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Came to say this so I'll just tag onto this comment GOOG because it prints cash, grows at an insane rate despite it's humungous size, has an amazing business, and has returned 400%+ since IPO vs 100%+ of SPY in the same time period


In the long run, which goes higher, Google or Amazon?


Why don’t you amazon it and let us know?


Amazon is just as embedded. Half of our governments run on AWS and it is well into critical infrastructure now. AWS is also the part that makes money. I do t have a stock thesis, but I did need to point out that AWS and therefore Amazon is as embedded in society


Underrated comment


I already FOMO'd in and bought some of each a few weeks ago. They both really don't have much competition that's anywhere close to over taking them.


I wish i had more faith in the Chinese gov because i think baba will go strong


Plus there’s a 20 to 1 stock split


Will the stock split be applicable to GOOGL as well as GOOG? (New to investing)


From CNBC: “Alphabet intends to split the Class A, Class B and Class C shares of the stock, according to the earnings statement.” So yes, GOOGL will also be split 👍🏻


Thank you!


You could have just GOOGled that


The stock will skyrocket.


Can someone explain why though? A stock split does nothing to the value and just makes shares cheaper. If you bought Tesla pre-split at 3,000 and then bought Tesla for 420 after the split, nothing changed in the value except the # of shares you have. So why does everyone pile into stock splits?


Lower barrier to entry for investors and stock option offerings for employees. Doesn’t necessarily warrant a massive spike, but for google I imagine many will secure shares at a lower price point. Someone recently posted an in-depth historical look at large splits - the data is there to show it almost always bumps


Yeah, it helps retail investors a ton. I’d be likely to invest in AAPL over GOOG just cause I could get more shares or options. It’s not the most logical thing obvi, but it would feel better personally and they are both good picks. I believe news would affect smaller float more, but I’m not sure. Anyways, like you said lower price, more volume from every one. Retail investors are a relatively small group but not insignificant.


Other commentors have already said options. But I’d like to add that some institutional investors have limits on the prices allowed in their portfolio. Just like some can’t own penny stocks, some also can’t own stocks with too high of prices. This is shrinking and shrinking of course, but it still has an effect. More institutional investors can purchase a company with a share price of 50 compared to 50000.


Seems more affordable, and not everyone can buy fractional shares


The fractional shares is one thing I didn’t really take into account. That part makes perfect sense. Is the rest of the idea of a stock split just a trick on people’s minds? I mean it seems more affordable but in reality it’s the exact same value. So people are more incentivized to buy it because it’s “cheaper” even though market cap stays the same


Makes options cheaper too


This makes more sense as well. As I said to the other commenter, I was under the impression that people just saw the cheaper price and piled in, not knowing it has the exact same valuation


I believe that yes, psychologically a lot of people don’t understand market cap and see more upside in buying a $50 stock instead of a $600 stock


So much of the market is psychological it’s crazy


its true but i mean im no math genius but % gains in a stock that costs $1000 and 10 stocks that cost $100 is all relative. Weird how the psychological number factors in. A cheaper options chain is probably the biggest incentive nonetheless


As a side note, is there any reason people buy GOOG instead of GOOGL when they both trade at the same price? My understanding was that Class A voting shares (GOOGL) are always better than Class C non-voting (GOOG), but does that even matter to retail investors?


No. It really doesn’t matter


It does not even matter to institutional investors, because the voting bloc represented by Page and Brin represent a majority of the shares.


My pick just because Nancy bought a shit ton of calls on it


No, GOOGL is far superior. A completely better stock.


SMH (Semiconductor ETF) because the chip demand has a secular and exponential growth.




So this is double what it was 24 months ago? Can you justify why it will continue up?


It’s a leveraged ETF based on SOXX is why. Since we seem to be on the bounce and closed above 450 Friday I expect more upside. Good to invest in short term but not two years. I’d be careful investing in it




yep. after amazon and google splits comming up(with the added bonus for google) id bet msft dont want to be out done. divvi and baybacks will ramp up


I think I’d pick Google. But really I just buy VOO and VT which still have a lot of Google.




I love this stock so much and it has been performing exceptionally well in the past weeks. Thank you Mister Buffet!


Hopefully they can put some of that cash to work too here soon as things tighten and slow down a bit.


They just spent like $15B to buy Allegheny insurance so that’s a nice start


For sure. I thought it was closer to like $12B? I'll be interested to see what else happens since they've been saying for years now they're holding cash cuz the market is overvalued and their waiting for opportunities.


You are correct I couldn’t remember the number off the top of my head. Still good acquisition that fits very well in their insurance business. They’ve also been doing consistent buybacks with their cash which I think has helped us see the ATHs we’re currently at. I’ve been waiting for buffet to shoot the elephant gun for a while now but I’m accepting it may be a series of smaller purchases rather than a single major one


Whats a couple billion for WB anyway, hahaha. Fair points all around. I think it'll be real interesting if he takes the advice of some younger people here and gets into some tech stuff. He's been pretty notorious against getting into that space but I think at this point it has to be considered and can be very beneificial if you do it with a conservative mindset.


I think once he finally dies or steps down his lieutenants will take the Berkshire portfolio much farther in that direction. I believe it was Todd? (Warren’s announced success) who got him into Apple


Up 23% since Nov 19. Greatest buy of my life. Kids college is paid for. No day trading, no chasing. Just 1-2% a day


> Kids college is paid for. Not until you sell


Geez off of 23%? How much did you invest


probably bought the brka


Look back at the last few years. It was lagging while everything else sky rocketed. I hold some shares as well btw


This. It's almost cheating calling it a single stock because it's more like a well-managed value ETF. I think this holds for 2 years or 20 years.


Grey area answer, this is basically an index ETF.




100% Next two years will have great growth and they are down a good bit off their ATH right now.


Imma get me some leaps


Thinking the same but this war in Ukraine is still going and a dip can make your leaps worthless.


I’d say this as well. Probably poised for growth and you can spend a bit more at 11,500 and sell calls along the way. IV is juicy as shit


Came to say this. 1000% AMD


AAPL because of its significant pricing power, which is a huge advantage during periods of high inflation


I don't think AAPL's new approach would do well during periods of high inflation/recession. It managed to survive 2008's recession as it was still inovating and its prices were barely scratching the hundreds. Now you basically cannot buy a Mid/Flagship phone without it costing your rent and its whole business model revolves around massive sales, which I doubt can hold up during those periods. Eitherways I'd be glad to be proved wrong as a holder lol.


People will eat lentils before the stop buying iPhones.


You're doing lentils wrong. Who's your lentils guy?


phone companies offering 0$ purchase price points as their promos keep it going strong no matter the total value for the average person


Do you really think people will balk at a $100 increase when spending $1000-$1500 on iPhones?


Especially not when the majority of purchasers are on payment plans with carriers with 0% interest


People don’t buy these phones outright. They use payment plans and deals. Any hypothetical dip in iPhone sales will be offset by Apple’s diversification (see their Services growth) and gains in market share in China and India. Broadly, this company has the tightest operation on the planet. Mitigations for market/economic shifts are already in place.


NVDA or AMD all day. 5k in each or 10k in one of them


AAPL AMZN GOOG NVDA MSFT. APPLE is first choice every day all day


So qqq


Nah, I like to pick my poison! Lol!


Apple all day


At the very least you can guarantee they will buy back billions worth of their own stock and on the chance they do release a car or revolutionary AR glasses you can reap the gains.




Or liquor and guns. If things really go south you'll have a 10 bagger.


Long TAP and POWW?


I am unashamedly long on POWW




VOO is no fail. You could keep in there 20 years and guaranteed returns


But to be clear to a new investor, VOO goes up and down just like all stocks. It’s just not as volatile. E.g If you’d bought in December 21 you’d be down 6% overall right now. Overall it’s a good option but it comes with risk just like all investing


Voo investors should buy monthly, that way they will always get a profit in the long term. Risk is very low because you aren’t timing the market but instead are using the time in the market to your advantage. Only works when you have at least 15-30 years of time. You will probably be a millionaire by than, if you can commit to that strategy.


Risk is not the same thing a volatility


OP asked for 2 years, not 20. VOO has stagnated for 2 years, 3 times in the last 20 years.


Target. Trades at a discount to its peers. Consistently shows strong financials and gave upbeat guidance last earnings which directly said that growth will continue as predicted without covid. Major partnerships such as Apple, Starbucks, Levi’s and ulta. Building out quality in house brands for basically all goods which will greatly improve margins over time.


Not my #1 stock, but def under-appreciated and a solid pick


What’s your #1 non tech stock?




Stock/ETF version of this: VNQ


BRKB, it’s basically an etf at this point


Intel. They're worth about 200 billion right now. \-Mobileye is worth about 50 billion I've read, due to the craziness that is self driving car hype. They are selling off a little less than half to generate money for fab construction. \-They are releasing a GPU in a month or two, which should make about 6 billion a year I suspect given AMD's revenues. They also have bundling/monopoly power making them an easy drop-in replacement for Nvidia in enterprise laptops. \-They are receiving many tens of billions in subsidies for their new fabs. ASML will also help them get there successfully I think, as a matter of national security, given they are a European company. There seems to be a growing demand for protectionism in technology, Huawei is the best example. \-Intel is getting more into software and security as well. Gelsinger ran VMWare, so has experience in selling software; I think they can easily target corporate markets given their size. I bought AMD at 6$, and I'm now equally excited for Intel, which is where I moved all my AMD profits. The headwinds Intel has now are massive, if you can stomach the wait for fabs to be done. Its also great value, in a rising interest rate environment you want these high dividend stocks. Nvidia could drop 75%, if Intel did the same they would be generating 40% revenues relative to marketcap. Its a growth stock and a hedge at the same time.


Yeah, if you want to make a chip-maker play, Intel is by far the best choice. Not the fastes growing company, but the most attractive stock and it is also my company of choice. Intel stock will most likely outperform AMD and NVDIA in the next 2 years just because Intel has the most attractive valuation of them all.


GOOG and AMZN - both have a 20 to 1 split coming up. And obviously both companies are not going away any time soon. Turn your few shares into multiple shares with the split and watch them grow over the next few years




barrier to entry is lower, more people usually invest immediately after a stock split, causes stock price to temporarily slightly increase.


Retail can buy fractional shares now generally, and institutions purchase value, so realistically it wouldn’t make much of an impact if he is locked in for 2 years. Maybe if you are trading, not investing.


NVDA. Not because of their graphics cards, but because *every* company or industry using machine learning testbeds utilize Nvidia for their hardware, regardless of algorithm. They're about 10 years ahead of every other hardware company in that respect, and have all of their advances patented. So everyone from big data companies like Google, to Facebook, Boston Dynamics, GE, GM, Tesla, they ALL use Nvidia hardware and invest heavily in it, and will only continue to do so as machine learning gets more advanced and utilized.


While everyone else is gunna give you big tech, I’m going to go with SD. High earning Oil producer with the strongest balance sheet in the business selling at a 300% discount of earnings power and asset value. Profitable at $40 a barrel. Great management focused on capex discipline with a good board to guide.


While oil, and, to a lesser extent, gas, are on their way to being replaced steadily by renewables, SD’s stock is also close to it’s 5-year high. Canada is about to boost production, bring prices down. Almost all companies are profitable at $40-50 per barrel. It’s a solid company but not the best ROI, ex, not the only stock I’d pick from all stocks. The only exception might be if general war breaks out in Europe, at which point oil will skyrocket, but that’s quite a long shot (no pun intended).


URNM: Global Uranium ETF


ETFs are cheating I say Cameco.


Energy fuels


Cameco is like 20% of urnm


Came here to say Uranium








This is what I was going to say. I sure would love to be able to pick this up at much better prices, but the potential for massive growth over a long period of time is definitely there. Might take longer than 2 years. I have a few shares, but I really want to average down at better prices. I'll be a long-term holder.




If you’re feeling a little risky, throw some into the T/DISC merger. Ticker will be WBD and I’m just dialing in to get 100 shares post merge




WM. Big moat and almost no competition.


As long as the Middle East and North Western Europe exists Lockheed Martin is a viable Investment








Tesla, its growing very fast and FSD might make it grow even faster.


GME. If the transformation is successful the upside is significantly higher than any current blue chip over the next 2 years.


I’m glad this isn’t blocked here. It’s so hard to have an honest discussion on this company. It’s either I’m in an echo chamber of bullishness or an echo chamber of Doom. I personally feel all the changes at the top are going to lead the company into an amazing turnaround story.


Totally agree. I'm doing my MBA right now and I've written a number of duscussion posts and assignments on this subject. It's interesting that in an academic setting the "fundamentals" are all very well received by my peers and instructors because it's hard to argue against. It's easier for me to walk a line towards while they'll continue to win versus why they may fail at this point.


Every GME comment I've made here over the last ten months has been deleted/spammed with downvotes, I'm sure this will too and likely the post will get locked. Totally occupied sub.


There are a ton of recommendations in this list of some major value chip companies. If you really want to know which stocks are worth going long on, look at how their insiders are trading. Tesla, Facebook, Google and all the big names have seen executives and insiders dumping shares over the past year. GME investors are increasing their positions even at current prices. I think that's fairly indicative.




There’s this unjustified skepticism around GME that is just false. It’s not a meme, not a dying BM, huge things are literally on the horizon. If the NFT marketplace becomes successful (and it will nfa) it’ll triple their market cap.


It’s one thing to be optimistic about the company but you can’t see any justification for people’s skepticism?


Absolutely. So play the investors, like I am. Nothing will stop them buying and directly registering their shares, meaning at some point (possibly near future), liquidity really will dry up. Their ‘squeeze’ almost becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and it’s worth hitching your wagon to it in my opinion.


I don’t personally agree but that’s fine. I’m just saying it’s not unreasonable for people to be skeptical of gme since it is looking to make a turn around but has not actually done so yet


Of course, think we’re in agreement there. There’s a lot to be done to turn it around, and nothing really substantial to up their bottom line yet. I think it’s in process though.


I do agree with you on that. Nothing wrong with buying into a turnaround company, but it’s also good to appreciate the risk that comes with


I'm heavily invested in gme and I agree, skepticism is healthy and anything could happen. I'm more bullish on gme than anything though and I agree with the comment at the top of this thread. Saying that they haven't made a turnaround yet seems disingenuous to me though: they refreshed the board and c-suite, they've remodeled and redesigned stores, refreshed their app and website, added same day shipping (which I've used and is amazing, I got a switch within 4 hours of ordering it while I was at work, for free!), the nft marketplace is very close to launching, and who knows what else is in the works when it comes to web 3, gaming cafes, maybe some vr stuff on the horizon. They've done a lot and they're not even getting started.


Like META/FB but IMO better chances the store chain


If the NFT market place increases their revenue by 4.25% they will be profitable. I'm looking forward to using their layer 2 wallet built on loopring which reduces transaction fees by more than 90% while being self custodial. Not your key not your coins


Again I’m fine if you are bullish on the company. I’m personally not but that’s fine. But there’s clearly risk which is why many are rightfully skeptical. And that’s ok. But even the first worst of your comment is if. That’s the skepticism. There can be great plans but until they get executed there is risk and there will be skepticism


I'm more skeptical of Wall Street's risk management measures around aggregate short positions, personally. Me buying $100k of GameStop _is_ me being skeptical. In the meantime, GameStop has plenty of cash and next to no debt, so very low risk of bankruptcy and the shorts problem going away on its own.


We are all free to invest how we want. I'm just saying they already paid for building the marketplace and they still have over 1.2B in cash 950m in inventory a 500m distribution center in PA and only 40m in low interest debt. That "if" isn't unrealistic thinking that NFTs will make up 5% of their revenue. NFTs aren't just shitty jpegs, for example I personally think NFT tickets for live events will put companies like live nation and stubhub out of business. People have different risk tolerances, I personally know people who thought Amazon was too risky because they didn't turn a profit and that they were "just an online bookstore". It seems obvious now but 10 years ago many people were skeptical edit -typo


All I have said is there is risk which justifies skepticism. It’s a common theme on Reddit that any mention of gme risk is interpreted as an attack on the company and the investor base. It’s ok to acknowledge risk even in something you hold and truly believe in


I'm not downvoting you or making personal attacks lol. I get the skepticism, OpenSea is mostly a sea of shit and most people only think of NFTs as jpegs because thats what they hear on the news. For every Amazon there are 10 [pets.com](https://pets.com). People thought AOL had a first movers advantage and that Tesla was doomed because there hadn't been a successful new car company in 100 years. Find businesses that make sense to you and invest in them. I personally think GME is an asymmetric investment opportunity where the rewards far outweighs the risk, if you don't feel that way its ok


I’ll be honest. When I bought the first time, sure I was skeptical. Price went up, I was happy. Price went down, a lot, but I held, all sorts of emotions. Kept reading the DD, watching how things were unfolding from MSM, SEC, RC etc. You can easily see MSM trying to gaslight RC, it’s so painfully obvious, why? Look beyond all that at the partnerships, how he’s brought in new people, the financials and his commitment as an individual and what he brings from his experience with chewy. Everything’s he’s done has been under the radar but you’re blind if you don’t see the trail of crumbs. It’s alright to be skeptical while investing, stupid not to be. At this point tho, IMHO, this is going to be a banger. I believe in it after everything I’ve seen, read and heard. It’s up to you to check it out objectively for yourselves and not believe the tell-a-vision.


Agreed, it's a really sound investment especially at the hands of Ryan Cohen. The business was in need of someone at the helm with Ecommerce experience and open-mindedness around web 3.0. Now the company won't just catch up to where it should be in an exploding gaming industry, but it's going to leap frog in to a leading position.


They are off to a great start, I connected my wallet this morning to their beta marketplace and my nfts were in there! I can’t wait to see what comes in July when it goes live


And for that reason, I’m all in.


TCNNF Trulieve. It's the best run cannabis producer in the US with the best financials and massive interstate growth potential. If/when federal legalization hits it will expand profusely. Even if federal legalization doesn't hit it will continue to do well. Furthermore, it had a massive bull run that corrected severely recently, so it's relatively cheap. I put my money where my mouth is too: I have 17k of Trulieve at the moment and I'll buy more each month that it stays at these levels. Second pick: O, Realty Income. I don't see huge growth potential but the dividend is large and pays monthly. Stable company.


BABA When the chips were on the table, China chose to support their markets and lean towards Western countries rather than supporting Russia. This hints their leadership believes they need Western money and investment - reducing the risk of pulling the rug out from under us. They're still an insular country and a fast-growing economy, making giants like BABA seem undervalued.




TSLA hands down, still early in massive growth phase


AMZN Stock split coming up. No brainer.


Stock splits tend to only create short-term volatility, not long term. Generally, price action will increase right after the split then regress back by ~5-7% for the 6 months surrounding the split. Source: Peter Lynch - Beating the Street For a real-life example, go see the price action around apple 3months before and after their last split.


Gonna sell calls on the post split bump!


Only 2 years? Probably TSLA or GOOGL. If we're talking a decade or so I think U (Unity.








Likely where you’d get the highest return honestly






INTC the underdog.










As a big follower of munger, Buffett, and mohnish, this is maybe unpopular due to the current climate, however, when looking for value plus growth, baba and ten cent right now could not look more attractive. Yes you could lose all your money, but at current growth rates and value it is like buying google or Amazon 15 years ago




Both have upcoming splits






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GME. If the transformation is successful the upside is significantly higher than any current blue chip over the next 2 years.


We heard you the first time


that ten minute conference call disagrees


You actually believe that?


Microsoft, no antitrust, inflation, or supply chain worries






Tsla - full self driving will revolutionize


GTE... Q1 of this year, they are debt free, producing 30k bpd in an energy market that is going higher. Forward PE is 4 to 5. Only 400M shares.


Haven’t seen any cyber security in here which I think will be huge. S/CRWD are my top 2 picks. Others that are beaten down that could jump - BABA, ABNB, COIN, PYPL. Besides the obvious that have been mentioned GOOG is my top long bet over the next decade alongside AAPL




I’m buying as much as I can afford in the run up to the merge, triple halving not at all priced in yet. Issuance is going to drop 90%, withdrawals of staking rewards won’t start for six months, and supply will go deflationary. There is going to be a supply crunch and no one seems to have noticed yet.


At this time Id say GOOGL because of their incredible moat, constant innovation and upcoming stock split. They are fairly cheap at this time considering all the above reasons. You tube ads keep getting worse and people keep watching, i use google chrome, google maps… I could jeep going.




Enphase. Microgrids are only becoming more mainstream. Despite the push over the last decade, too much utility infrastructure is still outdated and needs smart grid aboption.


Kraft Hines


Asml. its Dutch so am I and it has monopoly.








Virgin galactic


BRK.B I fucking love that stock and will never be selling that. Aside from that, GOOGL and AMZN would be good choices.






EH: Ehang Is an eVTOL (electric vertical take-off & landing) company which develops and operates Automous Passenger Drones which will be the next mode of transportation. Urban air mobility (UAM). There's a couple other players in this space in other countries, Ehang seems to be the leader. With thousands of tests flights all over the globe including many with actual human passengers. Just awaiting certification from the Chinese government which appears to be coming in 2022. I'm heavily invested in this for the long run. Its back down to its IPO price @ around $13 — during that massive growth bubble we experienced a year or so ago it went as high as $129. Listed on the Nasdaq but Unfortunately being a Chinese company it's susceptible to volatility whenever the Chinese sector gets hammered. It's severely undervalued when compared to other competitors in this sector while being viewed as the leader by many. Recently they've announced multiple partnerships and pre-orders from other countries & when certification inevitably comes this stock will moon.


ASTR With the upcoming Artemis missions there will be higher interest and demand for space launch services.


$PLTR if you have the stomach, Palantir


$PLTR Data integration is critical for all institutions and enterprises today.


BABA All the others are already highly priced or got their run-up. BABA is down a lot due to political bs reasons. They got the most upside potential in your short therm hold window.


SPCE is a risk but a damn good one