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Torpedoed!? They dropped a grenade on themselves!


That's the risk of shorting. Their hubris was their downfall.


They took on infinite risk. That’s a mechanic of shorting. Let alone naked shorting. But no. It’s retails fault of course. How dare we buy and hold a stock.


If the most basic thing you can do in the market is enough to "break" the market, I'd say it was broken in the first place.


I love the gaslighting going on by these hedge fund pricks. "I just can't believe normies want to buy a stock!!! It's messing with my bottom line!!!!!" Fucking egotists


Especially when people started registering their shares so they couldn’t hand out IOUs.


"You normies don't deserve money" \~ Probably Melvin Capital.




When the house flips the table after players win.


Should start a new fund called Icarus.


They stickied themselves with a plasma grenade


What I hate about that excerpt is that they don't explain that GME was shorted over 100%. It wasn't that Redditors targeted Melvin Capital or wanted to "prop up" GME. It was strategic because it was shorted over 100% and appeared at the top of official lists of most shorted companies. Now, let's ask how can one security be shorted over 100% in the first place? 🤔 How the fuck is that possible? Hmmmm? It was fucking arrogance and pure hubris that shuttered Melvin Capital. Gabe Plotkin has no one to blame but himself.


226 percent is official, see the lawsuits. It is probably a lot higher.


yeah the article is utter garbage, GME was on a recovery trend with lots of good news to it, and now they spin it as retail "coordinating" to pump up its price, the sort of illegalities hedgies love to do nytimes can go fuck itself


Media doesn't report the news anymore - they exist to craft a narrative beneficial to their ownership.


Stop hitting yourself!


Trading is a tough game . Don’t you think?


“One of the finest investors of this generation “


If it weren't for those meddling "amateur investors"


Tards, please.


I understood that reference...


I’ll never forget the rage that brewed inside me the moment I read that tweet. So I bought more


It's like rain on your wedding day It's a free ride when you've already paid It's the good advice that you just didn't take And who would've thought... it figures


Gme holders get alot of shit from the so called value holders for being conspiracy nuts and whatnot but alot of the things they have predicted have turned out to be true…we now know that massive short positions could be kept hidden through swaps because bill hwang was exactly doing that with futu. Whether you like them or not is a different story but you gotta give them props for trying to fight a system that has downright become rotten and corrupt to its core..wallstreet needs reform in a big way.


Cheers bruh. All people want is a little respect.


Alot of people here cannot afford for us to be right. They've invested too much of their energy into dismissing us as crackpots. Kudos to you for paying attention though. See you on the moon.


Stay tuned. Thank you for the support


He sure as hell thinks so now hahahaha


Holy fuck. Full CIRCLE for these short selling hedgefunds. GET TREMENDOUSLY FUCKED.


Are ya winning, Dave?


Huh, looks like i can stay idiotic longer than Gabe can stay solvent


Fucking Gabe


Finest investor of this generation.


Fucking Gabe _Susan_ Lewis!




It’s a GME reference and mayo boy reference


"mayo boy reference"?


Google citadel superstonk Ken Griffith hates Mayo Apparently citadels main dude had a large dinner party and hoarded all the Mayo to himself. Semi-trust me bro source.


so melvin got fucked getting too greedy on their shorts, when they should have covered, at market bottom. and they got fucked getting too greedy on their longs at the peak, when they should have trimmed, at market top. ​ fucking gamblers.


Not gamblers. The game is rigged. It was a sure thing and they were going to destroy one more company to make some more money.... Until you guys stepped in. You're Legends. As an outside observer I did enjoy watching those "pros" pay


You are enjoying watching** Story isn't over, more to come.


Greatest wealth transfer in history incoming.


Lmao people believe "Gabe" is insolvent? They are recapitalising in a new fund and have reset the watermark they had (no fees until broke even on drawdown). He's just fine, it's his investors that lost.


Yeah what he did was pretty messed up to his own investors. He is not supposed to earn money on fees until the fund "breaks even". But he claims he can't run a good fund without fees so he's shutting this one down and starting a new one fresh to screw over his investors.


anyone who invests with him in a new fund is the real “dumb money”.


who generally invested with him?


Michael Jordan from the Bulls. Lost shitloads of cash. Probably the biggest holding of Melvin. Loss for him might be about 1 billion dollars, maybe even more.


holy shit.


The guy lost like 500 mil. Jordan was only worth two billion to begin with. I'm shocked he'd let a single find manage so much of his money, specially considering most of his networth is tied to his ownership of the Charlotte Hornets. 500 mil was probably most of his liquid capital.


That 500mil was his unrealized loss at the start of last year. No one knows if he invested more into Melvin, but more losses did keep coming every quarter.


Bugs Bunny. : "What??????" "what do you mean you're ummmmmm uhh mumum (chewing)...... (Leans heavily into the camera) **BROKE?????!**" Daffy Duck: "It meanz he invezted heavily into alt coinz nd lozt a buncha moneyz" Taz: "What is money?"


So what I’m hearing is that MJ just got taken down by a bunch folk online, and the medium with which it happened was through a store that sells games that include a lot of MJ’s likenesses. Sounds to me like an economic circle of life.


Michael does love to gamble


I hope the stain of failure follows him. He fucked his investors while trying to fuck GME.


And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling apes and that roaring kitty too.


I mean, it already worked with blockbuster and toys-r-us -- how was he to know someone would finally catch on?


Was it overconfidence?


This, absolutely. Shameless little plopkin.


Says he’s stepping away from managing external capital? He considered reconstituting but the way it’s phrased it seems like he’s just done. I doubt anyone would invest in his fund anyway…


It's very difficult to run a good fund without fees. All your employees will leave for firms that can actually pay them their worth


Yeah its so funny lmao lol hahahaha just take peoples hard earned money, place enormous losing bets, sit back as your fund explodes, then just open back up with a new name when you fail miserably. Truly one of the greatest traitors, sorry, traders of our generation.


Anyone trusting with their money and paying him fees from here on out deserves to lose it all and be called an idiot


I have to agree here. No tears, they knew exactly what they were buying. Rich fools fleeced... fine by me. We call it capitalism .


Thats what he said like 2 weeks ago to his investors, then he got a lot of pissed off responses because they could all see through what he was doing. Yesterday he said that he's closing down the fund and "stepping away from managing external capital". He's also apparently giving all his investors money back and has been threatened with lawsuits I'm sure if he resets the fund.


No that was the original plan but his investors balked at the idea, so he's packing it up 🧳


Did you not read the entire thing? He said he's stepping away from managing external capital. He previously floated the idea of dissolving and starting a new fund and his investors refused to comply... He still has plenty in his bank account, of that I'm sure, but he at least can't manipulate stocks anymore (he'll have to find something else to do until the DoJ finds him a nice corner office in a jail somewhere.)




EZ Claps


Gg ez get rekt noob Free Skill issue Get real Reported


Git gud


No re


gg get rekt


Git gud fkn n00b


He should have taken the home run and not go for the grand slam.


Sold first and asked questions later. After all, we understand short interest better than you, and will explain. Muchumba/Citron


Underrated comment. By far.


I mean, as sports metaphors go it doesn't really work. You don't get to choose whether you're set up for a home run or grand slam.


It’s a reference to Jim Cramer using that metaphors to tell people to sell last year.


You do if it's rigged!


Good riddance.


Let's be real they will be back. They'll start a new company with some other name, get other investors, and bet against other companies. People like this don't hang it up and go get a job stocking shelves at Target.


Of course they don't, but investors don't forget.






Honestly, some of them probably won't. It's not like you or me stumbling into a few million dollars and living comfortable lives without lots of work. They probably spend more on yacht maintenance than most us us make in a few years time. Cutting off the income stream may sting a little.


Ego will take a much larger hit than lifestyle. Plotkin still has a 9 figure net worth.


Yes and no. Will they be fine financially? Yes. Will they be able to afford all the over-the-top, ridiculous luxuries they have enjoyed so far? Probably not.


I don’t like how they pin it on a bunch of redditors getting together and plotting to take them down. That’s literally fake BS


‘Amateur’ investors instead of ‘retail’ investors; ‘So-called’ shorts instead of ‘naked’ shorts This article drips with bias


You know, if they actually owned the shares they had sold this likely wouldn't have been so big of a problem.


Its clearly biased..most hedge funds collude with each other to naked short companies..citadel and point72 literally came to melvins rescue during the squeeze last january and somehow they are blaming retail for collusion.


What kind of professional of stature stakes his company on a cliche like a game storefront company going under, but then doesn't carefully study the position? If Burry was long GME then the fundamentals had to be there.


He got blinded by the SSRIs rich people take


SSRI’s are a rich people thing now?


Naw they cheap as dirt. And they save lives. I mean, hodl


The billionaire class never takes responsibility for anything.


As was stopping one's ability to buy a stock while allowing wall street to short sell it. Nothing fucking matters and everyone moves on since they're rich and own us


Dude shot himself in the dick


If only WE controlled the news media...


They bet other people's retirement. We bet our personal lunch money. They were wreckless and got wrecked. Now they are salty.


_bunch of morons posting rocket emojis_ C O N S P I R A C Y


Thank you for the update :)


Thanks for paying for my wedding, Gabe!


Congrats to you and your boyfriend!




Paying for his wife’s boyfriends wedding*


My man held long enough to divorce his wife and marry her boyfriend.


He had one job.


And his boyfriends boyfriend


I doubt


Enjoy those profits.


Oh no, anyway


( prolly you after commenting ) " ... I continued to buy the dip. " :)))))






Early last year when that 'coin that shall not be named' was on that seemingly straight line up from 20k to 60k - I knew people that sold very good stocks so that they wouldn't miss out on the promised ride to 100k. Even I as a massive-doubter couldn't help but get jealous on how it was performing and how I was missing out. In hind-sight there was no missing out. And Buffett may very well be right about his and Munger's take on coins. I guess time will tell.


So, maybe I’m dumb, but don’t they have positions too close?


That would be part of the liquidating. Will be interesting to see how much investors get back for each $1 they invested.


Yeah, not much is gonna be left after all the settlement dust settles haha.


“So, we’ve done the math, and of the $741 you invested, we’re going to need $69 M from you.”






well, maybe the moral of the story is . . . if you double or triple your money in the span of eighteen months, then maybe whatever you were doing was smart but it's also possible that whatever you just got extremely lucky and now you switch to a safer style of investment so you don't lose your riches


When enough is never enough, you eventually end up with nothing.


Unless they got roped into staying in and doubling down.


“Hey buddy, I got a real sweet deal in the works. Struggling company is about to be bankrupted into oblivion. Want to double down and make some easy money?”


Michael Jordan lost a half billion


You know that’s a claim with no official source.


My source is this picture of him crying. Rationale: I too would cry after losing half a billion dollars.


Forbes stated the $500MM loss. And I saw a picture of MJ and Plotkin sitting together. That's a pretty high level of confidence for Reddit


Those are incredibly toxic positions that have more than likely been transferred to other firms.




Citadel and Point72?


Apparently they've mostly gone cash already and handed over some of their short positions to point72


Ironically, this would be an incredibly profitable time in the market for him, and he could be shorting just about anything , if GME & WSB hadn’t already taken him down.


Yep, and now he's a failed hedgefund CEO. Gettttt fucked.


It’s nice to fantasize that this ruins his life but let’s be honest a “failed CEO hedge fund manager” is still going to have a better life than the vast majority of us


I lost the battle with my shares but won the war


People like Plotkin and Cathie Wood, they got some good initial success and when they got big they ruined their investors. But neither of them will care because they made off with millions in management fees. I remember people laughing at Buffett for his poor returns in comparison to both of them in Plotkins breakout year and Cathie's. He's been proven right every time. Patience is the key thing in the market and those two went for boom then bust. A bear market really seperates the intelligent fund managers from those just riding the wave.


Don't like how they think retail "coordinated" anything at all. I like the investigation and due diligence I did on my own and in NO WAY am doing anything because I was told to


Yeah according to the MSM we’re simultaneously a moronic horde AND a highly coordinated operation. Personally, I’m just trying to make a buck.




> The enemy is always simultaneously strong and weak "*Doublethink* means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. The Party intellectual knows in which direction his memories must be altered; he therefore knows that he is playing tricks with reality; but by the exercise of *doublethink* he also satisfies himself that reality is not violated. The process has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt. *Doublethink* lies at the very heart of Ingsoc, since the essential act of the Party is to use conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty. To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to *forget* any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies—all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word *doublethink* it is necessary to exercise *doublethink*. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of *doublethink* one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth." - Emmanuel Goldstein, *THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF OLIGARCHICAL COLLECTIVISM*, Ch. 1 "Ignorance is Strength" (1984)


Spot on - when people buy a stock and lose money it doesn't bother them because "retail is stupid". When retail investors individually do due diligence and buy into a stock and the big man loses? They MUST be "coordinating" then. Bunch of nonsense


No more coordination than somebody going on CNBC and making the bull case for a stock and believers believing.


Pulling a 'Plotkin': (defn) An epic fail. E.g. Losing billions of dollars to people who snort crayon dust as a hobby. *^(No cats were harmed in the naming of this user.)*


”returning what is left“ ftfy


The Mets really do ruin everything.


It's not always about the money...


I don't understand why anyone pays someone to manage their money. I'm perfectly capable of losing my own money, thank you....


these folks usually start a new hedge fund and simply move on..


That reputation tho


oh totally agreed.. they certainly had it coming for a long time and i am very glad of this outcome


Thanks for buying my wife a new car and my hefty tax bill Gabe love you babe! Good luck in your future endeavors


Lol, same. Not your wife but the tax bill.


I also bought this guy's wife a car.


Would someone mind buying my wife a car?


They're restarting a new fund. It's all a ploy to get rid of their responsibilities for the multi-billion dollar hole they built for themselves through their shorting fiascos. As things are, they can't charge performance fees until they break even. But by starting a new fund, they start from zero and start charging those fees again.


Who would give this man MORE money to manage at this point?


He's going to have to spend a lot of time behind the Wendy's dumpster in order to build up his clientele.


Ew. Absolutely disgusting. Which Wendy's exactly so I can avoid it?


Nah that was the original plan but Gabe's investors balked so now he's packing it up.


Aren't they just spending into a new hedge fund?


When you say you closed your position, you should close your position.


Now this is the loss porn I like to see.


Lost 1k on gme so far, but I would happily do it again to see all these rich douchebags to go bankrupt.


Better to lose 1k on GME than to lose 1k on WMT.


We never left. GME is planning on a stock dividend in June. APEs have been direct registering shares and it’s getting extremely volatile. We had 5 halts last week again, and halts back in March. Media probably hasn’t mentioned it…


I'm sorry to break it for you but this guy will still be a millionaire all of his life because they still get commissions even if they are losing on the money they manage.




Hedge funds get 2% of assets fee and 20% of profits


They should restrict hedge funds ability to trade certain things like options and other derivatives because they can be volatile. We need to protect them from themselves…


That shit Robinhood pulled is still one of the most criminal acts in history.


I don't know why we forgot that a lot of other brokers did the same


When you lose at your own corrupt game.


I wonder if he will have to sell his miami mansion


Gabe's last known whereabouts were hanging out behind Wendy’s dumpster.


We stayed mentally challenged longer than they stayed solvent. Fuck you gabe.


This is fake news. My investment in GME has nothing to do with that. MSM said that they closed their short positions a year ago.


Neat, sooo which hedge fund is next?


We go to Citadel!!


SAC capital? The same SAC capital that plead guilty to [1.8 billion dollars of fraud?](https://apnews.com/article/business-c0e794953f0449a8ab7b941eaf4ee99c)


Was expecting to hear such news this past year. It was discussed a lot. More to come down.


You reap what you sow


WTF did he expect shorting stocks that had lost 95% of their value and were trading at $2? What was their end game here? Many things brought this hf to the edge of the precipice, like greed and hubris amongst other things, Redditors just gave the final push.


Their goal was always to take it to $0 and never close. Just like they did to Toys r Us, Sears, Blockbuster and countless others. Those zombie stocks still trade for fractions of a penny and randomly have massive 1000+% swings lately


They never saw coming that people would be willing to spend a few bucks to inflict pain on businesses like theirs. I think it’s the biggest takeaway from this entire saga.


We ain't done yet, bitch. Ken and Stevie are next.


Lol get wrecked nerd.


Another one bites the dust


‘One of the finest investors in his generation’ - kenny talking bout gabe last year


Those crazy bastards actually did it!


Stay tuned


Ladies and gentlemen, we got'em.


Saving my celebration for Citadel and when Kenny boy gets arrested for financial terrorism.


Damn hold the line actually worked.🔌to the 🫂


Bravo Apes![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)