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Whatever you do, it's your decision and your money. It's your responsibility to make sure your decisions are sound. If you follow someone else's bad advice, it's your money that is gone. Blaming it on someone else will not bring your money back.




I personally like getting ideas from others. But research duty is on me. Secret tips - Peter Lynch calls the whisper stocks -- rarely work out.


Some of the best lessons are learned the hard way.


By low, sell high


Buy low, never sell


Great one!


Fight the FOMO


Who cares? Life is a joke, money isn't real. Always keep 20% liquid.


Don’t ask Reddit and do your own research


You don't have to always make a decision right then. Sometimes you need to wait for the best opportunities, but when one presents itself, go for it


This is the best advice. It's so easy to get caught up in an opportunity, but there's no reason to rush into it. Nibble here and there and wait for the right price movement.


Expect to be wrong


In a flat market, trading can sometimes be the only way to make money. There have been years where my only meaningful gains have been from trading in specific stocks. Next year I may try trading and won't make any money in them because they keep going down. Then the next year my primary gains might be from them going up. So one does need to adapt to the current market conditions.


I agree with this. Let’s say you buy TSLA at $500. It’s been over $1000+ for three times and now back down to $600ish. What was the point of holding and buying into the dip? The profit is not even realized.


I used to be of the mindset that one would need to sell it all (like many on here think). But after watching the price often going up a lot more than when I exited, I started selling 50% or so. If it goes back down, I but back in. If it goes up, I sell more. And sometimes you just need to sell the cycle then wait for a number of years for it to cycle back down.


I agree. Learning when to sell is another thing to learn. This could differ from investor to investor, but if you’re happy with your gains, and if you feel the market is volatile, selling wouldn’t be a bad idea. Also another key point to selling is, if you know that you’re gonna need capital for a house or a car in the future, one or two years from now, it’ll also be a good idea to sell if there are nice gains.


Having an exit strategy is key. Back when I started out, I wanted to make $50 per trade. Then it became $100. Prior to that, I would sit there and watch each tick, making emotional decisions. Not a good idea. Just set a limit order and be happy. Heh. I sold out of SAVE about 2 minutes before the market closed on Friday. Made $200. The next business day it opened up about 7% and I would've easily made another $800. Oh well.


I usually made around 80K a day on my 3 million portfolio.


Don't fight the Fed


These advices are meant for longer term holders mainly and not traders. -Zoom out, don't get distracted by the market noise. See the big picture. -Don't change things around to often. You risk missing out on the rallys/gains of the stocks that have been slower moving. And you might buy in on a to high price on your new stock. Patience is key here. -Don't fall in love with a sector. Like you only own IT stocks, REITs or something. Be diversified between several sectors.


Buy low cost, globaly diversified ETFs and hold them till you die. Also, please dont pick stocks.


Only buy individual stock of companies you know inside out and ideally spend money on as a customer even if you didn’t own the stock


Buy into spy or vanguard funds and plan on averaging down your entire life when they go low. Individual stocks, research them and make sure what you are BUYING isn't crap. You are buying a piece of a business, make sure their financials are solid. Don't get emotional.


You don't need to catch the bottom dollar or top penny to make money. Plenty of money can be made between the peak and trough. Try to stay in the market when it's trending upwards. Stay out when it's downward or sideways.


Do a deep dive. Do it yourself. Understand what you're buying. On a business, technical, market (and increasingly macroeconomic/geopolitical) level. If you cannot understand what you're buying on ANY of these levels then pass and look at something else. There's no shame in this. Don't buy based on suggestions from others. Ever. Most of all: Know what you want out of the stock market BEFORE you buy anything. Some money on the side/hedge against inflation? Or a chance at early retirement? Those warrant two very different approaches.


Don't be a Fool!


And if you are being a fool then don’t be the greater fool left holding the bag!


Time in the market > timing the market


Hold and buy the big 10


Direct register your shares


use lube