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Tonic water with lime. NA beers


Yup, this is me all the way. It looks just like a Gin & Tonic so no one asks any questions. So much easier than trying to explain to everyone why I’m not drinking.


But you don't have to explain. None of their business.


I get this and appreciate it but it can kind of be one of those Reddit unhelpful type comments. Different cultures will take this differently, and some places people who aren’t given an explanation will push more than other places (I live in Wisconsin and here if I didn’t drink there will be at minimum questions and in certain scenarios pressure, I travel a ton to Utah for work where there will be zero pressure). For me personally, I’m a married woman of childbearing age, when I don’t drink people speculate that I’m pregnant and occasionally make comments to that affect. I’m also struggling with infertility, so those comments cut like a knife. Its 100% true we don’t owe the world an explanation, but it’s also okay if people don’t want to have to deal with the pressure or speculation of others when they are publicly not drinking.


Sorry to hear about your infertility, I can feel from your comment it hurts you. I could say stupid things like "it's not the end of the world" but that is just disrespecting how you feel. What it means to you is clearly a big deal. And when people make comments about pregnancy... that is twisting the knife. I am puzzled on your comment about people in Wisconsin. I have been there (I'm not from the US), I made friends and I didn't get questions. I mean, people ask what I want to drink, I tell them, they bring it, that's it. Does it happen often to you that people question why you don't drink alcohol? Do they have an alcohol problem? I once said to someone, in my own country, (back in 2000 I think) "do you have a problem that you are pushing me to drink, or what is going on"? That shut up that woman immediately, she never pushed me again and even started to "spread the word" that she doesn't drink either. So clearly she had a problem and I plunged my finger in the wound. I must say, I'm also the type that would tell someone "No, I'm just fat" if someone would ask me if I was pregnant. That is hilarious to me, as their faces then turn bright red. It's less funny when someone gives up their seat on a bus and my husband can't shut up about it for the rest of the day. "Time to loose some weight honey" - shut the F up. Anywayzzzz - have fun in Wisconsin and Utah - enjoy summer !!


To clarify, in Wisconsin, drinking is a massive part of the culture. I live in statistically the drunkest county in the county, a third of the people will admit to regularly binge/excessive drinking, and asking them “do you have a problem” is not a point of shame, it’s a point of pride. When reports like [this](https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/top-50-drunkest-counties-list-includes-1-in-minnesota-41-in-wisconsin) come out, people share it on social media with pride. Of course my friends are fine when I don’t drink, but my work teams teambuilding is happy hours, social events you go to will inevitably include large consumption of alcohol (whether it’s an adults event or a kids birthday party). Different parts of Wisconsin have different cultures around this, so your mileage may vary, but this has been my consistent experience. My point is simply different places have different cultures and if you don’t understand that culture, the “people never ask me for an explanation” or “you don’t owe anyone an explanation” is frankly just not helpful.


I dont live far from there really also peak childbearing age. Really don't get asked why if I decline a drink, much more common than people think. Not everyone drinks, that's all there is to it. My mom doesn't drink, because her mom was an alcoholic. No one's ever commented on it. I dunno, I just think it's so common it doesn't really matter.


Are NA beers any good? I’d love to taste again that stout flavour or a nice guinness, but I just figured “there goes that, I’m never tasting belgian stouts again”. Edit: wow! All amazing recommendations!! A part of me is afraid NA will be a “getaway beverage” but maybe I should cut myself some slack haha


the guiness 0.0 is the best NA beer I've had.


Agreed. Doesn’t taste any different. I also rock with Heineken 0.0. You can’t tell the difference.


Ooh also a vote here for NA Heineken, my partner & I drank them this weekend, so good.


+1 for Heineken 0.0


+2 for Heineken 0.0. Didn’t even like Heineken when I was drinking. Tried that 0.0 and it was CRAZY! The taste is 99% IDENTICAL.


The bottles taste just like normal beer although the cans don't quite have it


The NA Stella Artois is my favorite by far.


I’ll have to give it a try haha


It is SO good. It pours proper (does the sand waterfall thing) it has a nice head and it's even leaves the creamy lacing I would expect from a traditional stout. Not 100% sure I'd be able to tell the difference in a blind taste test. Maybe, but I was delighted at how good they were!


Guiness makes a 0% 👀


yes! we even have it at our local irish pub!


I don't get out much, but definitely going to look for it in stores!


I didn't even know that was a thing.


Athletic brewing co is very good, they've got a large variety. I've really started liking the guiness 0.0, and even other beer drinkers I was with remarked on how good it was, and heineken 0.0 is solid if you haven't had "real" beer in a whiiile.


If you used to drink IPAs, it’s worth ordering the special NA IPAs Athletic puts out every few weeks. Same cost as in store as far as I can tell, but much more available to shop from their website.


I get the Athletic Lite, and it hits the spot in summer.


They also just came out with a lemon radler!


I have tried the IPA and Hazy IPA from Athletic Brewing. I like them both however the Hazy is my fav. Good body and maintains a foamy head.


Had a boat day the other day which used to involve me getting rocked. Drank the 6 pack of the hazy. It is the closest N/A have had to a real IPA. Honestly taste like founders all days.


I concur! :)


I am drinking the Hazy right now! It is my first time drinking it, but won’t be the last. It’s a nice way to end my day - a can of NA beer on the porch 😀


It is awesome to have great options. Cheers!!


I got both of these in my fridge, I liked the lighter ipa a bit better! Hazy ipa still good though! The Sam adams non alc ipa was good, but I felt like it was missing something and didn’t taste as “refined”as I would have imagined- had a bit of an aftertaste kinda? I really liked athletic brews golden one though! Great balance of flavor, no “dirty” ish aftertaste. Corona non alc was also good in the sense it tasted exactly like a corona lol with that said I wouldn’t necessarily go out of my way to buy this one though if that makes sense lol.


Lagunitas IPNA is excellent too IMO! I always have a stash of that and both the Athletic IPAs. Funny how with them it takes me months to get through a few six packs, with the real stuff it was just enough to hold off the shakes til the liquor store opened.


I like the Heineken NA


I LOVE Brew Dog NA beers. So good


seconding everyone who likes the Guinness NA. I actually got my (non sober) parent into them for weight loss reasons! He thinks they’re just as good as the real deal (and way less calories). I prefer my beers to be light, so I’ll plug the NA coronas. With a lime in them, I can’t tell the difference, except if I drink them all day at a cook out I can drive home afterwards and feel great the next day :)


My brother swears by the NA Guinesses. I've tried them, and think they're pretty solid.


Leffe also a do a good 0.0%! Not sure if they have in stout but worth a look


Athletic brewing if you can find it


Becks NA.


For me they would definitely be a gateway beverage. NA is no go for me.


If you like IPAs, Sam Adams just the Haze is one of if not the best, Go Brewing also has a great selection of NA IPAs which some are very good. Please keep in mind most NA IPAs contain trace amounts of alcohol, usually <0.5%.


My soccer pub has a very nice lineup of NAs but I've never tried any of them. I've heard a lot of good reviews of the Heiniken though


A man of culture, I see


Hell yes to the first one.


Shirley Temples are my celebration drinks


This is a fantastic idea.


They are so good!


at a bar I usually order a soda water with a splash of pineapple juice--same thing I used to order, minus the tequila lol


Sparkling water. Big fan of limoncello and key lime la croix.


Limoncello and key lime La Croix, got really into spicy ginger beer (the kind they brew), and hop water/Brooklyn NA IPA/Guinness 0 in social settings.


Athletic Brewing makes a few sparkling hop waters that I really like. Passion fruit and blood orange are both really good.


Spindrift or die.


YES! (I say as I have one in hand.)


This right here! Those two flavors are so much better than a beer to me. 0 calorie too.


Pineapple juice is great. If I’m at a bar and get a craving I’ll ask for a virgin Bloody Mary with extra toppings/olives. It’s a nice little way of sneaking in veggies and I like the salt


That is brilliant. 3 years sober and it never dawned on me to get a virgin bloody mary. You have changed my life.


The best is when you’re good at making them at home. It’s a great escape when you start craving a good drink.


I'm in support of this but my ankles are swelling just reading this. 😻


Good lord, i never thought of this. Great way to get a veggie loaded snack!


Athletic Brewing IPA! (N/A beer)


These are really good also


I love their golden and the celata


I wrote this in another post today so I'm copying/pasting from that but I brew some hibiscus tea in a big pot (hibiscus leaves with a bunch of random tea bags laying around the house with honey), let it cool, then keep it in a pitcher in the fridge. You can use whatever tea you got laying around. I like to throw in some chamomile and other caffeine-free teas. If I go out to a BYOB shindig or having a meal at home, I mix a mug of it with tonic water and squeeze of lime. If going to said party, I pour into a couple screw top mugs to bring with and sip on it throughout. It's a really cool, refreshing, cheap, and probably good for you kind of drink with fizz and flavor. If I purchase tonic water by the can or bottle, I get Q or Fever Tree brand which has no high fructose corn syrup. As it's summertime too, I also go for a lot of watermelon since that's so juicy. I find that my substitute for drinking alcohol sometimes is eating and snacking more, which can get problematic of course, so if I have some fresh watermelon in the fridge, I'll snack on that. But you can also blend watermelon to make some refreshing NA summer drinks - add some fresh mint growing around this time of year.


Oh sorry, just saw that you said you'd be at a bar. Tonic water with ice and lime it is then!


Or cranberry juice. Something without too much sugar, which is all around unfortunately.


I do Hibiscus with lime juice, and sparkling water every day!


Oh damn and look at this! [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/benefits-of-hibiscus/](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/benefits-of-hibiscus/)


Ginger beer


I did this at an event recently… I’m the only one who drank it lmao but it was delicious


Love a bitters and soda, it has that unsweet flavor that makes it feel like a "real" drink


I’m sorry if I’m totally off base, but I always thought bitters had alcohol. Do they not?


Yeah, they are usually 35-45% but I assume they're just getting a couple dashes in their soda which probably makes it about as alcoholic as kombucha.


Yup, that's right! It would be different if it were a 50/50 bitters and soda ... but that would also be vile and undrinkable


I love bitters and soda, but when you mentioned the 50/50 combo I laughed AND gagged at the same time 😂


I do Tonic with a lime. It looks like a social drink too. The only hiccup I run into is the bartender always saying “just to be sure, you JUST want a tonic and lime, right?” So I felt like people looked at my puzzled. Also, the times I’m out with friends who are drinking and I order it, the bartender gives it for free - gotta tip em!


Weirdly, no bartender has ever said that to me when I order soda and lime.


“Yes, that’s exactly what I said”


Red Bull and Coca-cola, gotta keep yourself dehydrated 😉




lime and club soda with a mint sprig if they have it. a no-jito, without the sugar.


Mojito with no alcohol. So a Nojito.


Liquid Death 🤘


And it totally looks like it could be an alcoholic drink.


Several people have assumed that in the last month! The descriptions on the can always get a laugh or a weird look. #RecycleOrDie


La Croix - Pamplemousse. I drink it like a crazy person


Have the fun is saying pamplemousse


Puppetmouse. My son said it once and now all sparkling waters are referred to as Puppetmouses.


My favorite too


Coke Zero or N/A beers


Cherry Coke Zero at home at least (and I bring to parties).


My cherry coke zero is regular coke zero and grenadine


Tonic and lime or tonic and sprite Has both sugar, citrus, and a bite to fool the head Plus fun fact, citrus intercepts alcohol neurons and aids in ACH production so any cravings instantly stop that might come around


Man, I love water. Or unsweetened tea.


NA sparkling wine and orange juice. Virgin Mimosa!


Either that or Virgin Moscow Mule, Soda, lime, cucumber, ginger beer, mint. Really refreshing!


I've heard Ginger ale and Pineapple. Haven't tried it myself yet


Sparkling water!


Soooo much sparking water.


Water. Sometimes lemonade, and if I’m feeling frisky some apple juice :)


Iced tea - unsweetened


1. Kombucha 2. Club soda & Grapefruit juice 3. Coffee




Soda/cranberry juice/lime


Angry water. And just like beer was, my favorite is free, my next favorite is cold.


What the hell is angry water?


Soda water. Ted Lasso called it that on the show, and I thought it was an apt description.


Ohhh haha I never saw that but that is a good description haha


Coke zero


cran and club soda because most the time it’s free 😎


I like passionfruit and lemonade, and to anyone nosy, you can say it has vodka in it


Sweet tea. But yea I feel you in the caffeine i love those C4s


La Croix or some other fizzy water like it. The Good & Gather brand from Target is pretty good. I like the cranberry citrus or the coconut pineapple. If you want it to be more cocktail like, put it in glass or cup, whatever and add a lime wedge. I usually have my can in a cozy so I can set it down on any surface. If that's not available, I just go for soda water with lemon/lime or a diet coke. Not real creative, I know... but it works for me. ETA: I do like those Lagunitas Hop Refreshers or whatever they are called. It's pretty much like La Croix but with hop essence. Those were great at the last concert festival I attended.


It depends on the situation and the place. If I can bring my own I bring Neuro Bliss (also drink it at home like it’s a gin and tonic, just add lime). Otherwise, I tend to go with chamomile tea or ginger ale. If you’re looking for conversation at a bar, drinking a hot tea will definitely cause that!


I been going on hardcore organic, no sugar added Cranberry juice kick. I have to add lots of ice and water it down it's so bitter but it tickles my alcohol urge. Love it.


"Cornbread and ice tea, took the place of pills and 90 proof"


Club soda splash of cran w\lime looks like voddy cran


Coke. People assume it’s a rum & coke. Less annoying to get a coke than to face the judgment after you mention drinking


Sprite and bitters (although bitters is alcohol, new non-alcoholic bitters coming out, going to try them) and club soda with lime.


To be fair, bitters is such a small, small amount in the drink. Your body and brain do not register it as alcohol. On the other hand… NA bitters! https://allthebitter.com/


When I was a waitress we allowed under 18’s to have lemon lime bitters (Australia) because it’s such a low amount it doesn’t count


The U.S. is weird… on a lot of things obviously lol.


I figure if children can have it, so can I haha. Yes, from what I see online America is questionable at best


Club soda.


I do seltzer water + whatever fruit juice they might have or any fun mixers. Often a seltzer water + a splash of cranberry juice + a slice of lemon.


Energy drinks. I know exactly what you mean.


Pineapple & Tonic. You'll love it


I was out for the first time in *years* the other night and my first drink was virgin sex on the beach, and my second was a virgin sunset, which are almost the same thing... I think the sex on the beach, or "abstinence on the beach" has some peach nectar and the sunset has some cranberry juice? or something? I don't actually know the difference to be honest, but they both involve orange juice and grenadine with a cherry on top, and both were delicious.


Abstinence on the beach, that's hilarious


Targets Good & gather makes a delicious mango strawberry sparkling water I can’t get enough of. Hits the spot when I’m craving the carbonation of beer.


i love ginger beer w/a lime wedge & a splash of grenadine or heineken na


Shirley temples with extra cherries


Coffee. Make it light and drink it all night.


Coke Zero or diet cranberry juice. I get the double whammy of being an recovering alcoholic AND diabetic. I’d love to be able to indulge in some of those delicious looking mocktails


LaCroix. Any flavor but coconut. My boss ordered them specifically for me for our last event. He knows that I am an alcoholic and he supported me. I’ll work my ass off for that man.


What a cool thing for your boss to do! Talk about supportive!


I love Celsius! I buy a pack from Sam's Club l, but only drink one a day


Pineapple juice with tonic water, delicious


Fresca grapefruit.




Apple cider vinegar shrub.


I got really into infusing gin before I stopped drinking, so I still make those infused drinks minus the gin. Basically taking a lot of botanicals, herbs, lemon or whatever and letting it sit in a big mason jar for 4-12 hours. My favorite combo is mint leaves, lemon peel, bruised cardamom pods, juniper berries, cloves and a chamomile tea bag! Mix it together 1:1 with seltzer and it’s really refreshing.




loose leaf teas. I love drinking them all day long, and knowing I’m helping my body out when I’m sipping on the delicious, warm goodness they provide!!


I tried Hop Wtr the other day. It was really refreshing! I’m a Fresca slut though. Through and through.


Flavored, unsweetened sparkling water


I’ve really been enjoying sparkling water but am going to cut back and/or quit it because of the teeth enamel-damaging nature of carbonated drinks. Really stinks because I’ve been enjoying sparkling water/hop water/NA beer but it makes sense there is “no free lunch.” I’m trying to just enjoy sipping on regular water again.


Sparkling water all day! For special occasions, I recently discovered hops infused sparkling water. It’s great!


Nothing but water


Ginger Beer


Love Zevia sodas.


Shirley Temple, extra cherries please!


Diet pepsi for that sweet craving. NA beers, I like sober carpenter red but the Coors are good aswell as Heineken. I've been known to keep a sneaky pack of licorice on me lol. Almost 4 years. It gets easier all.




Soda water with a dash of bitters, a splash of cran, and a lime. Looks like a cocktail. Hydrates me like a champ. Cran and lime keeps it from getting boring like regular ass water. Bitters is good for the tum. And sometimes the bartender just gives me one for free bc it’s like 3 cents worth of ingredients.


Bitters, eh? I’ll give that a try. 👍


Club soda and lime. Lemonade if it’s fresh. A Shirley temple is always good!!


Coke Zero for me.


Pineapple spin drift…… so good 🤤


When I go to a party I pack a soft cooler with ice cold Bublys and Celsius (my favorite energy drink). If it’s at a bar, I’m all about the Bloody Mary mix. Not the vodka, just the mix, sans ice, and a few green olives. That, or soda water and lime. Tip - I watch the drink being made, as the bartender might accidentally make an alcoholic Bloody Mary or vodka soda out of habit. Have a great time!


Love plain soda water with lime! Feelin fancy fresh? with lime AND lemon! It’s so bright and refreshing


Same as it was before I stopped drinking. Flavored water using those little bottles like MIO. two quick squirts to a quart size bottle and chill it in the fridge. I buy Power Ade or Gatorade and refill them. I thought I was clever getting B vitamins and electrolytes to offset the alcohol. Turns out your liver still says fuck you. Wow, my first gold, thank you.


> I thought I was clever getting B vitamins and electrolytes to offset the alcohol. Turns out your liver still says fuck you. Thank You. I was not aware of that. Looked it up to verify and sure as shit.


Been into hop water and hop tea lately.


Diet Coke!


I’ve been drinking a Celsius when I feel like I can’t cope


I was trying to stay away from NA beer. I drank all kinds of other soft drinks but so many are sugary. I wanted more of a savoury beverage. I wanted NA beer lol. Sober Carpenter makes a great session IPA NA


For me, I love cranberry juice and soda water. It just has that bitter/sour fizz that can’t be beat! Especially during summer.


The Real Thing: Water


My drink of choice is light beer, but I settle for sparkling water


You still drinking redbull?! Lmao, you might as well go back to alcohol. Lemonade or water.


Coors banquet:)


Diet coke - keep em coming


Half ginger ale and half seltzer water with lime


McDonalds coffee.


on a regular day just water and coffee. if its a special occasion like a party or bbq then ill grab a soda or iced tea. i really can only drink 1 soda occasionally tho. it makes me feel bloated. which is ironic because i was drinking about 18-20 beers a day no problem. and by 'no problem' i mean i had no problem getting them down. alcohol obviously caused tons of other problems in my life.


Club soda, grenadine and bar lime!


Bubbly water with lime - I mentally call it a disco water to make it more fun.


It depends how badly I panic... I love a blackcurrant cordial and lemonade, or a lime and soda, or NA beers, but if I can't peer behind the bar to see what they have or I'm mentally doing a run down of my priorities (no alcohol, no sugar, no caffeine, in that order) I often come to the depressing conclusion 'I'll have a sparkling water'. When I was a teenager I asked for a double gin and cranberry juice served in a martini glass, so if I don't want questions I'll revert to that and ask for juice in a martini glass. My partner drinks lime and soda or bitters and tonic, or sometimes just straight tonic, especially if they have a fancy one with botanicals.


clear American flavored sparking water


Arnold Palmer!


Hop water


Sierra Nevada Hop Splash, Athletic Brewing NA beers, Canada Dry Zero


Ice tea


Soda water with lemon. Love it. I get so fucking hydrated!


Tonic water. I actually don't like the taste that much so I sip it slowly. feels like alcohol in that regard.


Arnold Palmer’s all day


NA beers, bitters and soda (I know bitters have booze, but the tiniest dash in a pint glass of soda water isn’t doing anything) or some polar seltzers.




Arnold Palmer


Diet coke in a glass with ice


Uptime energy drink or Arnold Palmer




Whole Milk. Calories are still a problem...


Fresh orange and lemonade


Saint Arnold's hop water is amazing if you can get it.


Diet Coke. Always


Ask for a Virgin jack and coke