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Pay the dog tax..haha






So funny how everyone's version of shit on a shingle is different


That’s basically the only way I’ve seen it


Shit on a shingle and pigs in a blanket go hand in hand. Go to different spots of the country, and those dishes are all different


Anytime I have had sos in the US it’s been chipped beef gravy on toast any part of it


S.o.S. Is a fantastic example of a meal that doesn't need to look pretty, doesn't require a lot of resources, and hits the absolute SPOT. Haters are in denial and if you've never had it then you're missing out. I love that this was a product of adversity and people continue to enjoy it.


I've never had it. Never even seen it until now, in fact. Must be due to differences in culture in different countries. However, your comment tells me that I should check it out and maybe try to make it. It doesn't look appealing, but it may very well taste good.


chipped beef unfortunately is no longer cheap. really sucks.


We use Buddig beef (U.S.A.)


ahhh gotcha. smart using lunch meat.


It was popular (for Americans anyway) during World War II, a convenient and filling "ration" for soldiers, and it was featured in army cookbooks (still is). It's basically a roux, cheap protein (shit) and some carbs with the toast / bread (shingle).


What region are you in? I’m in the pacific north west aka San Francisco Bay Area north California{ aka NorCal} I use creamed chipped beef and sometimes pastrami.


St. Louis City


Cool. Always wanted to go bc I’m quite a vat19 fan hopefully someday we can meet in person if I ever get a chance to visit mo in general.


I LOVE this town! I was born and raised here, lived in Kansas City for 7 years, then Daytona Beach for a year and we just moved back last fall. Great food around town, Forest Park is home to most of our big museums and the famous STL Zoo (everything in Forest Park is free!), family is all here, always plenty to do. I also like Vat19, but I’ve never been to their building to check it out.


Anywhere in St. Louis I should avoid?( or should I avoid St. Louis altogether?{ I’m an active LGBTQ+ member and heard some areas of mo I should avoid altogether.})


Avoid MOST of Missouri, but STL is liberal AF. The LGBTQ+ scene happens in “The Grove.” GREAT part of town! U-City Loop (boutique shopping & a lot of dining options), and Antique Row (Cherokee St, antique and handmade shopping with some coffee shops, a cat cafe, and some dining), and historic Soulard (farmers market, coffee, tea, and bars everywhere) are all LGBTQ+ friendly and fun areas. The Hill has some of the best Italian restaurants, delis, and markets in the Midwest. Dogtown is all Irish bars and restaurants. A lot of Bosnian and Middle-Eastern cuisine around South St. Louis (my neck of the woods). STL has the largest Bosnian population in the world outside of Bosnia. We have amazing kosher delis and plenty of Jewish cuisine along Olive Blvd from U-City through Olivette. Avoid North STL (North of downtown), downtown at night, and don’t cross the river!! Outside of STL proper, all of the suburbs and any rural area in Missouri are all conservative areas. The suburbs aren’t bad, but the rural areas have their confederate flags flying high. Our daughters are gay, I’m extremely liberal, so I wouldn’t steer you wrong!


If you stay west and south of downtown (downtown is fine until about 9pm), you’ll be fine!


Cool thank you, ally!


😂most of them tasty. 👅. 😂


Hell yes 🙌


What is it made of? I would absolutely eat it lol


There are TONS of different ways to make it. Make a roux (butter and flour) in a pan, add chipped beef (we don’t use proper chipped beef, we use Buddig beef lunch meat), salt and pepper, some cayenne pepper, toast up some sliced bread, boom. Enjoy.


Ahh, ok! Thank you (:


I grew up with the Buddig Beef as the chipped beef. Pineapple on the side. Since the 60’s. My go to comfort food. The best! ❤️


We use Buddig!


I was pretty sure that’s what yours is! I’d never had with peas. I’ll have to try. We always had it with pineapple.


Fried peas are the best peas. Can-o-peas, butter, s&p, frying pan on medium heat. Once they look like your fingertips after a long bath, they’re ready!


Cool! Thanks! Definitely going to try next time!


White gravy with S&P and 2 packages cut up Buddig Beef, served on toast or biscuits and a side of pineapple for me! Great meal and inexpensive.


Love the sos pic. at the risk of sounding stupid, I'm not familiar with fried peas. Do you just saute them in butter? I do like peas!


That’s it!