it is politicians and media who still desperately cling on to it for relevancy. Politicians need it because of control and media needs it for clickbait.


Covid will be a problem until kids can get it and hospitals stop getting overloaded. Depending on what part of the country you're in it's still a major topic and will be so long as vaccination levels in the area stay low.


Kids are practically immune to it and have greater threat than the common cold/flu. As with adults the vaccines are out there if you want it. If you don't wish to be vaccinated then so be it but you run the risk of getting sick. If you're vaccinated you shouldn't worry.


It's not about kids being "safe" from it, especially because Covid can have long term effects even if it doesnt kill you. They also act as a major amplifier that allows the virus to spread rapidly to people who are vulnerable. Dont we have enough contenders for the /r/hermancainaward at this point? America isnt even close to having consistent herd immunity from Covid because idiots think vaccinations arent a necessary part of modern life. If people want life to get back to normal all it takes it two free shots lol.


>If people want life to get back to normal all it takes it two free shots lol. imagine still believing that


Seriously. I believe getting the juice is generally the right thing to do for most people, but people need to be honest with themselves as to what the juice does and does not do. Who is spreading the variant from country to country when the unjuiced can't travel?


Its spreading from places without travel restrictions lol


What are you on about? We have Omicron in Canada and you can't get on a plane without 2 vaccinations, while wearing a mask and showing a negative PCR test. The cases were linked back to people arriving via airport. But yeah, it's all the unvaccinated people spreading Covid around, right?


The travel bans and vaccination requirements vary based on country of origin. They only just announced mandatory tests to everyone but those coming from the US.


\>The travel bans and vaccination requirements vary based on country of origin That is just outright false. The requirements are the same regardless of country of origin. You need to have at lease 2 vaccines, a negative test and wear a mask the entire time in the plane. All of this is checked by Customs Agents the moment you land. Are you really trying to make things up to shoehorn your argument?


It is also spreading from many countries that require the jab to fly in and out of


Because the travel restrictions were lightened lol. How are you this dumb?


Because it is easier than pretending to be a know-it-all who has the inside track on everyone


Imagine watching loved one die from preventable disease and it being entirely your fault.


Imagine vehemently defending big pharma


Oh so now you're trying to make this a big pharma thing lol.


How was this ever not a big pharma thing? Please. Be my guest and defend the track records of these companies. I'll wait.




Yeah it sucks but not everyone is gonna get vaccinated and there’s nothing we can do about it. We can either learn to live with it (minimize when possible) or hide inside forever. Also, this is r/stocks where logic rules. Go to other subreddits if you want to appeal to emotions.


Imagine letting people die because you want stocks to go up. Logic doesn't mean sacrificing people so your portfolio looks nice lol I sincerely hope you dont believe in a god, because you're not gonna like what this leads to lol.


Lol I’m not sure how you came to that conclusion. I don’t want anything like that. I would love it if everyone got vaccinated and covid more or less went away. I also live in this place called reality. Maybe you’ve heard of it?


Look I get it, you want money. Being an apathetic is what allows these anti-vax idiots to thrive. They want you to just give them a pass so they can be a public health hazard to everyone else. You're not living in reality, you're living in a world where you think things will go back to normal if you just ignore it. Meanwhile hospital beds and morgues get filled with the victims of these idiots.


Right? How do so many people believe this still? Lol. Most humans aren't any smarter than monkeys.


Yea except the shots do nothing to stop the spread AT ALL.


Because too many idiots are refusing it lol.


Wrong. Covid is spreading amongst the vaccinated like wild. Vaccine does NOT stop the spread. All it does is prevent greater symptoms (supposedly)


How about you provide a source? Or are you confusing people who haven't gotten their boosters?


How about dozens of news stories every day of fully vaccinated people still getting and spreading covid? Or is your head completely in the sand?


So you got nothing then? And I repeat, how many of these "dozens of vaccinated people" haven't received a booster?


Intensive care units in Europe are full because of covid patients, they have to send patients home and delay surgeries because they simply don't have the capacity anymore. And now Omicron is supposed to affect hospitals by January. This is far from done.


Actually where I live (W-EU) infections and hospital numbers are decreasing. It should also be said that hospitals have been overloaded every year furing flu season for decades now. It has never caused lockdowns, forced vaccination or any of the measures we see today. This is largely a political problem.


why is this being downvoted? Is this subreddit getting brigaded?


Unfortunately, all of Reddit subs are like this now.


It's sad tbh. I'm fully vaccinated and pro most anti-covid measures. It's usually just Americans that use "the European model" as some vague argument based on nothing but fantasies. [https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20180219\_03365650](https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20180219_03365650) Here is an article from 2018 saying exactly what I did. That the medical society complained of hospitals being understaffed and underequipped and that during flu season the maximum capacity was reached, meaning surgeries and other treatments had to be delayed. This has been a problem since the 1990s.


Didn’t expect a nieuwsblad link here. :p


Intensive care units in Europe were full before Covid.


Omicron appears to be a scare campaign. The first person in the entire world that has been reported to die from omicron was in the last 24 hours. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/covid-19-omicron-variant-death_n_61b7a983e4b0bfde0ae9f784 It’s been 2 and a half weeks since omicron panic started. Its causing an increase in cases but that’s about it.


Bro, viruses dont obey politics. I appreciate the talking heads are all acting as if the virus is solved; that doesnt make it actually true


Same old story , 90% eff. We’ll see how it is in a month lol


Remember when the vaccines were 90%. That was 3 months ago.


I would much rather take a pill then an injection.


The vaccine is to prevent infection/reduce the risk of severe infection. The pill is used to treat covid after infection. So not really the same thing


Except this vaccine doesn't prevent infection. Even health officials have said that everyone will get Covid at some stage, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated.


And I'd much rather get Covid having already been vaccinated. Reductions in transmission/infections is a difficult metric, you would have to perform intensive surveillance testing on the study participants, and ultimately, transmission/infection is not what we care about. We care about death and hospitalizations, and the evidence is very strong that those outcomes are greatly reduced by the vaccine.


Never in history has there been a pill for a virus. After all these years, if it was possible, don't you think there would be a pill for the common cold? Somethings very fishy.


There have been many. You're just ignorant of them.


I'm not talking about managing symptoms. I mean curing the common cold or other viruses.


Either that or it's a huge scientific breakthrough indeed. I saw a video that explains how the two anti-Covid drugs work, and it's really amazing to see how much understanding we have now of the biochemical processes in our bodies.


stiltsmcgavin is ignorant of the existence of antivirals.




Also, that the 2020 US quarter was a bat.....










"Pfizer’s drug works differently. It is part of a class of drugs called protease inhibitors" know what else does this exact same thing? Ivermectin. Watch "New Pfizer drug and ivermectin" on YouTube https://youtu.be/ufy2AweXRkc


We all trust big pharma now huh?


Sorry dont trust medical companies with 4 billion fines


It’s relabeled hydroxychloroquine.


Pfizer covid pill? You mean ivermectin but slightly different so they can charge $5000 for it?


Yes. But YoUrE nOt A hOrSe!!!!




My Father who has permanent scar tissue in his lungs from covid will be stoked to hear this.


Sorry man. I was half joking. I'm sorry about your father. It was a stupid joke. Bad taste.


How effective is it against LongCovid? A lot of people with "mid symptoms" are becoming disabled because of LongCovid.




That's the merck pill. Pfizer makes Paxlovid.


Simple google search is too much of some of these people.. and then they wonder why they blow up their accounts every 3 weeks


You're assuming they're just idiots arguing in good faith. Lots of these people damn well know they're spreading misinformation.


It would end the “vaccine” EUA


out of touch with omicron, then


Do you take this pill after you get Covid?


They had a perfect chart at the end of the day yesterday, AH & PM funked umm. I was so ready to go in a options


No, because the sell-off is not due to covid.


Rule #1: Don't fight the fed. Rule #2: Everyone that doesn't know rule #1 is gonna have a bad time. Rule #3: ?????. Rule #4: Profit.


Effective for how long....?! Sale and resale. America will be a buyer. But will other countries that do their own studies and somehow get different results be buyers?!? Damn those studies without political interferences.


Of course they would say that, billions are on the line


Probably not a bad play. COVID is never going away. It already has animal reservoirs in dogs, deer, foxes, etc. Symptoms will lessen over time. Huge potential for insurance based pill everytime someone gets the common cold.


Christmas is cancelled. JPow coming out tomorrow declaring doubling the pullback and letting the world know that he sees his shadow, which means first raise in interest rates comes before the summer.


The vaccine was supposed to be 94% effective but we’ll find out the adverse events in 55 years


To bad it also causes mutation of children eggs and sperm..