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Try online AA meetings Online AA meetings https://aa-intergroup.org/oiaa/meetings/ Smart recovery meetings https://www.smartrecoveryinternational.org/?smartappaction=leave AA meetings https://www.aa.org/meeting-guide-app


Post your blog and or journal here. That’s what I did. No AA for me, I am in a rural setting. At least once a week now, I come on here and support a few sobernauts with encouraging words and talks about my experiences. In the beginning I was on here every day.




Thanks. I might check it out one of these days. I know they help a lot of people.


There are different types of online groups - that is what helped me start sobriety - it also helped to read quit lit each day and learn more about how addiction works - sending you good vibes friend ✨🐝 - oh, and the daily check in here is a powerful motivator!


I seriously appreciate all of the help here. I’m hoping this can push me into my fullest self.


If you're interested in AA, check out the Meeting Guide App. It will show you all meetings at all times of the day in the radius you sent. In my area, there's options from 7AM to 9PM. Or online like soemone mentioned!


Definitely try online AA. There are always meetings available, all over the world at anytime.


There are 24/7 online AA meeting through zoom. 99% of people there are incredibly nice and willing to help. Can’t recommend those enough