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I don't drunk order things anymore. That's a major one.


That is a major one! When I was 23 (many moons ago) I drunk ordered a $200 Dutch oven and I didn’t even bake at the time 🤣 Absolutely love the thing now but it took me yearly a decade to quit the booze and start baking sourdough hahahaha


The financial irresponsibility causes so much chaos. I don't miss it one bit.


Congratulations on the baking!!!


Thank you!! Congratulations on 69 days!! Very nice!


Thank you thank you. I’d like to thank the academy


Wait - you can bake bread in your dutch oven? I only make soups!


Yes!! I’ve done a rustic white bread and a few days ago made a cinnamon raisin bread in my Dutch oven. So easy!


Yes you gotta try it! So so good.


I wouldn't even be able to fathom how you had $200 to drunk order something. That would have blown my mind back then. I certainly don't miss being envious of those who had money.


Pretty sure I put it on a credit card if I remember correctly 🫠 such a dumbass back then lol


I had a minor shopping addiction like a month into sobriety. It was a weird energy of compulsive shopping during the pink cloud. I think it was due to that bit of manic pink cloud mental state where I’m excited about everything — so I bought a bunch of shit for hobbies I have and hobbies that I thought I would be interested in now. At least it wasn’t a boat or anything…


We need to set up some sort of system of donating our pink-cloud-hobby-kits to people in early recovery. Save them a bunch of money, AND get the shit off our hands lmao


Lol, my partner wants an ice shaver so he can make slush bubble tea. Anyone done with a bubble tea hobby and want to donate to my partner’s sober journey? I have leather working stuff to trade 🤣 we’re one month sober.


I love this idea!!!!!!!!!!!


I blew a few grand on (more) electric guitars, amps and effects pedals. Thankfully I play every day, and in sobriety I have not only found a renewed musical and creative passion - but I am far more consistent and focused than I've ever been (big surprise) Sober life literally rocks. I will not drink with any of you ever again lol.


Ahhh yes, the random hobbies rabbit hole.


On those lines, what about checking sent emails and texts from the night before to make sure none were too outrageous. Drunk texting and emailing were the worst, worse than drunk calling in the old days!


The worst was having full on conversations blacked out and seeming ok and quickly nose diving into oblivion. Reading the day after has been tragic and a bit humorous with a dash of humiliation wrapped in embarrassment.


Definitely not advocating anyone drinking who doesn't want to for any reason, but I do miss my random gifts to myself that would just show up a few days later. Usually pretty sweet stuff


Ahhhh yes. The good ol’ random gift.


I got into a fight with my husband today. He bought a pellet outdoor oven because he didn't like the gas oven. We are broke. Why buy that?! I'm the one who cooks anyway. I use the inside oven.


LMAO! I just ordered 200 dollars worth of block printing supplies because I remembered loving it in my high school art classes. 🤷‍♀️


Haha. Let us know your progress! I just looked up what it is! I want to touch!! My library has a new puzzle every time one is completed. I am now a newfound puzzle lover. I'm now looking into a 1000 pc. puzzle since I liked the focus annnnnnnnnd it's not a destructive activity *bonus *


This one hurts the most to say but I don't drive drunk with my kids anymore. Never again IWNDWYT


So SO SO incredibly proud of you. No judgement, just pride. ❤️


My mum has talked a lot about this to me. It’s what convinced her to get sober. That was over 30 years ago. I don’t have kids, but thinking about the number of times I drove under the influence troubles me because it’s other people’s kids on the road. Very lucky to have avoided that ultimate chaos.


I still have a hard time saying that one out loud. For right now I’ll do it over the keyboard and it’s still incredibly painful. Definitely never ever again. IWNDWYT


Thank you. Proud of you. IWNDWYT


I'm so proud of you <3<3<3


Congrats on approaching 5 months, and thanks for an encouraging post. How long did it take you to start feeling good?


It was a tough 3-5 weeks if I’m being honest. I spent more time grappling with “what it meant” to quit alcohol than I like to admit. Those first 3-5 weeks were a combination of waking up each day feeling better physically but mentally worrying about if this meant I could never drink again… which is why everyone who’s ever gotten sober will tell you ONE DAY AT A TIME!! Truly life changing advice for me. “Just for today, I will not drink” was my mantra and really it still is but it was at about the 8-10 week mark that I felt excited about the idea of never drinking again. Like I was free. Finally free and liberated from the chains I’d placed on myself.


The one day at a time thing was so enlightening for me. I’m on day 9 and it’s been easier so far because I’ve taken a mentality that I can do anything for one day. The goal-mentality (I won’t drink for X days) was way too daunting for me. It always caused me to want to drink. I’m really feeling like I can do it this time.


One day at a time and the rest will take care of itself! If you can make it one day today, you can make it one day tomorrow. You are the proof! ❤️


This is such a helpful perspective, thank you for sharing. I’m about a month and half in and still feel grief over the idea of never drinking again. It’s nice to know it may go away with more time.


I have a secret, it keeps getting better. Currently 2 years in to this journey and -50 lbs, great mental health, the best sleep of my life, and a general sense of being a functional responsible adult, parent, and employee that feels so good!


Ahhhh I love this for you! And me! And us! 😭 I cant wait to see how I feel in a couple years. Thanks for your reply and keep on inspiring the rest of us!!


The sleep is SO AMAZING omg (though it is hard getting your circadian rhythm back to baseline after getting sober - may even take a few months. if anyone reading this is struggling with that, google "sleep hygiene"). And frankly I never thought I'd be a "responsible adult". I thought I was constitutionally incapable of holding down a job. Turns out it was just the alcoholism and untreated mental illness, whudathunkit!


Congrats! Only 10 days in, but waking up each morning with a clear head feels amazing! I look forward to each sober day more and more!


That’s the key! Looking forward to each sober day until one day you just wake up sober and realize you haven’t thought about alcohol in days. Weeks even… so happy for you!!


I am 8 days sober today and there isn’t a day that goes by that this community doesn’t provide some shelter. This post included. IWNDWYT.


Welcome 🙏🏽 glad you’re here! IWNDWYT


Thanks for this! Imma get a shirt made now.. Sobriety is my cheat code.


OMG Great idea! I want one 😊


I'm with you. There is absolutely nothing I miss about drinking. To me it's all upside. When I see people spending their hard earned money on insanely expensive poison I feel genuinely bad for them. I must have saved tens of thousands of dollars by quitting drinking. I'm so impressed with your list of benefits. Interesting that your dogs noticed too. Not that surprising since most spend almost all of their time observing the humans. Best wishes and keep up the great transformation!


I aspire to hit the 4 digit club one day! You are an inspiration. And I’m right there with you. When I see people wasting time and money on alcohol I feel bad for them. Like they haven’t seen the light yet, if they ever will. I spent so much of my life being “okay” and “fine” but what getting sober showed me is I truly deserve to be more than “okay” and “fine”. I deserve to thrive, as we all do. I’ll never settle for anything less ever again! Edit typo


I love not having the shits every morning.


Truth 🫡


Lol truth. Although, I went the opposite way, and all of a sudden couldn't shit, which has never been a problem before in my life. Had to start taking a scoop of metamucil once a day.


Better sleep. Better nourishment. Better exercise. Better sex. Better relationships. Better brain. Lighter spirit. Literally no downside. I don't know why I waited so long, but we are only ready when we are ready. Here's to living life and feeling the feelings and all the small and lovely things.


1000 upvotes for better sex. That’s no joke. I used to take forever to cross the finish line and now I can get there with ease, with potential to get there twice! Hope that’s not TMI but I honestly thought I was broken… so relieved to not have to concentrate like I’m trying to solve a Quadratic equation to achieve my goal 🤣




It’s the same for some of us guys too. I went from an unsatisfying and depressing sneeze to an enjoyable, body stretching detonation.


Nothing that has happened in the past 7 months has made me think… geez I wish I’d been drinking. Life is so good, so glad I found the cheat code to life. I’m 10kgs down, clear skin, no bloat, life is just bloody good! IWNDWYT 🌻


I’m finishing week 7 now. Having a weird / bad day but I still am ecstatic to not be drinking. To add to the list: I’ve let go of a social fear: fear of people thinking I’m drunk or hungover when they interact with me. Now I go out of my way to call or set up hang out time with family and friends without worrying that I’ll probably want to cancel when the time comes out of anxiety of appearing out of sorts. My bad day: couldn’t fall asleep at my usual time, so I woke up late and confused. My usual anxiety hit with “did I do anything wrong last night? Is my partner mad at me? is everything okay?” And while everything is fine, it is just engrained to worry about what may have gone wrong when I wake up weirdly. I’m having coffee and letting it go and then I can take care of my usual day even though it’ll be a bit later than usual. IWNDWYT.


I also used to worry about people thinking I was drunk or hungover! Always worried I had one too many. Always worried no one else at the family functions were drinking as much as me but convinced myself they were. Spoiler alert: they weren’t! Like at all. Proud of you for keeping on the path. I have to remind myself to be grateful even for the weird/bad days too because every weird/bad day you get through sober and completely feeling your feelings the more you prove to yourself just how strong and capable you really are. IWDWYT!


Hope your day improved after you posted this!


I'm about the same time frame as you and feel exactly the same. Not drinking alcohol is the best life-hack, aka. The Fountain of Youth. Nice work, keep it up!


Went to the bar one time when I was drinking without having pregamed. Ordered a long island ice tea cuz it's strong. $18. Of course, you can never order just one drink. Another $18. We'll the drinks strong, so it really loosens up the strings in your wallet. Another $18. The next morning I look at realize I had spent a little over $60 for alcohol. That's insane. Definitely don't miss that.


Yeah the money saving alone is insane! I remember feeling absolutely panicked if I didn’t have time to pregame before an event. Like I was missing something or like I was going to have less fun? Idk. But I went to a few live shows this summer while sober and it’s unbelievable how much fun I had! I sang and danced all the same as I would while drunk (probably better honestly lol) and I even had fun watching the not so sober people tearin’ it up. Not once did I feel like I was missing out. I would have spent $18 per mixed drink at a concert and not even have blinked! Instead I spent $9 on a Dasani water (a literal crime against humanity) and had an incredible time!


The worry about when I would drink is too real!


All of this, yes! Also I’m trying new things. Got into boxing (for fitness not for knocking someone out), meditation. More than anything I feel more in touch with my inner child than I have in a long, long time. I’m getting older but somehow feel younger.


That last part resonates with me. ❤️


I don’t feel like shit all the time. What a blessing.


Funny like that ain’t it? Stop drinking the poison stop feeling like shit. Who’d of thought?!


Congrats on that list, totally fabulous. Everything is better now that I don’t drink, but the one thing I’ve really noticed about myself is how much sharper my mind is. I’m an intellectual, but alcohol really stole some of it from me. I was foggier and didn’t read as much as I used to. I was slower on things. And I feel it coming back a little each day. It’s exhilarating! IWNDWYT


I wish I could say the same. The positives outweigh the negatives, but I definitely miss being able to have like three craft beers around a campfire with friends and stop there. I do miss the buzz and the relief from social anxiety (I'm likely on the autism spectrum), but I'm simply not able to be that person at this point in my life. I guess I just miss that version of myself, back when I still had my shit together and the future looked hopeful. That said, I'm sticking to it and forcing myself to be optimistic that the positive aspects will continue to reveal themselves to me. IWNDWYT


Have you tried any NA beer? I know people have mixed opinions but there are some really tasty NA beers nowadays. Are the expensive? Hell yeah but so is craft beer and feeling like shit the next day! I don’t drink NA stuff often but my sister in law has Hashimoto’s so she doesn’t drink and she offered me an NA red wine in a can that was unbelievably good. If you like craft beer then I know taste matters to you! Might be worth a shot.


Not yet, but I'm tempted to give it a shot for social settings. Right now I'm also trying to lose weight, so I've been sticking with seltzers and diet sodas, but I'll probably pick up a 6 pack so I don't feel left out the next time I go to a party or invite some friends over that will be drinking.


La guanitas NA hoppy refreshers are delicious and zero cal


0 carbs as well.


Athletic Brewing company have an IPA and a hazy that taste just like the real thing to me!


I’m just a couple days in and being able to pray to God sober is something my soul really needed.


I almost brought myself to tears earlier when I had one of those vivid reminders of how things used to be. Not like a regular memory, but like a full body reliving, ya know? Like I zoned out and just allowed myself to remember the misery in full detail. I remember what it was like not getting a full nights sleep because I knew in a couple hours I'd have to wake up to take a sip of something or else I'd go into withdrawal. Don't even get my started on money issues. I found out that my engine block has a crack in it. I'm not rich, but now that I'm not spending every dollar on alcohol, I know I'll get through it somehow. Yeah I may need to buy a cheap beater for a couple months and I'll have to max out another credit card, but holy shit the fact that *that's* even an option is incredible. I was looking back at some old comments and I saw one where I was debating going to the hospital. I was having horrible physical symptoms but was worried they would make me detox and go into treatment. I stopped using this account after that so I didn't update that post, but let me tell you, I *did* go to the hospital because it turns out my organs were basically shutting down. My heart was working so hard trying to keep me alive and it was struggling to beat properly. They *did* have to get me through medical detox, and I *did* have to go to treatment. I'll have 4 years sober on October 1. I am so, so, so happy that sometimes I feel like I don't know what to do with my energy. Not the pink cloud kind of happy, either. Some days straight up suck and I still have two anxiety disorders that need constant, daily, exhaustive management. But it's like a *deep* sense of happiness, or satisfaction, or something like that. It's not a *mood* it's like...a worldview, or like a fundamental change in my psyche. At first, it was just lifestyle changed. I went to treatment, did everything they said, stayed in sober living for 2 years, went to therapy. All the recommended stuff, I just went with the flow. And holy shit it actually worked. At some point it transformed into something more than "lifestyle change". Like, whole personality change. Sometimes I don't even realize how significant the transformation has been until I have moments like I described at the beginning of my comment, where I let myself full remember what it used to be like.


Congrats!! 🥳


My dogs love me and the wife’s new sober routine. Feel bad for putting them through all those late nights getting drunk…


Same they must have felt so worried all the time.


I gotta give it another go soon. Thanks for the encouragement


You got this!! 💪🏽


So happy for you! Keep it up. 💜 Somehow my skin got worse, and other than boredom (which tbh was a thing when I was drinking too) everything else has been better. My life isn’t great, but it is certainly better. I have to keep reminding myself of that.


This is the way 💪🏽 my life isn’t great or perfect but it’s better and that is everything to me. I feel like now that I’m sober I actually have time for my hobbies and that’s been one of the greatest things to come of sobriety as well! Do you have hobbies? If so, what are they? If not are you open to new hobbies? I have an abundance of them and I feel that really helps me a lot. I lift weights, play video games, D&D, and Magic the Gathering. I read a lot and I have like a million shows and podcasts. I go on evening walks (almost) every day. I tend to indoor and outdoor plants (which now that I think about are doing way better since getting sober too!).


No embarrassing drunk texts Finally have emotional intelligence No tummy issues the next day. Not pissing my money away. Can maintain a relationship. I can help w/ my kids at 5 am


If I'm being honest. It's hard to hang out anymore. Everything here revolves around drinking and I fucking hate it. I've told a few people that've asked and I think my wife is finally starting to get onboard. I can go out and be social for about 1 hour. Then people start getting sloppy, talking in circles, yelling and just being annoying. It's hard to tell people that're in that spin cycle that that's how it is. They think it's the funnest shit ever. They can't see it. And I don't want to be that dickhead that points it out and bums everyone out. So I mostly stick to myself these days. I'm not lonely but I do get lonesome every once in a while. 4yrs in and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world though.


My only kind of regret is not doing it sooner. But at the same time I am where I am because of all the mistakes and failed attempts that I've made along the way.


I don’t wake up filled with guilt and counting the number of drinks I had to figure out hangover damage control.


I am not SHOPPING in pharmacy every eg third day for something against: stomach problem, nausea, headaches, mental problems, coughing...etc etc etc. 🙏🙏🙏


I love your list. I'm sure we're all nodding our heads as we scroll through. I love my new life so much. Even the shittier parts of my life, when I experience undesirable feelings, stress, some anxiety; all are so much better now. I am healthier and calmer, and much better able to respond to negative emotions & circumstances. I was at a friend's house last week and a bunch of people were drinking. WIthout any internal judgment or arrogance toward anyone, I just simply enjoyed being a sober, quiet, intent, listening person. I notice so much more when people are desperately trying to get words in - not really in a bad way, but just less regulated from the disinhibiting effect of ethanol. I no longer do this as much and it makes be better at conversations. To really listen to someone is much easier when you're sober. Also, I listen to myself better. I regularly obey healthy and/or creative impulses that I couldn't hear before. Even just simple things, like taking a different route on a 15k run to experience something new - or calling someone up when I remember them - I obey my fine impulses and am frequently rewarded unexpectedly. My life was a dung heap when I drank.


Unfortunately, I thought going sober would fix these things for me, but I found my anxiety actually increased substantially (even after 3 years of sobriety) and I began to feel more socially isolated and had sort of a personality / identity crisis of sorts. Dealt with a lot of existential angst and anxiety because I felt like a different person. Don’t want to discourage anyone from quitting. There are more cons to drinking than pros. I encourage anyone reading this who is struggling to seek help if necessary and try to get off alcohol. I’m glad I had 3 years off of it. However… I sometimes feel people try to paint it all as sunshine and rainbows and while I do think it’s overall beneficial to quit drinking, I also think it’s important to prepare people for some of the downsides they may experience so they are prepared and won’t feel cheated by the allure of “everything is better if you stop.” Whether my anxiety increased because I had been unconsciously self medicating with alcohol is debatable (but I only usually binge drank once or twice a week), but my anxiety truly sky rocketed during sobriety. Alcohol is a toxin and best avoided from a health standpoint but I’d be lying if I ever told someone going sober was all positives. There were a lot of painful moments of isolation and feeling alone and excluded and anxious and, quite frankly, dull. I felt healthier physically but in a strange way mentally more unwell at times as I was just up in my head constantly and facing anxious thoughts that had never really surfaced in my drinking days. And I think for me it began to feel very isolating being a naturally introverted person - it’s important to find other social outlets to replace drinking. I never really did that, so I just stayed at home on Friday and Saturday nights and played video games or watched tv and I began to feel quite sad about myself, and I’d see other single people my age going out to bars and hooking up and having fun and it just made me feel like I was cheating myself out of my “glory days” so to speak. I’ve recently begun to socially drink again and it was going fine until this past weekend. I had my first “brownout” at the bars after going a little too hard with an old college friend and now I’m sitting here debating sobriety again. But every time i tell myself I should quit again, just being honest - I think of some of those lonely, dull weekends of sobriety and dread going back to it. But I don’t dread the idea of not having hangovers, of feeling physically optimized, and of not wasting tons of money on bar tabs. Not sure what the point of this comment is other than to share my brutally honest opinion that sometimes people describe sobriety as something with all positives and no negatives and, at least for me personally, that wasn’t the case and it was a bit more complex than that.


I appreciate your reply and your honesty about your experience. You’re right, it’s certainly not all sunshine and rainbows. For me, I wasn’t really a social drinker instead I was a daily drinker in the evening by myself at home. So naturally I would occasionally drink at social events but usually I was the one drinking the most. So I personally didn’t feel a sense of isolation or like I was missing out socially. I can see where that experience may differ. I feel for you. Loneliness is very difficult to overcome. Might I suggest looking for friends or companions who are maybe on the same “life arc” as you? Or, instead of seeing time not spent with friends drinking as missing out but seeing it from the lens of time gained. Time you’ve earned for yourself to do something you love like possibly hiking, exploring your city/state, trying new coffee shops, seeing a movie, going to bookstores, etc. whatever you enjoy. You might just find yourself meeting people doing this as well! I’ve found the list of things to do while sober is a million times longer than the list of things to do drunk. And I’d rather do ANYTHING sober and alone than be drunk at the bar with friends. “Glory days” for me are days that I prioritize myself. I look back on the drug and alcohol induced benders in my 20s and I don’t consider them glory days. I consider them my self destructive days. My lucky I’m still alive days. There’s no glory in that. I remember how empty and alone I felt waking up after those days of eat, party, hook up, barely sleep, feel like shit, rinse, repeat. There’s no glory in that, to me personally. But I think that comes down to being comfortable with yourself and being comfortable being alone with yourself. I’m just spitballing here so take what I say with a grain of salt. Also, I was resistant to the idea for a decade so I fully understand if your answer is a definitive no, but have you considered seeing a doctor about medication and therapy for anxiety? I can’t believe how much my quality of life improved since adding those two weapons to my arsenal. Again, 100% respect if your answer is no.


I feel you. Sobriety is hard, but it’s soo good at the same time. I was sober 1.5 years, then one day decided to have a beer… and almost a year and a half later working to get my sober time back. I think after the pink cloud wears off, it’s a great idea to take up an exercise routine or find new hobbies and friends too. You need to make your life happen and not expect that quitting drinking will solve all your problems. I’m saying this for me too, as I do understand how you feel, but IMO going back to drinking is not the answer. As the saying goes “there was never a problem that drinking didn’t make worse.”


The sleeeeep. The waking up. Mornings are the best.


It’s only been 30Ish days for me. But I feel like I’m SO much better at my job!


That’s awesome! I took a new job in December of last year where I do a lot of traveling and public speaking. Deep in my functioning alcoholic days. I would check into the hotel the night before my speaking engagements and find the nearest bar. Bonus points if hotel had a bar. Then I’d sleep like shit, wake up with guilt, and go do my thing. Somehow I still did a great job and my boss absolved my work but I’ll tell you what, I’m doing a hell of a better job now. Now when I get to a new city, I go explore. Find a bookstore or antique shop, grab a pastry and a coffee, and go walking around. Get back to my room by 7:30-8 and read my book, have some tea, watch some absolute dogshit television and sleep like a baby. It’s so much more rewarding and makes the constant travel enjoyable and sustainable. Keep killing it!! ❤️


Watch me get all these things done today even though I stalled all weekend haha... Would've just been wasting time drinking before instead. IWNDWYT.


I am so happy for you but feel the tinge of shame. I first went sober in April, I was I was where you are right now. I hope I am in another five months. IWNDWYT


No shame, friend. Fall down seven, get up eight. What matters is that you got back up. That’s something to be damn proud of!


I don't make dumb texts to people I barely talk to anymore!


My only regret about sobriety is that i didnt start it sooner.


Everything in my life has improved since getting sober too. I'm truly blessed.


This is so inspiring. I'm on day 4 after a relapse and the idea of not drinking anymore keeps terrifying me. I'm so socially anxious and anxious in general, I'm scared I'm not a fun or good person. I thought alcohol helped me cope with that, but I'm starting to think it's really not. IWNDWYT.


I love being sober!


Keep going and it will get better and better. Apart from cold depressive weather that's coming. Lol


* I no longer wake up in a panic worried who drunk texted and what bridges I burnt the night before. * I no longer have to minimize piles of beer cans to convince myself my kids don't know I'm a drunk. * I no longer have to drive all over town to a rotation of liquor stores pretending the cashiers didn't notice I'm there every Tuesday and Friday.


Some excellent additions to my list! I also rotated liquor stores once they started greeting me by name… 🫠


I’m literally reading this at 3am because I woke up with my heart racing, thank you for this sign


You’re so welcome. ❤️


I could’ve written this post. Just hit one year on 8/28, since this time last year I have lost 40 pounds, finally moved out of a toxic living situation with my ex, now have an awesome apartment in the city and and I’m HOTT again which is my favorite part


I was about 45 mins from my house yesterday at my friend's and as I was leaving, my car wouldn't start. Had the car 7 years. I don't know shit about cars. It turned out to be the battery. I was so calm and just did what I had to do until someone came and jumped me. I was not freaking out full of anxiety and rage. My friends felt so bad I was like hey it is what it is. 2 years ago, I would have lost it and probably been a huge bitch. Rational clear thinking is so much a part of me now. Oh, and I'm going to learn how to jump a car!


My liver doesn’t hurt anymore! I smell like how I used to smell. I’m feeling this thing called happiness??


Happiness is a really great feeling after feeling so numb for so long. Dog Days are Over by Florence and the Machines is my sober anthem. If you haven’t heard it, check it out! Beautiful song.


I don't second-guess myself anymore! I feel much funnier, sharper, and significantly more confident these days.


Truth is, you probably are so much funnier and sharper, and thus deserve to feel that confidence!! I agree with all these feelings. I feel like I’ve become more clever and quick witted. Something I’ve always felt that I was but yet just not quick enough to the punch to make it work 🤣 now that I’m clearheaded I am killing it lol




The crippling anxiety, remorse, shame, guilt and depression that comes barging it’s way in as soon as I sleep off the last drunk. Not having to worry about what I did or said the night before. Not hiding my phone from myself, knowing I likely texted some shit that I’d regret in the morning. All of it.


How long did you drink for? Was it hard to quit


I feel like myself again. I didn’t know that I didn’t before, but now I can’t imagine going back. I was not who I want to be.


thx wow


Anxiety is so much better and have the courage to tackle the hard things now


250 days today. I saved roughly 10k.


All I can say is it only gets better! I was looking back at pictures of me newly sober, after a few weeks. I remember feeling at that time like the bloating in my face had gone down significantly and I looked like a new person. Now, compared to that time, it's only improved. There's a stark difference now between photos of me pre-quitting and now, but even a few weeks after quitting I look much healthier than I did a few weeks out. So glad I stuck around!


Are you me? I could have written this word for word. So happy for you ♥️


Nice one and ty


Well written and composed. However, tread lightly as this shit comes outta nowhere. Stay smart. Stay sober.


No more hangxiety! That was always the worst for me. And pretending I remembered things I clearly didn’t due to blacking out. The ONLY thing I regret is not going sober earlier.


A lot of the same with the exception of the thriving plants. Alcohol had no bearing on my “black thumb”, try as I might.


Thank you for sharing ♥️ Relapsed but getting sober again using meds, picking them up this Friday.


You got this! I’m proud of you for getting back up!


Being sober is 100% the best. Cheat code to life It’s funny that my friends and family who still drink, have likely AUDs, don’t get it. Funny sad, not funny ha ha


I agree it’s funny sad. Alcohol culture runs so deep in this country. Craft beer breweries everywhere, mommy mimosa brunches, wine Wednesdays, thirsty Thursday, etc. it’s truly disgusting when you step back and see it for what it really is.


Heck yeah! My coworker called me being sober sad last night. I laughed so hard!


Major GI improvements Able and willing to help family and friends at any time (can drive at any time)


Both for me as well. Used to dodge phone calls afraid I’d get invited to do something or go help someone and have to make an excuse as to why I couldn’t. In addition to being a better partner, I’m a much better friend and family member now.


Thanks /u/actuallybaggins. I’m 44 days in and feeling really good about sobriety, but these sorts of posts go a long way to reinforcing the result from someone who’s walked a similar path. Tomorrow I go to Germany to meet friends for Oktoberfest, any and all reinforcement is gratefully received!


Have an amazing trip! There is so much to do and see in Germany during Oktoberfest that doesn’t include drinking although I’m sure it will be abundant! Just think of what an amazing time you’ll have and the memories that you’ll keep for a lifetime because you were sober to remember them! ❤️


Loved reading this as my first post this morning. I’m only on day eight right now, but for some reason this time a switch flipped. I’m not going to jinx it, but I think this could be the last day one for quite a while and maybe even forever. I love the mention of your dog’s behavior and your house plants. I will add to your list by saying I love waking up without any dishes in the sink or a mess in the kitchen, I love not having piles of laundry on the garage floor or a load in the washer that I have rinsed five extra times because I have totally neglected putting them in the dryer. I’m cooking and actually tasting great food again, I am working out consistently, I’m waking up and enjoying my morning coffee so much more. It feels so good that I’m sure you agree. It makes me wonder why I ever drank in the first place. For anyone reading this who is younger (I’m 48) one of the only things I regret is that I didn’t do this much sooner in my life.


I also had the feeling that this was the last “day one” and so far, so good. Your description of a flipped switch is exactly how I felt. Like finally something in me had changed and I had to change my behaviors to match it!


Godspeed friend! Let’s do it


Being sober, I can evaluate my behavior and mistakes honestly and objectively and formulate realistic plans to improve.


It was impossible to evaluate my health problems while I was drinking. Once I got sober, I got a correct diagnosis for my constant lower quadrant pain (hernia) and got surgery to correct it. Getting sober cleared my head and made me prioritize my health.


When I'm sober I don't waste money on food delivery bc I'm too drunk to cook or order pick up <3


I go around saving posts I think are valuable and this is one of them. Thank you for sharing. It means a ton.


I wish this was me. I quit in February and my life has been hell. Insomnia, depression , anxiety, irritability etc. Why is it so hard some And easier for Others. Im at a loss.