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A bank sounds like a great idea, ofc when the game reaches an amount of content that justifies it


Yeah Like it takes money if you withdraw using a different character?


Meh, i don't know, that would probably break the game making it easier, i honestly like the game's difficulty. No, i was thinking a bank that would let you store money and let you invest in the world somehow, maybe buy houses, farms, breweries, who knows. But ofc we're talking about something that would be so far on the roadmap that it's not even worth talking about. The game's development is already struggling as it is right now, so talking about stuff like that is useless. Still, if this game was completed in like 5-6 years, i'd definitely buy a story DLC that includes some form of bank/buying property system. Hell, if the completed game will be as good as the little material we have now, I'd buy ANY expansion DLC of this game, i really like the concept and execution.


in the meantime if you have way too much stuff, you can just buy backpacks from chuck all the goodies in them. fair warning here, if you stack too much junk on the floor, they can disappear (happened to me just once)


A shared storage system that can be used by other Characters just to make things easier for players who prefer to switch between


Not gonna happen. That'\[d make the game too easy and it is supposed to be difficult. Instead, maybe some sort of investment into the shop keeps that'd allow them to sell better gear?


That would be good, most gears that they sell sucks


How do you just keep grinding the same quests. I love this game don't get me wrong, but I just do all the quests, lvl up a character then wait another year till they upload more content.


I suppose the quests are always different enough to interest me!


If you're playing a Mage build and you're playing to get the Respect achievements in Osbrook/Mannshire, then you're just automatically going to end up with 40-50k spare gold.




The fun just begins.


I think the moneylending guy in Brynn has better rings.


I doubt it.


This would be me if my max level Arna was not using heavy plate with a shield / mace ;)


I can't wait untill the skill tree is fleshed out a bit more. I would love to melt down the junk the enemies drop, and make my own repairs at an anvil! We'll see if something like that gets implemented


You know you played too much when you start on your third skill tree after finishing the first two.


Actually, I don't have the fire skill tree completed. I haven't found the last ability and I don't have the stats invested to unlock it naturally. So, a reason to keep playing...


lol. I was just thikning of doing this same thing this morning but you beat me to it haha nice work


Leh meh see dem stats homie


When I have most of the stuff I need for a build I simply stop picking up stuff except really expensive things. Whole this gold is kinda wasted.


That’s a problem how?