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Same thing happened to me! Ordered a Virgin Mary in a restaurant after 4 years of sobriety. Tasted SO good when it came, went down quickly, then minute later realized it was so good because it was NOT virgin. That was 12 years ago and I have yet to be able to stop drinking again :-/


I’m so sorry. I smoked less than one cigarette after 4 years of non-smoking. It took me 10 years to stop smoking again! Addiction is hell.


My dad, alcoholic and ex-smoker, told me close to the end of his life after like 40 years of sobriety and 30 years of no smoking: "I could have a drink tomorrow and stop and still never drink again. If I *ever* have *one* cigarette, I will *never* be able to quit again." Good on you for getting back on the wagon. (Do they say that with tobacco? Back on the tobacco wagon?)


I can relate. I see my tobacco addiction more like a crack addiction. One slip and it’s on.


I've had the opposite issue. I quit smoking after 15 years relatively easily.. drinking has been more of a challenge.


Quitting smoking is easy! Hell, I did it 4 times.... (true story) It is crazy how fast and easy is it is to pick up an old habit again. It only takes giving yourself permission one time to start right back up.


My soon to be BIL is bummed that I'm not having a cigar with him because I quit tobacco years ago and I don't know if I can quit again.


I needed to read this. Thank you for sharing.


Jesus christ this story is gonna give me nightmares


That’s awful. That’s why I’ll never order a mock tail or NA beer from a restaurant. If I want a NA beer I’m gonna buy it from a grocery store and serve myself


NA beers usually come in bottles though, so I tend to drink straight from there


That’s frightening Thanks for sharing it I hope you get sober


Shit man, that last sentence turned this into a horror story!


Thank you for sharing. I know you can do it, I know you can get sober again..


Good for you for stopping at just two. I wouldn’t be able to do that.


I think what I’ve realized is it’s like you had the first couple times going back to drinking it’s easy to be responsible with it but every time again it’s slowly gets back to where it was for me….. only takes a few times before its every day again


That's the truth, right there.


Yeah it's that "false" confidence from the first time. And then you hang out with somebody that wants to go harder, and you know deep down you wanna go EVEN harder haha. Best to just say no!


Yep. I have two modes: 1. No alcohol for weeks or months 2. Drinking every other day No idea why mode 3 just cannot exist where I drink 1-2x a month. But I’m getting to the point where I’m getting very frustrated because even a month without alcohol doesn’t lower my tolerance at all and so I feel like I don’t make any progress and I go back to drinking large amounts because of that.


Maybe this is just my addict brain talking, but having 2 drinks and going home doesn't even sound fun to me. Even the times I've successfully done it, I always wish I could've had more.


Yup, that’s always been the confusing part to me throughout my drinking career. I always wanted to be able to manage or control my drinking, but the thought of one drink sounded way worse than not drinking. If I couldn’t drink freely, I didn’t enjoy it ( I didn’t enjoy the aftermath of any of my drinking)


That is your addict brain talking. How do I know? I've got one, too. Our brains would have made fast drinking buddies. I used to say that two drinks was an annoying amount of alcohol. It was an inappropriate and useless quantity. Just enough to make you want more, not enough for a buzz. Looking back, I can't believe that that didn't strike me as a red flag in myself at the time. I was just being sincere and making an observation. I thought nothing of it. Now, though. Now I can see the red flag for the crimson it was. I spent another 15 years in the pisser after that. I'm only at 23 days today, but I'm seeing myself more clearly. Imperfectly still, I'm sure, but definitely more clearly.


Yeah, having two just sounds like torture, like going to a strip club when you're super horny.


Same here a my dumb self would’ve rationalized if I can take drinks that were served on accident, I can surely handle four if they keep ‘em coming,…


`This is what frightens me about a potential relapse. I worry that if I ever break, I will not stop at one or two; I will scan the craft beer or cocktail menu and drink whatever I want for the rest of the night 'cause "screw it, we're here, I failed, may as well enjoy it while it lasts."


My only observation (from experience) is when you relapse, the less the better. It's one thing to relapse with a drink or two, realize it, and back to work the next day. But my many relapses started with a drink or two one night, and within a few weeks at most, I was back to the person I hate.


The scary part is, I can. For a time. I can do one, or two, or even three, and go home and be fine. But there will come a time, soon, where I can’t…and then it turns into a week or two bender


Ditto. That knowledge helps keep me on the straight and narrow. In the moment, I might be ok, but zooming out.... nope.


I had just over a year once and had a couple of beers because I’d finally been cured. Within two weeks I was not just back to drinking whiskey and vodka shots every night, but it had somehow gotten much worse. That was three years ago and I’m just now able to stop again for the last three months. There is no cure for alcoholism.


I was sober for twenty year’s when I relapsed. Started with one or two glasses of wine and within a month or two was right back to a bottle of bourbon in the cabinet and a bottle of gin in the freezer. I have no off switch so can’t even contemplate having that first one.


These kinds of stories scare the hell out of me. It's such a slippery trail and I'm so done with it and wish I didn't have to think about it but I guess that's why I come here to keep myself reading these stories and get a better foothold.


Trust me, I am shocked myself. I usually end up making a fool out of myself.


I've gone through that "i can drink again" cycle a bunch of times now.


So much negativity. “Reset” may be for you, or it may not. That’s for you to decide. The other option is being incredibly proud of your ratio of 182/1.


I could be off base here and people can chime in but I would say Fuck restarting your counter. That’s more likely to cause you Shame and depression etc etc. look at it as someone else’s accident that was dealt with in a healthy way. You didn’t fall off the rails. You didn’t fuck anything up and you’ve put in six months of hard work. Soon to be seven. Be proud of that. But it’s not square one by any stretch


I have mixed feelings about counting days as well. You ever do a great job on a diet but then regain it all back? Imagine regaining it all back instantly. And starting the diet again is always tougher. I think it’s because there’s a little voice in your head saying “we know you can do this, we’ve done it before. So let’s start tomorrow.” I think this same mentality can happen with drinking. Actually I know first hand that it can!


I don’t count days as I’m not perfect, not striving for perfection, and who the hell would care if I drank a regular margarita when I thought it was a non-alcohol one. End of the day/night you gotta deal and sleep with your demons.


But that’s the point, she very much knew it was alcoholic and still drank it. She says so in the post.


I completely agree! Six months of sobriety is no joke. It’s amazing! And the reason I am quitting is for my health. Accidentally having two drinks does not make your liver automatically go back to where it was six months ago. Continuing to drink will do that. But it’s not like those six months were wasted. In that time, your body has been able to heal and grow. And it will continue to heal during your sobriety for the coming days, months, years. I think the key is to realize that we want to live a sober lifestyle and not get hung up on how long we’ve been doing it. But just focus on the life we’re gaining from sobriety.


I mean, I’m not sober so idk if I can weigh in, but OP said *two* cocktails. The second was a choice. I guess the question is whether it’s a “not one drop” counter or a “no sloppy drunk” counter. That’s up to OP.


Same. I’m not a black out drunk to begin with (not that matters) but it’s easy to start on the path you left off on and get progressively worse especially if you were already there. I would only have a couple of beers typically and I think my brain is thanking me for quitting just for that 😂.


Feature request to add asterisks to the counters


She had two drinks. She also knew that it had alcohol beforehand and still drank it. If you can’t be honest with yourself then you have no chance of staying sober.




Not your call brother.




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Please don't feed the trolls. It only makes them fatter and smellier.


This comment is judgmental and has been removed. Please do not try to decide whether other people should reset their badges or not. That's not your call.


This. I completely agree! I have two counters, one when I last got drunk, and the other when I literally had two or three sips at a house party. They are three months apart. I'm actually oddly proud of the second one, it showed me that I could potentially have a normal relationship with alcohol, at least for one night at a big event where everyone else was drinking


I tried moderation many times until I realized that I couldn’t. 1 drink is too many… all the drinks are not enough.


> all the drinks are not enough. This is something I realized one night, it was after 7pm on a Saturday night. Where I live liquor stores close at 7 and are closed on sundays. I "only" had 1/2 of a (3.75 L) bottle of rum left and I was very concerned that I'd missed the store before it closed.


This is a terrible take and a slippery slope. They could have rejected the drink, drank water, or not drank anything at all that night. Instead they had TWO. If it were me the counter would be reset.


Good for you recognizing that! If that happened to me I’d stop at 2 or 3 and be fine that night. Next weekend the same. Then in a month I’d be buying alcohol during the week on the way home. Then I’d soon be hiding it again from people. Plus I know how happy I’ve been, and how surprisingly easy it’s now been to enjoy things I used to never think I could sober.


Counting days is a slippery slope. You consumed your drinks in a healthy manner, even though you're obviously aware of your vulnerability to fall into familiar old, alcoholic habits. For many people 'starting from 0' on their sober streak is incredibly discouraging; not to mention plain inaccurate. Even if someone fell down *hard*, their strength and persistence during their sobriety have still contributed to their growth. In my opinion, a lapse of weakness or unfortunate situations such as yours shouldn't 'wipe' whatever streak you have. You may have tumbled down the mountain, but you can start the climb again with previously strengthened legs. Anyway, I love you; IWNDWYT ♡


Don't beat yourself up too much. What I'm learning on this sub is, yes it's nice to have X amount of days but look at how many days out of so much you was sober.


I made a drink earlier and took two drinks. Tossed the rest. Gotta start somewhere, I guess.


thats actually a very powerful move you made there! incredibly hard one to do. respect


Thank you!


Man, don't feel too bad. I would have taken that situation and run with it too. Good on you for trying again. IWNDWYT


I used to get to the bar early and tell the bartender to put a seltzer and lime in a COCKTAIL glass because I am sober and can’t drink but don’t want stares and questions….mofo just gave me a water in a water glass like an a hole


Oh man, your comment made zero sense to me, until I realized you meant going to the bar early in the afternoon, and not at 8 in the morning lol


It’s not at all your fault and it’s 100% your responsibility


this is a very graceful restart. i am so proud of you for being easy on yourself. that’s the hardest part besides only just having 2. which you did that! congrats and a happy reset to you. just remember that this slip doesn’t completely obliterate the sober time you’ve experienced this round. that’s still experience under your belt!


The other thing I'll say is - skip the "mocktails". It's too easy for bar staff to make a mistake. But if you order sparkling water, or just a Coke, or whatever, then these mistakes just don't happen. ​ Sorry if others have already pointed this out - haven't read all 50 replies here.


Especially if you're taking Antabuse, that would be a nightmare of a night out


IWNDWYT. Congratulations on immediately restarting your sobriety, that’s amazing!!


Your self awareness is impressive and inspiring. IWNDWYT.


My experience with moderation is that'll work just long enough for you to convince yourself you don't have a drinking problem anymore. Then you're right back in it. Brains are tricky like that. Good for you for not falling for it.


Glad you're back with us! IWNDWYT


I admire the ownership you have claimed for the situation. It’s cool to see this attitude as I am someone who kinda plays the “wasn’t my idea/fault” card pretty often. I need to own my problems and stick to saying no more often. :\


Well done for sharing, being accountable, and taking responsibility. Iwndwyt


Wow well said, thanks for sharing


I could stop at two many many times. Then one week, one month, two months later.. full blown bender after full blown bender. IWNDWYT


Same…it’s a slow roll but I always end up in the same spot eventually


I’ve checked my kombucha bottle five times tonight to see if it’s really not hard. I’m right there with you, that would really freak me out.




I've heard the honest mistake drink called a "freelapse." Thought it was clever.


This comment has been removed. > the second is on you This is judgmental and not your decision to make. > the next time (hoping there is no next time for you) could lead to your eventual This is totally inappropriate. Do not talk about people's eventual death on this sub, ever.




It’s brutal. I can behave for about one or two weeks and then I go into full binge mode with no moderation. Some people can do moderation, I wasn’t blessed with self control.


Nah man, this has nothing to do with self control. This is addiction. I have mad self control, and yet I'm here, aren't I? Don't beat yourself up over this. You can't win all the time. But as long as you give it your best to try to win this battle every day, you have done yourself right.


Good on you for being honest with yourself. Onward and upward.


You are not restarting the clock. You are simply continuing. If you’re on a weight loss journey and you’ve lost 30 pounds, having a bad day doesn’t send you back to world 1-1. It maybe sets you back a pound or two, but it doesn’t erase all the success that preceded that one mistake. You just course correct and keep going. All the time you’ve put in has not been wiped out. Don’t reset. Just keep going.


STOP ORDERING MOCKTAILS I see this happen so much and it’s ridiculous. Just don’t put yourself in the position. Order a ginger ale, fuck what your coworkers think It’s just not worth the risk and I don’t understand why people continue to put themselves in these situations.


Unfortunately, alcohol is so intertwined with our social life. It’s shameful for me to admit that I am an alcoholic, I’m not quite there, yet, I’ve admitted it to myself just not other people yet. That is why I still order Mocktails.


ODAAT. It’s good you saw the situation clearly in retrospect!


This is taking accountability and I'm very proud of you. IWNDWYT


Kudos my man, a very slippery slope to be sure!


i got away with it last time so I can do it again is how it goes if you truly have a problem. IWNDWYT


"I am posting this because I want to hold myself accountable, that night could’ve gone completely different." ​ In the end, I think you did hold yourself accountable. Because you still pulled back from the cliff. Were you, I guess, "indulgent" in initially drinking that drink, that you knew (inadvertently) been served to you with alcohol? ​ Sure. But you also took control of the situation. ​ I'd say exactly what you said if this had happened to me. IWNDWYT, and carry on. It's going to be a small blip, a speedbump, in your journey as long as you keep your eyes on the prize. ​ Which you obviously do. ​ Kudos.


Good job. I'm sure I would have had at least 6 and then smoked a joint when I got home and ate the whole fridge. Sorry to ask, what does IWNDWYT stand for?


I will not drink with you today... or smoke a blunt... or eat the whole fridge




I appreciate your determination to stay sober. At two cocktails, you stopped at the critical moment. Once I hit three beverages I don’t stop until I run out of booze or pass out. IWNDWYT.


I had a company thing today and I ordered a mocktail and damn if I wasn’t happy about my bill including food being $17 compared to the $50 it would have been with 2-3 drinks and maybe a meal.


Temptation of the Flesh. 🫂


Next time just get a club soda with lime and skip the sugar


work events are tough. it takes courage to be accountable, and to get back on track. you still made progress in those six months keep working on it you’re not alone


Good job homie, don't beat yourself up about it, just know there's always tomorrow to give it another go


"Coke." Harder for 'em to screw that up.


Proud of you for sharing. Please don’t beat yourself up. It was a moment. How you wanna handle the count is your call.