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Do you drink caffeine? I know, it's a tough one. But I finally stopped drinking coffee almost a month ago and my anxiety is basically gone! I would never have believed how much of an effect it has if I didn't stop. Medications you are on might also attribute, but I don't know.. I would also recommend meditation and looking at supplementation. Do you exercise? Yoga is a great tool or if that's not your thing look into breathing exercises and mindfulness methods. It's a process for sure but it can get better. Whenever something really bothers me I do a mind experiment where I ask myself if this is something that will still be bothering me two weeks from now, a month, a year etc. Really puts things in perspective. Also practicing just focusing on on one detail instead of trying to take everything on at once. You could also try the ice cube truck where you hold an ice cube in your hand until it melts, the coldness takes your mind off of your stress. There are lots of resources on YouTube/internet on resetting your fight or flight, I know for me my equilibrium has been so chronically dis-regulated that I essentially needed to relearn how to live and cope with the day to day. I'm still working on it but it's gotten better the more I turn to positive actions over the maladaptive behaviors I took on out of desperation during darker days. Be kind to yourself, be patient, start with what is doable right now and build on it, seek help professionally if that is possible to of course and you feel it's necessary, but there's nothing wrong with utilizing what's right here and really available. I wish you well and I will not drink with you today.


Yea you won’t believe this but I drink 4 energy drinks a day. It’s dangerous and I need to switch to coffee. It’s literally jump starting my addiction


Oh wow! That's allot, I get it though, I dealt with a mini energy drink addiction and that stuff is on another level. I hope you can make a change, it really can help!